HS 36689

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2542
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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William Lloyd Garrison's stand on __________ led to an open break in the abolitionist
movement in the 1840s.
a. interracial marriage
b. African American rights
c. religion
d. temperance
e. women's rights
What was the Underground Railroad?
a. a train line that many white southerners used when hunting for escaped slaves
b. a formal, nonprofit organization that helped return fugitive slaves to their masters
c. a formal, nonprofit organization that helped fugitive slaves escape to Mexico
d. an informal network of people that helped return fugitive slaves to their masters
e. an informal network of people that helped fugitive slaves make their way to the
Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle led to passage of the __________.
a. Hepburn Act
b. Mann-Elkins Act
c. Meat Inspection Act
d. Elkins Act
e. Clayton Antitrust Act
Which best describes the decision that shattered the Populist party in 1896?
a. endorsement for the presidency of the Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan
b. admission of African Americans to the party's ranks
c. nomination of their own candidate, James Weaver, for the presidency
d. expulsion of all African American members in an attempt to attract more southern
e. support of free coinage of silver
What was the motivation for German Lutherans to come to the middle colonies in the
a. Their primary goal was to improve their lives with more material wealth.
b. They wanted to escape the war that was going on between Germany and France.
c. They were seeking political freedom.
d. They were seeking religious freedom.
e. Their primary goal was to convert more people to Lutheranism in the colonies.
What was the most significant result of the Korean War?
a. It vindicated the United States in the eyes of the world.
b. It succeeded in unifying Korea for thirty years.
c. The war brought about massive American rearmament.
d. The war reinforced Truman's popularity with the American people.
e. It inhibited further expansionism on the part of the Soviet Union.
Some states, such as Arkansas, joined the Confederacy only after the attack at Fort
Sumter because they __________.
a. believed that secession was a constitutional right
b. thought they could convince the South to reunite with the North
c. believed it would enhance their economic situation
d. thought they could convince the other states to abolish slavery
e. believed they could convince the North to accept secession
Why did many yeoman farmers feel resentment toward rich planters, yet still support
the institution of slavery?
a. These farmers feared that the government would give freed slaves their land if
slavery were abolished.
b. Many poor white farmers also worked as overseers on large plantations.
c. Many rich planters gave poor white farmers slaves as gifts to maintain their good
d. Having slavery gave poor white farmers a feeling of social superiority over blacks.
e. Many poor white farmers secretly hoped to claim plantation land after slave
Why was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 so vehemently opposed by northerners?
a. It permitted slavery in all the states west of the Kansas and Nebraska territories.
b. It permitted slavery in all the states east of the Kansas and Nebraska territories.
c. It permitted slavery in an area where it had previously been prohibited.
d. It made it much more difficult for escaped slaves to find freedom in the North.
e. It abolished slavery in all the states west of the Kansas and Nebraska territories.
The Open Door notes __________.
a. called for China to trade with the United States
b. met with the approval of western Europe
c. had little effect on American policy in the Far East
d. provided the United States with a sphere of influence in China
e. were publicly denounced in China
What territorial change resulted from the Peace of Paris (1763), which ended the Seven
Years' War?
a. France retained Louisiana.
b. Spain gained Florida.
c. France retained Quebec in Canada.
d. Spain gained Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean.
e. Britain gained Canada.
How did the Constitutional Convention affect slavery?
a. It allowed the slave trade to continue indefinitely.
b. It permitted Congress to outlaw the importation of slaves in 1808.
c. It provided for an immediate end to the importation of African slaves.
d. It declared slavery to be illegal as of 1808.
e. It declared that slaves could not be purchased in the United States after 1808.
What does the following quote by Benjamin Rush signify? "The American war is over,
but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary,
nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed."
a. The American Revolution was not a war at all, but merely a break from English
control over the colonies.
b. The war was merely the first step in the colonists' move toward establishing a truly
independent nation.
c. The war was not yet over, and the Americans needed to prepare for another round of
fighting against the British if they ever hoped to gain their independence.
d. Americans needed to revolt against other European countries that were restricting
their trade and keeping them from economic and political independence.
e. The American Revolution would not end until the English monarchy was destroyed
and a new form of government was put in place in England to better rule the colonies.
To what was French historian Alexis de Tocqueville referring when he wrote "that
democratic principles should [not] undermine the husband's authority and make it
doubtful who is in charge of the family"?
a. In France, unlike in the United States, women experienced true democracy both
inside and outside the home.
b. In the United States, women did not experience true democracy inside or outside
their homes.
c. In the United States, unlike in France, women experienced true democracy both
inside and outside the home.
d. Democracy undermined women's rights and safety in the American home.
e. United States democracy supported and established women's rights in the American
Why did most slaves typically prefer living and working on a plantation rather than a
small farm?
a. Plantation owners often worked alongside their slaves.
b. There was a greater sense of community and better living conditions on plantations.
c. Slaves often enjoyed a sense of camaraderie with plantation owners.
d. Rich planters usually avoided breaking up families on their plantations.
e. Working hours were always shorter on plantations than on small farms.
By 2002, __________ had become the nation's largest ethnic minority.
a. African Americans
b. Asian Americans
c. Hispanics
d. German Americans
e. Pacific Islanders
When Johnson became president after the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, what did
he focus on first?
a. ending the cold war
b. passing JFK's tax cuts and civil rights bill
c. escalating the war in Vietnam
d. boosting the military
e. bolstering international relationships
How did the growth of democracy in the 1820s and 1830s change American society?
a. Americans assumed that the rich and well-born were the natural leaders of the
b. An increase in deference meant that self-made men faced hostility and scorn.
c. Economic equality became part of the mainstream agenda.
d. Politicians had to win over public opinion before making major decisions.
e. The gap between the rich and the poor decreased significantly.
