HS 48687

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2128
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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At the end of the Seven Years' War, American colonists could be best characterized as
A) hostile toward the British
B) optimistic about the future
C) apathetic about colonial-British relations
D) eager for independence from Great Britain
E) trying to rebuild
Which of the following men was NOT a presidential candidate in the 1860 election?
A) John Bell
B) John Breckinridge
C) Stephen Douglas
D) Millard Fillmore
E) Abraham Lincoln
The court decision in Roe v. Wade guaranteed a woman's right to ________.
A) attend traditionally all-male schools
B) run for public office
C) serve in the military
D) earn equal pay for equal work
E) obtain an abortion
Nixon's program to improve relations with the Soviet Union was known as ________.
A) containment
B) dtente
C) perestroika
D) dmarche
E) entente
Which practice provides some support for the idea that planters were benevolent
parents to their slaves?
A) The masters of large plantations had close relationships with most of their slaves.
B) Planters generally treated their slaves like their own children.
C) Slaves in the American South were treated better relative to slaves in Brazil and the
West Indies.
D) Planters, as Christians, acknowledged the validity of slave marriages.
E) Planters made sure that slaves were given a rudimentary education.
Members of the Federalist party ________.
A) advocated states' rights
B) supported the French Revolution
C) wanted Thomas Jefferson to be president
D) supported a strong national government
E) despised centralized economic planning
Which of the following individuals assumed the least progressive position regarding
race relations in the early 1900s?
A) Theodore Roosevelt (second term)
B) Woodrow Wilson (first term)
C) William Taft
D) Booker T. Washington
E) W. E. B. Du Bois
Which statement best characterizes how the labor force changed during the 1800s?
A) Male workers made the transition from being factory workers to being artisans.
B) Male workers made the transition from being artisans to being factory workers.
C) Married women were more likely to work in factories than men.
D) Married women were more likely to work in factories than unmarried women.
E) Immigrants were being replaced in factories by native-born Americans.
Which American president had little formal education as a child, but sharpened his
intellect through participation in debating societies and lyceums?
A) James K. Polk
B) John Quincy Adams
C) Abraham Lincoln
D) James Garfield
E) Franklin Pierce
President Reagan's tax compromise with Congress called for an income tax cut of
A) 10 percent for three consecutive years
B) 15 percent over two years
C) 5 percent the first year and 10 percent the second and third years
D) 20 percent over two years
E) 5 percent each year for four years
In what way did Theodore Roosevelt embody the concept of pragmatism?
A) In breaking the trusts and large corporations, he demonstrated that he believed in
natural laws instead of actions.
B) In deciding to run for a third term, he demonstrated a belief in the absolute truth of
his right to the presidency.
C) He approached problems not by applying an ideology, but in an ad hoc manner.
D) In his conservation of wilderness in America, he demonstrated his belief in divine
laws, meaning that God had given America the land to take care of.
E) In his unequal treatment of African Americans, he demonstrated the pragmatic
ability to be "tough-minded" in a world with no easy answers.
How were political parties formed in the United States?
A) Each congressman voted on possible party affiliations.
B) They were a simple continuation of Federalist and Antifederalist groups.
C) Opponents who had disagreed on economic policy split further regarding foreign
D) Political parties developed out of the personal followings of Jefferson and Hamilton.
E) Washington, seeing how divided the country was about slavery, proposed political
parties as a way for people to disagree civilly.
What did the popularity of sports in the United States indicate?
A) the influence of European culture
B) the increased amount of leisure time
C) the breakdown of sexual barriers
D) increased freedom for children
E) the boredom of industrial workers
What does it mean to say that some professions became "feminized" in the late 1800s?
A) Women were much better at certain jobs, such as nursing, and began to dominate
those fields.
B) Men were no longer capable of doing certain jobs, since they were needed in
industrial jobs, so women took their places.
C) Only married women were allowed to work at certain jobs since unmarried women
would be leaving their jobs eventually to get married.
D) As more women took jobs in certain fields, men left them, and this lowered the
status of these professions.
E) Many women began to get work as lawyers, doctors, and ministers, and Americans
began to accept women in these kinds of work.
The Congressional War Hawks in 1812 were most interested in ________.
A) putting a stop to British impressment of American sailors
B) decreasing American reliance on foreign exports
C) showing France that America was a major military power
D) proving the might and dignity of the U.S.
E) controlling U.S. trade in Canada and Europe
President McKinley attempted to direct the Republicans toward ________.
A) inflation through increased currency
B) economic growth with subsidies and tariffs
C) the regulation and control of industry
D) adopting the free coinage of silver
E) decreasing the Treasury's supply of gold
How were average Americans asked to participate in the war effort?
A) The men were drafted as soldiers, and the women were drafted either as nurses or
factory workers.
