HS 59498

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2236
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The turning point of the Pacific war was the American victory at the battle of _______,
which gave the United States control of the Central Pacific.
A) Coral Sea
B) Guadalcanal
C) Midway
D) Iwo Jima
E) Leyte Gulf
How did Republican policies affect the wealthiest Americans?
A) Overall, the wealthiest Americans paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
B) Wealthy Americans faced new kinds of taxes, such as the estate tax.
C) Wealthy Americans saw their income taxes reduced significantly.
D) The wealthiest Americans became the hardest hit during the Great Depression.
E) The wealthiest Americans experienced a difficult relationship with the government.
In 1986, Congress responded to concerns about the economic effects of undocumented
workers when it ________.
A) tripled the size of the border patrol
B) built a wall across the Canadian border
C) doubled the funds for border enforcement
D) repealed privacy laws to find undocumented workers
E) penalized employers who hired undocumented workers
To what was French historian Alexis de Tocqueville referring to when he wrote that
Americans did not believe "that democratic principles should undermine the husband's
authority and make it doubtful who is in charge of the family"?
A) In France, unlike in the U.S., women experienced true democracy both in and
outside of the home.
B) In the U.S., women did not experience true democracy in or outside of their homes.
C) In the U.S., unlike in France, women experienced true democracy both in and
outside of the home.
D) Democracy undermines women's rights and safety in the American home.
E) U.S. democracy supports and establishes women's rights in the American home.
What did the United States look forward to after its victory in World War II?
A) controlling post-war governments in Germany and Italy
B) breaking up the Soviet Union
C) seizing German resources
D) controlling western Europe
E) dominance in the Pacific
How did authors Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald differ?
A) Hemingway lived as an expatriate in Europe, while Fitzgerald remained at home in
the United States.
B) Hemingway belonged to the Lost Generation, while Fitzgerald was part of the
Harlem Renaissance.
C) Hemingway's style included bittersweet prose, while Fitzgerald favored a sparse,
clean approach.
D) Hemingway wrote about a lack of human concern, while Fitzgerald wrote about the
quest for personal honor.
E) Hemingway was known for his glittery lifestyle on Long Island, while Fitzgerald
became renowned for stalking lions in Africa.
NAFTA is ________.
A) the first lending institution to need a government bailout in 2008
B) the most common weapon of mass destruction found in Iraq
C) an arms treaty between the United States and Russia
D) a free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada
E) an international organization helping nations move from communism to democracy
Southern apologists claimed the master-slave relationship was more humane than the
employer-worker relationship because it offered ________.
A) job training
B) a more egalitarian relationship
C) better working conditions
D) greater long-term security
E) gender equality
What issue became especially controversial after Chief Justice William Rehnquist died
and Associate Justice Sandra Day O"Connor retired?
A) medical insurance
B) immigration
C) abortion
D) government bailouts
E) loans made after disasters
What is one reason why the election of 1936 was noteworthy?
A) It restored Republicans to power after years of Democratic rule.
B) It was the first time a third-party candidate received a sizable number of votes.
C) It marked the creation of a new, powerful political coalition.
D) It affected the political affiliation of most rural and small town voters.
E) It solidified a Democratic party of rural southerners and urban westerners.
Why was the "civilization" of Native Americans tragic?
A) Some Native Americans refused to become civilized, so they were murdered by
white Americans.
B) Many Native Americans tried to use civilized means like protests and boycotts to
influence the U.S. government for their rights but failed.
C) Few Native Americans wanted to become "civilized" because it meant giving up
their culture in exchange for land and citizenship.
D) Most Native Americans were unable to demonstrate aspects of civilization:
literature, art, or organized society.
E) Some Native Americans sacrificed their culture to try to assimilate into white society
and still they weren"t accepted or granted rights.
When Kenneth Starr released his report outlining possible impeachment charges against
Clinton, the American public ________.
A) became even angrier with Clinton for his indiscretions and deceits
B) ignored Starr's report
C) wanted all information about presidential affairs reported in the news
D) supported Starr for his thorough investigation and reporting of the President's
E) condemned Starr for revealing on the news such graphic and intimate details of
sexual practices
How did the debate between public morality and private freedom inform political
debate in the 1780s?
A) The Americans who preached public morality did not believe in political debate.
B) Because public morality and private freedom are in direct contrast, they mirror the
political debates of the 1780s about tyranny versus republicanism.
C) Because public morality leads to private freedom, Americans believed that British
tyranny would lead to American democracy.
D) Americans defended individual rights but believed that a society without virtue
couldn"t preserve liberty and independence.
E) Because English colonialism had imposed public morality, Americans rejected it for
private freedom.
How did immigrant families compare to native-born families in the late nineteenth
A) Immigrant families married earlier than native-born families, and as a result, had
more children.
B) Immigrant families had fewer children than native-born families, mostly because
they lived in cramped tenements that could not support large families.
C) Immigrant families tended to marry later and have more children than native-born
D) Immigrant families were usually headed by single women, whereas native-born
Americans tended to have nuclear families.
