History Chapter 2 1 Caribbean topic 25 Competition The Caribbean difficulty Level Moderate skill

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3588
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann Argersinger, Peter Argersinger, Virginia Anderson, William Barney

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Multiple Choice
1. What situation interrupted France’s efforts to establish a foothold in North America?
A) religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants
B) war with Italy
C) political strife
D) the inability to establish transportation to the New World
2. Who founded a permanent settlement in Quebec in 1608?
A) Thomas Dudley
B) Jesuit missionaries
C) Samuel de Champlain
D) Vasco de Gama
3. The total number of French settlers in Canada __________.
A) was less than the total number of England’s North American settlers
B) was greater than the total number of England’s North American settlers
C) equaled the number of English settlers in Canada
D) equaled the number of English settlers in North America
4. What is the meaning of the term filles du Roi?
A) prostitutes
B) orphan girls
C) girls of the valley
D) king’s daughters
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
5. The Dutch Republic was __________.
A) predominantly Catholic
B) predominantly Protestant
C) about an equal mix of Catholics and Protestants
D) predominantly a secular country
6. By 1600, which group had become the leading economic power in Europe?
A) the French
B) the Dutch
C) the English
D) the Irish
7. The instrument of colonial dominance for the Dutch was the __________.
A) West India Company
B) New Netherland Company
C) Dutch East India Company
D) Cape of Good Hope Company
8. The settlers in New Netherland treated the Iroquois people as __________.
A) slaves
B) trading partners
C) religious rivals
D) enemies of war
9. The first permanent Dutch settlers on mainland North America arrived in 1624 to set up __________ at
Fort Orange.
A) farms
B) fur trading
C) merchant trade
D) ship building
10. The Virginia Company was composed primarily of merchants from __________.
A) London
B) Williamsburg
C) Manchester
D) Norfolk
11. What was the House of Burgesses?
A) a large trading center in Virginia
B) the home of the colonial governor
C) the first legislative body in English America
D) the colonial courthouse
12. Which of the following was a joint-stock company that was granted a charter to establish an English
colony in the New World?
A) Plymouth
B) Chesapeake
C) East India
D) Maryland
13. Falling tobacco prices in the eighteenth century caused the colonists to __________.
A) stop producing tobacco
B) produce less tobacco
C) produce more tobacco
D) stop shipping tobacco to England
14. What did indentured servants receive for their labor?
A) a steady wage
B) nothing
C) a portion of the crops they harvested
D) free passage to America
15. Which law, passed in 1649, called for freedom of worship for all Christians in one colony?
A) the Act for Religious Toleration
B) the Separatist Act
C) the Freedom of Religion Act
D) the Scrooby Act
16. What was the greatest challenge facing the Maryland colony?
A) lack of skilled craftsmen
B) religious conflict
C) Indian attacks
D) lack of fertile farmland
17. The Puritans who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony __________.
A) were anti-Protestant
B) wanted to reform the Anglican Church
C) called for a mix of Catholic and Protestant beliefs
D) were favored by Queen Elizabeth over all others
18. Widows in the English colonies __________.
A) were barred from inheriting their husbands’ lands
B) controlled their deceased husbands’ lands until their eldest son reached 21
C) usually never remarried
D) usually returned to Europe
19. Which of the following was a common disease in the Chesapeake colonies?
A) malaria
B) syphilis
C) smallpox
D) influenza
20. Which of the following stalled population growth in the Chesapeake colonies?
A) warfare with Native Americans
B) prohibition on marriage of indentured servants
C) lack of nutritious food
D) political conflict with England
21. The first New England settlement, founded in 1620, was __________.
A) Plymouth Colony
B) Chesapeake Bay Colony
C) Sagadahoc River Colony
D) Connecticut Valley Colony
22. The Wampanoag leader was named __________.
A) Squanto
B) Samoset
C) Eneck-Chak
D) Massasoit
23. The first document to establish self-governmentand the decisions of the majorityin North
America was __________.
A) the Mayflower Compact
B) the Virginia Declaration of Rights
C) Penn’s Code
D) the Burgesses Law
24. Which of the following offered colonists the greatest religious freedom?
A) Virginia
B) Rhode Island
C) Massachusetts
D) Maryland
25. Freemen in the General Court in Massachusetts were those male property holders who __________.
A) were church members
B) owned slaves
C) had royal titles
D) were church clergy
26. The settlers in which area adopted the Fundamental Orders?
