HST 66014

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2055
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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John Marshall was extremely influential in interpreting ________.
A) the role of the presidency
B) the extent of executive privilege
C) the Constitution
D) Congress' role in national politics
E) the role of political parties
What did the Sanitary Commission promote?
A) cleanliness, nutrition, and medical care in northern army camps
B) healthy drinking water in northern cities
C) improved sewer systems in southern urban centers
D) cleanliness in northern factories
E) nutrition and medical care for freed or escaped slaves
How did pressure to settle western lands change the nature of Indian removal as first
planned by Thomas Jefferson?
A) The process was entirely voluntary.
B) Native Americans had no say in the process.
C) Indians who chose to adopt white ways were not allowed to remain.
D) Removal happened much earlier than planned.
E) Jefferson had planned for only small groups to migrate west.
In December 1775, Parliament passed the ________, which cut America off from
international commerce.
A) Declaratory Act
B) Prohibitory Act
C) Commerce Act
D) Tea Act
E) Trade Act
As a result of Enlightenment thinking, Benjamin Franklin ________.
A) turned to organized religion for meaning in his life
B) devoted his life to his own personal religious views
C) rejected the practical pursuits of life in favor of contemplation, meditation, and
intellectual inquiry
D) pursued his curiosity until it yielded useful scientific ideas and ingenious material
E) sought to find true enlightenment by giving up most of his material possessions
Under the terms of the Taft Commission, the United States ________.
A) would control the Philippines in perpetuity
B) gave the Filipinos complete independence
C) provided funds but did not interfere with local government
D) gave the army complete control of the Philippines
E) guaranteed future independence for the Philippines
During the Salem witchcraft hysteria, Increase Mather and other leading ministers
A) called for execution of the accused witches
B) completely ignored the controversy
C) urged restraint and caution
D) called for colony-wide searches for accused witches
E) questioned the validity of the testimony of minors
Which of the following was NOT a major change in middle-class family life during the
nineteenth century?
A) Relationships between parents and children became more intimate.
B) The "Cult of Domesticity" gained ground.
C) Families became more child-centered.
D) More and more women worked outside the home.
E) The use of corporal punishment declined.
Which was a key reason Corts was able to conquer Montezuma, the Aztec emperor?
A) Montezuma's unarmored horseman were unable to fight the armored horses that
Corts brought with him.
B) Corts convinced the Aztecs to fight against their own corrupt leader, Montezuma.
C) Corts and his men overwhelmingly outnumbered the Aztecs.
D) Corts was able to recruit thousands of nearby Native Americans who helped him
defeat Montezuma.
E) Montezuma believed that the Spaniards were gods and did not resist them at first.
Between 1900 and 1920, many women found ________.
A) jobs as medical professionals
B) professional careers closed to them
C) support for working after they married
D) they earned pay equal to that of men
E) that most jobs were available to a homemaker
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois did not agree on ________.
A) whether or not an industrial society was good for African Americans
B) whether or not changes in rights should occur immediately or gradually
C) using unions to promote racial equality
D) supporting woman's right to vote
E) whether or not progressivism should include a racial agenda
Of the estimated 11 million African slaves carried to the Americas, the great majority
were sent to ________.
A) Brazil and the Caribbean
B) British North America
C) Chile
D) Argentina
E) Central America
The disarmament plan that the Truman administration proposed to the United Nations
after World War II was called _______.
A) the Potsdam Summit
B) the Baruch Plan
C) the Manhattan Project
D) the Cold War Treaty
E) containment
By the time Europeans arrived, the Aztecs had all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) large cities ruled by effective bureaucracies
B) tools and weapons made of iron and bronze
C) hieroglyphic writing
D) an accurate solar calendar
E) a religion that involved human sacrifice
In what ways was the Lewis and Clark expedition a success?
A) It forced France to sell to the United States the parcel of land known as the
Louisiana Purchase.
B) It forced Britain out of military posts in the West.
C) It fulfilled Jefferson's scientific expectations and reaffirmed his faith in the future
prosperity of the United States.
D) It discovered a direct water route from coast to coast across the continental United
E) It established peaceful relations with most of the Native American tribes in the West.
During his first term in office, Grover Cleveland ________.
A) increased federal activities
B) was committed to higher tariffs
C) curtailed federal activities
D) brought dishonor to the Democratic Party
E) was reelected in a landslide in 1888
The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) was a federal agency designed to
protect _______.
A) children from abusive working conditions
B) workers in wartime industries from harsh conditions
C) women from discrimination in the workplace
D) minorities from prejudice in war industries
E) the elderly from discrimination in the workplace
What law did Stephen Douglas need to repeal in order to gain southern support for the
Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A) the Wilmot Proviso
B) the Missouri Compromise
C) the Compromise of 1850
D) the Bill of Rights
E) the new Fugitive Slave Law
Which statement best describes a major disadvantage of the southern economy?
