HS 40060

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1931
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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The yeoman farmers of the South __________.
a. were typically slaveowners
b. did not own the land they worked
c. were located primarily in the backcountry
d. were clustered around the large plantations
e. were quite different from their northern counterparts
Which of the following is most closely related to French fur trading in the New World?
a. Recollects
b. Samuel de Champlain
c. encomiendas
d. coureurs de bois
e. "Sea Dogs"
What did some in the business community find attractive about progressivism?
a. Nothing; the business community opposed all forms of progressivism.
b. Business owners, like progressives, wanted to clean up city governments and
political contests.
c. Progressivism believed in progress and efficiency, two industrial business values.
d. Progressives wanted to control corporate abuses, reform child labor laws, and ensure
factory safetyall of which were industrial business values as well.
e. Progressives fought for women's and African American's rights, two things from
which industrial businessmen would gain.
Jane Addams was the founder of __________.
a. the South End House in Boston
b. the Henry Street Settlement in New York
c. Golden Home in San Francisco
d. Hull House in Chicago
e. the Neighborhood Guild in New York
By 1894, American railroads __________.
a. had difficulty finding the capital to expand
b. suffered from competition and overexpansion
c. had consolidated into four major lines
d. had eliminated competition
e. were at the peak of their bargaining power
The attitude of King James I toward tobacco __________.
a. demonstrated his concern for the health of his people
b. showed that, in the end, he valued revenue more than good health
c. changed very little during the course of his reign
d. was strongly influenced by his own habit of smoking
e. was influenced by its use in Indian religious rites
Restrictions on black civil rights imposed by southern states after Reconstruction from
1876 to 1910 were known as __________.
a. Black Codes
b. the Code Noir
c. the Compromise of 1877
d. Redeemer laws
e. Jim Crow laws
Which of the following tribes were peaceful farmers and herdsmen?
a. the Sioux
b. the Kiowas
c. the Seminoles
d. the Pueblos
e. the Comanches
The most significant social trend in postwar America was __________.
a. the decline of the nuclear family
b. the decrease in the birthrate
c. a decline in family size
d. the emergence of the drug culture
e. the flight to the suburbs
What was considered the main function of the family unit in the nineteenth century?
a. to establish a good name for the family
b. to maintain the family's reputation
c. to contribute to the economy
d. to defend family members against outsiders
e. to raise children
In terms of foreign policy, Theodore Roosevelt __________.
a. did little to foster American aims
b. reflected the influence of isolationism
c. sought to prepare the country for its role as a world power
d. sought to further isolate the United States from foreign affairs
e. was supremely concerned with world peace
Who profited most from the union of slavery and cotton production?
a. inventors and entrepreneurs
b. small business owners
c. non-slaveholders
d. small slaveholders
e. large plantation owners
What was one major factor that helped Kennedy defeat Nixon in the 1960 presidential
a. Kennedy's performance in the first televised presidential debate
b. Nixon's poor performance in a presidential radio debate
c. Kennedy's extensive political experience compared to Nixon's
d. Kennedy's warm relationship with the Eisenhower administration
e. the fact that the nation was familiar with Kennedy, but Nixon was a newcomer to
The most significant factor that allowed large numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the
heart of North America was __________.
a. the domestication of horses
b. global warming
c. population growth
d. the search for new food supplies
e. the growing diversity of people
The radical abolitionist and cofounder of the American Anti-Slavery Society was
a. William Lloyd Garrison
b. Theodore Weld
c. Sojourner Truth
d. Harriet Beecher Stowe
e. Harriet Tubman
Why did South Carolinians protest the tariff of 1828?
a. They feared its effect on the price of cotton.
b. They saw it as an unfair "northern" law.
c. They thought it threatened the institution of slavery.
d. They disliked Andrew Jackson.
e. Tariffs determined the prices that southerners paid for manufactured goods.
Why did the new colonists of Georgia demand slaves?
a. Farmers were given so many acres of land that they felt they could not farm
efficiently without slaves.
b. The main crop of Georgia, tobacco, could be cultivated only with slave labor.
c. The colonists felt that since they had no voice in government, they needed a class of
people even lower on the social rung than they were.
d. The English settlers in Georgia were used to having slaves and demanded that they
could not get along without them.
e. The colonists believed that they could compete economically with South Carolina
only if they were allowed to have slaves.
