HS 29161

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2603
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following was NOT a task facing the new nation?
A) deciding what form the new government would take
B) learning how political power would be distributed
C) learning how to ensure political equality for all
D) learning to fend off French attempts to control the country
E) bridging the division of state and federal authority
What action took place after proslavery adherents raided Lawrence, the free-state
capital of Kansas, in 1856?
A) John Brown and his followers killed five Native Americans in a land dispute.
B) A mob of angry settlers attacked and killed five escaped slaves.
C) An escaped slave killed a family of five white settlers.
D) John Brown killed eight abolitionists in Kansas.
E) John Brown and his followers killed five proslavery settlers in cold blood.
Before becoming president, William Howard Taft's greatest strength was _____.
A) as an administrator
B) as a coalition-builder
C) as an economic strategist
D) as a political organizer
E) as an orator
Each of the following facts about women in the 1920s is true EXCEPT _____.
A) most women workers had low-paying jobs
B) the number of women doctors decreased
C) women earned nearly one-third of all graduate degrees
D) women activists worked to introduce an Equal Rights Amendment
E) there was a substantial permanent gain in the number of working women
How did Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" movement reflect on the federal government's
efforts to address the Great Depression?
A) The fact that Americans were swayed by Huey Long's flamboyant style suggested
that they had become disillusioned with FDR's leadership.
B) The "Share the Wealth" movement complemented the New Deal's programs, which
similarly sought to increase the standard of living of all Americans.
C) The "Share the Wealth" movement suggested that a large number of people felt that
more should be done for those in trouble.
D) Rising frustration with the slow pace of recovery resulted in a grassroots revival of
fundamentalist Christianity.
E) The emergence of viable third-party candidates suggested that neither Democrats nor
Republicans were capable of ending the Great Depression.
The government increased federal funding for science education in 1957 in response to
A) the cultural shift from religion to science
B) the public interest in electronic gadgets
C) the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik
D) the criticism of "progressive" education
E) the economic competition from Japan
Theodore Roosevelt resigned from his position as _________ to organize the Rough
A) vice president
B) secretary of defense
C) assistant secretary of defense
D) secretary of the navy
E) assistant secretary of the navy
What does the following quote by Benjamin Rush signify? "The American war is over,
but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary,
nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed."
A) The American Revolution was not a war at all, but merely a break from English
control over the colonies.
B) The war was merely the first step in the colonists' move toward establishing a new
C) The war was not yet over and the Americans needed to prepare for another round of
fighting against the British if they ever hoped to gain their independence.
D) Americans needed to free themselves from other European countries that were
restricting their trade and keeping them from economic and political independence.
E) The American Revolution would not end until the English monarchy was destroyed
and a new form of government was put in place in England to better rule the colonies.
In their approaches to the Cuban rebellion against Spain, ________.
A) President Cleveland was neutral while President McKinley favored the insurgents
B) President Cleveland wanted to intervene for the insurgents, but McKinley was
C) both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley wanted war with Spain
D) both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley were totally neutral
E) both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley opposed involvement with Spain or Cuba
The two transcontinental railroad lines met at ________.
A) Sacramento, California
B) Reno, Nevada
C) Promontory, Utah
D) Santa Fe, New Mexico
E) Salt Lake City, Utah
What was one major factor that helped Kennedy defeat Nixon in the 1960 presidential
A) Kennedy's performance in the first televised presidential debate
B) Nixon's poor performance in a presidential radio debate
C) Kennedy's extensive political experience compared with Nixon's
D) Kennedy's warm relationship with the Eisenhower administration
E) The nation was familiar with Kennedy, but Nixon was a newcomer to politics
What was the main result of the deadly diseases brought to the New World by
A) an extremely high mortality rate among the natives, destroying the culture of many
B) a diminution of these diseases throughout Europe
C) some deaths, but a low number compared to those caused by warfare between Native
Americans and Europeans
D) a death rate that was high only where Native Americans lived in low concentrations
E) no significant deaths since Native Americans were already immune to these diseases
As president, Truman tried to _______.
A) win reelection in 1948 with the worst smear campaign in U.S. history
B) block the Congressional vote to end wartime controls
C) convert the entire Democratic Party into Dixiecrats
D) abolish New Deal programs that upset conservatives
E) perpetuate New Deal legislation begun under Roosevelt
Why was Booker T. Washington opposed to the idea of annexing the Philippines?
A) Washington thought the United States should focus on domestic matters instead,
such as the treatment of African Americans and American Indians.
B) Washington thought the Filipinos would resist the idea of converting to Christianity
and believed that all Americans should be Christian.
C) Washington feared that Filipinos would migrate to the United States and work for
lower wages, which would take jobs away from African Americans.
D) Washington warned that possessing a colony would increase the federal debt and
lead to higher income taxes as a result.
E) Washington believed that having a colony was opposed to basic American ideals,
such as independence and self-determination.
The Populist candidate for president in 1892 was ________.
A) William Jennings Bryan
B) James B. Weaver
C) Mary E. Lease
D) William McKinley
E) Grover Cleveland
What finally caused Kennedy to support racial justice openly?
A) Kennedy visited segregated schools in the South.
B) Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.
C) Kennedy wanted a united country to fight the war in Vietnam.
D) Authorities attacked child protesters in Birmingham, Alabama.
E) The Democratic Party threatened to withdraw support if he didn't speak out.
According to the Kentucky Resolutions, ________.
A) ultimate power always remained with the federal government
B) states had the right to nullify federal law under certain circumstances
C) the Sedition Act was worthy of enforcement by the states
D) Kentucky chose to remain neutral in the contest between Hamilton and Jefferson
E) the "general welfare" of the nation should be the guiding principle in state decisions
All of the following were part of the national government's policy toward Native
Americans from the early 1870s to the mid-1880s EXCEPT ________.
