HST 12498

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 3408
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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Which of the following accurately describes advances in racial equality during FDR's
A) FDR fully integrated the U.S. military at the start of World War II.
B) FDR prohibited racial discrimination in the Works Progress Administration.
C) FDR appointed African Americans to his cabinet.
D) FDR pushed for civil rights legislation in Congress.
What was the main force behind the 1920s economy?
A) the steel industry
B) automobile production
C) agriculture
D) the entertainment industry
Which statement about black voters in the South during Reconstruction is true?
A) Voter turnout in the black community was low.
B) Ulysses S. Grant was elected president with great support from blacks.
C) The Democratic Party benefited from the increase in black voters.
D) Black voters were not successful in electing many blacks to state offices.
Which statement about the March on Washington of 1963 is true?
A) It began a period of uninterrupted unity within the civil rights movement.
B) It had little impact on the civil rights movement.
C) A biracial crowd of approximately 250,000 people gathered at the Lincoln
D) Martin Luther King's famous speech was not televised.
The killings of the owners of the People's Grocery in 1892 stemmed from the fact that
A) southern whites often resented blacks who became economically successful
B) the NAACP had effectively organized blacks in the South
C) the Supreme Court began to issue decisions that protected blacks' rights
D) whites held stereotypes of black men desiring white women
How did the North Vietnamese see the goals of the Vietnam War differently than the
United States?
A) They were fighting a total war of revolution and national liberation.
B) They believed the war was a limited effort to stifle them economically.
C) They wanted to be independent from southern Vietnam.
D) They believed that southern Vietnam was under their control and that the war was
necessary to gain recognition of their supremacy.
Industrialism in the New South __________.
A) barely kept pace with the booming industrial economy of the North
B) developed with higher wages for workers when compared to the North
C) put the South at the forefront of the national economy by the early 1900s
D) dramatically increased consumer spending throughout the South
Which of the following religious groups most supported American military involvement
in Cuba?
A) Catholics
B) Quakers
C) Methodists
D) Jews
Which of the following would be most likely to support the Underwood-Simmons
Tariff Act?
A) a wealthy northern industrialist and member of the Republican Party
B) a poor southern sharecropper and member of the Progressive Party
C) a middle-class merchant and member of the Democratic Party
D) a middle-class factory owner with no party affiliation
In general, American reforms that addressed awful working and living conditions were
A) far less effective than social reforms passed in western Europe
B) successful at ending urban poverty before 1920
C) responsible for making the abolition of child labor the first victory of labor unions
D) opposed by Eugene Debs as conforming to capitalism
Conservatives opposed Wilson's nomination of Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court
A) after Brandeis made it clear that he had never voted for Republicans
B) due to Brandeis's lack of legal experience
C) because Brandeis was Jewish and had issued pro-labor opinions
D) as a result of Brandeis's close friendship with Eugene Debs
In his book, The Facts of Reconstruction, John R. Lynch argued that __________.
A) the South had been victimized by an avaricious North
B) the election of 1876 betrayed the state governments of the South
C) Reconstruction included commendable events
D) the "bayonet rule" by the North was the personification of injustice during
The development of mining technology resulted in __________.
A) less use of skilled labor
B) much higher wages for mine workers
C) economic depression in the West
D) fewer deaths on the job
The Seventeenth Amendment __________.
A) made the distribution and use of alcohol illegal
B) provided for the direct popular election of U.S. senators
C) limited presidential terms
D) gave immigrants the right to vote
Poor conditions for miners resulted in __________.
A) management offering higher wages to immigrant workers only
B) widespread unionization movements by miners
C) a collapse of the industry's financial foundation
D) a return to small-scale prospecting enterprises
Which of the following organizations was not exclusively female?
In March 1999, NATO began a bombing campaign in __________.
A) Kosovo
B) Bosnia
C) Somalia
D) Haiti
President Wilson's responded to the sinking of the Lusitania by __________.
A) declaring war on Germany
B) passing the Gore-McLemore resolutions
C) demanding that Germany end its submarine warfare
D) ordering the U.S. Navy to attack all German ships in the North Atlantic
Commodore George Dewey led the Americans to victory __________.
