HS 63400

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 3759
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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Which area of the country had the highest rate of increase in immigration in the 1990s?
A) the North
B) the South
C) the NorthEast
D) the Far West
The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by which of the following facts?
A) television coverage that appeared to show a Viet Cong victory
B) U.S. officials had predicted that American armies were near defeat
C) the permanent loss of Saigon due to the Viet Cong's surprise offensive
D) the U.S. embassy in Bangkok was momentarily taken over by guerrillas
Supporters of Theodore Roosevelt formed the __________ Party and nominated the
former president to run against President Taft.
A) Progressive
B) Populist
C) Green
D) Nationalist
Regarding how humans should deal with the natural world, Theodore Roosevelt can
best be classified a(n) __________.
A) environmentalist
B) preservationist
C) conservationist
D) deep ecologist
What happened when "real wages" failed to keep pace in the period from 1923"1927?
A) corporations decided to raise wages for all workers
B) labor unions were guaranteed the right to collective bargaining
C) the government passed social welfare legislation
D) consumers began to rely more heavily on installment plans
Stereotypes of blacks were reinforced __________.
A) because few blacks lived in northern cities
B) by portrayals of blacks in vaudeville and film
C) when the Knights of Labor refused to accept blacks as members
D) by immigrant newspapers such as the Chicago Defender
Which statement about the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction is true?
A) Republican governors never created policies that resulted in the arrest of members.
B) They attempted to stop women from using their right to vote.
C) Blacks and whites who supported democratic reforms were attacked by members.
D) Their acts of terrorism caused Democrats in the U.S. Congress to pass anti-Klan
Jacob A. Riis's How the Other Half Lives focused on __________.
A) the new opportunities for the growing middle class
B) the sordid life of the urban poor
C) how white males had oppressed the women of America
D) the plight of African Americans
The Scopes Trial revealed fundamentalists' discomfort with __________.
A) international communism
B) nativism
C) labor unions
D) evolutionary science
Which of the following best describes the Republican presidents of the 1920s?
A) They used their power to directly aid the ailing farm economy.
B) They aggressively pursued programs that provided social reform.
C) They emphasized the importance of business interests.
D) They sought legislation to limit the size and power of large industrial companies.
Who replaced Henry Wallace as FDR's running mate in 1944?
A) John Kennedy
B) Harry Truman
C) Harry Hopkins
D) Dwight Eisenhower
Japanese Americans in __________ were treated most leniently.
A) California
B) Washington
C) Oregon
D) Hawaii
What did President Coolidge call "one of the most potent influences" on modern life?
A) organized religion
B) the advertising industry
C) the film industry
D) welfare capitalism
The effort to annex Hawaii in 1893 foreshadowed __________.
A) the differences between Republicans and Democrats regarding imperialism
B) the aggressive imperialistic policies of Grover Cleveland
C) a 20-year period of uninterrupted warfare between the U.S. and Hawaiians
D) America's reliance on France to take the lead in determining foreign policy
What did Hoover believe was the best response to the suffering caused by the economic
A) voluntary private relief
B) relief provided by state governments
C) relief provided by the federal government
D) no intervention or relief
Woodrow Wilson ordered the marines into the Dominican Republic __________.
A) to show that he was not weak in foreign affairs
B) to appease the Republican Party
C) when the Dominicans refused to allow their finances to be controlled by U.S.
D) after the Dominican people attacked the U.S. embassy
A long-lasting legacy of the ideas of the Redeemers was the __________.
A) commitment to achieving civil rights for all minorities
B) establishment of the 'solid South" as a Republican stronghold
C) fostering of antagonistic race relations throughout the South
D) promotion of pro-Union versions of the Civil War
The congressional policy of termination provided one-time payments, but little else, to
A) blacks
B) women
C) Native Americans
D) Latinos
Prior to disenfranchisement, blacks' participation in the politics of the South was
A) not a factor in state politics
B) active and influential
C) sporadic and weak
D) unimportant in local elections
Seven policemen and four workers were killed by a bomb at Haymarket Square in
A) Chicago
B) Homestead, Pennsylvania
C) New York
D) Fort Collins, Colorado
Which of the following was NOT one of the promises Bill Clinton made in the
campaign of 1992?
A) to reduce government bureaucracy
B) to reduce the deficit
C) to make a return to "family values"
D) to work on health care and welfare reform
The courageous athlete who broke the "color line" in major league baseball was
A) Jackie Robinson
B) Hank Aaron
C) Jesse Owens
D) Willie Mays
Which of the following best describes the midterm elections of 1938?
