HST 12718

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2029
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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How did the growing trend of national associations impact professionals in the early
years of the 1900s?
A) Higher standards enforced by associations ensured that professionals met the
minimum standards in their fields.
B) It became easier to become a professional; all one had to do was buy into an
C) Associations ensured that only aristocrats had access to proper education and
training in many fields.
D) Associations helped restrict the lower classes from joining the burgeoning middle
class in urban America.
E) Associations made it more difficult for professionals to devote their lives to helping
people who were less fortunate.
As the "new immigrants" entered the American society, they ________.
A) were well prepared to make the adjustment
B) clung to the customs of their native countries
C) quickly assimilated into the society
D) never were able to adjust to new living conditions
E) gave up their native languages
The overthrow of the Taliban regime in ________ was the first move in the war on
A) Iraq
B) Iran
C) Pakistan
D) Afghanistan
E) Saudi Arabia
What is significant about the result of the disputed election of 1876?
A) It was the final Radical Republican victory.
B) It meant the end of the Reconstruction era.
C) It marked the beginning of a Republican resurgence nationwide.
D) It demonstrated the political power of southern African Americans.
E) It was resolved more quickly than anyone expected.
The Atlantic tribal group with whom the English had the most contact were ________.
A) Algonquian speakers
B) Mayan
C) Apache
D) Sioux
E) Cherokee
The most influential educator of the Progressive Era was _____.
A) Horace Mann
B) Eugene V. Debs
C) Robert M. La Follette
D) John Dewey
E) William James
Which of the following did NOT occur as part of the Stamp Act crisis?
A) Patrick Henry denounced British taxation with his Virginia Resolves.
B) A Stamp Act Congress drew together colonial leaders from different regions.
C) Resistance drew many into political action that included street violence.
D) Massachusetts reacted so bitterly that the British imposed the Coercive Acts.
E) Colonial women began to take a greater role in politics.
Initially, why did Americans want to remain neutral when war broke out in Europe?
A) Neutrality seemed safest.
B) Most Americans believed only in nonviolent solutions to conflicts.
C) Most Americans didn't care about a war a whole ocean away.
D) Americans were tired of fighting as they had just finished the Revolution.
E) Both Britain and France were generous, powerful allies.
The ________ nation included peoples of both Native American and African origins.
A) Algonquin
B) Seminole
C) Cherokee
D) Apache
E) Choctaw
In what way was Taft more of a conservationist than Roosevelt?
A) He opposed Pinchot's sale of millions of acres of public land.
B) He opposed Ballinger's sale of Alaskan land to coal companies.
C) He instituted the nation's first recycling program.
D) He was a vegetarian and opposed to hunting animals.
E) He conserved more public land than his predecessor.
Why was mainstream society troubled by the influx of new immigrants in the 1880s?
A) They feared that immigrants would try to assimilate into the American society.
B) They worried that the unskilled immigrants would lower factory standards.
C) They feared that the government would give immigrants equal rights.
D) They felt that immigrants would monopolize newly available western lands.
E) They worried that the new immigrants could not be assimilated.
The Reconstruction Acts _______.
A) gave freedmen the power to protect themselves
B) led to a decade-long period of military rule
C) were supported only by Radical Republicans
D) readmitted states based on the number of freedmen
E) were actually a retreat from true radicalism
The English political philosopher most often cited by American rebels was ________.
A) Thomas Paine
B) Edmund Burke
C) William Pitt
D) John Locke
E) David Hume
During the Mexican-American War, what major issue came up for debate in Congress?
A) annexation of Mexico as U.S. territory
B) prohibition of slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico
C) extension of voting rights to women in the western territories
D) increased immigration from Mexico to the Unites States
E) cession of more southwestern territory to the Mexican government
In the early 1790s, British actions toward the United States indicated ________.
A) respect for the status of the new nation
B) a desire to recruit the United States as a close ally
C) disdain for American rights
D) a willingness to join the French in taking advantage of the new country
E) the need for American resources to feed and clothe British troops
Why did Populists not gain as many seats in Congress as they had expected in the 1894
A) In the South, Democrats used fraud and violence to keep people from voting for
B) In the Midwest, discontented voters tended to vote for Democrats and not Populists.
C) The unemployed, who supported the Populists, did not vote as widely as expected.
D) In the South, despite Populist support, more people ultimately voted Republican.
E) The Populist supporters in New England chose to vote Republican instead.
What was the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?
A) Widening popular support for revolution.
B) It acknowledged the sovereignty of the monarch.
C) It persuaded colonial elites to sever their ties with Great Britain.
