HST 72836

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1978
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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John Tyler initiated the politics of Manifest Destiny __________.
a. to win the support of his fellow Whigs
b. to bring together the Whig and Democratic parties
c. with the aid of Henry Clay
d. to build a base for his reelection in 1844
e. in hopes of identifying himself with James Monroe
Most Spanish colonists were __________.
a. members of wealthy families
b. more racially tolerant than their English counterparts
c. unconcerned about economic opportunities
d. unwilling to have contact with native groups
e. incredibly racist
Given the history of U.S. Southwest, what is significant about Mexican immigration to
that area in the early 1900s?
a. Historically the Southwest had been intolerant of Mexican influence, so the new
wave of immigration was a sign that times were changing.
b. The Southwest was originally a part of Mexico, so when 10 percent of the Mexican
population immigrated there in the 1900s, their influence on the region was significant.
c. Historically the Southwest had belonged to Native Americans, so the new wave of
Mexican immigrants displaced Native Americans from their ancestral lands.
d. The Southwest was originally a part of Mexico, so when 10 percent of the Mexican
population immigrated there in the 1900s, their presence was not welcomed by
e. Historically the Southwest had been an economically depressed part of the U.S., so
when poor Mexicans immigrated there in large numbers, they depressed the region even
During the colonial period, most of the slaves sent to the North American colonies were
supplied by the __________.
a. Dutch
b. Americans
c. Portuguese
d. Spanish
e. British
What was the most significant outcome of the Boston Massacre?
a. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops were largely symbolic and the
British would back down in the face of organized resistance.
b. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops had no effective way to restore
order in the colonies.
c. It showed that the colonists had a better organized army than the British and would
be difficult to defeat.
d. It was the first act of organized resistance against the British troops in the colonies.
e. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops would resort to violence to restore
order in the colonies.
The Cult of Domesticity __________.
a. spread the message that women had no value in society
b. saw women as guardians of virtue within the family
c. idealized women who left their families for religious missions
d. taught that women should help the economic stability of their families
e. focused on the role of men in the family unit
In 1894, __________.
a. Grover Cleveland had strong support for his policies
b. few voters supported a strong, active government
c. the Populist party was a major political party
d. the deadlock between the Republicans and Democrats ended
e. Americans became more suspicious of government power
Which of the following occurred as part of the Stamp Act crisis?
a. Newspapers throughout the colonies denounced the Virginia Resolves.
b. Colonial leaders from different regions gathered in New York City to petition the
king in protest.
c. Calls for women to stay out of the political sphere increased.
d. Massachusetts reacted so bitterly that the British imposed the Coercive Acts.
e. Ordinary men and women were not affected, so protests were small and focused on
the elite.
What was the first crisis of the post-Cold War era?
a. The United States invaded Iraq.
b. Al Qaeda attacked New York City.
c. Iraq invaded Kuwait.
d. The East German government collapsed.
e. Russia invaded Afghanistan.
The largest landowners in the West were __________.
a. railroad companies
b. immigrants
c. eastern settlers
d. Native Americans
e. Mexicans
The Whig Party __________.
a. generally supported Jackson's presidency
b. grew from a coalition of Jackson's opponents
c. refused the support of other, smaller parties
d. represented political ideas unique to the American experience
e. supported abolition
The fundamental issue leading to the Boston Massacre in 1770 was the __________.
a. British attempt to enforce the Tea Act
b. Boston Tea Party
c. passage of the Townshend Acts
d. sinking of the Gaspee
e. presence of so many British troops in American cities
The Federalist was a series of essays written by __________.
a. Washington and Adams
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
d. Randolph and Franklin
e. Madison, Jefferson, and Hamilton
Urban political machines stayed in power because __________.
a. the federal government supported them with grants
b. they understood how to use the political system for their own good
c. they performed social services for African Americans
d. there was little regard for the political system
e. they took over services from the cities
As president, William McKinley __________.
a. was an activist president
b. could not get along with Congress
c. was perceived as a reactionary president
d. decreased federal power while in office
e. maintained an isolated administration
What was the most important domestic law of Wilson's administration?
a. Underwood Tariff
b. Dingley Tariff
c. Federal Reserve Act
d. Pure Food and Drug Act
e. Clayton Antitrust Act
Dividing the Republican party early in Taft's administration was __________.
