HIST 92755

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1779
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Mississippian Complexes (c. 1000-500 BP) __________.
a. made hunting the most important way to obtain food
b. had large towns and corn agriculture
c. stressed equality
d. functioned without a specialization of labor
Modern Great Basin Indians __________.
a. have overcome problems with drugs and alcohol
b. have issues with land, hunting, water, and grazing rights
c. have no casinos
d. all of the above
Europeans used low estimates for Native American populations to justify European
occupation of North America and South America.
Paleoindians (Clovis people) arrived in California about __________.
a. 5000 years ago
b. 3000-500 years ago
c. 10,000-12,000 years ago
d. 20,000 years ago.
The most important domesticated animal for Arctic people was the __________.
a. polar bear
b. musk ox
c. dog
d. mallard duck
The "antap
a. was an important religious organization that planned ceremonies.
b. was a kind of basket used for cooking.
c. was the official Chumash currency.
d. was the most famous type of Chumash pottery.
The major ceremony held by Southeastern Indians was a 3-day event in late summer to
celebrate the harvest and renew harmony and was known as the __________.
a. Blue Corn Days
b. Green Corn Ceremony
c. Beans and Squash Ceremony
d. Wheat Harvest Festival
North America includes __________.
a. Canada and U.S. only
b. the U.S. only
c. Greenland
d. Chile and Venezuela
The staple food of the Northwest Coast was ___________.
a. eulachon
b. anadromous fish such as salmon
c. sea mammals
d. deer and bears
The nuclear family in the Great Basin __________.
a. was part of a large band that always hunted together
b. was mainly matrilineal
c. was an important economic unit
d. did not like to produce children, as the environment was so harsh
The umiak was __________.
a. a small boat for a single hunter
b. a large boat for rich men rowed by women
c. pulled by a team of dogs
d. used to propel a harpoon
What must an Arctic hunter be sure to do?
a. keep the best meat for himself
b. teach his wife how to cook the meat
c. show respect to the prey animal's soul
d. give the dogs only the polar bear's liver
Of the ten culture areas considered by the Smithsonian Handbook of North American
Indians, the two that used to be covered with temperate forests are __________
a.the Plains and Plateau
b. the Northeast and Southeast
c. California and the Southwest
d. the Northwest Coast and Plateau
Women in Great Basin society __________.
a. could not hunt or be shamans
b. often stayed single to avoid starvation
c. had generally low status
d. gathered and processed most of the plant food
The tundra or Low Arctic has __________.
a. permanently frozen topsoil
b. snow and ice cover year-round
c. relatively warm year-round temperatures averaging 70F
d. vast wetlands and bogs in the summer
The state that has the largest number of Indians is __________.
a. Arizona
b. California
c. Oklahoma
d. Texas
e. Alaska
The Modoc War (1872-1873) __________.
a. cost the U.S. over half a million dollars
b. raised a national debate about treatment of Indians
c. resulted in public criticism of the highest level of U.S. government
d. all of the above
The Plains are located east of __________.
a. The Rocky Mountains
b. Lake Erie
c. The Mississippi River
d. Hudson Bay
The Hopi occupy parts of modern day __________.
a. New Mexico
b. Mexico
c. Utah and Colorado
d. Arizona
Critical elements of Southeastern society were __________.
a. kinship and rigid classification
b. Polygamy and social mobility
c. patrilineal clans and moieties
d. land ownership and patrilineages
The Arctic is sometimes called a "desert" because __________.
a. it has dry sandy areas that resemble deserts under the snow
b. the area is very low in rainfall
c. nothing grows there
d. the subsoil never thaws
A kiva was a __________ used by Puebloan groups for ceremonies.
a. clay pipe
b. round, semisubterranean structure
c. sand painting
d. wooden figurine
The approximate number of federally recognized tribes in the U.S. is __________.
a. almost 1000.
b. 550.
c. less than 50.
d. 700.
Sarah Winnemucca, a Northern Paiute, __________.
a. was known as the "Indian Moses"
b. performed in a show on Paiute life on stage in the 1860s
c. was instrumental in encouraging her people to declare was on the U.S.
d. did not believe in American education for her people
Some of the problems with using culture areas include the following ___________
a. diversity may be ignored
b. criteria are chosen by Indians
c. cultures never change
d. they"re never compared
A typical Northwest Coast town ___________.
a. was located inland in trees for safety
b. was made up of large seal skin tents facing the water
c. was very small
d. had a communal ceremonial house
European intrusion in the New World led to Indian __________.
a. population decimation and loss of cultures
b. loss of land
c. health problems
d. b and c
e. all of the above
Ways the Spanish mission system impacted Indians include __________.
a. cooperative farming for trade with the missions
b. preservation of Indian cultures
c. removal from their homes for slave labor
d. better health and longer life expectancy
The theory of Unilinear Cultural Evolution, popular in the 1800s and early 1900s
a. classified people as savage, barbaric, or civilized
b. argued that all cultures are equal and should not be viewed as inferior and superior to
one another
c. was based on skin color
d. all of the above
The first Europeans to contact the people of the Subarctic were __________.
a. British fur traders in the 1600s
b. French fur traders in the 1500s
c. Russian fur traders in the 1700s
d. Norse explorers around A.D. 1000
Pawnee children were __________.
a. not highly valued
b. taught to be dependent on others
c. had a guardian animal spirit
d. were uncooperative
The Paleoindian Period of the Plateau is __________.
a. well-understood through the work of Russian ethnographers in the 18th c.
b. non-existent because the region was covered by glaciers
c. poorly-understood because volcanic activity and flooding has erased much of the
archaeological record
d. well-understood through the journals of Lewis and Clark
The primary Kwakiutl family unit__________.
a. was a loosely patrilineal lineage
b. lived in separate houses
c. did not involve clans
d. all of the above
Northeast material culture included __________.
a. the use of two types of canoes
b. clothing made from buffalo skin
c. living in longhouses
d. a and b
e. a and c
During the Archaic Period in the Northeast, a culture named for this metal spread
throughout the western region __________.
a. iron
b. gold
c. steel
d. copper
The story of Pocahontas is typical of the romanticized "Indian Princess" who rejects
native culture and values. T/F
Arctic men "wore" a kayak as if it were a living being.
As always, the impact of European contact on native Northeastern cultures resulted in
an increase in native population due to better conditions. T/F
Being Indian is not just a matter of blood or genetics but also a matter of culture and
choice. T/F
Native Americans are defined by blood quantum only.
Cultures within similar environments tend to share some aspects of economy, politics,
and language.
The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ended allotment and reorganized tribal
governments. T/F
Shamans were not important in the Subarctic. T/F
The religion of the Nez Perce is highly personal and involves few formalized, public
Seminole is a Creek derived word that means runaway. T/F
Clovis and Folsom points are indicative of the Paleoindian Period. T/F
Native American foods and drugs have no impact on U.S. life today.
Plains Indian life with the horse chasing the buffalo was actually a result of European
contact. T/F
According to Northeast social organization, the farming groups were patrilineal and the
groups that depended mostly on hunting were matrilineal. T /F
The Aleut helped the Russians in the fur trade and kept good relations with them.
Spain pacified the natives by warfare, disease, and feudal work systems.
Geronimo, a Chiricahua Apache leader, was most famous for outsmarting superior
forces of Mexican and American troops in the 1880s. T/F
The Nez Perce had three classes--wealthy, middle class, and slaves--plus a separate
class for bison hunters. T/F
What two places have strong Ottowa communities today?
__________ and __________

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