A) The South lacked the infrastructure to transport all the cotton it produced, so planters
were frequently forced to burn their crops.
B) Such a large percentage of arable land was devoted to cotton that there were frequent
food shortages in the South.
C) The focus on a single industry that was profitable only to a small minority prevented
industrial and commercial growth.
D) The excessive profits of the industry led to unchecked price inflation in southern
urban centers.
E) The profits of the industry were available to everyone, so the South underwent social
upheaval and class conflict.
How did the northern military help some former slaves work toward economic
A) Northern soldiers were tasked with the assignment of teaching former slaves the
practice of piecework.
B) The Union Army enforced the contract-labor system by making sure that southern
planters offered flexible wages.
C) General Sherman issued an order that set aside the islands and coastal areas of South
Carolina and Georgia for exclusive black occupancy.
D) The northern military established an economic base for former slaves in parts of
Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
E) Union generals issued an order that led to the formation of the sharecropping system,
which allowed black farmers to work their land free and clear.
U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East today most closely resembles the foreign policy
of the 1890s regarding ________.
A) Venezuela""the United States nearly went to war with a European power over
another country's border dispute
B) the Philippinesthe United States used military power to protect a country's
independence and then had trouble withdrawing immediately
C) Hawaiithe United States annexed a territory and then formed a state out of valuable
foreign land
D) Cubathe United States used military power and defeated an imperial enemy in a
short amount of time
E) Alaskathe United States bought territory from other countries and eventually made it
a state
How did white Americans interact with Native Americans in the early 1800s?
A) The federal government worked with tribal leaders to find compromises on land
B) White businessmen, supported by the government, forced Indians to work in mills
and labor camps, destroying their culture and family ties.
C) They used violence and trickery to kill Indians and gain their land.
D) They generally lived peacefully as neighbors, often sharing resources.
E) The federal government took Indian children from their homes and placed them in
schools to increase assimilation.
What did Republican leaders agree to do in order to ensure the election of Rutherford
A) offer lucrative positions to members of the electoral commission
B) end federal support for southern radical regimes
C) continue federal support for southern radical regimes
D) support fraudulent elections with federal troops
E) split control of southern state governments with Democrats
Who was Frederick Jackson Turner?
A) the founder of the National Grange
B) the historian who first developed the frontier thesis
C) the most notorious of the western badmen
D) the discoverer of the Comstock Lode
E) a famous wagon train boss
According to the authors, inequalities based on race were exacerbated by inequalities
based on ________.
A) gender
B) religion
C) country of origin
D) distribution of resources
E) education
The major issues dominating politics in the 1820s and 1830s were ________.
A) constitutional
B) sectional
C) social
D) economic
E) diplomatic
Which statement about late nineteenth-century immigrants is NOT true?
A) Most came seeking economic opportunities.
B) Most were highly skilled craftsmen.
C) Most were young males.
D) Most settled along the eastern seaboard.
E) Often they already knew someone in the United States.
The fundamental disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union at the
beginning of the Cold War was over _______.
A) who would control postwar Europe
B) who would control postwar Asia
C) which country had contributed more to the Allied victory
D) whether Truman or Stalin would lead postwar alliances
E) whether collective security was possible in the postwar world
How did the United States react to the 1950 Sino-Soviet treaty?
A) It congratulated Stalin and Mao on their treaty and offered to join their new alliance.
B) It openly threatened Stalin with war if he contributed to the spread of communism in
C) It warned the Soviet Union to stay out of East Asian politics.
D) To maintain its alliance with China, the U.S. sought to make peace with the new
E) It refused to recognize the new Chinese regime and focused on Japan as its main ally
in Asia.
The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty _____.
A) secured Colombia's permission for the building of the Panama Canal
B) gave the United States control of the canal zone in Panama
C) transferred rights to the Panama Canal from France to the United States
D) ended hostilities with Mexico in autumn, 1914
E) gave the United States control of the Philippines
Who served as Nixon's national security advisor?
A) Warren Burger
B) G. Gordon Liddy
C) Henry Kissinger
D) William Rehnquist
E) John Mitchell
Which best describes the "gang" labor performed by many slaves on large plantations?
A) A group of white overseers pushed a small group of slaves to work around the clock.
B) Large groups of slaves worked side by side with their masters.
C) Groups of slaves worked from sunrise to sunset under a white overseer.
D) Slaves worked at their own pace with little supervision during an eight-hour day.
E) Large groups of slaves worked together to accomplish major projects.

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