HS 83951

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1850
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Why did the original boundaries of Maryland present a problem to colonists?
A) They were vaguely defined.
B) They accidentally crossed into Virginia.
C) They did not extend to the coast.
D) They cut through territory of the Algonquin.
E) They extended much further than Charles I had planned.
Why did Saudi Arabia cut off oil shipments to the United States in 1973?
A) Saudi Arabia wanted to force U.S. intervention in the October War.
B) Saudi Arabia feared Soviet retaliation if it supplied the United States with oil.
C) President Carter was refusing to pay full price for Saudi oil shipments.
D) The United States had become involved in the conflict in Nicaragua.
E) The United States had sent emergency aid to Israel during the October War.
What caused James Polk to send troops to Mexico?
A) to retaliate for the harsh Mexican treatment of Texans
B) to protect the southern border of the United States
C) to enforce U.S. claims along the Texas-Mexico border
D) to prevent a Mexican attempt to reacquire Texas
E) to distract Americans from other domestic issues
Which issue led directly to Bacon's Rebellion?
A) the inability of the governor to take action against the Indians on the frontier
B) the unfair trial of colonial smugglers by British admiralty courts
C) Parliament's decision to appoint a governor rather than allow popular elections
D) the attempt to move the capital from Jamestown to Williamsburg
E) the attempt of Bacon to obtain a license to engage in the fur trade
Slave marriages tended to last longer on ________.
A) plantations in the upper South
B) small farms
C) smaller plantations
D) large plantations
E) urban estates
The rise of cities and industry ________.
A) had little effect on American life
B) provided opportunities for all Americans
C) sustained the foundations of the pre-Civil War society
D) caused changes in all segments of the American society
E) was steady throughout the nineteenth century
What does it mean to say that Americans spoke a "common language of consumption"
by the late nineteenth century?
A) People found that the only way they could become truly American was to buy goods
made in America.
B) Americans were united in a common consumer culture, in which they all could buy
the same kinds of goods.
C) English became the universal and official language of commerce.
D) Because of the new types of work in the United States, most Americans were
becoming very wealthy and could afford consumer goods.
E) Only native-born Americans bought the new consumer goods, which broadened the
gap between immigrants and nonimmigrants in the United States.
One of Wilson's major goals at the Paris Peace Conference was to _____.
A) punish Germany for starting the war
B) compensate the Allies for their great losses
C) found a League of Nations to enforce peace
D) bring the new Russian government to the peace table
E) collect awards and accolades from France
What inspired the infamous protests at Kent State during which four students were
A) the bombing of Hanoi
B) the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
C) the U.S. invasion of Cambodia
D) the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam
E) the end of military draft deferments
How did the Sussex Pledge affect U.S. involvement in World War I?
A) It escalated U.S. involvement.
B) It postponed U.S. involvement.
C) It eliminated U.S. involvement.
D) It complicated U.S. involvement.
E) It intensified U.S. involvement.
What was the tone of the Stamp Act Congress?
A) extreme radicalism, with some delegates calling for an immediate declaration of
B) restraint and conciliation, with no mention of independence or disloyalty
C) bitter division between pro-independence radicals and Loyalists who favored British
D) angry disputes between various colonies and regions
E) a show of the strength of the Loyalist faction in the colonies
As a result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers, ________.
A) Great Britain continued to dominate the western frontier
B) the United States withdrew from the western frontier
C) the Indians scored a decisive victory
D) the inadequacy of the American army was made evident
E) the British encouraged Native Americans to give up their land
Which of the following places events in the correct chronological order?
A) Morrill Land Grant Act, Plessy v. Ferguson, establishment of Tuskegee Institute
B) Plessy v. Ferguson, Morrill Land Grant Act, establishment of Tuskegee Institute
C) Establishment of Tuskegee Institute, Morrill Land Grant Act, Plessy v. Ferguson
D) Morrill Land Grant Act, establishment of Tuskegee Institute, Plessy v. Ferguson
E) Plessy v. Ferguson, establishment of Tuskegee Institute, Morrill Land Grant Act
If an American became ill in the 1870s, ________.
A) hospital insurance would cover the cost of the illness
B) home care would be the common form of treatment
C) there was little help from the medical profession
D) recent medical discoveries would guarantee recovery
E) he or she would probably die
Which of the following was NOT true of the American economy during the 1920s?
