HST 66817

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1974
subject Authors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes

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The initiative in the Pacific shifted to the Americans as a result of which 1942 battles?
A) Coral Sea and Midway
B) Manila and Tarawa
C) Saipan and Guadalcanal
D) Okinawa and Iwo Jima
What likely would have happened if the United States had not entered the Great War?
A) The Central Powers would have won in 1918.
B) There would have been a negotiated settlement because of the mutual exhaustion of
both sides.
C) The Bolshevik revolution would have succeeded in spreading to the rest of Europe.
D) Germany would have invaded England.
According to your text, the most significant outcome of the First Continental Congress
in the fall of 1774 was the __________.
A) demand for colonial representation in Parliament
B) colonies' hopes for a peaceful re-establishment of relations with England on the
same basis as before the Stamp Act crisis
C) formation of a Continental Army with George Washington as commander-in-chief
D) realization that drastic changes must be made in America's relationship with England
What was the Supreme Court decision that promoted economic development by
rejecting the absolute sanctity of contracts when they conflicted with improvements for
the good of the whole community?
A) Dartmouth College v. Woodward
B) Gibbons v. Ogden
C) theCharles River Bridge case
D) McCulloch v. Maryland
Dr. Benjamin Spock's Common Sense Guide to Baby and Child Care was extremely
influential in the early lives of boomers. According to Spock, what was true of women
who held jobs outside the home?
A) They were good role models for their children.
B) They were more likely to succumb to common medical crises.
C) They were guilty of neglecting their children.
D) They should be venerated by society.
Early in the twentieth century, the United States announced that it must "exercise . . . an
international police power" in the Western Hemisphere in which of the following?
A) Teller Amendment
B) Platt Amendment
C) "Open Door" policy
D) Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Which of the following regions were the most successful colonies within the economic
system of mercantilism?
A) New England
B) the Caribbean islands
C) Ireland
D) the Middle Atlantic
In 1890, Congress tried to restore competition by outlawing the restraint of interstate
trade by corporate monopolies with the __________ Act.
A) Sherman Antitrust
B) Granger
C) Northern Securities
D) Hepburn
What was President Cleveland's reaction to the possibility of annexing Hawaii?
A) Withdraw the treaty annexing Hawaii from the Senate, but refuse to oust the
American revolutionaries by force.
B) Send the army and navy to guarantee American control of the islands.
C) Withdraw the treaty annexing Hawaii from the Senate and use force to oust the
American revolutionaries.
D) Negotiate a treaty annexing Hawaii but fail to push it through the
Republican-dominated Senate.
What was the response of American intellectuals such as Walt Whitman and Henry
Adams to the new industrial civilization?
A) They denounced it as leading to the worship of money and material success.
B) They viewed it as evidence of the continuing progress of the human race.
C) They united the workers to fight for socialism.
D) They called for Christian revivals to refocus Americans on eternal values.
Which of the following was a result of the nationwide condemnation of the invasion of
A) Nixon initiated a series of "fireside-like" chats with the American public to gain their
understanding and endorsement.
B) Nixon quickly pulled American ground troops out of Cambodia.
C) Nixon ordered curfews on all college campuses.
D) Nixon increased the draft in order to have enough troops to fight a two-front war.
In which state did Bacon's Rebellion occur?
A) Pennsylvania
B) Massachusetts
C) South Carolina
D) Virginia
How did the Civil War shape the American economy?
A) By speeding economic change, it helped prepare the way for modern industrial
B) The enormous number of casualties created severe labor shortages and stifled
economic growth.
C) The fearful national crisis discouraged selfishness and materialism.
D) The wasteful destruction of material resources by the war retarded economic growth.
The best estimate of the proportion of patriots and Tories during the war for
independence is that __________.
A) patriots were more numerous than Tories, but large numbers of Americans were
B) Tories constituted less than one percent of the American population
C) the population was about evenly divided between the two groups
D) Tories were more numerous than patriots, but large numbers of Americans were
Who called the Soviet Union's aggressive policies after World War II, especially in
Eastern Europe, extending the "Iron Curtain"?
A) George C. Marshall
B) Harry Truman
C) George F. Kennan
D) Winston Churchill
One of the few advantages a colonial governor had in conflicts with his colonial
subjects was his __________.
A) permanent tenure of office
B) complete freedom to maneuver without restrictions imposed on him by the king
C) financial independence from the colonial legislatures
D) power to summon and dismiss the colonial assembly
Public aid for railroad financing before 1860 __________.
A) did not occur
B) paid for about three-fourths of all railroad constructions
C) included special exemptions from taxation and the right to condemn property
D) was strongly resisted by almost all levels of government
