HS 63705

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2160
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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How did most Americans feel about the future by 2010?
a. Most people despaired, and many immigrated to Western Europe or Australia.
b. About 90 percent of Americans thought that the country's best days were over.
c. About half of Americans thought that the country's best days were over.
d. Although the economy was suffering, American confidence remained unchanged.
e. Most Americans were wildly optimistic about the future.
Why were some American women angered by the Fifteenth Amendment?
a. It gave voting rights only to white women, but not to African American women.
b. White women did not want African Americans to have the right to vote.
c. It gave voting rights to black men, but not to any women.
d. It did not make poll taxes or literacy tests illegal.
e. It allowed African Americans to vote in the North and South, but white women could
vote only in the North.
What did the "Red Scare" reveal about the darker side of American society?
a. There was a deep undercurrent of intolerance and bigotry in American society.
b. Americans were more interested in economic growth than in personal liberties.
c. Racism emerged as a new phenomenon in the America of the 1920s.
d. Americans were willing to tolerate immigrants and racial minorities as long as they
stayed out of political life.
e. There was a general indifference toward issues of race, ethnicity, and national
identity in the United States at that time.
How did the Allies decide to split up the reparations in postwar Germany?
a. The Soviet Union would take all the war reparations from Germany.
b. The United States would take all the war reparations from Germany.
c. Each country would take reparations from its own occupation zone.
d. Each country would take reparations from every section of Germany.
e. No country would take war reparations from Germany.
What does the following quotation mean: "In 1899, McKinley spoke of lowering tariff
barriers in a world that technology had made smaller"?
a. After technology had connected the United States to the rest of the world, it made
sense to lower taxes on goods to and from other countries.
b. Because the population of the United States had been decreasing slowly over the
nineteenth century, it made sense to lower taxes on goods from other countries.
c. Since the United States was so dependent on technology from other countries, it
made sense to lower taxes on this technology.
d. Because taxes had decreased over the last decades of the nineteenth century,
technology exchange between countries had increased.
e. Until taxes on goods exported to other countries were increased, the rest of the world
could not benefit from American technology.
What was the result of the 1895 Supreme Court case involving the E. C. Knight
a. The regulatory powers of the federal government were strengthened.
b. There was stronger regulation over manufacturing.
c. It had little effect on national policy.
d. It further weakened the Sherman Antitrust Act.
e. A sharp distinction was drawn between commerce and manufacturing.
What was the most encouraging economic development for women in the late twentieth
a. Women's wages largely closed the gap with men's wages.
b. Women made great progress in entering male-dominated professions.
c. The number of female business owners increased greatly.
d. The number of women serving on corporate boards grew rapidly.
e. The Equal Rights Amendment was ratified in 1982.
In his second term, Roosevelt's success was meager except for __________.
a. the passage of a national health insurance program
b. the passage of minimum wage and maximum hour legislation
c. the passage of anti-lynching legislation
d. a Democratic resurgence in the 1938 elections
e. the emergence of a liberal congressional coalition that aided Roosevelt's reelection
campaign in 1942
Which identifies the most important result of the domestication of maize (corn), beans,
and squash by some Native American groups?
a. People gained greater control over their environments.
b. People stopped hunting mammals.
c. People evolved into a single continental cultural unit.
d. People were able to continue a wandering, hunting lifestyle.
e. People moved closer to the coasts where the land was more fertile.
As for women workers, the American Federation of Labor __________.
a. enthusiastically supported their needs
b. either ignored or opposed them as members
c. brought important changes in the workplace
d. allowed them into leadership positions
e. encouraged all producing women to join
How were royal governors in colonial America more powerful than a king in
eighteenth-century Britain?
a. They had the power to overturn the verdict of colonial judges.
b. They could appoint military commanders-in-chief in each colony.
c. They had the power to appoint their own council.
d. They had the power to tax the colonists.
e. They had the right to veto legislation.
The __________ symbolized the flowering of African American culture in the 1920s.
a. growth of the NAACP
b. flapper era
c. Harlem Renaissance
d. expatriate community
e. "Garveyites"
What was the role of the colonial militias?
a. They played a decisive role in several major battles.
b. They kept the slave population in line.
c. They maintained political control in areas not occupied by British troops.
d. They consisted mainly of African Americans.
e. They would sometimes switch sides if they did not get paid.
