History Chapter 12 1 Who first demonstrated the practical commercial use of the steamboat

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4045
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann Argersinger, Peter Argersinger, Virginia Anderson, William Barney

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Multiple Choice
1. What was the relationship between the transportation revolution and the industrial revolution?
A) The two revolutions were completely independent and had no effect on each other.
B) The industrial revolution prompted changes to the method of transporting goods.
C) The transportation revolution allowed goods to be moved efficiently and quickly, which fueled the
industrial revolution by creating an incentive to increase production.
D) The transportation revolution made the transportation of goods more expensive, which slowed the
progress of the industrial revolution.
2. Who first demonstrated the practical commercial use of the steamboat?
A) Samuel Slater
B) Robert Fulton
C) Samuel Morse
D) Walt Whitman
3. Which of the following groups provided half of all capital for early railroads?
A) wealthy southern investors
B) the federal government
C) European investors
D) state governments
4. In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court held that __________.
A) rail companies could not purchase farmland without the consent of farmers
B) states could not restrict trade within their jurisdictions
C) monopolies were better for the public good than open competition
D) the national government had no say in supervising interstate commerce
5. Which of the following was an effect of the increased use of steamboats?
A) a revolution in transportation on western rivers
B) making canals a thing of the past
C) a drop-off in trade between the West and the South
D) the onset of an economic depression in the East
6. Which of the following transportation systems was the last to be developed?
A) horse-drawn wagons
B) canals
C) ocean-going ships
D) railroads
7. During the 1840s, __________.
A) canals emerged as the most efficient form of commercial transportation
B) rail connections helped establish close economic ties between the Northeast and South
C) railroads became the most dynamic booster of interregional trade
D) canals moved trade much faster and for less capital investment than railroads
8. The enormous growth of New York City was fueled by which of the following factors?
A) improved living conditions among the urban poor
B) establishment of a citywide hospital system that reduced infant mortality
C) the founding of benevolent societies that fed the poor and prevented deaths by starvation
D) the significant increase in immigration
9. St. Louis was ideally located for urban growth because it__________.
A) was the closest western city to the Erie Canal
B) was located on both the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers
C) served as a transport center for the coalfields of western Missouri
D) served as the immediate outlet to the Atlantic for southern cotton
10. Which of the following was America’s first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of
A) Rochester, New York
B) Lowell, Massachusetts
C) Reading, Pennsylvania
D) Buffalo, New York
11. Why did many Irish people come to America in the 1840s and 1850s?
A) poor business conditions for Ireland’s large middle class
B) England’s success at stopping the practice of Roman Catholicism in Ireland
C) the U.S. government’s tendency to prefer Irish rather than German immigration
D) domination of Protestant landlords and starvation in Ireland
12. Which of the following statements about immigration from 1840 to 1860 is true?
A) Most immigrants settled in the southern United States.
B) Irish-Americans generally experienced better living conditions than German-Americans.
C) Immigrants provided a large source of labor that helped fuel industrial development.
D) Immigrants in urban areas tended to live in neighborhoods with a mixture of ethnicities.
13. What was the result when the Boston Associates built dams and canals?
A) The industrial economy of the region worsened.
B) Workers went on strike in protest of the construction.
C) The region’s ecology and farmlands were altered.
D) Legal battles over water rights ceased to be a political issue.
14. The putting-out system __________.
A) did not develop until the years just before the Civil War
B) created a business relationship between merchants and household artisans
C) gave property owners the right to evict tenants from specific ethnic groups
D) was the foundation of the first large-scale factories in Pittsburgh
15. Which nation pioneered most of the technological methods and advances of industrialization?
A) the United States
B) France
C) Great Britain
D) Russia
16. The Rhode Island system of employment was based on the __________.
A) recruitment of adolescent girls as millworkers
B) use of children as laborers in mills
C) use of German immigrants in factories
D) recruitment of workers through the promise of unionization
17. Western manufacturers improved their business conditions by __________.
A) refusing to trade with southern states
B) enacting stiff tariffs against eastern goods
C) turning to steam power after 1840
D) investing in industries that did not need interchangeable parts
18. Where was the growing middle class most likely to find jobs during the Industrial Revolution?
A) western towns
B) northern cities
C) southern rural areas
D) southern cities
19. What is the best description of an artisan?
A) a gentleman farmer
B) an unskilled laborer in a large factory
C) an ethnic immigrant that provides a cheap source of labor
D) a skilled craftsmen who makes things by hand
20. Conditions in towns that used the Waltham system included which of the following?
A) voluntary church attendance
B) strict curfews
C) fair and competitive wages
D) access to New England’s finest public schools
21. Which statement about the American system of manufacturing is true?
A) It was influenced by the ideas of William Lloyd Garrison.
B) It emphasized low-cost production.
C) Its focus was on home industries rather than factories.
D) Its main goal was standardized and fair work hours.
22. Working-class activists of the 1830s promoted which of the following ideas?
A) the establishment of universal health care
B) the abolition of private property
C) increased use of workhouses
D) the abolition of debtors’ prisons
23. A supporter of temperance believed __________.
A) that immigration should be stopped
B) in separation of church and state
C) in the prohibition of alcoholic beverages
D) that church attendance should be mandatory
24. What was the first national labor union?
A) American Federation of Labor
B) Anti-Masons
C) National Trades Union
D) Workers of North America
25. Which of the following was a result of the new middle class in the mid-eighteenth century?
A) increased hostility toward capitalism
B) the separation of the home from work interests
C) their rejection of status symbols
D) the drop in percentage of upper-class Americans
26. The “cult of domesticity” emphasized that __________.
