HLTH 205 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2819
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) What form of tocopherol shows vitamin E activity in the human body?
2) What is the relative weight of an infant brain compared to an adult’s brain?
a. Half as much
b. About the same
c. Three times as much
d. Six times as much
e. Ten times as much
3) What is the process whereby an amino group is combined with a keto acid to form an
amino acid?
a. Deamination
b. Ureagenesis
c. Transamination
d. Ammoniogenesis
e. Ketoacidosis
4) Meat replacements consumed by vegans are often made of ____.
5) Which of the following is a feature of kwashiorkor?
a. It makes the child appear grossly dehydrated.
b. It usually occurs prior to the onset of marasmus.
c. It is usually found in communities where marasmus is present.
d. Children typically have a grossly swollen belly.
e. Children have a "skin and bones" appearance.
6) Which statement best describes the legal limitations, if any, for a person who
disseminates dietary advice to the public?
a.The title "dietitian" can be used by anyone in all states.
b.The title "nutritionist" can be used by anyone in all states.
c.A license to practice as a nutritionist or dietitian is required by some states.
d.A license to practice as a nutritionist is mandatory in all states but very few license
e.Nutrition consultants are subject to more stringent licensure than are dietitians.
7) a. 5 k. Purines
b. 13 l. Vitamin B12
c. 33 m. Tetracycline
d. 50 n. Acetylcholine
e. Energy o. Osteoarthritis
f. Cataracts p. Grapefruit juice
g. Vitamin D q. Atrophic gastritis
h. Dysphagia r. Hydrochloric acid
i. Beta-amyloid s. Omega-3 fatty acids
j. Sarcopenia t. Rheumatoid arthritis
1)Number of people per 100 in the U.S. population who are at least 65 years old
2)Dietary restriction of this extends lifespan in animals
3)Loss of muscle mass
4)Percentage of people over age 60 with atrophic gastritis
5)Term that describes difficulty swallowing
6)A condition characterized, in part, by an inflamed stomach and abundant bacteria
7)Lack of this substance is a symptom of atrophic gastritis
8)Stomach bacterial utilization of this nutrient increases risk for deficiency
9)Compounds of nitrogen-containing bases such as adenine, guanine, and caffeine
10)Percent decline per decade in energy needs from age 50 and on
11)Low intake of milk by elderly people contributes to deficiency of this nutrient
12)Thickening of the eye lenses that occurs with aging
13)Type of arthritis resulting in deterioration of joint cartilage
14)Nutrient that may reduce inflammation of rheumatoid arthritic joints
15)Type of arthritis involving a defective immune system
16)Percentage of U.S. adults age 85 years and older with Alzheimer€s disease
17)Substance that is essential to the memory process
18)Substance found in the brains of people with Alzheimer€s disease
19)Intake of this substance along with milk reduces calcium absorption
20)Intake of this substance interferes with utilization of many cardiovascular and
central nervous system drugs
8) Which individuals is likely to possess the least amount of nutrition training and to
have gotten his or her agree from an "alternative" educational program?
a.dietetic technician
b.registered dietician
c.certified nutritionist
d.dietetic technician, registered
e.public health nutritionist
9) What is the primary means for degradation of soluble fibers in the large intestines?
a. bacterial enzymes
b. pancreatic amylase
c. peristaltic segmentation
d. villus brush border hydrolases
e. polysaccharide amylase
10) Which of the following food groups is a rich source of vitamin C?
a.Milk group
b.Meat group
c.Fruit group
d.Grains group
e.Oils group
11) What is the oxygen-carrying protein of muscle cells?
a. Transferrin
b. Myoglobin
c. Hemoglobin
d. Cytochrome
e. Oxyglobin.
12) About how many grams of carbohydrate are contained in one ounce of foods in the
grain group?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
e. 25
13) What is the most likely side effect of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet?
a. Diarrhea
b. Increased thirst
c. Nitrogen toxicity
d. Increased water retention in the body
e. Weight gain
14) What nutrient becomes depleted most rapidly during physical exercise?
a. Iron
b. Water
c. Glucose
d. Glycogen
e. Sodium
15) Which statement is true of sugar alcohols?
a. They are not sweet.
b. They provide kcalories.
c. They are not metabolized.
d. They promote dental caries.
e. They evoke a high glycemic response.
16) What percentage of U.S. adults meet physical activity guidelines?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50
17) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin A nutrition?
a.Deficiency is common in both the United States and many developing countries.
b.Toxicity occurs from excess intakes of preformed vitamin A as well as beta-carotene.
c.Supplements are recommended for certain groups of infants and children infected
with the measles in the United States.
d.In poor countries, supplements prevent and cure night blindness but offer little
protection against malaria and lung disease.
e.The risk of toxicity is so high that most vitamin A supplements are by prescription
18) Give several reasons for the decline in nutritional status consequent to aging.
19) ____________________ are special proteins that direct immune and inflammatory
20) What are the major food and non-food sources of vitamin K? What factors may
adversely affect vitamin K nutrition in the body?
21) What is the Healthy Eating Index and how does it work?
22) Discuss thiamin nutrition including functions, risk factors for deficiency, symptoms
of deficiency, food sources, and stability.
23) What is meant by a person€s €food footprint,€ and how is it determined?
24) After the first 10 seconds or so of intense activity, energy from the phosphagen
system diminishes, so muscle cells call upon the ____________________.
25) Give several examples of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. List food sources of
these fibers. Contrast the physical characteristics and features of these two types of
fibers and their effects on gastrointestinal tract function.
26) Discuss the magnitude and impact of food waste.

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