HS 98424

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2124
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Why were most southerners unconcerned about Jackson's fight with South Carolina?
a. They knew him to be in sympathy with the abolitionists.
b. They knew him to be truly an advocate of extreme state sovereignty.
c. He was a southerner and a slaveholder.
d. They knew he was unable to prevent Congress from overriding his decisions.
e. He was a master politician with the ability to turn enemies into allies.
Government policy toward Native Americans in the 1860s __________.
a. ignored or opposed tribal organization
b. was consistent but not successful because of tribal organization
c. was formulated by humanitarians who wanted to preserve tribal organization
d. was a failure because the Indians insisted on being farmers
e. was based on a system of hierarchy toward various groups
Which of the following authors argued that the American ideal of women's "innocence"
really meant their ignorance?
a. Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Women and Economics
b. Edward Bliss Foote in Plain Home Talk of Love, Marriage, and Parentage
c. Bessie and Marie Von Vorst in The Woman Who Toils
d. Helen Campbell in Women Wage Earners
e. Jane Addams in Twenty Years at Hull House
What does the number of American deaths suggest about WWI casualties?
a. Deaths from disease, famine, and other war-related causes were higher than combat
b. Civilians were often targets of military action, leading to large number of civilian
c. The lower number of non-combat deaths indicate the small impact the war had on
civilian life.
d. Most causalities resulted from trench warfare, with only a small number of
non-combatant deaths.
e. Better sanitary conditions in military hospitals meant military personnel received
better medical care than civilians.
"Greenbacks" were __________.
a. green-shirted Irish volunteers who served in the Confederate army
b. inexperienced recruits who were not ready for combat
c. deserters who hid out in the woods
d. unsecured treasury notes issued as currency by the federal government
e. teenagers who served in the armed forces
What did the Nye Committee investigate?
a. war crimes committed during World War I
b. possible German spies in the United States
c. American munitions dealers
d. liberal antiwar activists
e. American communists
How did barbed wire transform the lives of farmers on the Great Plains?
a. It allowed farmers to establish the boundaries of their farms, which previously had
not been possible.
b. It made it possible for farmers to leave their farms for extended periods of time.
c. It helped farmers get cattle to northern markets along the cattle trails.
d. It kept Native Americans away from their farms so that their land was protected.
e. It allowed farmers to pen their animals and keep other animals off their land.
What was the debate in the 1860s between whites in the East and whites in the West
over what to do about Native Americans?
a. Easterners wanted a peaceful policy of assimilation, while those in the West, who
feared attacks, wanted a firmer control over Native Americans.
b. Easterners wanted Native Americans to be segregated on reservations, while those in
the West wanted Native Americans to be assimilated into white society.
c. Easterners wanted Native Americans to move further west, while westerners believed
they should be allowed to stay where they were.
d. Easterners felt that until Native Americans were fully controlled, they could not have
any rights, whereas westerners wanted them to have equal rights.
e. Easterners felt that Native Americans should be allowed to live their traditional
nomadic lifestyles, while westerners wanted them to be assimilated into American
In what way was the construction of the Panama Canal, as Roosevelt said, "the most
important action in foreign affairs"?
a. It gave the United States control over world trade.
b. It made the United States the world's most powerful country.
c. It kept the United States out of involvement in World War I.
d. It solidified American influence in Latin America.
e. It gave the United States power over developments in Europe.
In the 1850s, the most important example of literary abolitionism was __________.
a. Uncle Tom's Cabin
b. The Impending Crisis of the South
c. Tom Sawyer
d. Up from Slavery
e. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
In the 1840s, which of the following was most likely to identify with the Whig party?
a. industrialists who wanted tariff protection
b. immigrants who enjoyed traditional amusements
c. a Catholic, Lutheran, or Episcopalian who attended a more ritualized service
d. someone with mixed or negative feelings about a national market economy
e. emerging entrepreneurs who were excluded from established commercial groups
One neoconservative criticism of liberals is that liberals __________.
a. are too willing to sacrifice high domestic standards to achieve social equality
b. are too tough on communist dictatorships in other countries
c. are too focused on what is right about America rather than what needs to be improved
d. ignore the social inequalities faced by ethnic minorities and women
e. are focused on reducing government spending and cancel social services
The leader of the 1831 slave uprising in Southampton County, Virginia, was
a. Denmark Vesey
b. Hinton R. Helper
c. George Fitzhugh
d. Daniel Webster
e. Nat Turner
The large increase in the national population reflected in the 1810 census resulted
mainly from __________.
a. the assimilation of whole tribes of Native Americans into the general population
b. natural biological increase
c. a huge increase in the importation of slaves from Africa
d. the immigration of many thousands of Europeans fleeing the Napoleonic wars
e. fabrication of census records by corrupt state officials who hoped to increase their
congressional representation
Columbus originally was determined to prove that __________.
