HIST 94401

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2211
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
A) No more slave states could be created north of the southern boundary of the
Missouri Compromise line.
B) Missouri was admitted as a slave state on the condition that slavery be phased out
over a period of time.
C) Maine was split off from Massachusetts and admitted as a free state.
D) Northern and southern congressmen split along sectional lines on this issue.
E) Adroit political maneuvering by Henry Clay got the compromise through the House
of Representatives.
Which of these did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s?
A) agriculture
B) department stores
C) the automotive industry
D) the chemical industry
E) the entertainment industry
Like the earlier Federalist-Jeffersonian Republican split, Whigs and Democrats were
divided on
A) Indian education versus Indian removal.
B) unicameral versus bicameral legislatures.
C) alliance with France or Britain.
D) confederation versus a federal union.
E) states' right versus federal power.
To progressives, the commissions they championed offered a way to _____.
A) increase their political power
B) reduce the power of reformers
C) end the corrupt alliance between business and politics
D) provide employment for their supporters
E) elect regular citizens into political offices
How did Americans respond to the bull market climate on the eve of the great crash in
A) A general sense of caution about the ability of the market to continue to yield such
fantastic dividends caused the market to falter.
B) Average Americans tended not to invest in the market themselves, instead relying on
professional stockbrokers to invest their savings.
C) Many Americans looked to the government for guidance on how to invest in such a
rapidly growing market.
D) Wild optimism about the continued growth of the stock market led Americans to
engage in speculative investing practices.
E) Wary about the danger of "get rich quick" schemes, many Americans carefully
guarded their life savings.
Which statement best characterizes how evangelical culture changed the role of women
in American society?
A) Women began to expect their husbands to contribute more to household chores and
the duties of raising children.
B) Women became less important figures to the home and family.
C) Women became more confined to the home but became more important inside it.
D) Women were expected to make a larger economic contribution to the society than
ever before.
E) Women were given more active roles and public leadership positions.
Why did American reformers argue against segregating Native Americans on
A) They thought Native Americans should be sent to the North where they could live
B) They felt that reservations took too much land away from white settlers.
C) They felt that Native Americans should be allowed to live their traditional lifestyles
in the West.
D) They believed that Native Americans should be assimilated into white American
E) They felt that reservations should include both Native Americans and white settlers.
Theodore Roosevelt angered southerners by _____.
A) dining with Booker T. Washington at the White House
B) stationing federal troops in southern states to supervise elections
C) selecting African Americans for cabinet positions
D) ordering the federal bureaucracy to be fully integrated
E) making sure that black athletes were included in the 1908 U.S. Olympic team
What do supply-side economists believe?
A) that the economy will recover without changing tax structures
B) that tax cuts will always hurt the national economy
C) that tax cuts will lead to an economic boom
D) that certain tax increases will lead to an economic boom
E) that tax increases are needed to keep the deficit in check
Which of the following does NOT characterize the Young America movement of the
1840s and 1850s?
A) territorial expansion
B) an aggressive foreign policy
C) economic expansion and growth
D) technological progress
E) appraisal of American values
The development of a national railway system ________.
A) provided needed jobs for an overabundant labor supply
B) had little effect on economic changes in the late nineteenth century
C) led to an integrated national economic system
D) had little help from the political system
E) was not completed until the early twentieth century
How did the Philadelphia Convention delegates ensure ratification of the Constitution?
A) They called for electing 13 state conventions and requiring only nine state
legislatures to ratify it.
B) They decided that a unanimous vote among the general public of all the states would
ratify it.
C) They decided that a unanimous vote among the state congresses would ratify it.
D) They called for electing James Madison as president so he could ratify it instead of
E) They decided that three-fifths of all state legislators needed to ratify it.
How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
A) Cuba removed its nuclear missiles in exchange for America's promise not to attack
the Soviet Union.
B) America removed its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for Russian promises
not to aid North Vietnam.
C) America removed its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for Russia's promise
not to invade Cuba.
D) Russia removed its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for America's promise
not to invade North Vietnam.
E) Russia removed its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for America's promise
not to invade Cuba.
Which of FDR's actions ended the immediate financial crisis of the 1930s?
A) FDR established the Tennessee Valley Authority and created thousands of new jobs.
B) FDR's Works Progress Administration spent nearly $5 billion on emergency relief.
C) FDR worked with powerful European nations to advance American agricultural
D) Using a calm and fatherly tone, FDR soothed the public's fears during fireside chats.
E) FDR gave government aid to the large banks, restoring confidence in the banking
To what does the term "Iron Curtain" refer?
A) the border between North and South Korea
B) the military operation in which the United States dropped the atom bomb on Japan
C) the railroad system that was restored in Europe after World War II ended
D) the separation between Soviet-dominated Europe and Western Europe
E) the seemingly insurmountable class divide in postwar Western Europe
For many Americans, George Washington was ________.