a. the issue of foreign policy and government
b. the problem of banking regulation
c. a decision concerning the need to lower tariffs
d. the question of campaign strategy
e. split loyalty between Taft and Roosevelt
The most prominent student protest organization during the sixties was the
a. Students of America
b. Students for a Democratic Society
c. Yippie movement
d. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
e. Young Republicans
What was one goal of the American Colonization Society?
a. to enact gradual voluntary emancipation for slaves
b. to force an immediate end to slavery
c. to relocate freed slaves to a new colony in South America
d. to reunite former slaves with their families
e. to bring slavery to every state in the union
How were expansion and migration related in the United States after 1812?
a. As populations expanded, people migrated to rural areas outside of populated cities,
creating the first suburbs.
b. As populations expanded, people migrated to and built up Eastern cities.
c. As the United States expanded its borders, people migrated to these new areas.
d. Expansion and migration were both direct results of improved water transportation
after 1812.
e. Expansion and migration were both direct results of improved land transportation
after 1812.
Which statement best characterizes Sherman's march through Georgia?
a. Sherman defied Lincoln by refusing to implement a scorched-earth policy.
b. Sherman destroyed almost anything of military or economic value in his path.
c. Although he destroyed cities, Sherman was careful to do little damage to
d. Sherman avoided major population centers in order to travel as quickly as possible.
e. Sherman was careful not to alienate the local population.
What was the touchstone of the new counterculture of the sixties?
a. literature
b. photography
c. painting
d. film
e. music
Why were businessmen, such as J. P. Morgan, glad to see Roosevelt leave the United
States after his White House years?
a. Like him, they believed in America's involvement in World War I.
b. They were tired of his meddling in big business.
c. They hoped he would open new markets for their products in Africa and Europe.
d. They wanted to build support for a different presidential candidate.
e. Like him, they believed in securing more land in the Pacific.
The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty __________.
a. secured Colombia's permission for the building of the Panama Canal
b. gave the United States control of the Panama Canal Zone
c. transferred rights to the Panama Canal from France to the United States
d. ended hostilities with Mexico in autumn of 1914
e. gave the United States control of the Philippines
The American contribution in World War I __________.
a. was minor when compared to that of the other Allies
b. although relatively small was vital to Allied success
c. played a relatively minor role in ending the war
d. was much greater than that of the other Allies
e. came too late to be of any real assistance
Which of the following was an important effect of the Great Awakening?
a. It required obedience to traditional authority figures.
b. It strengthened the authority of old colonial religions.
c. It encouraged the development of conformity.
d. It fostered a pessimistic view of the future among those touched by it.
e. It evoked an awareness of a larger community of believers.
Frederick Jackson Turner was __________.
a. founder of the National Grange
b. the historian who first developed the frontier thesis
c. the most notorious of the western badmen
d. the discoverer of the Comstock Lode
e. a famous wagon train boss
How did lies and rumors lead the United States closer to the war of 1812?
a. Madison was ready for war because he believed France's lies about lifting trade
embargoes and rumors about Britain causing conflicts with Indians.
b. England lied about lifting trade embargoes and causing conflicts with Indians in the
West, infuriating Americans and making them ready for war.
c. France lied about selling the United States the Louisiana Purchase; Britain spread
rumors about Canadian resistance to U.S. trade, making the United States want war.
d. Federalists spread rumors about Canada's involvement in Indian territories;
Republicans countered with lies about Britain's trade embargoes.
e. Northerners spread rumors about the South's slave smuggling; southerners countered
with lies about northerners breaking the U.S. trade embargo.
The controversy that delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation involved
a. slavery
b. the disposition of western lands
c. American relations with European countries
d. regulating trade with British manufacturers
e. boundaries between the states
Which list places events in the correct order?
a. Townshend duties, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Coercive Acts
b. Townshend duties, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts
c. Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties
d. Coercive Acts, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties
e. Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties, Coercive Acts
"Labor peace" was the term used to describe __________.
a. workers agreeing not to strike so that they might work productively for the war effort
b. the socialist union workers who were laboring or working for peace and against the
war effort
c. workers striking for improved working conditions and pay in a more peaceful manner
than in the past
d. the more peaceful factory environment that women and blacks created as belligerent
white men went off to war
e. an alliance of government, business, and labor that benefited government and
business interests, leaving labor longing for a return to peace and more normal working

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