HS 86935

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2327
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Which statement best describes Hitler's orders to his submarine commanders in the
a. He ordered them not to fire on American vessels to avoid drawing the United States
into the war.
b. He ordered them not to fire on American vessels because the Germans were
temporarily low on ammunition.
c. He ordered them to fire on American vessels because he wanted to draw the United
States into the war.
d. He ordered them not to fire on American vessels because he knew the Americans
were committed to neutrality.
e. He ordered them to fire on American vessels because they were helping the British.
Who surrendered to the Union army at Appomattox Court House in April of 1865?
a. Confederate President Jefferson Davis
b. General Robert E. Lee
c. General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
d. General Ulysses S. Grant
e. Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens
The __________ forced state and national attention on working conditions in factories
and stores.
a. Homestead mining strike
b. Farmington fire
c. Ludlow disaster
d. Triangle Shirtwaist fire
e. Hormel stampede
What was the main deterrent to a French dream of a vast American empire?
a. poor relations with the Indians of Canada and the West
b. the French government's indifference to affairs in the New World
c. too many French settlers moving to the New World too quickly
d. an inability to find anything of economic consequence in the New World
e. too much competition with the English settlers over land in the New World
The mission of the Spanish Armada was to __________.
a. suppress a revolt in the Netherlands
b. defend Queen Elizabeth I of England against challenges to her rule
c. eliminate Queen Elizabeth I and make England a Catholic country
d. replace Queen Elizabeth I with Mary Queen of Scots
e. get revenge against the English for their seizure of Spanish treasure galleons
Under the "headright" system in Virginia, __________.
a. every adult male could vote
b. every child was guaranteed a primary education
c. all new arrivals received 50-acre land grants after they had paid for their passage
d. new immigrants were guaranteed a year's provisions
e. every new settler was entitled to one slave
How did disagreements between Federalists and Antifederalists reflect the political
climate of the 1780s and predict the climate of the 1800s?
a. The disagreements showed that Americans were strangers to the political process and
had a lot to learn.
b. The disagreements threatened the young nation throughout the 1780s and well into
the 1800s.
c. The disagreements were inconsequential, as most Americans agreed about state,
federal, and individual rights.
d. The disagreements were quickly cleared up, demonstrating that Americans were
willing to compromise on most issues.
e. The disagreements showed how the country was divided and would be divided for
the next several decades on state, federal, and individual rights.
How did Democrats differ from Whigs over annexation and slavery in new territories?
a. Democrats endorsed expansion and a division of free and slave territories, while
Whigs opposed annexation to avoid the slavery debate.
b. Democrats opposed annexation to avoid the slavery debate, while Whigs endorsed
expansion and a division of free and slave territories.
c. Both Democrats and Whigs endorsed expansion, but Democrats wanted the new
territories to allow slavery while the Whigs did not.
d. Both Democrats and Whigs endorsed expansion, but Whigs wanted the new
territories to allow slavery while the Democrats did not.
e. Neither party endorsed expansion, but if it was inevitable, the Whigs encouraged the
spread of slavery while the Democrats did not.
Which of the following was true at the outset of the Spanish-American War?
a. There was little public support for the war in the United States.
b. The American military was well prepared to fight a war.
c. It was difficult to find the necessary volunteers for the American military.
d. The American army was composed of soldiers well trained in quelling Native
American uprisings.
e. The American army was 200,000 strong.
President Gerald Ford's brief "honeymoon" with the American public ended when he
a. confessed to taking steroids during his college football days as a Michigan Wolverine
b. suppressed about-to-be-declassified files pertaining to the Kennedy assassination
c. proposed normalizing relations with Castro's Cuba
d. granted disgraced President Richard Nixon a full pardon
e. appointed liberal Republican Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president
How did FDR help Britain after France fell to the Nazis?
a. He placed a total embargo on all trade to Nazi Germany and any countries allied with
b. He traded 50 destroyers to Britain in exchange for the rights to build military bases in
the British West Indies.
c. He successfully negotiated an agreement with Hitler to spare Britain in exchange for
American neutrality in the war.
d. He supplied Britain with 200 fighter planes and about 50 military advisors to help
defeat Hitler.
e. He brought the United States into World War II on the side of the Allies.
Which countries did President George W. Bush call the "axis of evil" in 2002?
a. Afghanistan, Russia, and North Korea
b. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Russia
c. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
d. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Russia
e. Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
The organization that symbolized most vividly the "white backlash" of the
Reconstruction era was the __________.
a. Union League
b. Freedmen's Bureau
c. Redeemers
d. White Citizens Council
e. Ku Klux Klan
English settlers in seventeenth-century America could be characterized best in terms of
their __________.
a. striking social diversity
b. similarity to French and Spanish migrants of the same period
c. unity of purpose and motivation
d. desire to help each other
e. homogeneity
What do we know about the sources of the witchcraft hysteria in Salem?
a. They are known to have been primarily economic.
b. They reflected the community's underlying resistance to the teachings of Calvinism.
c. They lay in the community's dislike of English authority.
d. They are a subject of debate among historians.
e. They may have been related to the presence of real witches.