E) Immigrant families married much earlier than native-born families, and also tended
to die at much earlier ages.
The principle of the "iron law of wages" stated that ________.
A) the welfare of the workers dictated wages
B) supply and demand regulated wages
C) all workers should be treated the same
D) the quality of work should be determined by managers
E) wages should remain unchanged as long as possible
After the Civil War, ________.
A) there was little need for reform movements
B) women were excluded from reform movements
C) reform movements remained active in American life
D) the national government was the major agent for change
E) reformers focused exclusively on temperance
Which of the following is incorrectly matched with its colonies?
A) France: Canada
B) Portugal: Brazil
C) Spain: Puerto Rico
D) England: Cuba
E) Spain: Mexico
In which way did the richest plantation families resemble a traditional landed
A) Planters were poor businessmen.
B) Planters collected taxes from the peasants who worked their land.
C) Planters' sons chose military or law careers rather than going into trade.
D) Planters lived lives of leisure.
E) Most planters were descended from titled families.
The selection of a site for Jamestown was based primarily on the settlers' ________.
A) fear of surprise attacks
B) desire for a healthful place to live
C) belief that friendly Indians lived nearby
D) need for close proximity to the open ocean
E) fear of diseases in the swamps
What led to riots in both Los Angeles and Detroit in 1943?
A) food shortages
B) abusive labor conditions
C) racial tensions
D) strong antiwar sentiments
E) layoffs in wartime industries
How was Eugene Debs affected by the passage of new laws during World War I?
A) He was arrested for denouncing the war and sent to prison.
B) He gained the right to run for president as a member of the Socialist party.
C) He was sent to prison on the charge of conspiring with the Germans.
D) He was sent to an internment camp with other German American citizens.
E) He was granted the right to check mail for treasonous materials.
What was the significance of Ford's Highland Park plant in the transition to modern
A) It was the first factory to open in the United States.
B) It marked the maturity of mass production in the United States.
C) This plant produced crucial military equipment for World War I.
D) It was the place in which organized labor first emerged.
E) Women laborers were employed here for the first time.
The Camp David accords provided a framework for peace negotiations between
A) the United States and the Soviet Union
B) North Vietnam and South Vietnam
C) Iran and the United States
D) Israel and Egypt
E) the Soviet Union and China
How did southern opinion about the morality of slavery change during the 1830s?
A) People began to describe slavery as a positive good.
B) People began to describe slavery as a necessary evil.
C) People began to describe slavery as a doomed institution.
D) People began to describe slavery as a simple business arrangement.
E) People began to describe slavery as a sinful enterprise.
Lincoln rejected the Crittenden compromise because _______.
A) he wanted to avoid war with the South
B) war was by then inevitable
C) extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific would solve the slavery issue
D) the firing on Fort Sumter had begun the war
E) he felt he had a mandate to oppose slavery
Why did John D. Rockefeller reject competition among oil companies?
A) He believed that consolidation, not competition, created stronger companies.
B) He did not want to be forced to lower his prices to consumers.
C) He felt that other oil companies were inferior to his company.
D) He believed that competition would only weaken his own company.
E) He felt that his company needed to develop before it could compete with others.
The Northwest Ordinance ________.
A) defined the process by which a territory became a state
B) provided for a survey of the Northwest Territory
C) ignored the basic rights of settlers in the region
D) specifically allowed slavery to exist in the region
E) was one of the first acts passed under the Confederation
Which of these arrived in the 1910s, helping to end the isolation felt by farmers?
A) electrification of most rural areas
B) rural free delivery and mail order businesses
C) telephones in most areas of rural America
D) radio programs
E) commuter trains
Why did Andrew Johnson resist the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Fourteenth
A) Johnson felt that these laws did not grant equal rights to African Americans, and thus
pushed for further legislation.
B) Johnson strongly supported states' rights and felt that these laws did not allow states
to manage their own affairs.
C) Johnson felt that by stating the rights of African Americans, state governments
would be able to exploit legal loopholes.
D) Johnson believed that his Republican supporters would never vote for him again if
he backed equal rights for African Americans.
E) Johnson knew that these laws would only encourage terrorist organizations to form
in opposition to them.
In the first House vote on the Wilmot Proviso, party lines crumbled and the vote split
A) along party lines
B) along sectional lines
C) along religious lines
D) along socioeconomic lines
E) along gender lines
In his approach to foreign affairs, Wilson could be described as _____.
A) a militarist
B) a moralist
C) an economist
D) a global strategist
E) a pacifist
Which of these describe Roosevelt's second term in office?
A) He used his mandate to enact a progressive agenda.
B) The closeness of the election weakened his presidency.
C) Struggles with Taft made his presidency difficult.
D) His second term in office was nearly identical to his first.
E) He moved from activism to coalition-building.
Which describes the Industrial Workers of the World?
A) the most radical American labor union
B) similar to the American Federation of Labor
C) a self-help group for immigrant workers
D) an American business aimed at immigrants
E) a lobbying group for immigrant businesses

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