HS 68571

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2123
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Lyman Beecher was especially influential in which one of the following reform
A) abolition
B) mental asylum reform
C) prison reform
D) public school reform
E) temperance
Why was Jackson's view of the 1832 election results suspect?
A) He was accused of having made a deal with his close friend, Martin Van Buren, in
exchange for electoral college votes.
B) He didn't win by a very large margin, yet he took the results to mean the nation
supported his Native American removal policies.
C) He lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote, increasing his suspicion
that states should not have sovereignty.
D) He beat Adams a second time, assuring himself that the nation supported his
financial and foreign policies as they differed greatly from Adams'.
E) He took it to be a mandate to attack the national bank.
What ultimately caused the National Recovery Administration to fail?
A) It did not address business owners' goals of stabilizing production and raising prices.
B) It compelled all companies to join, regardless of whether they wanted to or not.
C) In the final analysis, very few industries decided to enroll in the NRA.
D) Its rules favored large corporations over small businesses and laborers.
E) It did not attempt to address labor leaders' goals of establishing a minimum wage.
Andrew Jackson's attitude toward Native Americans was that they should be ________.
A) removed to areas beyond white expansion
B) allowed to remain on their tribal lands
C) encouraging settlement and assimilation
D) treated as equals to the white man
E) exterminated
What is one conservative criticism of liberals?
A) Liberals are too willing to sacrifice high standards to achieve social equality.
B) Liberals are too tough on communist dictatorships in other countries.
C) Liberals are too focused on what is right about America rather than what needs to be
D) Liberals ignore the social inequalities faced by ethnic minorities and women.
E) Liberals are focused on reducing government spending and social services.
Which of the following identifies the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England
in the 1500s?
A) Henry VII's severing of all ties with the pope
B) the Act of Supremacy
C) the death of Edward VI
D) land that belonged to the Catholic Church was transferred to private owners
E) Henry VIII's wish to dissolve his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
During the war, the Confederate economy ________.
A) managed to produce a surplus of industrial goods
B) easily evaded the effects of the northern blockade
C) suffered from severe inflation
D) actually benefited from the Emancipation Proclamation
E) boomed, as most do during a war
Which of the following inventions laid the basis for the ready-to-wear clothing
A) the sewing machine
B) the button machine
C) blue denim
D) the zipper
E) iron to press clothing
After the Sussex incident of 1916, the Germans promised to _____.
A) lift their blockade of the Allies
B) shoot on sight only ships of the enemy's navy
C) withdraw from Belgium
D) attack all neutral vessels in their waters
E) sink any ship carrying cargo to the Allies
Who put the most pressure on Kennedy to openly support racial justice?
A) A. Philip Randolph
B) Thurgood Marshall
C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
D) Malcolm X
E) Stokely Carmichael
How did apologists describe the institution of slavery before the 1830s?
A) as a benefit to the slaves themselves
B) as a necessary evil
C) as an inevitable institution
D) as a neutral business arrangement
E) as a sinful enterprise
The Supreme Court's decision in the Northern Securities case _____.
A) paved the way for several other antitrust actions
B) had little effect on the problem of trusts overall
C) was opposed by Roosevelt himself
D) affected only the smaller American trusts
E) was a unanimous decision
Which of the following women became one of the most significant leaders of the
women's rights movement?
A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
B) Mother Ann Lee
C) Dorothea Dix
D) Harriet Beecher Stowe
E) Louisa May Alcott
What did state and local governments do to help the early railroads?
A) They gave them money and land.
B) They gave them the right to seize private property.
C) They gave them free labor to lay tracks.
D) They gave them legal immunity.
E) They backed railroad bonds.
The National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act _______.
A) guaranteed that all workers would be paid a minimum wage
B) granted workers the right to organize and collectively bargain
C) gave management the right to forbid the "closed shop"
D) gave the president the power to end strikes
E) did not help workers who were not already unionized
Who were primarily affected by the Cult of Domesticity?
A) relatively affluent women
B) middle-class men
C) working-class women
D) African-American women
E) recent immigrants
The birth of the gay liberation movement was ________.
A) the Outing
B) the founding of ACT UP
C) the Stonewall Riots
D) the founding of the Gay Activist Alliance
E) the founding of the Gay Liberation Front
Which of these was ultimately most important in leading to divisions among settlers in
A) Penn's support for Quakerism
B) the colony's location
C) the institute of proprietorship
D) Penn's propaganda
E) the granting of headrights
Which of the following industries was the first to attract large numbers of people to the
A) cattle ranching
B) farming
C) fur trapping
D) herding
E) mining
What was one problem that the woman suffrage movement continued to face after
A) uncertainty among leaders about pursuing reform
B) disunity and disloyalty
C) a lack of organization at the national level
D) opposition from the progressive movement
E) resistance from the Catholic Church
The mission of the Spanish Armada was to ________.
