HS 62087

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1981
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which was NOT a territorial change under the Peace of Paris (1763), which ended the
Seven Years' War?
A) Spain gained Louisiana
B) Britain gained Florida
C) France lost all land claims in continental North America
D) Spain gained Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean
E) Britain gained Canada
The author of the original proposal for the Bill of Rights was ________.
A) Patrick Henry
B) George Washington
C) Alexander Hamilton
D) James Madison
E) Thomas Jefferson
How did FDR's attitude toward budget deficits impact the success of the New Deal?
A) He drew from the country's reserves and could not rescue the economy.
B) He did not see the importance of deficits, which could have helped the economy.
C) He raised the deficits, which inhibited his ability to save the economy.
D) He sought a balanced budget when he should have increased spending.
E) He spent too much and nearly bankrupted the United States.
How did Wilson direct the United States' involvement during the war?
A) He used much of his considerable personal fortune for propaganda.
B) He established agencies to focus factory, food, and fuel resources on the war effort.
C) He instituted and then increased personal and business income taxes.
D) He worked to increase trade with Asia, Africa, and Europe.
E) He established federal programs that rewarded participation in the war effort.
Which of these slowly pushed popular sentiment in the U.S. to favor entering the war?
A) assaults on Poland
B) the battle of Britain
C) the invasion of Ethiopia
D) the Soviet entry into the war
E) the fall of France
The attack on Fort Sumter ________.
A) was a prolonged and exceptionally bloody battle
B) weakened the secession movement
C) caused increasing opposition to the war in the North
D) united northern opinion against the rebellion
E) was the first southern defeat of the war
The most significant social trend in postwar America was _______.
A) the decline of the nuclear family
B) a decrease in the birth rate
C) a decline in family size
D) the emergence of the drug culture
E) the flight to the suburbs
What was the greatest triumph of American technology during the mid-nineteenth
A) improvements in the transportation infrastructure
B) new uses for vulcanized rubber
C) improved farm implements
D) sophisticated machine tools
E) more efficient farming strategies
Henry Ford is often described as the inventor of the assembly line. In what way is this
an inaccurate description?
A) Ford didn't invent the assembly line himself; his managers and workers did.
B) Ford only improved upon the meatpacking industry's use of the assembly line.
C) Because human workers worked on the line, it wasn"t really an assembly line.
D) Because machines were involved, it wasn"t really an assembly line.
E) The assembly line wasn"t used in the company until after Henry Ford's death.
Why did the population of New England rise in the seventeenth century?
A) Better overall health resulted in people living longer.
B) Puritan families tended to have many children.
C) Couples in New England married younger and tended to have more children.
D) Many more immigrants came to New England than to the other colonies.
E) Colonists from the southern colonies moved to New England in large numbers.
The tension between ________ became nearly insurmountable in the years between the
elections of 1856 and 1860.
A) blacks and whites
B) Northerners and Southerners
C) immigrants and native-born citizens
D) farmers and factory owners
E) Southerners and former slaves
The contribution of ________ led to the birth of the factory system in the United States.
A) Eli Whitney
B) Samuel Slater
C) Benjamin Reed
D) Robert Lowell
E) James Stubblefield
How did Great Britain and France respond to initial German aggression in 1938?
A) by immediately threatening war
B) by allying with the Soviet Union
C) by seizing German territory
D) by attempting to appease Hitler
E) by blockading German ports
Which of these popular forms of entertainment drew on the immigrant experience?
A) jazz
B) listening to records
C) vaudeville
D) ragtime
E) moving pictures
Where did the techniques of the western cattle industry originate?
A) Mexico
B) Spain
C) New England
D) the plantation South
E) the Midwest
William Penn acquired the Three Lower Counties to provide Pennsylvania with
A) Philadelphia.
B) settlers.
C) access to the Atlantic.
D) arable land lacking in Pennsylvania.
E) mineral resources.
Which of the following adjectives best describes economic recovery in the wake of the
New Deal?
A) fast and steep
B) well-paced and continuous
C) slow and halting
D) slow but steady
E) fast but halting
Which of the following statements is NOT true of President Thomas Jefferson?
A) He was a man of great intellectual ability.
B) He created the military academy at West Point.
C) He hated the national debt.
D) He wanted to cut government spending.
E) He loved the military and saw it as America's greatest asset.
What was considered the final blow to the Plains Indians' way of life?
