HST 75482

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1671
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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With reference to death, the Navajo __________.
a. viewed it as frightful except among the aged
b. removed the dying from a hogan
c. disposed of a body as soon as possible
d. all of the above
In the Southeast, people lived in __________.
a. bearskin tents
b. pithouses
c. houses with gabled roofs
d. tipis on mounds
The four basic cultural divisions of the Arctic include __________.
a. Northern and Western Eskimo
b. Icelandic Eskimo
c. only Alaskan natives
d. Algonkian Eskimo
Shamans in the Great Basin __________.
a. were never female
b. treated sick people and helped in hunting
c. were not considered to have supernatural powers
d. did not try to control the weather or animals
The Western Woods Cree believed in __________.
a. vision quests for both sexes
b. cross-cousin marriages
c. being affectionate with your mother-in-law
d. All of the above
e. a and b
The Subarctic __________.
a. is the largest culture area in North America
b. has relatively warm winters and long summers
c. has little water
d. has very few forests
Nez Perce families __________.
a. were small and nuclear
b. belonged to one of three classes: wealthy, middle class, and slaves
c. were matrilineal
d. all of the above
Traditionally the Navajo __________.
a. were raiders and highly adaptable to their environment
b. used and sold slaves
c. were friendly with the Spanish
d. all of the above
e. a and b
The Cree diet included __________.
a. fish in the summer but not in the winter
b. moose and caribou
c. berries
d. all of the above
Characteristics of the Northeast Archaic Period (10,000-3000 BP) include __________.
a. small, mobile groups and later more permanent villages
b. the Old Steel Culture, widespread in the western Northeast
c. population growth
d. a and b
e. a and c
The Nez Perce __________.
a. were generally peaceful traders
b. lived in bands in permanent villages along rivers.
c. had war chiefs and camp chiefs
d. all of the above
Great Basin people ate __________.
a. waterfowl, rabbits, and hares
b. insects such as ants, crickets, and grasshoppers
c. trout and salmon
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
The Hopewell cultural tradition, which appeared around 2200 BP and grew out of the
Adena Complex, featured __________.
a. smaller, less elaborate mounds and occupation sites
b. large mounds and earthworks, roads, and a complex social structure
c. earthworks but no sign of trading, plus simple political organization
d. no burial mounds but many cremation sites
Today Owens Valley Paiute __________.
a. still have no reservations
b. refuse to open casinos
c. are trying to maintain their language and culture
d. have asked the U.s. Forest Service to spray for mothers to prevent tree infestation
The Alta California mission system was founded in the year______ by______, located
in __________.
a. 1769, Franciscans, San Diego
b. 1869, Jesuits, Santa Barbara
c. 1660, Lutherans, San Francisco
d. 1701, Dominicans, San Luis Obispo
Agriculture was introduced to Native North America __________.
a. by the Vikings
b. with wheat cultivation
c. around 10,000 years ago
d. from Mesoamerica
Some of the origin ideas for Native Americans include __________.
a. Lost Tribes of Israel
b. the Bering Strait migration theory
c. Atlantis
d. all of the above
The Arctic is sometimes called a "desert" because __________.
a. it has dry sandy areas that resemble deserts under the snow
b. the area is very low in rainfall
c. nothing grows there
d. the subsoil never thaws
Plateau religious practice __________.
a. was on a personal level
b. had no shamans
c. had no large-scale ceremonies
d. involved no spirit guardians
The Cheyenne tribal and political organization continues to be called the __________.
a. Council of Four-Four
b. Chief's Circle
c. The Longhouse
d. House of Representatives
e. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
A band headman in the Subarctic __________.
a. would be replaced if he didn't lead well
b. kept the peace
c. decided when and where to move
d. all of the above
Mesoamerican influences on Native North America did NOT include__________.
a. teepees
b. corn agriculture
c. ball courts
d. Mississippian religion
The Derby Dam, built in 1905, across the Truckee River, __________.
a. devastated the economic base of the Northern Paiute
b. brought much needed water to the Northern Paiute
c. formed Lake Winnemucca
d. had no impact on the reservation at Pyramid Lake
Pinyon nuts, eaten by many Great Basin populations, __________.
a. were obtained from Californian populations via trade
b. can be gathered by brown coning or green coning
c. could not be stored for long periods of time
d. were a fall-back food in times of famine
Perhaps the single most important aspect of Rarmuri social organization is __________.
a. the unequal distribution of wealth
b. their devotion to their clans
c. their frequent beer drinking parties
d. their refusal to own property
The Great Sun of the Natchez __________.
a. had to marry a commoner
b. kept away from religion
c. lived in a large, well-furnished house near a river
d. was also the war chief
In 1990, the Supreme found that the Native American Church has the religious right to
continue to include what in their ceremonies?
a. endangered eagle feathers
b. the American flag
c. peyote
d. deer blood
European diseases __________.
a. spread from South America to North America
b. were transmitted through agriculture and animal domestication
c. had little impact on the New World
d. moved more easily from north to south
The major economic activities of Plains groups include __________.
a. fishing
b. trapping for the fur trade
c. bison hunting and agriculture
d. raiding
The best marriage partners for Aleuts were __________.
a. cross cousins
b. hunting partners' children
c. clan members
d. off-islanders
The Modoc Indians __________.
a. wanted to share a reservation with the Klamath, their long-time allies
b. were pursed by U.S. troops when they left their reservation
c. never harmed a peace negotiator
d. were never allowed to return to northern California
The earliest known archaeological site in the Northeast is Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, in
________; the widely accepted date is ___________ years ago.
a. New York, 10,000
b. Nova Scotia, 10,000
c. Pennsylvania, 14,000
d. Connecticut, 50000
Major political issues for American Indians include
a. asking the BIA to oversee tribal affairs
b. sovereignty and land claim
c. trying to convince the federal government to abolish reservations
d. requesting dependent status under the federal government
Which of the following is not one of the four main Southwestern groups?
a. Hohokam
b. Athapaskan
c. Navajo
d. Patayan
In the Subarctic there were four categories of spirits: spirit helpers, human spirits,
animal spirits, and place spirits. T/F
One of the biggest problems of Northeast Indians today is that their tribes did not
survive into the twentieth century. T/F
Name four cities with names of Native American origin.
________________________________ ______________________________
________________________________ ______________________________
The Arctic people had a high infant mortality rate.
Warfare was common among the Cree.
In Chumash religion astronomy was important. T/F
The only culture area that lies in a largely treeless region of snow and ice for most of
the year is the Subarctic.
The Rarmuri divide people into two categories, Raramuri, humans (Indians) or
chabochis, not really humans (non-Indians.) T/F
Ghosts were behind the Navajo fear of the dead. T/F
Arctic men "wore" a kayak as if it were a living being. T/F
The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ended allotment and reorganized tribal
Warfare was a common and important aspect of Northeastern cultures. T/F
The text defines six natural geographic areas in North America that overlap into culture
The French Ungava Bay Company was the first European company to trade with the
Quebec Inuit.
Paleoindians in the Subarctic exploited mainly coastal areas because of glaciation in
interior regions. T/F
It is likely that Native Americans arrived in the Americas in one large migration.
"Drum dancing" was an elaborate dance ritual for world renewal for the Quebec Inuit.

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