A) suppress a revolt in the Netherlands
B) defend Queen Elizabeth I of England against challenges to her rule
C) defeat Queen Elizabeth I and make England a Catholic country
D) replace Queen Elizabeth I with Mary Queen of Scots
E) get revenge against the English for their seizure of Spanish treasure galleons
Why was the New Deal criticized during the early years of the Great Depression?
A) Many felt that Roosevelt's programs were not aggressive enough in helping those
truly in need.
B) Some felt that its programs favored minorities and immigrants, leaving white middle
class Americans without aid.
C) Policies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration were criticized for hampering
agricultural production and leading to food shortages.
D) Critics disagreed with the New Deal's attempts to institute national health insurance
and relief for the unemployed.
E) Roosevelt and his policies were criticized for not reaching out to bankers, business
leaders, and others in the world of finance.
Why did nativism grow in the 1920s?
A) There was a great deal of postwar resentment toward Europeans.
B) Americans tended to favor immigration from "native" Latin America.
C) Most European immigrants were socialists or communists.
D) Influential Americans feared the purity of the race was threatened.
E) Many Americans had a racist bias against Europeans.
The strategic blunder made by Nicholas Biddle was his ________.
A) decision to confide in Henry Clay
B) decision to seek the bank's charter renewal four years early
C) decision to give bank loans to congressmen
D) failure to listen to the advice of Henry Clay
E) advocacy of large loans to immigrants
Why did the "tariff of abominations" become a major campaign issue of the 1828
A) Adams' campaigners used it to try to win reelection, suggesting that the tariff
showed Jackson was an unfit candidate.
B) Jackson campaigners used the tariff to rally opposition to the Adams administration.
C) The Democratic party in the South (where the tariff was hated) used the tariff to rally
around Jackson, a staunch opponent of the tariff.
D) The Republican party in the North (where the tariff was generally welcomed) used it
to rally around Adams, a staunch supporter of the tariff.
E) Senator Martin Van Buren opposed both Adams and Jackson on the tariff and state
rights, proposing a third party that would eliminate the tariff.
Which of the following was one of the few of Wilson's Fourteen Points to be
A) open diplomacy
B) freedom of the seas
C) removal of barriers to international trade
D) military disarmament
E) establishment of an independent Poland
Why did Congress pass the Naturalization Law?
A) to help immigrants assimilate into society
B) to allow the government to deport undesirable aliens
C) to allow the Federalists to maintain political control
D) to create a heterogeneous society for America
E) to keep out eastern European immigrants
Why did the acquisition of Texas, New Mexico, and California cause conflict in the
United States?
A) The Constitution did not establish the status of slavery in future states, so whether or
not those territories would allow slavery was hotly debated.
B) The new territories were all north of the Missouri Compromise line, which
threatened to disrupt the balance between slave and free states.
C) The Missouri Compromise mandated that those territories should be free, but the
economies of the territories were already completely dependent on slavery.
D) Mexico kept claiming the territories even after they had been annexed to the United
E) Citizens in those territories refused to pay taxes to a federal government that they did
not support.
What role did women have in the New England colonies?
A) They generally had no independence at all from men.
B) They had the same legal rights as men but could not vote.
C) They made no decisions and simply followed the orders of men.
D) They had no legal rights, but they were able to vote and hold public office.
E) They were respected for their work but were legally inferior to men.
What was considered the "proper" sphere for middle-class white women in the
nineteenth century?
A) helping with her husband's small business
B) being involved in the arts and literature
C) keeping house and raising a family
D) working on tasks that did not need physical strength
E) wage-earning outside the home
Science education in the schools became controversial in the early twenty-first century,
in part because of ________.
A) protests against university genetics programs that researched eugenics
B) protests against psychology classes teaching that homosexuality was a mental illness
C) demands to bring global warming into the science curriculum
D) demands for more federal funds to support and expand science education
E) demands to teach intelligent design instead of evolution
The area of the United States that experienced dramatic growth from the 1970s to the
1990s was the ________.
A) Pacific Northwest
B) Great Lakes region
C) Northeast coast
D) Midwest
E) Sunbelt
What was the most significant outcome of the Boston Massacre?
A) It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops were largely symbolic and the
British would back down in the face of organized resistance.
B) It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops had no effective way to restore
order in the colonies.
C) It showed that the colonists had a better organized army than the British and would
be difficult to defeat.
D) It was the first act of organized resistance against the British troops in the colonies.
E) It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops would resort to violence to restore
order in the colonies.

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