HS 97879

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2006
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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The most important advances in industrialization __________.
a. occurred during the last third of the nineteenth century
b. were developed during the Civil War
c. had developed in western Europe by 1800
d. had little effect on the American economy
e. began in the first years of the twentieth century
Tenements were __________.
a. saloons where working-class men gathered to socialize
b. urban apartment buildings that tended to be overcrowded
c. neighborhood ghettos of unassimilated East European immigrants
d. heavily developed industrial districts notorious for air and water pollution
e. pool halls frequented by members of violent street gangs
Why was there friction between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers
in Texas?
a. The Mexican government denied Anglo-American settlers the right to own land.
b. The Mexican government did not grant women any rights.
c. Many Anglo-American settlers refused to convert to Catholicism.
d. Many Anglo-American settlers refused to practice any religion.
e. Many Anglo-American settlers refused to pay taxes.
Opposition to Hamilton's proposed national bank __________.
a. was based on "loose construction" of the Constitution
b. reflected the fears of private bankers
c. was justified because his plans so clearly favored a few "monied interests"
d. generally did not involve the general public
e. involved issues relating to Congress's constitutional powers
What is significant about D. W. Griffith's beliefs about race and his legacy as a
a. He believed in racial equality, so as America's first real filmmaker, his legacy is one
of racial equality.
b. In the technology race, Griffith's legacy is as America's (and therefore the world's)
first significant filmmaker.
c. Griffith believed that life was a technological race, and he used technology to become
America's first real filmmaker.
d. He was racist, so as America's first real filmmaker, his legacy is one of racially
biased films.
e. Griffith's legacy is one of innovation; film students still study his films for their
innovations in close-ups, fade-outs, and artistic camera angles.
How did the Philadelphia Convention delegates ensure ratification of the Constitution?
a. They called for electing thirteen state conventions, requiring the assent of only nine
state legislatures to ratify it.
b. They decided that a unanimous vote among the general public of all the states would
ratify it.
c. They decided that a unanimous vote among the state congresses would ratify it.
d. They called for electing James Madison president so he could ratify it instead of
e. They decided that three-fifths of all state legislators would need to ratify it.
A __________ set new standards for mass production in the early twentieth century.
a. Colt .45 revolver
b. McCormick reaper
c. Ford Model T
d. General Electric oscillating fan
e. Philco radio
What event revealed to the nation that poverty in America was not color-blind?
a. the 2000 presidential election
b. the Oklahoma City bombing
c. Hurricane Katrina
d. Operation Desert Shield
e. Operation Desert Storm
How did the dismal economy affect the 2008 presidential race?
a. It helped Obama gain ground during the campaign.
b. It decreased Obama's overall popularity.
c. It decreased both Obama and McCain's popularity.
d. It caused resentment against the Democratic party.
e. It did not have any effect on the 2008 presidential election.
Who was the leader of the Filipino resistance to U.S. occupation of the Philippines?
a. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Andres Samoza
c. William Howard Taft
d. Ferdinand Marcos
e. Jose Marti
Why did Thomas Jefferson decide to make the Louisiana Purchase?
a. Spain closed the port of New Orleans to American commerce.
b. Great Britain invaded Cuba.
c. The citizens of New Orleans petitioned him to do so.
d. Napoleon sent troops to the Dominican Republic.
e. Jefferson realized that the United States would gain Florida as well.
Why did some working-class women oppose the Equal Rights Amendment?
a. They worried about losing the protections of state laws designed to help women.
b. They worried that their bosses would fire them if they openly supported it.
c. They thought it helped middle-class women but ignored working-class women.
d. They feared that it would lead to the drafting of women into the military.
e. They mistrusted the National Organization for Women, which sponsored it.
Francis Townsend advocated that the federal government pay $200 each month to
a. all Americans over the age of 60
b. dispossessed farmers
c. veterans of World War I
d. widows with two or more children
e. unemployed urban workers
Why was Johnson ultimately acquitted on the impeachment charges?
a. He was cooperative with Congress.
b. He received support from the Radical Republicans.
c. Some Republicans feared that his removal would threaten the balance of power.
d. He received support from most Democrats.
e. He was innocent.