What was the significance of Thomas Edison's laboratory at Menlo Park?
a. It was where Edison first invented the telegraph.
b. It was the first modern research laboratory ever built.
c. It was where the telephone was finally perfected.
d. It was the site of the first power station in New York.
e. It was where Edison first sent a message over telephone wires.
The greatest change in American literature during the late 1800s was the rise of
a. poetry
b. evolutionism
c. realism
d. romanticism
e. impressionism
Who was the president of the national bank and Andrew Jackson's chief opponent in the
"bank war"?
a. Henry Clay
b. John C. Calhoun
c. Francis B. Blair
d. Nicholas Biddle
e. John Jacob Astor
The original boundaries of Maryland presented a problem to colonists because they
a. were vaguely defined
b. accidentally crossed into Virginia
c. did not extend to the coast
d. cut through territory of the Algonquin
e. extended much farther than Charles I had planned
To secure the necessary troops for the war, both the North and the South __________.
a. resorted to a draft
b. forbade wealthy men to buy exemptions
c. allowed women to join combat units
d. hired mercenaries from Europe
e. used "press gangs," coercion, and blackmail to obtain soldiers
As a result of the actions taken by President Adams in 1799, __________.
a. he was overwhelmingly reelected in 1800
b. the United States resolved its differences with France
c. the Federalist Party remained the major party
d. France compensated the United States for ships taken
e. the French added even more restrictions on U.S. commerce
What effect did the Great Depression have on immigration to the United States?
a. The rate of immigration to the United States remained constant during the Great
b. More immigrants came to the United States at this time due to the availability of
low-skilled, hard-labor jobs.
c. Progressives urged that legislation be passed restricting immigration and making it
more difficult for immigrants to become citizens.
d. Conservatives supported immigration reform, since immigrants tended to take jobs
that Americans were too proud to take.
e. It effectively reversed the flow, with hundreds of thousands being deported.
Why did the Whig Party's candidate fail overwhelmingly in the 1852 presidential
a. The Compromise of 1850 strengthened the political differences between Whigs and
b. The Whigs did not succeed in rallying public interest in a major political issue.
c. The Whigs alienated immigrants by actively seeeking the nativist vote.
d. The Whig platform did not address the economic problems facing the nation.
e. The Whig nominee lost southern support by allying himself with the antislavery wing
of the party.
For many Americans, George Washington was __________.
a. a symbol of the new government
b. a routine, typical political leader
c. not a popular leader
d. a threat to proclaim himself king
e. a good general, but not necessarily a good politician
How did Carter try to redeem himself after his crisis of confidence speech?
a. He tried to blame the Soviet Union for ruining his presidency.
b. He tried to pin responsibility on the public and his dismissed cabinet members.
c. He donated several million dollars to popular American charities.
d. He tried to demonstrate that he understood the common man.
e. He ordered a supportively slanted film to sway public opinion.
Which describes the Puritans' attitude toward the Church of England in the early
seventeenth century?
a. They wanted to separate from the Church and form their own congregation.
b. They believed that the Church did not align itself closely enough with the Pope.
c. They supported the English kings, not the bishops, as their spiritual leaders.
d. They felt that the Church had lost too many Catholic rituals to be meaningful.
e. They wanted to improve the Church of England from within.
Seventeenth-century English Puritans __________.
a. were only a tiny minority of all Englishmen
b. were committed to significant institutional change
c. were firmly supportive of the status quo
d. accepted the tenets of Catholicism with reservations
e. were neurotic and self-righteous
The most significant technical innovation of the nineteenth century was __________.
a. Kodak cameras
b. oil
c. automobiles
d. railroads
e. steamships
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 __________.
a. defined the process by which a territory became a state
b. provided for the surveying of the Northwest Territory
c. ignored the basic rights of settlers in the region
d. specifically allowed slavery to exist in the region
e. was one of the first acts passed under the Confederation
Typically, immigrants, Catholics, freethinkers, and backwoods farmers of the 1840s
would be members of the __________.
a. Democratic party
b. Equal Rights party
c. Loco-focos
d. Whig party
e. Republican party
The internal slave trade in the Unites States ran from the __________.
a. West to the Upper South
b. Upper South to the West
c. Upper South to the Lower South
d. Lower South to the Upper South
e. Lower South to the West
The Camp David Accords provided a framework for peace negotiations between
a. the United States and the Soviet Union
b. North Vietnam and South Vietnam
c. Iran and the United States
d. Israel and Egypt
e. the Soviet Union and China

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