In his debates with Stephen Douglas during the 1858 Senate race, Abraham Lincoln's
position on slavery was that he favored __________.
a. abolishing slavery in all the states and territories
b. restricting slavery to the states where it was most profitable
c. restricting slavery to the states where the Constitution protected it
d. using popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue in new territories
e. allowing slavery in newly acquired territories
Where did the Boxer Rebellion take place?
a. the Philippines
b. China
c. Hawaii
d. Cuba
e. Puerto Rico
Which of the following stimulated the western cattle industry?
a. court decisions that allowed livestock to be transported across state lines
b. the discovery of precious metals, which made money available for investment in
c. railroads and a population increase in the eastern United States
d. a decline in the amount of beef imported to the United States
e. dietary changes in the eastern United States
Copperheads __________.
a. strongly supported the Emancipation Proclamation
b. supported the growth of the federal government
c. narrowly won victory in the 1864 election
d. were militant antiwar activists
e. were a group of wealthy industrialists who secretly financed the war
John F. Kennedy played down civil rights legislation because he __________.
a. feared the possibility of alienating southern Democrats
b. did not think the country was ready to consider it
c. did not want to offend conservative African American leaders
d. thought it was unnecessary and should be left to the states
e. thought there was little a president could do to combat racism
What was the major political legacy of the New Deal?
a. It restored the U.S. economy to its original preeminence in the world.
b. It united Democrats and Republicans as no other crisis had before or since.
c. It sought to create a coalition by reaching out to ethnic voters.
d. It changed the political affiliations for most rural and urban voters.
e. It created a unified Democratic party of rural southerners and urban westerners.
Which president entered the White House after the heavily disputed election of 1876?
a. Grover Cleveland
b. William McKinley
c. Rutherford B. Hayes
d. Benjamin Harrison
e. William Jennings Bryan
What was the intended message of southern literature during the 1840s and 1850s?
a. Genteel southern civilization is superior to greedy northern culture.
b. Southerners should reevaluate their dependency on slavery.
c. Southerners should try to change their culture to be more like northerners.
d. Southerners should maintain slavery but dismantle the plantation system.
e. Southern morals should be more strictly based on the Protestant ethic.
By 1810, one-fifth of the American population was made up of __________.
a. Indians
b. immigrants
c. blacks
d. women
e. Catholics
The most profitable commodity bought and sold in the upper tier of southern states was
a. tobacco
b. cotton
c. human beings
d. wheat
e. corn
The term "Iron Curtain" refers to __________.
a. the border between North and South Korea
b. the military operation in which the United States dropped the atom bomb on Japan
c. the railroad system that was restored in Europe after World War II ended
d. the separation between Soviet-dominated Europe and Western Europe
e. the seemingly insurmountable class divide in postwar Western Europe
Population growth in seventeenth-century Virginia and Maryland was retarded by
a. many young women who chose to remain single to ensure their property rights
b. emigration to Bermuda
c. the kidnapping of many women and children by local Indians
d. a high life expectancy rate for women but not for men
e. a gender ratio that was seriously unbalanced
A major change in the college curriculum of the late nineteenth century was to
a. train students for the ministry
b. emphasize classical curriculum
c. have students follow a rigorous, prescribed curriculum
d. stress the practical application of education
e. eliminate electives from the curriculum
The contribution of __________ led to the birth of the factory system in the United
a. Eli Whitney
b. Samuel Slater
c. Benjamin Reed
d. Benjamin Banneker
e. James Stubblefield
The Montgomery bus boycott __________.
a. moved Martin Luther King, Jr. away from his philosophy of passive resistance
b. sparked an outburst of violence against blacks all over the South
c. led to the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. as a black civil rights leader
d. failed to change Montgomery's strict segregation laws
e. ended when President Eisenhower sent in troops to stop the boycott
King Charles I disbanded Parliament in 1629 because he could not deal with intense
criticism from the __________.
a. Puritans
b. Baptists
c. Catholics
d. Anglicans
e. Presbyterians
How did transportation affect industry and agriculture in the early nineteenth century?
a. Improved land and water transportation changed the United States from an
agricultural to an industrial society.
b. Improved land and water transportation allowed the United States to develop more
industry and create a cash crop agricultural system.
c. Developments in land and water transportation were slow, so the United States
remained an agricultural society with virtually no industry.
d. Because land transportation was so poor, water transportation caused industry and
agriculture to be confined to the East coast.
e. Because water transportation was cheaper than land transportation, industry soon
replaced agriculture in the United States.
The principle of the "iron law of wages" stated that __________.
a. the welfare of the workers dictated wages
b. supply and demand regulated wages
c. all workers should be treated the same
d. the quality of work should be determined by managers
e. wages should remain unchanged as long as possible
What did Great Britain do at the beginning of World War I?
a. respected American neutrality
b. made few attempts to influence American policy
c. sought the military aid of the United States
d. sought to restrict American trade with Germany
e. briefly considered a negotiated surrender
What did the Sanitary Commission promote?
a. cleanliness, nutrition, and medical care in northern army camps
b. healthy drinking water in northern cities
c. improved sewer systems in southern urban centers
d. cleanliness in northern factories
e. nutrition and medical care for freed or escaped slaves
The weakness of the League of Nations was revealed when Italy invaded __________.
a. Ethiopia
b. Libya
c. Egypt
d. Spain
e. Greece

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