A) women should preserve religion and the morals of a family
B) members of the elite were enemies of true religion
C) industrial production was not as suitable as household industries
D) Christians must be reborn before they can understand God
27. What was the response of many religious leaders to the rapid technological and economic changes
brought about by the Industrial Revolution?
A) They perceived a breakdown in moral authority and attempted to impose strict moral discipline
through the law.
B) They welcomed the changes because they created greater economic equality.
C) They became frustrated with reduced church attendance due to a growing consumer culture.
D) They were satisfied with the new wealth being created because it increased church revenue through
28. Immigration by which of the following groups was banned completely in 1920?
A) Irish
B) Greek
C) Chinese
D) Polish
29. Which of the following immigrant groups would be most easily accepted by a nativist by the late
nineteenth century?
A) Jews
B) Slavs
C) Greeks
D) Irish
30. The Sabbatarian movement __________.
A) increased in power throughout the nineteenth century
B) was timid in the pursuit of its goals
C) wanted to curtail government and commercial activities on Sundays
D) was founded by Catholics
31. What was one of the primary goals of temperance rallies?
A) to convince attendees to take the pledge of abstinence from alcohol
B) to convince women to leave their husbands if they drank alcohol
C) to convince attendees to take the pledge of abstinence from morphine
D) to encourage attendees to engage in civil disobedience to force Congress to ban all drugs and alcohol
32. Beginning in 1830, women’s reform efforts focused primarily on __________.
A) challenging the male prerogative and sexual double standard
B) benevolent outreach to all widows and orphans
C) increasing participation in religious services among the poor
D) charity toward the “deserving poor”
33. The Mormons believed strongly in __________.
A) rugged individualism
B) community centered on male authority
C) sharing spiritual authority with women
D) promoting capitalism
34. The first political demands for free tax-supported schools originated with the __________.
A) American Temperance Society
B) American Tract Society
C) workingmen’s movement
D) American Female Moral Reform Society
35. Which state was the first to establish a state board of education?
A) Virginia
B) New Hampshire
C) Massachusetts
D) Louisiana
36. School reform succeeded in large part because it appealed to the __________.
A) southern middle classes
B) southern farmers
C) northern poor
D) northern middle classes
37. By 1860, how many states had established state-run mental hospitals?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 28
D) 35
38. How did the American approach to dealing with social problems change in the early to mid-1800s?
A) Reformers turned to public authorities to establish new institutions.
B) Reformers built up the volunteer base that had long dealt with social problems.
C) Reformers engaged the services of women.
D) There was no change.
39. Who was the author of Walden?
A) Henry David Thoreau
B) Ralph Waldo Emerson
C) Nathaniel Hawthorne
D) Edgar Allen Poe
40. How did the Utopians seek to improve social conditions?
A) through direct political action designed to equalize wealth distribution across the nation
B) by lobbying the government to establish broad social programs to help the poor
C) by withdrawing from society and forming communitarian societies that rejected the competitive
materialism of mainstream society
D) through lectures and rallies that encouraged anarchy and the abolishment of capitalism
41. Writers such as Herman Melville and Nathanial Hawthorne explored the existence of evil and the
human need for __________ in their works.
A) community
B) material possessions
C) slaves
D) grace
42. In 1817, antislavery reformers founded the __________.
B) United Negro College Fund
C) American Colonization Society
D) American Anti-Slavery Society
43. Which of the following was a popular antislavery newspaper?
A) the Liberator
B) the Emancipator
C) the Freedom Press
D) the Free-Soiler
44. William Lloyd Garrison believed abolitionism required both an immediate end to slavery and
A) an offer by the American government to return former slaves to their homelands
B) the election of minority congressmen
C) racial equality
D) reparations for former slaves
45. Which of the following is an example of an immediatist?
A) an American Colonization Society member
B) a free-soiler
C) an abolitionist
D) a nativist
46. What was the primary difference between the American Colonization Society and the American Anti-
Slavery Society?
A) The American Colonization Society wanted to continue slavery, while the American Anti-Slavery
society wanted to abolish slavery.
B) The American Colonization Society wanted to send all freed slaves back to Africa, while the American
Anti-Slavery society wanted all freed slaves to become citizens of the United States.
C) The American Colonization Society wanted all freed slaves to live in a designated colony in the
western territories, while the American Anti-Slavery society wanted to return all freed slaves to their
D) The American Colonization Society wanted to take an immediatist approach to emancipation, while
the American Anti-Slavery Society wanted to take a gradualist approach to emancipation.
47. Women’s treatment within the __________ movement was the final impetus for forming a separate
women’s rights movement.
A) abolition
B) prison reform
C) temperance
D) workers’ rights
48. This document, issued at the Seneca Falls Convention, called for full female equality.
A) Declaration of Women’s Rights
B) Equal Rights Amendment
C) Seneca Falls Amendment
D) Declaration of Sentiments
49. What was the demand of the women who attended the Seneca Falls Convention?
A) emancipation of all female slaves
B) women’s suffrage
C) the right of women to own property
D) full female equality with males
50. The Married Women’s Property Act of 1860 allowed women in New York to __________.
A) inherit property from their fathers
B) sue their fathers and husbands if they deprived them of control of their wage income
C) sue their husbands for an equal division of marital property in the event of divorce
D) establish bank accounts in their own names
Essay Questions
51. How can the rapid surge of American industrialism in the period of 1815 to 1850 be explained?
52. Why did economic growth widen the gap between the rich and poor?
53. Describe the events that led to more of the citizens of the United States becoming abolitionists. Which
religious groups were involved in decrying slavery and why? What political organizations grew out of the
abolitionist movement?
54. How did class structure change in the first half of the 1800s? What examples reveal the emergence of
new tensions between the classes?
55. In what ways can it be said that new divisions between a “North” and “South” were developing in
America during the period of 18001850?

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