HIST 82087

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2094
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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One thing immigrants from the four major Hispanic groups have had in common is that
they have tended to __________.
a. be relatively wealthy
b. have few children
c. be relatively young
d. have very high college graduation rates
e. live primarily in rural areas
Annexing the Hawaiian Islands was difficult because of __________.
a. the lack of clear motives for annexation
b. economic problems on the domestic front
c. the opposition to annexing European and Asian allies
d. the lack of consensus for annexation by Hawaiian planters
e. the fear of making the non-Christian Hawaiians citizens of the United States
What was an advantage to slaves living on large plantations with stable slave
a. Families stayed intact and the mother typically raised the children alone.
b. Families stayed intact and the father typically raised the children alone.
c. Families stayed intact and both parents typically shared in the child-rearing duties.
d. Children were usually raised by distant family members, allowing a large social
network to develop.
e. Children usually began working as soon as they could walk, cutting down on
behavior problems.
George Kennan's "containment" policy proposed __________.
a. long-term neutrality for the United States with respect to European affairs
b. a series of aggressive maneuvers toward the Soviet Union
c. efforts to stop the expansion of Russian control and communism
d. a return to prewar isolationist policies
e. a coup to replace communism with democracy in Europe and Asia
Hamilton's Report on the Public Credit recommended __________.
a. the renunciation of all old government debts
b. that the federal government assume remaining state debts
c. that the states fund most government activities
d. that bankers be restricted in their dealings with the federal government
e. that the federal government offer its creditors 80 percent of the face value of its
The election of 1796 was complicated by __________.
a. changes in the nation's voting laws
b. interference from British diplomats
c. behind-the-scenes manipulations by Alexander Hamilton
d. Washington's refusal to stay out of politics
e. confusion over the differences between Federalists and Republicans
What did Henry George propose as a solution to poverty in modern society?
a. to let nature take its evolutionary course
b. to replace all taxes with a 'single tax" on land
c. a socialist utopia in which the government owns the means of production
d. to establish worker and farmer "cooperatives" to own the means of production
e. to make churches the center of social reform instead of the government
Why was the Battle of the Bulge an important battle during World War II?
a. It was the battle that drew the United States into the war.
b. It was Hitler's first loss in the war, showing the world that he could be beaten.
c. It was the first time the Allies gained significant ground in Europe.
d. The Allies won the battle and immediately ended the war.
e. The Allied victory exhausted Hitler's reserves and fatally weakened his army.
Does U.S. foreign policy today more closely reflect the isolationist or the expansionist
a. Because the United States no longer participates in armed conflicts in other countries,
it reflects the isolationist model.
b. It reflects the isolationist model because the United States only participates in the
world economically, and not militarily or politically.
c. Because the United States participates in affairs throughout the world for its own
benefit, it reflects the expansionist model.
d. Because the United States only participates in the other countries' struggles for
freedom, and not for any U.S. gain, it reflects the expansionist model.
e. It reflects the isolationist model because the United States tries to establish its
influence only in the Americas.
Which statement best describes a mercantilist economic system?
a. Trade benefits all trading partners equally.
b. Trade benefits only the weak nations.
c. One nation's success in commerce has no effect on other nations.
d. One nation's success in commerce is another nation's loss.
e. One nation's success in commerce benefits all nations.
Even before achieving statehood, __________ prohibited slavery in its constitution.
a. Connecticut
b. New Jersey
c. Massachusetts
d. Pennsylvania
e. Vermont
Truman's prospects in the 1948 election looked __________.
a. very promising because he had successfully kept inflation down after World War II
b. promising because he unified Democrats and even some GOP leaders in his support
c. promising because he remained wildly popular with the public throughout his term
d. bleak because Democratic support had been split among several candidates
e. bleak because he lacked the funds to travel the country and garner support
Who were the Little Rock Nine?
a. black war heroes from Little Rock, Arkansas
b. black students at a recently desegregated high school in Little Rock, Arkansas
c. a group of black political activists from Little Rock, Arkansas
d. nine black men who were murdered by white supremacists in Little Rock, Arkansas
e. nine white police officers accused of brutality against black citizens in Little Rock
The leading figure at the Albany Congress, and designer of the Albany Plan, was
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
c. William Pitt
d. John Adams
e. Benjamin Franklin
Why did "instant cities" arise in the West in the late nineteenth century?
a. City builders rushed to the West to take advantage of the cheap land.
b. People rushed to the West for economic opportunities, and cities sprang up quickly.
c. Easterners were anxious to replicate the cities they had left and built quickly.
d. Building materials were so cheap that it made sense to build an entire city instantly
instead of letting it develop over time.
