HST 28500

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1642
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The Open Door policy ________.
A) claimed economic rights for the U.S. in China
B) met with the approval of western Europe
C) had little effect on American policy in the Far East
D) provided the United States with a sphere of influence in China
E) was publicly denounced in China
According to historian Stephan Thernstrom, what was the extent of American social
mobility in the early industrial era?
A) almost none
B) some, but not much
C) substantial, but limited
D) a great deal
E) almost 100%
Which statement best describes the situation for women in the South after the Civil
A) The South remained more conservative about women's role in the society than the
B) The South became more liberal about women's role in the society than the North.
C) The situation for women in southern society did not change as a result of the war.
D) Women took the lead in criticizing the Confederate cause and repairing the
relationship with the North.
E) Southern women became less active in the economy and the society as a result of the
In 1989, popular demonstrations calling for democratic reform were violently
suppressed in _______.
A) China
B) Egypt
C) Czechoslovakia
D) Chile
E) Russia
Each of the following is true of the election of 1800 EXCEPT ________.
A) Alexander Hamilton intrigued to keep his own party's candidate from winning
B) the Federalist Party was hopelessly split
C) the electoral college decided the election
D) Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson tied for president
E) it led to changes in the presidential electoral process
Why were people in Italy and France voting for communist parties in 1947?
A) They were drawn to the irresistibly charismatic communist leaders.
B) They felt discontent due to economic problems and food shortages.
C) They were responding to pressure and threats from the Soviet Union.
D) They wanted to defy the American anti-communist attitude.
E) There were few other organized political parties in postwar Europe.
How does the modern Bill of Rights compare to that of 1789?
A) The modern one allows for freedoms despite ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual
orientationprovisions that were not made in 1789.
B) The modern one allows for infringement on freedom of speech and privacy with
technology lawsprovisions that did not exist in 1789.
C) The 1789 bill led to political controversy whereas the modern one has not.
D) The modern bill has led to political controversy whereas the 1789 one did not.
E) The 1789 bill was longer; the modern one is a shorter rewriting of the same tenets.
By 1890, many of the Teton Sioux turned to the ritual of ________, hoping that it
would bring back Native American lands.
A) the Ghost Dance
B) the Sun Dance
C) human sacrifice
D) Catholicism
E) the Great White Father
What was the intent of many northerners who went south after the war?
A) They wanted to carry reforms to an area they felt needed change.
B) They wanted to keep African Americans adrift between slavery and freedom.
C) They wanted to acquire land and to fight for their own enfranchisement.
D) They wanted to ensure that the South would not embrace interracial democracy.
E) They wanted to oppose the Reconstruction plan of the Radical Republicans.
Which best describes the decision that shattered the Populist Party in 1896?
A) the endorsement of candidate William Jennings Bryan
B) the admission of African Americans to the party's ranks
C) the nomination of James Weaver for the presidency
D) the expulsion of all African American members
E) the support of free coinage of silver
The industrial union movement of the 1930s _______.
A) sought to organize skilled workers in particular trades
B) had long been championed by the American Federation of Labor
C) was led by William Green
D) grew greatly in the 1930s
E) had been thriving for years before the Great Depression
The effect of Macon's Bill Number Two was that ________.
A) Napoleon promised to rescind the Berlin and Milan decrees
B) Great Britain promised to rescind the Orders in Council
C) Napoleon declared war on the United States
D) Madison received strong public support
E) even diplomatic contact with Britain and France was severed
George Kennan's "containment" policy proposed _______.
A) a long-term neutrality for the United States with respect to European affairs
B) a series of aggressive maneuvers against the Soviet Union
C) efforts to stop the expansion of communism and Russian control
D) a return to pre-war isolationist policies
E) a coup to replace communism with democracy in Europe and Asia
Most new state constitutions after the American Revolution ________.
A) strengthened the power of the governors
B) weakened the power of the legislature
C) avoided written constitutions
D) included Declarations of Rights
E) affirmed the freedom of speech and press but not of religion
Which statement about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is correct?
A) It was strongly opposed by northern Republicans in the House and Senate.
B) It won President Johnson the public adulation he craved.
C) It reduced President Johnson's popularity across the nation.
D) It had little effect on the voting practices of southern African Americans.
E) It led to a dramatic increase in African-American voting registration in the South.
Which of these was quickly adopted by Native Americans after contact with
A) guns
B) marriage customs
C) public education
D) Christianity
E) urbanization
The colony of Pennsylvania was established as a religious sanctuary for ________.
A) Puritans
B) Catholics
C) Baptists
D) Quakers
E) Presbyterians
Which statement best describes how the early French colonists viewed Native
A) as obstacles to dominating the fur trade
B) as potential slaves
C) as valuable economic partners
D) as obstacles to settling the land in North America
E) as likely converts to Christianity
Which of the following novels was so original in form and conception that it was
considered the ideal Young American novel?
A) The Scarlet Letter
B) Moby-Dick
C) Uncle Tom's Cabin
D) Pride and Prejudice
E) Jane Eyre
The reform movement in New England began as a(n) ________.
A) effort to defend Calvinism against Enlightenment ideas
B) attempt to maintain the status quo in religion
C) result of the actions of social radicals in religion
D) outgrowth of deism
E) rejection of Catholicism
The two most important leaders of the Great Awakening in colonial America were
A) Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
B) John Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards
C) John Locke and Benjamin Franklin
D) Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard
E) Cotton Mather and George Whitefield
How many states did not have to draft new constitutions, since they already had
republican governments as part of their colonial charters?
A) none
B) one
C) two
D) three
E) four
The fundamental issue leading to the Boston Massacre in 1770 was the ________.
A) British attempt to enforce the Tea Act
B) Boston Tea Party
C) passage of the Townshend Acts
D) sinking of the Gaspee
E) presence of so many British troops in Boston
In the Columbian Exchange, the Old World and the New exchanged ________.
A) animal, plant, and microbial life forms
B) technologies
C) religious beliefs
D) political systems
E) trade goods
Which of the following was an unintended result of the repeal of the Sherman Silver
Purchase Act?
A) Democrats were confined to the North.
B) Democrats became the majority party.
C) It contracted the currency.
D) The rate of inflation rose.
E) Farm prices rose sharply.
How did the focus of higher education change between 1880s and 1900s?
A) Art and culture became an intrinsic part of education.
B) Agricultural training courses increased rapidly.
C) Standards for admission to universities fell.
D) Education for blacks and whites became more equal.
E) Curricula increasingly focused on practical knowledge.
What was the dominant social theme of 1950s America?
A) individualism
B) free love
C) philanthropy
D) consumerism
E) political activism
Besides buffalo, what other animal was central to the Plains Indians' economy and
A) the dog
B) the elks
C) deer
D) the horse
E) the jackrabbit
Why did people move to the West in the 1800s?
A) The federal government required poor immigrants to settle in the West.
B) The federal government gave large incentives to people who moved west.
C) Soldiers and their families moved west to control the Indian population.
D) People moved to farm on the rich soil.
E) The East had become unpleasantly overcrowded and industrialized.
The intention of the Navigation Acts was to ________.
A) remove the Dutch as a commercial competitor
B) promote English industrial development
C) keep the American colonies weak and dependent
D) stimulate colonial economic diversification
E) finance the British navy

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