A) New York
B) Maryland
C) Virginia
D) Connecticut
27. Anne Hutchinson held religious meetings in __________.
A) Providence
B) Manhattan
C) Boston
D) Plymouth
28. Why did Anne Hutchinson move to Rhode Island?
A) Rhode Island had a policy of religious toleration.
B) Rhode Island treated men and women equally under the law.
C) Rhode Island allowed women to own land.
D) Rhode Island allowed women to serve as political leaders.
29. What happened in 1642 that slowed the number of settlers to New England?
A) the spread of smallpox in New England
B) a widespread war with Indians in New England
C) initiation of naval warfare with Spain
D) the outbreak of the English Civil War
30. Unlike the Virginia settlers, most New Englanders settled in America with __________.
A) no family
B) their families
C) little money
D) slaves in tow
31. Compared to families in the Chesapeake region, New England families __________.
A) had more children
B) had shorter lives
C) were less common because there was a lower ratio of women to men
D) suffered more from malaria
32. Relative to Virginia’s economy, New England’s economy was __________.
A) more agricultural
B) less diversified
C) more rural
D) more diversified
33. The first Europeans in the Caribbean concentrated on __________.
A) exporting slaves
B) mining for precious metals
C) agriculture
D) timber export
34. The Spanish began importing African slaves to Santa Domingo to grow sugar cane, because
A) many Indians had died from disease
B) the Indians refused to work
C) the Indians were treated as business partners
D) the Indians fled when the Spanish arrived
35. Which country turned Brazil into one of the world’s major producers of sugar?
A) Portugal
B) England
C) Spain
D) the Netherlands
36. By the 1640s, the principal crop grown in Barbados went from being tobacco to __________.
A) sugar
B) corn
C) wheat
D) barley
37. Farming of which of the following caused widespread deforestation of entire Caribbean islands?
A) maize
B) tobacco
C) cotton
D) sugar cane
38. By 1700, more than __________ slaves had been brought to the English West Indies.
A) 25,000
B) 100,000
C) 250,000
D) 500,000
39. Which of the following was one of the ways that slaves managed to preserve some elements of a
normal life under the brutal conditions of slavery and the slave codes?
A) They formed families.
B) They adopted English traditions.
C) They built churches to worship in.
D) They joined the Anglican Church.
40. Why was it difficult for colonists to become wealthy in the sugar trade?
A) Production of sugar required costly investments in land and equipment.
B) Slaves could not be taught to cultivate sugar.
C) Demand for sugar in Europe was low.
D) Sugar was difficult to store on long transatlantic voyages.
41. What was the dominant religion in the English colonies during the seventeenth century?
A) Puritan
B) Quaker
C) Catholic
D) Anglican
42. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina ensured stability by linking property ownership and
political rights to __________.
A) the ability to earn freedom
B) a hierarchical social order
C) religious beliefs
D) monetary gain
43. Who devised the “Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina”?
A) Charles II
B) Anthony Ashley Cooper
C) Walter Raleigh
D) William Penn
44. Which crop, introduced in the 1690s, became a staple for the Carolina economy?
A) tobacco
B) sugar
C) rice
D) wheat
45. The profits earned from rice persuaded Carolina planters to __________.
A) invest more heavily in slave labor
B) plant more
C) bring more indentured servants to the region
D) try their hand at other crops
46. Rice farming was very similar to the farming of __________.
A) tobacco
B) cotton
C) sugar
D) wheat
47. Which colonial religious group granted women spiritual equality with men?
A) Puritans
B) Quakers
C) Anglicans
D) Catholics
48. Which of the following colonies had an established practice of peaceful and respectful interactions
with the native population?
A) Massachusetts
B) Virginia
C) Pennsylvania
D) Connecticut
49. The Quakers rejected __________ and believed that salvation was possible for anyone who sought it.
A) Hell
B) confession
C) baptism
D) predestination
50. The Dutch colony of New Netherland split to become the two proprietary colonies of __________.
A) New York and Connecticut
B) New Jersey and Delaware
C) New Jersey and New York
D) Pennsylvania and Delaware
Essay Questions
51. Analyze the role joint-stock companies had in settling America.
52. Analyze the ways in which the various American colonies supported and restricted religious freedom.
53. Was it economic conditions or religious backgrounds that caused the North to rely so little on slavery
compared with the South?
54. What factors determined what kinds of relations the different groups of colonists had with the
55. How were the seeds of the coming push for self-government sown in the early colonies?

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