D) It had little immediate popularity among the colonists.
E) It did not criticize all monarchs, just George III.
Why did the Knights of Labor fail?
A) A major defeat weakened the group.
B) It was unable to organize the workers.
C) It had no successful strikes.
D) It was unable to develop a set of objectives.
E) Terence Powderly was imprisoned.
The largest group of white, non-English immigrants to the colonies in the 1700s were
A) the Dutch
B) the Germans
C) the Swedish
D) the Scots-Irish
E) the French
What was the meaning of the phrase "regeneration before Reconstruction"?
A) restructuring southern society before readmission to the union
B) funding the rehabilitation of those areas in the South damaged during the war
C) transforming southern society, including land reform, before readmission
D) repudiating the debts owed by the former Confederate states to the Union
E) suspending military rule in the South until elections could take place
Which statement about West Africa during the era of the European slave trade is
A) Africans were isolated from the rest of the world.
B) Africans had a simple, self-sufficient economy.
C) A single culture covered most of the African continent.
D) Muslim missionaries had introduced Islam.
E) Africans were united by a single language.
Why did some people criticize American suburban life?
A) They accused suburban families of snobbery since only the wealthy could live there.
B) They thought the houses were built with substandard materials and craftsmanship.
C) They disliked the conformity and uniformity of suburban life.
D) They were afraid that a mass exodus to the suburbs would harm urban economies.
E) They worried about the pollution generated by suburban automobile commuters.
What was a drawback of suburban life for the family?
A) Many families were torn apart by pressure to conform to suburban expectations.
B) Many young families had to share their homes with extended family members.
C) Many parents were too focused on earning money to make time for family bonding.
D) Many mothers and wives remained locked into stereotypical gender roles.
E) Many children received little attention from their hard-working parents.
The goal of the Boland Amendment was to ________.
A) prohibit American military aid to overthrow the Nicaraguan government
B) prohibit the sale of weapons to Iran under any circumstances
C) make it illegal for the United States to interfere in any foreign war without voter
D) allow covert operations in Central America to stop the spread of communism
E) allow the Reagan administration to send troops to topple communist regimes
In mediating the conflict between Russia and Japan, Roosevelt _____.
A) showed little interest in the final outcome
B) sided with Russia, against Japan
C) took a totally neutral stance
D) recognized the increasing importance of Japan
E) tried to play both sides against the other with disastrous results
In the 1880s and 1890s, the common-law doctrine of femme couverte ________.
A) was revised to adapt to the changes of the period
B) provided women with freedom in their marriages
C) brought women new political rights
D) was strongly supported by women
E) was central to the idea of the new woman
Which of the following groups was initially a primary source of labor for the textile
A) young single women
B) young single men
C) children
D) immigrants
E) African Americans
Why did the new colonists of Georgia demand slaves?
A) Farmers were given so many acres of land that they felt they could not farm
efficiently without slaves.
B) The main crop of Georgiatobaccocould be cultivated only with slave labor.
C) The colonists felt that since they had no voice in government, they needed a class of
people even lower on the social rung than they were.
D) The English settlers in Georgia were used to having slaves and demanded that they
could not get along without them.
E) The colonists believed that they could compete economically with South Carolina
only if they were allowed to have slaves.
Which statement is a key assumption of mercantilism?
A) Trade benefits all trading partners equally.
B) Trade benefits only the weak nations.
C) One nation's success in commerce has no effect on other nations.
D) One nation's success in commerce is another nation's loss.
E) One nation's success in commerce benefits all nations.
How did early Spanish outposts in North America compare to early English
A) There were fewer Native American groups in the Spanish outposts to threaten the
new settlers.
B) There were more natural resources in the Spanish outposts, which led to a greater
success of the first settlements there.
C) The Spanish outposts contained settlers who had migrated from many more places in
Europe than the ones in the English settlements.
D) The Spanish outposts grew more slowly due to the harsh environment and threats of
Native Americans.
E) Though they started later, the Spanish outposts eventually grew much larger and at a
faster rate.
Which of the following individuals was NOT an innovator in retailing in the late
nineteenth century?
A) R. H. Macy
B) Cyrus Field
C) John Wanamaker
D) Richard W. Sears
E) Alvah C. Roebuck
Which was NOT a factor that retarded population growth in seventeenth-century
Virginia and Maryland?
A) Many young women delayed marriage until their terms of service were complete.
B) Infant mortality rates were very high in both colonies.
C) Local Indians kidnapped many women and children.
D) The life expectancy was short.
E) The gender ratio was seriously unbalanced.

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