HST 26847

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1758
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following men were true political and philosophical allies in the 1820s?
a. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
b. Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson
c. Andrew Jackson and John Marshall
d. Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun
e. Nicholas Biddle and Andrew Jackson
What was one consequence of the urban growth of the late nineteenth century?
a. urban renewal of neighborhoods
b. growth of middle-class neighborhoods
c. white flight
d. powerful city political machines
e. construction of better housing
What event prompted a massive wave of 'sit-ins" across the country?
a. African Americans went on a hunger strike after being refused service at a diner.
b. An African American soldier refused to stand and salute an abusive white officer.
c. A white restaurant owner assaulted a black customer when she asked to be served in a
white area.
d. Three African American college students refused to leave a lunch counter after being
denied service.
e. Three African American women refused to get off a bus after being asked to move to
the back.
Why were Americans so optimistic under Jeffersonian Republicanism?
a. Many Americans believed opportunities were available to them.
b. Few Americans were able to advance in society.
c. The social structure of society was well defined.
d. African Americans began to find economic and political opportunities in society.
e. Masters and servants "knew their place."
United States troops first went into combat against German troops in __________.
a. Italy
b. France
c. Greece
d. Poland
e. Africa
Lincoln's opponent from the Democratic Party in the presidential election of 1864 was
a. Jefferson Davis
b. Stephen Douglas
c. John Bell
d. Ulysses S. Grant
e. George McClellan
As a war leader, Jefferson Davis __________.
a. focused more on policymaking than controlling the military
b. had an excellent relationship with his generals
c. lacked initiative and leadership on the home front
d. frequently used martial law to retain control
e. had the full support of southern governors
What was an important premise of Manifest Destiny?
a. God supports American expansion throughout all of North America.
b. Lands to the west belong to the Native Americans.
c. American expansion should only incorporate areas where American inhabitants are
the majority.
d. Canada and Mexico are not to be targets of American expansion.
e. Diplomatic means should be used to acquire new territory.
By the late 1880s, a popular new cult among the Native American Plains tribes was
a. the Ghost Dance
b. the Sun Dance
c. human sacrifice
d. Catholicism
e. the Great White Father
The first goal of postwar expansionists in the United States after 1815 was to
a. obtain the Pacific Northwest from Great Britain
b. obtain Florida from Spain
c. acquire the former French colony of Louisiana
d. develop the trans-Appalachian West
e. eradicate the Native Americans
By the late nineteenth century, ranching was changing as __________.
a. ranchers were fencing off their lands
b. experienced cowboys abandoned ranches in favor of factory jobs
c. ranches were getting smaller
d. ranchers switched to farming corn
e. cattle shipped from Mexico became cheaper than American cattle
Why were Antifederalists concerned about the new Constitution?
a. They worried that public officials would scheme to increase their power.
b. They knew that preservation of liberty required no vigilance.
c. They saw that smaller republics were prone to political corruption.
d. They were concerned that the new government gave too much power to the central
e. They believed that constituents reflect the character of their elected officials.
Which statement best characterizes the status of the railroad industry by the end of the
a. Railroads were struggling to remain active due to heavy financial losses.
b. Business was booming and railroads had transformed the economy.
c. Railroads had been largely replaced by canal transportation.
d. The railroad industry was strongest in the southern states.
e. The railroad industry was crippled by scandals and corruption.
During World War I, the War Industries Board __________.
a. controlled the entire war mobilization effort
b. was led by Herbert Hoover
c. oversaw the production of America's factories
d. failed to lead American industry effectively
e. was concerned with building new munitions plants
Who was the first woman to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?
a. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
b. Sandra Day O'Connor
c. Eleanor Smeal
d. Elena Kagan
e. Bridget Maher
The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay believed that the best way to reform the Church of
England was to __________.
a. separate from it and reform it from the outside
b. rely on help from the English monarchy
c. remain in the Church and reform it from the inside
d. refuse to associate with it in any way
e. actively work to destroy the tenets with which they disagreed
A factor in the U.S. government abandonment of the policy of one large reservation
after 1851 was __________.