A) a symbol of the new government
B) a routine, typical political leader
C) not a popular leader
D) a threat to proclaim himself king
E) a good general, but not necessarily a good politician
Why did colonial lawmakers create strict slave codes in the late 1600s?
A) Lawmakers wanted slaves to be treated fairly.
B) Lawmakers feared an uprising because the African population had increased greatly.
C) Lawmakers wanted to prevent an influx of additional Africans into America.
D) Lawmakers wanted African Americans to be treated the same as indentured servants.
E) Lawmakers wanted to pave the road for African slaves to eventually become
The Report on Manufactures suggested ________.
A) low tariffs on imported goods
B) congressional taxes on industrial goods
C) protective tariffs
D) strict laissez faire
E) a fluctuating tariff schedule
What was true about most southern African Americans who held political power during
A) They alienated whites by pushing for massive land restriction.
B) They concentrated their efforts on educational and political reforms.
C) They used the Freedmen's Bureau to oppress ex-Confederates.
D) They pushed for educational integration.
E) They were more corrupt than their white counterparts.
The founding of which party was the first significant effort to create a broadly based
sectional party addressing itself to voters' concerns about the extension of slavery?
A) Free-Soil Party
B) Whig Party
C) Republican Party
D) Democratic Party
E) Know-Nothing Party
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Native American men were more receptive to Christianity than were the women.
B) When Indians and whites married, the European partner usually chose to live among
the Indians.
C) When trading with Native Americans, Europeans easily took advantage of the
D) Europeans had little success "civilizing" the Indians.
E) Native American women jealously guarded their traditional cultures.
In the Pullman strike of 1894, what did Grover Cleveland's intervention accomplish?
A) It provided business an effective antilabor weapon to hinder unions.
B) It ensured the success of the strike.
C) It failed to end either the strike or the rioting.
D) It gave workers the protection of a court injunction.
E) It led to the creation of the Pullman Porters' Union.
Josiah Strong ________.
A) fostered the concept of the divine support for expansion
B) believed that only missionary work should be done overseas
C) had little regard for the theories of Charles Darwin
D) hindered American expansion through his religious teachings
E) thought foreign trade was unimportant to the United States
Why was Rosa Parks arrested in 1955?
A) She instigated a race riot stemming from the desegregation of schools.
B) She defied a court order by refusing to allow black students in her classroom.
C) She refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man.
D) She assaulted a white man who had insulted her on a city bus.
E) She was suspected of being a communist or communist sympathizer.
Following the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, ________.
A) the executive office became weaker in relation to Congress
B) the executive office asserted its authority
C) the Supreme Court gained in power
D) the Supreme Court became less influential
E) power was equally divided between the president and Congress
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon pushed for _____.
A) increased government spending
B) reduced government spending
C) creation of an estate tax
D) higher corporate taxes
E) higher taxes for the rich
American Loyalists, who sided with the British during the War for Independence,
A) tended to be wealthy conservatives
B) were known for their wickedness and immorality
C) favored a strongly centralized, authoritarian form of government
D) came from all occupations and social classes
E) were pacifists who opposed war for any reason
The National Recovery Administration sought to promote economic recovery by
A) reducing corporate taxes
B) restoring competition
C) experimenting with national economic planning
D) implementing classical economic theory
E) eliminating all taxes
How did the dismal economy affect the 2008 presidential race?
A) It helped Obama gain ground during the campaign.
B) It decreased Obama's overall popularity.
C) It decreased both Obama and McCain's popularity.
D) It caused resentment against the Democratic Party.
E) It did not have any effect on the 2008 presidential election.
How did political activism for civil rights change from the 1950s to the early 1960s?
A) Direct, peaceful confrontation replaced reliance on court action.
B) Reliance on court action replaced direct, peaceful confrontation.
C) Reliance on court action replaced violent means of forcing social change.
D) Violent means of forcing social change replaced direct, peaceful confrontation.
E) Direct, peaceful confrontation replaced violent means of forcing social change.
The Navigation Acts established the principle that ________.
A) trade between the colonies of Spain and of England would be beneficial
B) Spain would have most-favored status in trading with England
C) free trade was good for all
D) the British colonies' only trading partner was England
E) North American industry should be discouraged
How did Abraham Lincoln argue about slavery in his debates with Stephen Douglas
during the 1858 Senate race?
A) He favored abolishing slavery in all the states and territories.
B) He favored restricting slavery to the states where it was most profitable.
C) He favored restricting slavery to the states where the Constitution protected it.
D) He favored using popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue in new territories.
E) He favored allowing slavery in newly acquired territories.
Rapid rail construction after the Civil War was possible because ________.
A) there was little competition between the builders
B) the rail companies managed their money and land wisely
C) federal and state governments provided important incentives
D) the western half of the nation was uninhabitable
E) the South was eager to participate

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