B) They were asked to save scraps of metal, rubber, and cloth to be turned into
machines and weapons for war.
C) They were asked to conserve gasoline, meat, and wheat; they were encouraged to
plant gardens to supplement their needs.
D) They were asked to donate a tenth of their income to the war effort, earning the
name the "war tithe."
E) They were required to give a tenth of their income to the war effort, earning the
name the "mandatory tithe."
The first large group of German immigrants moved to America seeking ________.
A) free land
B) religious tolerance
C) an opportunity to become wealthy farmers
D) markets for their craft products
E) work to bring their families from Europe
As the chief negotiator with France, ________ engineered the Louisiana Purchase along
with Robert Livingston.
A) James Madison
B) John Quincy Adams
C) John Marshall
D) James Monroe
E) Thomas Jefferson
What did the Soviet Union look forward to after its victory in World War II?
A) creating communist regimes in eastern Europe
B) establishing trade routes with Britain and the United States
C) improving its relationship with the United States
D) establishing a communist government in Russia
E) receiving monetary compensation from the United Nations
Which of the following did not result from the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe
A) The Rio Grande was confirmed as the southern border of Texas.
B) The United States paid Mexico $15 million.
C) Slavery would not be allowed west of the Rio Grande.
D) Mexico ceded New Mexico and California to the United States.
E) Mexican residents of the ceded areas would become American citizens.
The founding of the NAACP grew out of ________.
A) race riots and lynchings
B) strikes at major industrial plants
C) differences between white and black reformers
D) political fighting over a civil rights amendment
E) northern reaction to southern politics
The ________ Company was responsible for the settlement of Jamestown.
A) New England
B) Royal African
C) Virginia
D) American
E) New World
What was true about the temperance movement of the nineteenth century?
A) It was created to help unmarried women survive in the workforce.
B) It led to a rise in organized crime due to criminalization of alcohol consumption.
C) It was the least successful reform movement of the era.
D) It was created to address alcohol consumption rates much lower than modern rates.
E) It addressed a very real social problem of the time.
How did the creation of reform programs during the New Deal eventually lead to its
A) The programs actually did very little to change the U.S. economic situation.
B) The programs required massive government spending and could not be sustained.
C) The programs were dismissed by Republicans who took control of Congress.
D) The programs were unpopular with the general public who began to speak out.
E) The programs were too progressive and could not outlast political changes.
What was the motivation for German Lutherans to come to the middle colonies in the
later 1700s?
A) Their primary goal was to improve their lives materially.
B) They wanted to escape the war that was going on between Germany and France.
C) They were seeking political freedom.
D) They were seeking religious freedom.
E) Their primary goal was to convert more people to Lutheranism in the colonies.
Which provides the strongest evidence that eighteenth-century slavery was based on
A) Slave status depended entirely on the amount of money a person had, and blacks had
little money.
B) The status of a person as a slave depended on where the person was born, and being
born in Africa made a person a slave.
C) The status of a person as a slave depended entirely on skin color.
D) The status of a person as a slave depended partly on skin color and partly on
E) The status of a person as a slave depended entirely on social class.
For many political and religious leaders, expansion ________.
A) meant the demise of the American system
B) would threaten the purity of the Anglo-Saxon race
C) would put the United States into direct conflict with European nations
D) was necessary for sustained economic growth
E) went against the ideals of Christianity and American democracy
The Federalist was a series of essays written by ________.
A) Washington and Adams
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
D) Randolph and Franklin
E) Samuel Chase
How did the Republican Party manage to gain so much support in the 1850s?
A) It was sympathetic toward immigrants.
B) It supported agricultural expansion.
C) It wanted to prohibit slavery in the territories.
D) It supported the Catholic Church.
E) It supported progressive labor laws.
Nonslaveholders in the South followed the leadership of slave owners because they
A) were dependent on the institution of slavery for their livelihoods
B) thought slavery was best for the slaves themselves
C) wanted to become slave owners themselves
D) were not eligible to participate in the political process
E) feared slave owners would requisition their land
Who helped form the Progressive, or Bull Moose, Party?
A) William Howard Taft
B) Theodore Roosevelt
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) Herbert Hoover
E) William Jennings Bryan
Why did Roosevelt announce the Roosevelt Corollary?
A) to gain power in the Pacific region
B) to keep European powers out of Latin America
C) to reshape the Monroe Doctrine completely
D) to forgive Latin American national debts
E) to gain access to Panama for canal construction
Roosevelt's "court packing" proposal was _______.
A) a non-starter that never got off the ground
B) curtailed due to opposition from Republicans
C) effectively blocked by Democratic opposition
D) implemented partially and resulted in three appointments
E) successful at limiting the power of the Supreme Court

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