a. to enable wagon trains needed to cross the Great Plains without hindrances
b. a push by Southerners to allow slavery in the western territories
c. that Indians had traditional rivalries and needed to be kept apart
d. a desire to foster traditional Native American culture
e. the difficulty in finding large enough tracts of unsettled land
How were political parties formed in the United States?
a. Each congressman voted on possible party affiliations.
b. They grew naturally out of Federalist and Antifederalist groups.
c. Opponents who had disagreed on finances began to disagree on which country to
support in the European war.
d. First Hamilton and then Jefferson met with their proponents and formally named
their groups as political parties.
e. Washington, seeing how divided the country was about slavery, proposed political
parties as a way for people to disagree civilly.
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson sent American soldiers to __________ in order to
prevent a communist takeover there.
a. Cuba
b. Argentina
c. the Dominican Republic
d. Lebanon
e. Madagascar
The Iran-Contra affair was __________.
a. a covert operation through which the Reagan administration planned to topple the
Iranian government
b. a diplomatic disaster in which Iranian and Nicaraguan leaders were deeply insulted
by one of
Reagan's speeches
c. a foreign policy crisis in which Reagan sent combat troops to both Iran and
Nicaragua in order to keep the peace
d. a crisis between Iran and Nicaragua that nearly resulted in nuclear war
e. a scandal in which the government planned to sell weapons to Iran in order to finance
exiles fighting in Nicaragua
The Spanish-American War in 1898 was partially caused by __________.
a. a desire to annex Hawaii
b. fear of Spanish invasion
c. the sinking of the U.S.S. Constitution
d. yellow journalism
e. McKinley's desire to demonstrate American supremacy to European powers
Farmers complained about crop prices during the late nineteenth century, but
a. overall profits were high
b. rising railroad rates were the real problem
c. their poor economic condition was mainly caused by a lack of demand
d. overproduction was a contributing factor
e. their purchasing power actually increased
Which statement best describes the transition from war to peace in America after World
War II?
a. The transition caused inflation and labor unrest.
b. The transition was an exceptionally smooth one.
c. The transition solved the wartime economic problems.
d. The transition was a period of contentment for the American people.
e. The transition gave Democrats an advantage over Republicans in the next elections.
Why did most settlers move west between 1870 and 1900?
a. to seek freedom from religious persecution
b. to escape the drab routine of factory life
c. to escape the diseased conditions of crowded eastern cities
d. to improve their economic situation
e. to escape from invading Native American groups
As a result of the temperance campaign of the 1830s, __________.
a. the campaign to stop the public from drinking alcohol expanded to include beer and
b. large numbers of confirmed drunkards were cured
c. temperance became a mark of respectability
d. per capita consumption of hard liquor declined by more than 80 percent
e. the drinking habits of lower-class American males were significantly altered
The economic revolution in the United States between 1810 and 1840 was one of
__________ rather than production.
a. design
b. technology
c. hand work
d. domestic work
e. distribution
What was one of the weaknesses of the consumer goods economy?
a. Mass production resulted in the depletion of crucial natural resources.
b. Labor disputes disrupted the production process and damaged economic growth.
c. The quality of the goods that were produced was substandard.
d. It led to the spread of national supermarket and department store chains.
e. The production of so-called durable goods eventually decreased demand.
The development of a national railway system __________.
a. provided needed jobs for an overabundant labor supply
b. had little effect on economic changes in the late nineteenth century
c. led to an integrated national economic system
d. had little help from the political system
e. was not completed until the early twentieth century
In the 1760s and 1770s, colonists viewed the political struggle with Britain in terms of
a. haves against have-nots
b. democracy against aristocracy
c. good against evil
d. West against East
e. agriculture against industrialization
The most important figure in American finance was __________.
a. J. P. Morgan
b. Andrew Carnegie
c. Andrew Mellon
d. Albert Fink
e. E. F. Hutton

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