HS 58842

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1460
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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McKinley feared that if the United States did not take over __________ it might be
acquired by Japan or Germany.
A) the Philippines
B) Hawaii
C) Guam
D) Cuba
The Farmer's Alliance originated in __________.
A) Kansas
B) Oklahoma
C) Illinois
D) Texas
One effect of deregulation was __________.
A) the strengthening of organized labor unions
B) more economic power for the poor
C) the destruction and bailout of the savings and loan industry
D) big business withdrawing its support for President Reagan
Why did many elections in the late nineteenth century focus on the scandalous conduct
of the candidates?
A) Most voters were poorly informed about the major issues of the time.
B) The two major parties largely agreed on most of the major issues of the time.
C) The disagreement between the two parties was so sharp and bitter that personal
attacks became common.
D) Voters typically did not have strong opinions about governmental policy.
President Johnson, like most white northerners, believed that African Americans
A) were inferior
B) should have a voice in government
C) lacked a free man's will
D) deserved reparations
Truman's world-view that __________, helped to shape his policies regarding Russia.
A) all countries should exist in cooperation and interdependence
B) unprovoked aggression is better than having to respond to a tragedy
C) there was much to be learned from foreign cultures
D) the world was a series of either-or choices
The term gilded age refers specifically to a time when __________.
A) labor unions were successfully promoting their own candidates for president
B) America reached a healthy balance of wealth among all social classes
C) Americans were migrating from the North to the South in record numbers
D) materialistic excess and sharp social divisions existed
How did settlement workers differ from earlier reformers?
A) They believed widespread poverty was a major social ill.
B) They viewed the "evils" of poverty as the product of social environment.
C) They believed the primary cause of poverty was moral weakness.
D) They campaigned for laws to protect women and children.
Due to fear of Soviet expansionism, the U.S. policy in Japan __________.
A) was hostile to the economic development of Japan
B) imposed a military state for the first decade after the war
C) encouraged Japanese loyalty by nurturing its economic recovery
D) called for joint investment by the United States and U.S.S.R. in Japan
Which of the following was a goal of the American Protective League?
A) working for the reelection of President Wilson
B) opposing women's suffrage
C) eliminating the use of German words in American society
D) promoting state control of banks
Which of the following was a major outcome of the Spanish-American War?
A) the establishment of an extensive American empire
B) the emergence of the nation's status as a world power
C) the reluctance of the government to get involved in other foreign conflicts
D) the beginning of a new period of opportunity and problems in foreign policy
A significant shift in voting demographics occurred in the 1930s when __________.
A) wealthy industrialists abandoned the Republican Party
B) the lowest voter turnouts in American history occurred
C) blacks shifted their loyalties from the Republicans to the Democrats
D) the "Solid South" crumbled as the Republican Party increased its popularity
Hubert Humphrey's narrow defeat in 1968 was due, in part, to __________.
A) his conservative views on race
B) Richard Nixon's promise to escalate the war in Vietnam
C) the violence that had occurred at the Democratic convention in Chicago
D) the antiwar movement's support for Richard Nixon's candidacy
Which of the following ideas was advanced by advocates of low tariffs?
A) Lower tariffs would protect domestic manufacturers.
B) Lower tariffs would raise the wages of American laborers.
C) Lower tariffs would increase the treasury surplus.
D) Lower tariffs would encourage foreign trade.
Who decided the election of 2000?
A) the American people
B) the election committee of Florida
C) Jeb Bush
D) the Supreme Court
Which of the following occurred as a result of the three large labor strikes in 1919?
A) the alliance of the A.F.L. with the C.I.O
B) the government requiring collective bargaining
C) labor's recognition that they could easily win strikes
D) a public backlash against unions
One immediate problem in the first few years after the war was __________.
A) a housing shortage
B) the national feeling that not much was gained by victory in the war
C) large-scale unemployment
D) a marked decrease in the standard of living for the middle class
Which of the following qualified as a cow town?
A) Madison
B) St. Louis
C) San Antonio
D) Cheyenne
The main western economic alliance that developed in the early years of the Cold War
centered on the United States, western Europe, and __________.
A) Latin America
B) eastern Europe
C) Japan
D) China
What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890?
A) The Dawes Act was signed by representatives of the Sioux.
B) Red Cloud addressed his tribe for the final time.
C) Geronimo was captured after eluding the army for two years.
D) At least 200 Sioux men, women, and children were slaughtered.
In the 1920s, more than __________ million African Americans moved to Northern
cities from the rural South.
A) one and a half
B) two
C) three
D) five and a half
In the year after the surrender of Japan __________.
A) Americans were reluctant to reduce the size of the armed forces
B) consumer purchases of automobiles continued to increase
C) a lack of labor strikes revealed domestic good will and confident prosperity
D) high demand and short supply meant inflationary pressure
The Greenback Party formed primarily in response to __________.
A) the rise of the Populist Party
B) corruption in the federal bureaucracy
C) congressional laws passed by sound money advocates
D) the success of the free silver advocates
How did Populists and Coxeyites differ from earlier reform groups?
A) They directly appealed to the federal government for economic and social reforms.
B) They intentionally limited their appeal to particular regions.
C) They refused to get involved in the intricacies of electoral politics.
D) They ignored the issue of women's suffrage.
Life in gay communities took an abrupt turn in the 1980s when __________.
A) the Supreme Court ruled that companies could not provide insurance for gay
B) the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental illness
C) Congress supported passage of a national equal rights law for homosexuals
D) a worldwide AIDS epidemic began to impact the population of the United States
Which of the following was acquired by the United States as a result of the
Spanish-American War?
A) the Philippines
B) the Canary Islands
C) British Guiana
D) Midway Islands
As the size of the industrial work force grew in the late nineteenth century,
A) the number of firms in given industries shrank
B) immigration to the Northeast decreased
C) working conditions greatly improved
D) ethnic urban regions experienced a golden age of prosperity
Warren Harding's easy victory in the election of 1920 was largely due to __________.
A) the nation's dissatisfaction with Wilson and the Democrats
B) the public's rising support for the labor movement
C) his sharp intelligence and noble spirit
D) his strong commitment to social justice
Who was the leader of the American Expeditionary Force?
A) Hiram Johnson
B) Douglas MacArthur
C) John J. Pershing
D) George Creel
Which ethnic group is the fastest growing in the United States?
A) Asians
B) Hispanics
C) Europeans
D) Jamaicans

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