A) signing separate peace treaties with specific Indian tribes
B) trying Native Americans in federal courts
C) giving individual Native Americans parcels of land
D) assimilating Native Americans into urban life
E) establishing Native American schools
Which of the following was NOT a factor in fostering a change in American foreign
policy by 1890?
A) the census report of 1890
B) concern over lack of natural resources
C) oversaturation of domestic markets
D) the rise of evolution-inspired notions of racial superiority
E) the perceived need for more foreign markets
What did the Red Scare reveal about the darker side of American society?
A) There was a deep undercurrent of intolerance and bigotry in American society.
B) Americans were more interested in economic growth than in personal liberties.
C) Racism emerged as a new phenomenon in the America of the 1920s.
D) Americans were willing to tolerate immigrants if they stayed out of political life.
E) There was a general indifference toward issues of race, ethnicity, and national
Why did the Colored Farmers' National Alliance end?
A) A posse of white Southerners lynched fifteen strikers.
B) The price of cotton increased significantly.
C) Southern planters used strike breakers in the cotton fields.
D) The Farmers' Alliance expelled all African Americans from the group.
E) African Americans were integrated into the Farmers' Alliance.
The antimissile system based on the use of lasers and particle beams to destroy
incoming missiles from outer space was called ________.
Why did Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina join the Confederacy only
after the attack at Fort Sumter?
A) When given a choice of whether to fight for or against states that had already
seceded, those states sided with the Confederacy.
B) When given a chance to join the Confederacy, those states joined because they
thought they could convince the South to reunite with the North.
C) When given a chance to join the Confederacy, those states joined because they
thought it would enhance their economic situation.
D) When given a chance to join the Confederacy, those states joined because they
thought they could convince the other states to abolish slavery.
E) When given a chance to join the Confederacy, those states joined because they
thought they could convince the North to accept secession.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisers believed that _______ production would raise
prices for farmers.
A) reducing
B) increasing
C) redistributing
D) expropriating
E) monitoring
Roosevelt's Hundred Days banking legislation aimed to _______.
A) remedy a banking crisis
B) decrease government regulation of U.S. banks
C) allow the government to take over the banking system
D) give bankers a place in his government
E) merge smaller banks with larger ones
The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact
with Europeans was ________.
A) warfare
B) planned genocide
C) disease
D) loss of farmland
E) enslavement
Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts?
A) The acts deprived poor farmers of their voting and civil rights.
B) The acts expanded federal power.
C) Jefferson and Madison opposed all of Hamilton's acts on principle.
D) The acts didn't support a strong central government.
E) The acts essentially rewrote the Constitution without due process.
Each of the following was a result of the temperance campaign of the 1830s EXCEPT
A) thousands of local temperance organizations were set up
B) large numbers of confirmed drunkards were cured
C) temperance became a mark of respectability among middle-class men
D) per capita consumption of hard liquor declined by over 50 percent
E) the drinking habits of middle-class American males were significantly altered
In what sense was the election of 1800 a "peaceful revolution"?
A) The public marched in the streets, chanting and holding signs in support of their
B) There was only one candidate for president, so he won without political battle.
C) The House and the Senate disagreed about who should be president, so they created
the Electoral Collegea revolutionary but peaceful solution.
D) Although politicians passionately disagreed about who should be president, a new
president was elected peacefully, in spite of electoral glitches.
E) Power passed quietly from Washington to Jefferson.
How did social reform during the early 1900s differ from reforms of previous eras?
A) In previous eras, social reform was supported exclusively by the government; in the
early 1900s, social reform was controlled by private charities.
B) In previous eras, social reform was supported exclusively by private charities; in the
early 1900s, social reform was controlled by the government.
C) In previous eras, social reform was mixed with morality; in the early 1900s, it was
free from moral overtones.
D) During previous eras, social reform had been more complex and interrelated; during
the early 1900s, reformers saw problems as individualized and simplistic.
E) During previous eras, social reform had been more simplistic and directed at one
particular problem; during the early 1900s, reformers saw problems as complex and
Which African-American individual was appointed to a prominent post in the federal
government during the Kennedy administration?
A) A. Philip Randolph
B) Thurgood Marshall
C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
D) Malcolm X
E) Stokely Carmichael
What is ironic about Wilson's program in his second term in office?
A) It directly contradicted all of his New Freedom programs.
B) It was more about religion and morality than social change.
C) It helped more people than Taft's and Roosevelt's programs combined.
D) It was essentially made up of ideas first proposed by his rival, Theodore Roosevelt.
E) It was widely supported by the masses, but in the end served to hurt their interests.
Why did American involvement in Hawaii increase in the 1890s?
A) There was intense pressure from American missionaries.
B) There was a fear of German influence in the region.
C) American business interests on the island forced the issue.
D) American traders were interested in Hawaii's cotton crop.
E) Native Hawaiians appealed to the United States for help.
What was a difference between the rights in marriage of women in the Chesapeake
region and those of women in New England in the 1600s?
A) Women in the Chesapeake region tended to have more power because they were
fewer in number and thus began from a better bargaining position.
B) Women in New England had more rights because there were more women there and
they had greater strength as a community.
C) Women in New England had fewer rights because the colonists there came from
more strict and traditional backgrounds.
D) Women in the Chesapeake region tended to have fewer rights because the planter
class had more restrictions on the roles of women in society.
E) Women in New England had fewer rights because the women there tended to live
much shorter lives than those in the Chesapeake region.
The most famous disclosure of espionage activities in the U.S. government in the late
1940s involved the case of _______.
A) Alger Hiss
B) Dean Acheson
C) George C. Marshall
D) Thomas E. Dewey
E) Henry A. Wallace

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