What happened as a result of the growth of the eighteenth-century colonial economy?
a. The population grew even faster and per capita income declined.
b. Enforcement of the Navigation Acts sowed the seeds of a lingering bitterness against
c. The colonies developed a strong industrial base.
d. British consumers stimulated production of American sugar and tobacco.
e. American exports increasingly found new markets in Asia and Africa.
American foreign policy today most closely resembles the U.S. foreign policy of the
1890s toward __________.
a. Venezuela: the United States nearly went to war with a European power over another
country's border dispute
b. the Philippines: the United States used military power to help a country gain
independence and then helped establish its government
c. Hawaii: the United States annexed and then made a state out of a valuable foreign
d. Cuba: the United States used military power and defeated an imperial enemy in a few
e. Alaska: the United States bought land from another country and made it a state
How did the Historia de las Indias change the colonization of the New World?
a. It helped the Spanish recognize that they needed to be ruthless in order to prevail.
b. It helped the Spanish recognize that they needed to reform in order to prevail.
c. It helped the Spanish recognize that there was no way that they would be able to
prevail over the powerful empires in the New World.
d. It helped the Spanish recognize that Spanish culture was vastly superior to native
e. It helped the Spanish recognize that Spanish culture was vastly inferior to native
How was Wilson's practice of foreign affairs similar to his evolution over social
a. From the beginning of his presidency, he tried to follow his predecessors' policies and
managed to do so throughout most of his presidency.
b. At the beginning of his presidency, he tried to change his predecessors' policies and
ended up following most of them in the end.
c. From the beginning of his presidency, he tried to follow his predecessors' policies but
failed to do so throughout most of his presidency.
d. At the beginning of his presidency, he tried to change his predecessors' policies and
managed to do so throughout most of his presidency.
e. Throughout his presidency, he went back and forth between supporting and then
changing his predecessors' policies.
What trend did Roosevelt hope to break by passing the Roosevelt Corollary?
a. the election of socialist governments by Latin American countries, such as Cuba and
b. the assertion of their own power over Latin American politics by local governments
in Colombia and Venezuela
c. the assertion of independence and new trade restrictions by Asian countries, such as
d. the default on European loans by Latin American countries, such as Venezuela and
the Dominican Republic
e. an increase in military power and corresponding influence of Asian countries, such as
The American victory that led to the French alliance occurred at __________.
a. Saratoga
b. Yorktown
c. Breed's Hill
d. Philadelphia
e. Trenton
Temperance reformers opposed consumption of alcohol because of the belief that
a. water was a safer beverage
b. alcohol was a threat to the family unit
c. drinking was mainly a female vice
d. consumption decreased business profits
e. alcohol production reduced the availability of grain for food consumption
The major factor that pushed Irish immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and
1850s was the __________.
a. oppression by the British government
b. decline in the number of jobs in Ireland
c. overpopulation of Ireland
d. great potato famine
e. persecution of Catholics
Why did President McKinley ask for a declaration of war against Spain?
a. He was weak, indecisive, and forced into war.
b. The conflicting national interests of Spain and the United States left few alternatives.
c. He hoped that a war would bring him political power and imperial gains.
d. Spain was unwilling to accede to any of the demands of the United States.
e. The Cuban people appealed to him directly.
Under the terms of the __________, an orderly process for laying out lands and towns
in the western territory was established.
a. Land Ordinance of 1785
b. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
c. Proclamation of 1763
d. Cumberland Agreement
e. Ordinance of 1784
How did the consumer goods revolution contribute to the great crash of 1929?
a. Because of the availability of durable goods that did not need to be regularly
replaced, production outpaced demand, which led to wide-scale layoffs.
b. Mass produced consumer goods were of such poor quality that people eventually
stopped purchasing them and industry began to falter.
c. The consumer goods revolution contributed to a lack of confidence in the strength of
the American economic system.
d. The consumer goods revolution led to an increase in home construction that
eventually crashed due to overproduction.
e. Beneficiaries of the consumer goods revolution did not invest their money in the
stock exchange.
The Boland Amendment __________.
a. prohibited American military aid to overthrow the Nicaraguan government
b. prohibited the sale of weapons to Iran under any circumstances
c. made it illegal for the United States to interfere in any foreign war without voter
d. allowed covert operations in Central America to stop the spread of communism
e. allowed the Reagan administration to send troops to topple communist regimes
Washington's Farewell Address __________.
a. warned against creating a strong military
b. attempted to bring harmony to the political system
c. supported the political ideology of Jefferson and Madison
d. advised against alliances with nations that were not promoting American security
e. wholeheartedly endorsed the two-party system
The most brilliant American political theorist of the post-Revolutionary period was
a. James Madison
b. George Washington
c. John Locke
d. John Adams
e. Thomas Jefferson
As a result of the Civil War, the United States became __________.
a. a more highly organized country in which large corporations grew
b. more reliant on individuals and small producers for economic progress
c. more prone to emulate nostalgic representations of life in the Old South
d. more socialistic, and began to address the needs of the poor and the disadvantaged
e. militantly anti-corporation
How did the role of government change as a result of the Civil War?
a. More power was given to local governments instead of the state and federal levels.
b. The federal government became less involved in economic policy.
c. All constitutional restrictions on federal government were dissolved.
d. The federal government became recognized as supreme over state governments.
e. State governments were confirmed as being supreme over the federal government.

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