How did the Sugar Act differ from earlier regulations, such as the Navigation Acts?
a. Its purpose was to show the colonists that they were not in control.
b. Its purpose was to show the colonists that they were autonomous.
c. It taxed sugar for the specific benefit of the East India Company.
d. Its purpose was to collect revenue from the Americans.
e. It had nothing to do with trade.
How did Republican policies affect the wealthiest Americans?
a. Overall, the wealthiest Americans paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
b. Both poor and wealthy Americans benefited from Republican policies in the 1920s.
c. Throughout the 1920s, wealthy Americans saw their income taxes reduced
d. Due to Republican policies, the wealthiest Americans would end up being the hardest
hit during the Great Depression.
e. Unemployment among the wealthiest Americans went into sharp decline during the
How did the acquisition of Texas, New Mexico, and California cause conflict in the
United States?
a. The Constitution did not establish the status of slavery in future states, so whether or
not those territories would allow slavery was hotly debated.
b. The new territories were all north of the Missouri Compromise line, which threatened
to disrupt the balance between slave and free states.
c. The Missouri Compromise mandated that those territories should be free, but the
economies of the territories were already completely dependent on slavery.
d. Mexico kept claiming the territories even after they had been annexed to the United
e. Citizens in those territories refused to pay taxes to a federal government that they did
not support.
Why did "tariff abominations" become a major campaign issue in the 1828 election?
a. Adams's campaigners used it to try to win reelection, suggesting that the tariff
showed Jackson was an unfit candidate.
b. Jackson campaigners used it to gain valuable farmer and merchant votes, knowing
that southerners disagreed with it but were already for Jackson.
c. The Democratic party in the South (where the tariff was hated) used the tariff to rally
around Jackson, a staunch opponent of the tariff.
d. The Republican party in the North (where the tariff was generally welcomed) used it
to rally around Adams, a staunch supporter of the tariff.
e. Senator Martin Van Buren opposed both Adams and Jackson on the tariff and state
rights, proposing a third party that would eliminate the tariff.
The federal agency designed to assist former slaves in making the economic adjustment
to freedom was known as the __________.
a. Freedmen's Bureau
b. Department of Education
c. African American Rights Association
d. Liberty Association
e. Southern Reconstruction Agency
What does it mean to say that Americans spoke a "common language of consumption"
by the late nineteenth century?
a. People found that the only way they could become truly American was to buy goods
made in America.
b. Americans found a commonality in a consumer culture, in which they all could buy
the same kinds of goods.
c. Americans no longer wanted to produce goods for other countries or themselves and
wanted only to buy imports.
d. Because of the new types of work in the United States, most Americans were
becoming very wealthy and could afford consumer goods.
e. Only native-born Americans bought the new consumer goods, which broadened the
gap between immigrants and nonimmigrants in the United States.
Why were Irish immigrants unlikely to protest poor labor conditions?
a. Labor protests were very unpopular at the time.
b. They had low economic expectations and conservative attitudes.
c. They were afraid of violent retribution from native-born Americans.
d. The Catholic Church strictly forbade all forms of protest.
e. They tended to find jobs with pleasant working conditions.
During the Salem witchcraft hysteria, Increase Mather and other leading ministers
a. called for execution of the accused witches
b. completely ignored the controversy
c. urged restraint and caution
d. called for colony-wide searches for accused witches
e. questioned the validity of the testimony of minors
The Panic of 1893 __________.
a. was caused by the economic changes of the period
b. was confined to a small group of investors
c. had little effect on the national government
d. brought quick, decisive action by the government
e. caused banks to increase their number of loans
Which area of the United States experienced dramatic growth from the 1970s to the
a. the Pacific Northwest
b. the Great Lakes region
c. the Northeast coast
d. the Midwest
e. the Sunbelt
The National Security Act of 1947 established the __________.
a. American embassy in Moscow
b. Navy SEALs
c. Air Force
d. Department of Homeland Security
e. Central Intelligence Agency
Why did Jeffersonians fear strong financial institutions?
a. Most were simple farmers who did not understand banking policy.
b. They resented Federalists, who tended to have more money.
c. They held firm religious beliefs about the sin of greed.
d. Most were anti-Semitic, believing that banks were controlled by Jewish interests.
e. They believed that banks were the root of corruption in the British government.
Who put the most pressure on Kennedy to openly support racial justice?
a. Philip Randolph
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Martin Luther King, Jr.
d. Malcolm X
e. Stokely Carmichael
Taft's policy of "dollar diplomacy" __________.
a. promoted American financial and business interests abroad
b. was aimed, primarily, at helping underdeveloped countries
c. resulted in less American influence in Latin America
d. had little influence on American national security interests
e. helped establish the prestige of the United States in Asia
As a result of their participation in the war effort, African Americans __________.
a. faced even worse discrimination in America
b. became more accepting of the conditions they faced
c. found greater acceptance of their place in American society
d. were more and more inclined to fight discrimination
e. generally were allowed to remain in Europe
In the South, a grandfather clause waived the literacy requirement for voters whose
ancestors had __________.
a. already passed a literacy test
b. fought in the Civil War
c. been white
d. voted before 1867
e. correctly interpreted the Constitution
What was the main purpose of the Continental Association formed at the First
Continental Congress?
a. to foster improved relations between the various colonies
b. to seek a conservative, peaceful resolution of the political crises of the mid-1770s
c. to raise money to feed starving Indians displaced by western settlements
d. to maintain a total boycott of all British imports
e. to raise and equip armies to fight for the American cause

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