HST 37362

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1538
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Nez Perce marriages __________.
a. took place before the female reached puberty
b. were village exogamous.
c. were complex ceremonies.
d. usually ended in divorce.
What is the single greatest health problem today on Indian reservations?
a. cancer
b. gout
c. heart disease
d. alcoholism
Special characteristics of the Plateau culture area include ___________.
a. small size but isolated
b. regional trading network and river settlements
c. a reliance solely on the buffalo
d. narrow kinship ties and vast political complexity
Modern Western Woods Cree __________.
a. have never been recognized by the Canadian government
b. formed the Grand Council of the Cree in 1971
c. still do not live in permanent towns
d. speak Athapaskin
Primary responsibilities of the Bureau of Indian Affairs include __________.
a. education and health services
b. changing Indian treaties
c. management of Indian trust lands
d. a and c
e. all of the above
The Council of Fourty-Four Chiefs was __________.
a. the all-male, principal political authority among the Cheyenne
b. an all-male sodality that organized bison hunts among the Pawnee
c. the mythical ancestors of the Pawnee
d. a modern-day cult for ancestor worship among the Arapaho
Monk's Mound at Cahokia is best known for being __________.
a. the most sacred place in the Southeast
b. the capitol of all the cities in the Southeast
c. the largest mound in N. America
d. a complete mystery
The Western Woods Cree __________.
a. traveled mainly on horseback
b. made excellent pottery
c. lived in semi-subterranean pit-houses
d. treated women relatively poorly
A totem pole ___________.
a. served to separate earth from spirits
b. served as emblems of rank, event markers, and memorials
c. served as artistic expression only
d. was never part of potlatches
The number of federally recognized tribes in the U.S. today is ___________.
a. almost 1000
b. 550
c. less than 50
d. 700
Agriculture was introduced to Native North America __________.
a. by the Vikings
b. with wheat cultivation
c. around 10,000 years ago
d. from Mesoamerica
Ottawa social organization included __________.
a. patrilineal descent
b. extended families living in communal houses
c. no clans
d. the division of labor based on talent
The Kwakwaka"wakw ___________.
a. feared the dead
b. considered twins a curse from the gods
c. flattened the heads of rich male babies
d. gave females very high status
The Chumash people __________.
a. used toloache in puberty ceremonies
b. had their noses broken right after birth
c. married in their teens.
d. all of the above
e. none of he above
Cheyenne women returning from root gathering would sometimes play with the men by
attacking them with __________.
a. dried bison dung
b. deer antlers.
c. thistles
d. insults
European impact on Arctic people includes __________.
a. decreased violence as they converted to Christianity
b. depleted game and increased dependency on traders
c. better general health
d. all of the above
________ and feathers were utilized to decorate clothing in many Plains cultures
a. Porcupine quills
b. Clam shells
c. Bison bones
d. Deer antlers
e. Hawk claws
Modern Great Basin Indians__________.
a. have overcome problems with drugs and alcohol
b. have issues with land, hunting, water, and grazing rights
c. have no casinos
d. all of the above
The Inuit of Quebec owned __________.
a. land but not houses or boats
b. fish weirs and hunting territory
c. houses and boats but not land
d. nothing
Most material culture of Northwest Coast populations revolves around __________.
a. the fur trade
b. copper smelting
c. woodworking
d. pottery
Captain Jack is renown for __________.
a. forcing the Nez Perce onto their reservation land in the 19th c.
b. translating for Lewis and Clark during their expedition
c. informing anthropologists about Plateau culture in the 20th c.
d. leading rebellions in the Modoc War
A typical Kwakiutl war expedition __________.
a. started at dawn
b. usually took place in the spring
c. involved sneaking up on a sleeping enemy
d. would take over an enemy town for their own use
In Canada __________.
a. Indian reserves are owned outright by Indians
b. all Indians are recognized federally
c. Indians were given full rights as citizens by their treaties
d. Nunavat is a new province governed by Eskimos
Traditionally the Navajo had __________.
a. a tribal chief
b. chiefs for each regional subgroup
c. charismatic leaders
d. a number of shaman chiefs
Great Basin bands __________.
a. were named for their headmen
b. had headmen elected by consensus
c. were connected to larger, formal clans
d. never went to war
Traditional Cherokee __________.
a. had summer and winter houses
b. wore little clothing
c. ate deer, bear, and fish
d. had two types of corn
e. All of the above
Subarctic religion __________.
a. looked down on animals the people hunted as inferior
b. saw spirits in animals, plants, and geographic features,
c. included a personal, individual power that could not be shared
d. all of the above
Agricultural techniques in the Northeast included __________.
a. slash and burn
b. Leaving fields to go fallow
c. corn and beans
d. All of the above
The League of the Haudenosaunee was founded __________.
a. to stop internal fighting among the five Haudenosaunee tribes
b. to establish a common defense
c. by Deganawidah and Hiawatha
d. d. all of the above
e. e. none of the above
Enemy Way among the Navajo was __________.
a. a way to inflict evil spells on the enemy
b. a way of warriors getting power before going into battle
c. a ritual to remove evil influences from warriors returning from a raid.
d. none of these
Great Basin religion __________.
a. included the Bear Dance and the Round Dance
b. revolved around a single deity
c. was focused on women
d. was remarkably resistant to European influences and hasn"t changed in 300 years
Disney's Pocahontas is a symbolic love story between John Smith and Pocahontas that
ends in peace between Native Americans and Whites. What is another reason besides
love that many scholars give that could explain why Pocahontas throws herself on top
of John Smith? (1-2 sentences)
Both the Great Basin and Southwest culture areas lie in a large desert.
Women on the Plateau were advisors and highly respected. T/F
In Mexico, only about 5% of the population is considered Indian (indios)
The Nez Perce did not keep domesticated animals.
The Spanish concentrated on North America, while the French and English colonized
Central and South America
By the early 1500s, European fishermen were fishing off the coast of North America,
and in the Northeast, the fur trade became important. T/F
Houses in the Great Basin varied from lean-tos to sturdy, semi-subterranean homes in
permanent villages.
The Hopewell sites are more simple with no sign of fortifications. T/F
The Southeast Indians were peaceful and seldom went to war. T/F
Handsome Lake helped to found the __________ Religion of the Haudenosaunee.
Sister exchange, where the sister of the groom married the brother of the bride in a
double ceremony, was the ideal marriage arrangement for Owens Valley Paiute
The sexual division of labor in the Great Basin meant women had low status
Little evidence remains of Paleoindians in the Plateau region because of floods and
volcanic activity.
The famous allies of the Ottowa around 1763 were the __________.
The original mission of the Bureau of Indian Affairs was to maintain good relations
with Indians

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