Studies of "black Republican" governments during Radical Reconstruction reveal that
A) white scalawags and carpetbaggers were really in charge
B) former slaves dominated southern state governments
C) free blacks from the North dominated southern state governments
D) white scalawags and carpetbaggers were merely window dressing for the black
politicians who controlled southern governments
In 1867, the government tried which new strategy toward the Plains Indians?
A) negotiating with all tribes to achieve a single unified treaty
B) negotiating with each tribe separately
C) forcing the reservation Native Americans to become farmers
D) accepting the Indians' rights to practice their own religions
What was one of Reagan's highest priorities as president?
A) promoting basic human rights in other countries
B) decreasing defense spending
C) balancing the budget
D) cutting federal taxes
As a result of the high price of urban real estate, __________.
A) middle-class families moved to the suburbs
B) working-class communities moved to the suburbs
C) businesses moved to the suburbs
D) architects began to build upwards
Which state claimed that its territory reached beyond the Appalachian mountain range?
A) North Carolina
B) Pennsylvania
C) Florida
D) Tennessee
Which of the following accurately assesses the significance of Bacon's Rebellion?
A) The colonial elite learned the importance of securing cheap labor that would never
acquire political power.
B) The colonial elite learned the value of political concessions and fair wages for the
sake of social stability.
C) Virginia's working poor learned the value of unionization.
D) Virginians generally began to resent the inequality inherent to agriculture.
In addition to the Lewis and Clark expedition, Jefferson dispatched __________ to
explore the upper Mississippi Valley and the Colorado region.
A) Zebulon Pike
B) Thomas Freeman
C) Francis Parkman
D) Daniel Boone
Both Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren __________.
A) were unwilling to annex Texas
B) attempted to annex Texas
C) refused to recognize Texas
D) warned Mexico to leave Texas alone
What did Stalin do after the United States proposed the Marshall Plan?
A) He quickly began to strengthen Soviet armed forces.
B) He sent representatives to the first meetings, but then withdrew because he realized
the Soviets would need to match American funding.
C) He countered immediately with his own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact.
D) He rejected the program in fear that Eastern Europe would become tied to the
American economy.
The United States received very favorable terms in the Peace of Paris (1783) because
the __________.
A) American commissioners skillfully played rival European powers against each other
B) French insisted that the United States must be a powerful nation
C) rioting and looting in Great Britain by irate citizens convinced Great Britain that it
must end the war immediately
D) Spanish and French threatened to attack British shipping if they did not agree to
American terms.
What was Nixon's new policy of trying to relax tensions with the Chinese and the
Soviets called?
A) constructive engagement
B) entente cordiale
C) peaceful coexistence
D) dtente
Even though he did not defeat Lee, McClellan managed to stop the Confederacy's fall
1862 advance into __________.
A) Maryland
B) West Virginia
C) Pennsylvania
D) Tennessee
Why was the open-hearth method of making steel superior in some ways to the
Bessemer process?
A) It was much faster.
B) It allowed larger quantities of ore in the furnace.
C) It allowed more quality control.
D) It was cheaper.
The American foreign policy of trying to penetrate underdeveloped areas economically
without the problem of governing them was __________.
A) successful because it supported broad-based economic development
B) foolish because it did not maximize the profits of American companies overseas
C) far-sighted in its sensitivity to different social and cultural patterns
D) self-defeating because it was not supported by local people
James K. Polk might best be described as which of the following?
A) a promoter of high tariffs
B) a national bank supporter
C) a good Jacksonian
D) a foe of expansion
After the Battle of Bull Run, President Jefferson Davis revised his military strategy to
rely primarily upon which of the following?
A) building a strong defense to wear down the Union's will to fight
B) planning a series of bold invasions of the North
C) breaking the Union's naval blockade with the assistance of Great Britain
D) using slaves as support troops
What was the significance of New York mayor DeWitt Clinton?
A) His economic vision led to the economic development of upstate New York and the
Great Lakes region...
B) He invented the first commercially viable steamboat and turned New York from a
village into an Atlantic seaport.
C) He dramatically expanded cotton cultivation in the South through his work on Wall
D) He was chairman of the Bank of the United States in the 1820s and channeled
significant capital into New York real estate...
Due to the increase in both the number of college graduates and the influence of
alumni, in the late nineteenth century American higher education __________.
A) regained its focus on training clergy
B) became the dominant force in the economy
C) increased its focus on social activities, fraternities, and organized athletics with
winning teams
D) developed programs in graduate education that attracted students from all over the

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