A) It suggested that FDR would have a difficult time getting programs passed.
B) The Democrats lost their majorities in the House and Senate.
C) It launched the third wave of New Deal legislation.
D) Progressive Southern Democrats emerged as a stronger political force.
Which of the following groups had the greatest influence on the development of jazz?
A) African Americans
B) Spanish immigrants
C) Caribbean immigrants
D) Mexican Americans
The United States and the Soviet Union disputed the Yalta Conference's decrees
regarding __________.
A) free elections in western Europe
B) the existence of socialism in the Soviet Union
C) the status of Poland
D) the war-guilt clause for World War II
Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972) forbade discrimination by gender in all
A) colleges and universities
B) K-12 schools
C) after-school programs
D) educational programs receiving federal aid
Japan surrendered to the United States __________.
A) the day after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
B) because they feared the entry of the Soviet Union into the war in the Pacific
C) as a result of the destructive fire bombings of Tokyo
D) after the United States dropped a second atomic bomb
The presidents in the era 1868"1897 were known for __________.
A) their weak use of presidential powers
B) their liberal views regarding social reform
C) their assertive support of labor
D) sponsoring many legislative actions
Developments in foreign relations in the late 1980s included __________.
A) relatively peaceful revolutions that toppled Soviet control of eastern Europe
B) a heightening of the Cold War and the arms race
C) the emergence of a strong isolationist foreign policy by the United States
D) President Bush's aggressive verbal attacks on Mikhail Gorbachev
The passage of Great Society programs was made possible primarily by __________.
A) a series of favorable Supreme Court rulings on their potential constitutionality
B) the support of many moderate Republicans
C) the support of nearly all southern Democrats
D) the large majorities Democrats gained in Congress in the 1964 elections
The most commonly used form of disenfranchisement in the South was the
A) grandfather clause
B) literacy test
C) poll tax
D) understanding clause
Which of the following caused an expansion in state governments in the late nineteenth
A) the need to regulate industry
B) the need to create government jobs for the unemployed
C) the need to regulate commerce
D) the need to provide social services to disadvantaged groups
Who was the first female vice-presidential candidate?
A) Geraldine Ferraro
B) Patricia Schroeder
C) Dianne Feinstein
D) Sandra Day O"Connor
How did the backgrounds and individual personalities of Presidents Johnson, Nixon,
and Carter shape their successes and failures as national leaders?
How did the role of women change during the Progressive Era? What effect did this
have on the advancement of progressivism?
What role did New Deal reforms play in the lives of women, blacks, and Indians? Did
the New Deal increase discrimination or did it serve as a foundation for later civil rights
What were the consequences and long-term effects of the Committee of Public
Information, the Food Administration, and the War Industries Board?
Many historians feel that both the promise and disappointment of Reconstruction
provided the foundation for the next 100 years of race relations in the South. In what
ways is this idea true?
Analyze the causes of Harry Truman's upset victory in the election of 1948. Which
factor do you believe was most decisive?
In what ways did social reform and social control often intermingle in the Progressive
Era? Which impulse was more prevalent in the period from 1905 to 1918?
In what ways was the prosperity of the 1920s misleading? What examples led people to
believe the country was beginning a period of unending prosperity? What underlying
factors revealed that economic problems were just around the corner?
What social developments reveal the emergence of a predominant middle-class culture
in the United States?
What were the major goals of the Bush administration after the election of 2000? How
did Bush go about putting his ideas and goals into effect?
In what ways was the activism of female reformers in the South both progressive and
Assume that it is April 1917 and write a speech regarding American involvement in
World War I from the vantage point of one of the following people: Woodrow Wilson,
Eugene Debs, William Jennings Bryan, or Theodore Roosevelt.
Describe the relationship of containment and NSC-68 to the purpose of American
involvement in the Korean War.
Some historians feel that Theodore Roosevelt was the "first modern president" of the
twentieth century. What evidence supports this claim? In what ways do you believe this
is true or untrue?
What combination of causes led to American involvement in the Spanish-American
War? What were the key factors in producing a quick American victory?
Analyze American foreign policy regarding World War I in the period from 1914 to
April 1917. What were the main causes of America's eventual involvement in the war?
Describe the ways in which both Dwight Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson furthered the
legacy and reforms of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

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