A) the deaths of the major Native American leaders
B) the extermination of the buffalo herds
C) incessant tribal warfare
D) the reservation system
E) the introduction of crop farming
The leading figure at the Albany Congress, and designer of the Albany Plan, was
A) Thomas Jefferson
B) George Washington
C) William Pitt
D) John Adams
E) Benjamin Franklin
Most southern whites ________.
A) owned at least one slave
B) were nonslaveholding yeoman farmers
C) were poor people who sympathized with the slaves
D) owned at least five slaves
E) favored abolishing slavery
What was the effect of the American Revolution on slavery?
A) Soon after the end of the war, slavery was abolished in northern states.
B) The war set a time limit to end slavery in the South.
C) The war had little effect on slavery.
D) Initially, the war led to African Americans' gaining freedom.
E) The war emancipated African Americans in several states.
Who was the "great pacificator" who established the Compromise of 1850?
A) John C. Calhoun
B) Henry Clay
C) Lewis Cass
D) Zachary Taylor
E) Roger B. Taney
What did the young children of plantation slaves do while their parents worked?
A) They often accompanied their parents and were cared for by older children.
B) They often went to segregated schools before they were old enough to work.
C) They were often cared for at home by their mothers.
D) They were often sent to nurseries where other slaves cared for them.
E) They often played with the young children of the plantation owners.
What was "labor peace," and how did it affect the war?
A) "Labor peace" was workers agreeing not to strike so that they might work
productively for the war effort.
B) "Labor peace" was the term associated with the mainly socialist union workers who
were working for peace and against the war effort.
C) "Labor peace" meant workers striking peacefully, without resorting to violence or
underhanded tactics.
D) "Labor peace" described the more peaceful factory environment that welcomed
women and African-American workers.
E) "Labor peace" was an alliance of government, business, and labor that benefited
government and business interests.
The Ashcan School of artists ________.
A) turned against realistic portrayals of life
B) tried to reflect the reality of urban life
C) were abstract artists
D) were influenced by European artists
E) believed that "less is more"
Why did Reagan fire air traffic controllers in the summer of 1981?
A) in retaliation for their lack of support during the 1980 election
B) in response to a record number of accidents at airport around the nation
C) in response to a strike by the air traffic controllers' union
D) to prevent the formation of an air traffic controllers' union
E) to forestall a wage increase that would threaten the balanced budget
Most African Americans shifted political affiliation from the Republican Party to the
Democratic Party in response to _______.
A) FDR designing the TVA and NRA specifically to benefit African Americans.
B) FDR appointing African Americans to high-ranking government positions.
C) FDR ensuring that African Americans received the same wages as white workers.
D) FDR using the New Deal to create legislation to end segregation in the South.
E) FDR providing employment and job security to most African Americans.
How is the 2004 presidential election best described?
A) unusual because no public debates were allowed due to security concerns
B) similar to other recent presidential elections
C) unique because repeated recounts had to be made
D) harmonious because everyone was united against terrorism
E) especially bitter and spiteful as each party blamed and criticized the other
The Sherman Antitrust Act ________.
A) was vague and at the mercy of the courts
B) had little effect on antitrust policy
C) was only concerned with regulating railroads
D) did not have criminal penalties for violators
E) was used aggressively by the Justice Department
Which statement provides the best interpretation of this sentence from text page 53?
"The diversity of early English colonization must be emphasized precisely because it is
so easy to overlook."
A) Most historians did not realize how similar the English colonies were when they
were initially settled.
B) The reasons that people settled the English colonies were so complex that they have
only begun to be understood recently.
C) Settlers of the English colonies tended to overlook the hardships that they would
face because they were so eager for religious freedom.
D) The experiences of the early English colonists cannot be separated from their
experiences back in England.
E) Because most of the colonists were English, and eventually formed a single nation,
many assume that they were originally more alike than different.
Which political tensions began in the 1920s and still exist today?
A) tensions between Protestants and Catholics
B) tensions between Republicans and Democrats
C) tensions between "wets" and "drys"
D) tensions between traditional conservatives and neo-conservatives
E) tensions between male and female politicians
During the Civil War, about ________ African Americans served in the Union Army.
A) 10,000
B) 100,000
C) 200,000
D) 500,000
E) 1,000,000
What brought most German immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and 1850s?
A) They wanted to avoid European wars.
B) They wanted to escape tough economic times.
C) They wanted to escape catastrophic famine.
D) They wanted to escape political oppression.
E) They wanted to escape religious persecution.

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