e. White settlers took over western settlements that had already been built by Native
Significant medical developments in Victorian America __________.
a. prevented tuberculosis, typhoid, and diphtheria
b. included the discovery that germs cause infection and disease
c. led to an increase in the number of hospitals and their use for medical care
d. could not stop the increasing infant mortality rate between 1877 and 1900
e. allowed psychologists to investigate the importance of genetics on human
During the Second Seminole War of 1835-1842, __________.
a. most slaves rebelled against their masters
b. many escaped slaves hiding in Florida fought with the Native Americans against U.S.
c. slaves slaughtered Seminole Indians in large numbers
d. many whites killed their slaves in fear of an alliance between slaves and Native
e. many escaped slaves hiding in Florida were found and returned to their owners
As a result of the revised Fugitive Slave Law in the Compromise of 1850, it became
a. easier for escaped slaves to stay free
b. easier to kidnap and enslave free African Americans
c. easier for slaves to sue for their freedom
d. easier for slaves to purchase their freedom
e. more difficult for plantation owners to reclaim their escaped slaves
Which statement best describes the migration of the American population during World
War II?
a. Rural areas lost population while coastal areas gained population.
b. People moved from urban to rural areas to help grow food to support the troops.
c. Coastal areas lost population as millions moved into America's heartland.
d. The South and West lost population as millions moved to states in the Northeast.
e. The United States lost population as millions moved to Canada.
Compared to New England, Chesapeake society __________.
a. was more democratic
b. was characterized by small farms
c. possessed fewer families
d. had a more demographically concentrated population
e. had fewer slaves
The focus of Lincoln Steffens's research and writing was __________.
a. corruption in city government
b. filth in meatpacking plants
c. monopolies
d. conservation
e. unhealthy working conditions
What was the dominant social theme of 1950s America?
a. individualism
b. free love
c. philanthropy
d. consumerism
e. political activism
How were Young Americans different from the more traditional members of the
Democratic Party?
a. They were enthusiastic about commerce, industry, and speculation in the market.
b. They were opposed to territorial expansion.
c. They fiercely opposed the Mexican"American War.
d. They worried about the materialism that accompanied the market economy.
e. They embraced European themes in American literature.
Which statement best describes the disparity in resources between the North and the
South during the Civil War?
a. The North had more factories and industrial workers than the South.
b. The value of industrial production was higher in the South.
c. The South had more textiles and firearms factories.
d. The South had more miles of railroad tracks than the North.
e. The North was unable to access its immigrant population for manpower.
Why was the wealth that Spain acquired from the New World considered to be a mixed
a. Spain was forced to send a large proportion of its population to the New World to
help ship gold and silver back to Spain.
b. The Spanish got wealthy from silver and gold in the New World, but lost most of
their army and navy in battles with Native Americans.
c. Spain only used the New World as a source of wealth; it did not consider establishing
real settlements there.
d. Great inflation for ordinary Spaniards resulted from Spain's quick acquisition of its
e. The Spanish who got wealthy very quickly did not know how to manage their wealth
and lost it just as quickly.
In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court ruled that school
segregation __________.
a. was acceptable as long as the schools were actually equal
b. could not be banned as long as local voters supported it
c. violated the Fourteenth Amendment by creating feelings of inferiority and inequality
d. was necessary in order to foster a strong sense of racial identity among students
e. was protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
In the 1950s, Americans experienced a contradiction in __________.
a. their apparent obsession with technology but reluctance to embrace television
b. their growing commitment to organized religion while they had less time for church
c. moving to the suburbs yet longing for the excitement and opportunities found in
d. saying they feared the onset of another Great Depression but refusing to spend the
money needed to bolster the economy
e. denouncing the Soviet Union for human rights violations while discriminating
against African Americans
During the nineteenth century, the center of cotton production __________.
a. moved westward
b. moved eastward
c. moved northward
d. remained in the southeast
e. remained in the Upper South
Which of the following would Alexander Hamilton have proposed?
a. strong diplomatic ties with France
b. the purchase of western lands
c. giving the common man the vote
d. providing government subsidies to manufacturers
e. modeling the banking system on the German model
The results of President Reagan's economic policies were __________.
a. overwhelmingly positiveunemployment declined and the budget was balanced
b. fairly positiveunemployment declined but the economy overall did not improve
c. mixedthere were record federal deficits but the economy overall improved
d. very minorthe economy remained about the same during his presidency
e. decidedly negativeinflation increased and the economy declined dramatically
What did the Bush administration insist Iraq was hiding in 2002?
a. harbored terrorists
b. weapons of mass destruction
c. stolen classified U.S. documents
d. missing American diplomats
e. unannounced oil reserves

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