Lord Baltimore's settlement in Maryland __________.
a. became a successful feudal outpost in America
b. declared war on Virginia in 1639
c. never succeeded in becoming a feudal society
d. became a haven for persecuted Protestants
e. was a total failure
During the Truman administration, __________.
a. voting discrimination against African Americans came to an end
b. public schools were desegregated in many states
c. an order for desegregation of the armed forces was issued
d. Congress established a permanent civil rights commission
e. the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department was weakened
What did the first neutrality act, passed in 1935, prohibit?
a. adding any new troops to the U.S. armed forces
b. sending troops to aid Allies at war
c. traveling outside of the U.S. borders
d. selling arms to nations at war
e. covering foreign wars in the news
Between the 1830s and 1840s, most of the immigrants to the United States came from
a. the Far East
b. western Europe
c. eastern Europe
d. Latin America
e. China
Why did Congress refuse Reagan's request for money and authority for further
intervention in Nicaragua?
a. an honest belief that the Nicaraguan conflict was no threat to the United States
b. a desire to block as many of Reagan's foreign policy moves as possible
c. fear of repeating the mistakes of the Vietnam War
d. fear of angering the public in an election year
e. the lack of available funds, given the unhealthy state of the U.S. economy
Which of the following was a Hamiltonian idea?
a. The strength of the American economy resides in its agricultural productivity.
b. The new central government will survive if the wealthiest people support it.
c. France is the most important ally of the United States.
d. A large national debt risks the future of the common people.
e. Aristocracy is a greater threat than anarchy.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 __________.
a. was primarily the work of Oliver Ellsworth
b. set up a Supreme Court with one chief justice and five associate justices
c. defined the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
d. provided that the chief justice would be chosen by the Senate
e. established the power of judicial review
How did Reagan challenge the liberal premises of the New Deal?
a. He asserted that the federal aid programs established under the New Deal had
actually worsened the Great Depression.
b. He abolished all federal programs, leaving it entirely up to individual states to
provide services.
c. He expanded the New Deal programs, demonstrating that they had not been extensive
d. He asserted that the private sector should solve America's problems rather than the
federal government.
e. He wanted the federal government to take a more active role in helping America than
it had during the New Deal.
The weakest area of the American economy in the 1920s was __________.
a. automobiles
b. agriculture
c. banking
d. exports
e. manufacturing
In what way can Jazz Age activities be seen as an effect of the economic growth of this
a. The consumer goods boom resulted in a multiplication of sporting events and other
forms of entertainment.
b. Lower tariffs provided easier access to European goods, influencing fashion and
other cultural trends.
c. Increased standards of living provided the middle class with leisure time and
disposable income to spend on an increasing variety of diversions.
d. Exuberant dances like the Charleston expressed the new financial prosperity enjoyed
by many Americans at this time.
e. As the overall standard of living increased, rural Americans felt less restrained by
conservative morals and more free to explore new forms of entertainment.
In what way did the 2000 presidential election reveal a division in American life?
a. The urban coastal states voted for Bush while rural southern and western states voted
for Gore.
b. The poor voted for Bush while the middle class voted for Gore.
c. The poor voted for Gore while the rich voted for Bush.
d. The poor voted for Bush while the rich voted for Gore.
e. Suburbia voted for Bush while rural America voted for Gore.
The Bank of the United States was based on the doctrine of __________.
a. strict construction
b. states' rights
c. implied powers
d. judicial review
e. checks and balances
How did preemption affect migration?
a. More people migrated when assured that preemption would allow them to secure title
to land they had improved.
b. It allowed Native Americans the right to refuse to leave land they had improved in
Florida to settle in the West.
c. It gave land speculators the first rights to purchase public domain land, encouraging
speculators to migrate west.
d. It allowed the government to seize land from farmers, discouraging people from
moving west.
e. It permitted squatters to occupy Native American camps while they were migrating
for seasonal hunting or gathering trips.
Which statement most accurately compares Al Gore and George W. Bush?
a. Gore seemed aloof but had experience, while Bush was personable but
b. Gore was knowledgeable but inexperienced, while Bush was experienced with
foreign policy but not domestic issues.
c. Gore was personable but inexperienced, while Bush was both likeable and
d. Both Gore and Bush were highly likeable but inexperienced.
e. Both Gore and Bush had extensive experience in government but came across as
Which of the following was part of the national government's policy toward Native
Americans from the early 1870s to the mid-1880s?
a. working to assimilate Native Americans into the larger American culture
b. encouraging Native American tribal customs and ceremonies
c. seizing individual Native American's parcels of land
d. assimilating Native Americans into urban life
e. sending Native American children to integrated public schools in nearby towns
In his debates with Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln __________.
a. suggested a new balance between slave and free territories
b. took a position similar to Douglas on the issue of slavery
c. suggested that not opposing slavery was the same as endorsing it
d. differed with the Republican platform by supporting slavery in new territories
e. avoided discussing the issue of slavery altogether

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