A) Uniformity and standardization prevailed.
B) The spread of automobiles stimulated other industries.
C) Advertising became a major industry.
D) Mass production became the hallmark of industry.
E) Farmers experienced unprecedented prosperity.
Which New Deal program did the Supreme Court declare unconstitutional?
A) Commodity Credit Corporation
B) Civilian Conservation Corps
C) National Recovery Administration
D) Tennessee Valley Authority
E) Civil Works Administration
The two major presidential candidates of the 1896 election were ________.
A) William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan
B) Thomas Reed and Grover Cleveland
C) William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley
D) Marcus A. Hanna and Thomas Watson
E) Grover Cleveland and William Jennings Bryan
What was Dr. Benjamin Spock's bestselling book about?
A) infant and child care
B) public education
C) Cold War politics
D) dating and marriage
E) space travel
Columbus was originally determined to prove that ________.
A) a westward water route to China existed
B) the world was not flat
C) the continents of North and South America existed
D) the lost continent of Atlantis was actually part of South America
E) the world was smaller than scientists believed at the time
In the 1840s, which of the following was LEAST likely to determine a person's political
A) social class
B) economic interests
C) religious belief
D) ethnic identity
E) lifestyle
Crucial to the growth of the automobile industry in the 1920s was _____.
A) traditional financing options
B) new and increased marketing
C) the long life of the new automobile
D) the rise of steam power
E) greater disposable income
In 1979, rebels in _________ took U.S. diplomats hostage.
A) Afghanistan
B) Iran
C) Iraq
D) Israel
E) Pakistan
Why did the Republican Party call for "free soil" in the territories rather than freedom
for African Americans?
A) Focusing on land rather than people would make it easier to pass legislation through
B) The party knew that achieving its dream of liberating all African Americans was
unrealistic, so it settled on the compromise of "free soil."
C) The party was focusing on "free soil" as a first step in the eventual freedom of all
African Americans.
D) Putting the focus on the laws of the land rather than the freedom of African
Americans would prevent isolating the hard line racists in the party.
E) Abolitionism conflicted with the North's commitment to both white supremacy and
the original constitutional compromise about slavery.
Which of these was a prominent African-American minister, founder of the African
Methodist Episcopal Church?
A) William Pitt
B) Richard Allen
C) Edward Braddock
D) John Trenchard
E) Thomas Gordon
Puritans viewed which of the following as essential to their New England
A) strict adherence to personal hygiene measures
B) a flexible form of colonial administration
C) a healthy family life
D) the rapid creation of an urban society in New England
E) honest public officials
Why was Spain's wealth acquired from the New World considered to be a mixed
A) Spain was forced to send a large proportion of its population to the New World to
help ship gold and silver back to Spain.
B) The Spanish got wealthy from silver and gold in the New World, but lost most of
their army and navy in battles with Native Americans.
C) Because Spain used the New World only as a source of wealth, it did not consider
establishing real settlements there.
D) Because Spain gained its wealth so quickly, it caused great inflation for ordinary
E) Most of the wealth ended up in the hands of Portuguese shippers.
Why were Antifederalists concerned about the new Constitution?
A) They worried that public officials would scheme to increase their power.
B) They knew that preservation of liberty required no vigilance.
C) They saw that smaller republics were prone to political corruption.
D) They feared that the new national government would be too strong.
E) They believed that constituents reflect the character of their elected officials.
The first president to attack racial discrimination seriously was _______.
A) Harry Truman
B) Franklin Roosevelt
C) Theodore Roosevelt
D) John F. Kennedy
E) Herbert Hoover
The European philosopher whose ideas supported the theory of state sovereignty was
A) Locke
B) Montesquieu
C) Voltaire
D) Machiavelli
E) Rousseau
How were the majority of immigrants employed in the mid"1800s?
A) as yeoman farmers
B) as small business owners
C) as wage workers in factories
D) as skilled craftsmen
E) as prospectors
What was one goal of the American Colonization Society?
A) to enact gradual voluntary emancipation for slaves
B) to force an immediate end to slavery
C) to settle the West with freed slaves
D) to reunite former slaves with their families
E) to bring slavery to every state in the union

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