a. a westward water route to China existed
b. the world was not flat
c. the continents of North and South America existed
d. the lost continent of Atlantis was actually part of South America
e. the world was smaller than scientists believed at the time
After 1618, the Virginia Company's principal means of attracting new settlers was
a. the granting of religious freedom
b. liberal suffrage requirements
c. a system of land grants
d. payment of passage by the company
e. impressment
To progressives, the commissions they championed offered a way to __________.
a. increase their political power
b. reduce the power of reformers
c. end the corrupt alliance between business and politics
d. provide employment for their supporters
e. get regular citizens into political offices
The Articles of Confederation __________.
a. gave too much power to the central government
b. provided for state representation by population
c. jealously guarded state sovereignty at the expense of national power
d. created a powerful presidency
e. changed little from first draft to final document
The cotton economy of the lower South __________.
a. benefited the lower classes and the upper classes equally
b. did not create uniform prosperity throughout the region
c. was free from general market fluctuations
d. led to greater southern self-sufficiency
e. encouraged industry and innovation
Why did interest in national politics wane in the early nineteenth century?
a. Many people began to believe that all politicians, especially those far-removed from
their constituency, were corrupt.
b. Most people were focused on state politics because of a rise in political parties and
internal strife.
c. Many people were distracted by the changes in the Supreme Court and paid less
attention to national politics.
d. Most people were satisfied by the geographical and economic growth of the country,
so they were not concerned with national politics.
e. Many people still distrusted a strong central government and therefore wanted to
develop their state governments rather than the federal one.
Nixon's election signaled a public reaction against the __________.
a. failure of the Democratic party to bring about social reform
b. efforts to bring peace in Vietnam
c. successes of the civil rights movement
d. economic failures of the last Democratic president
e. growth of the federal government
Who was the leader of the American Expeditionary Force?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. John J. Pershing
c. Alfred T. Mahan
d. Douglas MacArthur
e. Omar Bradley
Southern proslavery arguments included the belief that __________.
a. slavery was wrong, but necessary for the Southern economy
b. the Bible sanctioned slavery
c. slavery was mandated by the U.S. Constitution
d. sending slaves back to Africa would be too expensive
e. the social class structure of the South would collapse without slavery
The leaders of the Southern Farmers' Alliance __________.
a. formed the first major People's party
b. tried to capture the Democratic party
c. eschewed politics for more radical methods
d. often crossed over to the Republican party
e. were more concerned about economic rights than political rights
A major change in the railroad industry after the Civil War was the development of
a. major railroad trunk lines
b. competition between owners for local markets
c. regional marketplaces
d. international rail systems
e. a greater number of small rail companies
The Female Labor Reform Association campaigned for __________.
a. more jobs for women
b. more managerial positions for women
c. higher pay for both men and women
d. shorter work days for women
e. an end to all forms of sexual harassment
After the war, many working-class northern whites were __________.
a. eyeing unoccupied agricultural land in the South and considering taking up farming
b. fearful that the abolition of slavery would have negative effects on workers in general
c. hopeful that the crusade against slavery could broaden into a movement to help
workers in general
d. unemployed, since the Confederate army had destroyed or disrupted so many
northern industries
e. feeling fierce anti-immigrant sentiments, since so few immigrants had supported the
Union cause
What inspired the infamous protests at Kent State during which four students were
a. the bombing of Hanoi
b. the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
c. the U.S. invasion of Cambodia
d. the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam
e. the military draft
What was true about the founding and leadership of the NAACP?
a. The group grew out of the Niagara Movement, but was inspired by other
contemporary reform movements.
b. The men on the board were avid football fans, so they did not make disinterested
decisions with regard to collegiate football.
c. The men on the board could not work together, as they often supported different
college football teams; their loyalties created impasses on issues.
d. Although the NAACP was founded to promote the advancement of colored people,
the leadership mainly promoted themselves to become powerful politicians.
e. Although the organization was called a "National Association," it was a northern
organization because racist politicians banned it in the South.
The Ashcan school of artists __________.
a. turned against realistic portrayals of life
b. shared the reformers' feel for the environment
c. were abstract artists
d. were influenced by European artists
e. believed that "less is more"
The new American suburbs of the 1950s __________.
a. were too expensive for most young couples
b. allowed only upper-class inhabitants
c. were mainly inhabited by working-class families
d. showed a surprising occupational diversity among inhabitants
e. were typically open to all races and religions
After the Mexican"American War, the Young America movement focused mainly on
a. economic growth and industrialization
b. adding Canada and Alaska to the United States
c. the abolition of slavery
d. making the United States a world power
e. spreading the gospel to foreign lands

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