A) at San Juan Hill
B) in the Hawaiian Islands
C) in Manila Bay
D) at San Jacinto
Of the following, which gained territory as a result of World War I?
A) Germany
B) Russia
C) Turkey
D) France
Which of the following countries was an Allied power during World War II?
A) the Soviet Union
B) Greece
C) India
D) Poland
Traditional southerners felt that urban development in the South was __________.
A) needed to uplift the lagging culture of the South
B) a benefit to increasing participation in organized religion
C) evidence of the continuing domination of the North
D) a positive development in the transformation toward an industrial economy
The Great Uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's __________.
A) steel manufacturers
B) railway companies
C) coal-mining operations
D) garment industry
Native Americans have downplayed tribal differences in order to __________.
A) gain more Senate seats
B) elect more Native Americans to the House of Representatives
C) secure better opportunities for Native Americans as a group
D) gain more financial retribution from the government
Which of the following most likely contributed to the ultimate defeat of the German
A) Hitler's decision to engage in a blitzkrieg attack against Great Britain.
B) Hitler's decision to invade the Soviet Union.
C) Hitler's attack on the Jewish people of Europe.
D) Hitler's support for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
What social changes during the progressive era enabled women to demand equal rights?
A) the increased number of women in the workforce
B) the increased number of women among the clergy
C) the increased number of women serving in state and local government
D) the increased number of women enrolled in colleges and universities
In February 1960, four black college students began a trend toward mass involvement
in __________.
A) the Albany Movement
B) violent civil disobedience
C) lunch counter sit-ins
D) nationwide bus boycotts
Which of the following made it difficult for farmers to obtain credit at fair interest
A) Farmers often defaulted on their debts.
B) Federal law prohibited national banks from making loans for farm property and real
C) Most farmers were immigrants and federal law prohibited loans to immigrants.
D) Farm loans were considered risky investments by urban bankers.
The Interstate Commerce Commission was __________.
A) created to give more power to the states in regulating commerce
B) supported by the big business interests of the Republican Party
C) a consistent advocate of deregulating federal farming policies
D) unsuccessful in enforcing the public's call for regulating the railroad industry
Of the following, who was/were most conciliatory to the desires of white southerners to
deny rights and privileges to blacks?
A) President Johnson
B) radical Republicans
C) moderate Republicans
D) abolitionists
How did railroads shape the settlement and development of the West? Give examples of
the positive and negative effects of rail lines spreading from coast to coast.
What role did the mining industry play in migration to the West? What social trends and
conflicts emerged as a result of this expansion of mining into the West?
Compare and contrast the views of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois
regarding strategies that would achieve social progress for African Americans.
What have been the results of the September 11 terrorist attacks, both domestically and
internationally? What security measures have been put into place?
What were the social and institutional factors that shaped the disorderly nature of
elections in the late nineteenth century?
Discuss the arguments for and against American ratification of the Treaty of Versailles.
What changes have occurred in American family patterns since the 1960s? How have
economic factors and new social values been reflected in these changes?
Analyze the wartime experiences of three of the following groups: women, African
Americans, Mexican Americans Japanese Americans, and Native Americans. Did these
experiences help or hinder progress toward equality in America?
Support one of the following positions:
"New immigrants were assimilated into mainstream American culture."
"New immigrants adjusted to mainstream American culture."
"New immigrants adjusted to American culture and contributed to its diversity."
In what ways were Herbert Hoover's economic ideas more progressive than those of his
Republican predecessors? Despite these ideas, what political failings caused his demise
as president?
What factors combined to produce the defeat of Germany? Use specific examples to
support your answer.
What characteristics and organizations defined the nonviolent movement to achieve
civil rights in the period 1954"1965? What successes were achieved in this period?
Describe who you believe were the most successful leaders of these successes.
Describe the primary goals of the Farmers' Alliance and evaluate the success of the
Alliance in achieving its goals.
Many historians have stated that Franklin Roosevelt was "the right man at the right
time." Evaluate the thematic evidence that produces this thesis.
Compare and contrast the philosophies and tactics of the Knights of Labor and the
American Federation of Labor. Why, in the long run, did one group succeed while the
other one failed?

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