HIST 76921

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2165
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Where and why did the major demographic shift of the 1920s take place?
a. There was a mass movement of people from the cities to the suburbs due to the
advent of the automobile.
b. There was a mass movement of people from the rural countryside to cities because
consumer industries were located there.
c. The development of mechanization in agricultural production drew populations from
urban to more rural areas.
d. People moved from the cities to rural areas to escape overcrowding and poor air
e. Generally speaking, there was relative demographic stability during this period.
The Plains Indians __________.
a. were organized into one large and powerful tribal group
b. were an insignificant proportion of the total Native American population in the
United States in 1870
c. were a complex of tribes, cultures, and bands that assigned most work on the basis of
d. were at a distinct disadvantage when fighting whites because of their weapons
e. had advanced farming techniques and complex building structures
Which 1968 presidential candidate cut deeply into Democratic candidate Hubert
Humphrey's voter base by running on the American Independent Party ticket?
a. Eugene McCarthy
b. William Westmoreland
c. Timothy Leary
d. George C. Wallace
e. Huey Newton
What did women gain as a result of the American Revolution?
a. Women gained voting rights and access to higher education.
b. Women gained little; their lives remained much the same.
c. Women could now become landowners, shopkeepers, and dress makers.
d. Women gained education, new divorce laws, and some economic opportunities.
e. Women could travel freely, study widely, and find gainful employment.
What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact involve?
a. an alliance between France, Britain, and the United States
b. an international treaty outlawing war
c. an agreement that forced the United States to join World War II
d. a trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States
e. a treaty that gave part of Poland to Germany after World War II
During the 1840s, what was true of most northerners?
a. They disliked slavery and detested abolitionism.
b. They were fierce and loyal abolitionists.
c. They supported the institution of slavery.
d. They were apathetic about the slavery issue.
e. They felt that slavery was starting to spread to the North.
Who inspired the Montgomery bus boycott?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.
b. Ella Baker
c. Rosa Parks
d. Thurgood Marshall
e. Orval Faubus
Between 1898 and 1903, the American economy saw __________.
a. an increase in the number of smaller businesses
b. greater competition among all businesses
c. a wave of mergers and consolidations
d. the outlawing of trusts
e. meager overall business growth
How did agencies created during the Hundred Days affect the Great Depression?
a. They attempted to relieve the suffering of Americans by giving
government-subsidized loans at very low rates.
b. Agencies such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Civilian Conservation
Corps succeeded in getting most Americans back to work.
c. Their main effect was to end economic stagnation by getting many people back to
d. They strengthened all the failing banks of the country, restoring Americans'
confidence in banking.
e. Actually they did little to affect the Great Depression, but they were perceived to be
effective by the public.
In the early 1790s, British actions toward the United States indicated __________.
a. respect for the status of the new nation
b. a desire to recruit the United States as a close ally
c. disdain for American rights
d. a willingness to join the French in taking advantage of the new country
e. the need for American resources to feed and clothe British troops
Nativists disliked Irish and German immigrants because so many of the immigrants
were __________.
a. communists
b. illiterate
c. Jewish
d. Roman Catholic
e. atheists
The political party known especially for its anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic philosophy
was the __________.
a. Free-Soil Party
b. Whig Party
c. Know-Nothing Party
d. Democratic Party
e. Liberty Party
Non-slaveholders in the South followed the leadership of slaveowners because they
a. were dependent on the institution of slavery for their livelihoods
b. thought slavery was best for the slaves themselves
c. wanted to become slaveowners themselves
d. were not eligible to participate in the political process
e. feared slaveowners would requisition their land
By 1900, toward what new policy was President McKinley attempting to direct the
Republican party?
a. monetary inflation through silver coinage
b. promoting economic growth with subsidies and tariffs
c. laissez-faire
d. increasing tariff rates again
e. decreasing the country's gold supply then in circulation
Why is the Navigation Act in 1660 considered the most important piece of imperial
legislation drafted before the American Revolution?
a. It allowed the development of the colonial navy into one of the most powerful in the
b. It had an enormous impact on the way goods were taxed in the English colonies,
which ultimately led the colonists to revolt.
c. It allowed colonists to trade with the Dutch, which eventually caused the British to
retaliate with acts that sparked the American Revolution.
d. It established France and Holland as allies of the colonies and enemies with England.
e. Its passage directly led to the Boston Tea Party, which was the first act of rebellion by
the American colonists.
The turning point of the Pacific war was the American victory at the Battle of
__________, which gave the United States control of the Central Pacific.
a. Coral Sea
b. Guadalcanal
c. Midway
d. Iwo Jima
e. Leyte Gulf
The turmoil of the 1960s and the economic and political troubles of the 1970s
a. turned America to conservatism
b. turned America to liberalism
c. turned America away from both the Republican and Democratic parties
d. caused the public to want more involvement in international conflicts
e. caused the public to crave more government control over their lives
When tobacco prices sagged after 1820, __________.
a. farmers in the Upper South switched over to cotton and rice production
b. farmers in the Upper South found effective ways to reverse soil depletion
c. large numbers of surplus slaves were sold from the Upper South to the Lower South
d. planters in Virginia and Maryland turned openly to slave breeding as a business
e. Virginia and Maryland began exporting slaves to the Caribbean Islands
In which way did the richest plantation families resemble a traditional landed
a. Planters operated under the principles of noblesse oblige.
b. Planters collected taxes from the peasants who worked their land.
c. Planters' sons chose military or law careers rather than going into trade.
d. Planters' daughters were often betrothed during their childhood years.
e. Planter families often intermarried with the people who worked the land.
Why was American expansion of the 1890s different from earlier expansionist moves?
a. It was intended for settlement.
b. It was primarily for agricultural objectives.
c. It would create economic and military colonies overseas.
d. It would venture into uninhabited areas.
e. It was the result of war.
What was an important result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
a. It had catastrophic effects on sectional harmony.
b. It revived support for an expansionist foreign policy.
c. It strengthened the political power of the Whig Party.
d. It had little effect on sectional tensions.
e. It never got the congressional support it needed for passage.
What was one of Wilson's major goals at the Paris Peace Conference?
a. to punish Germany for starting the war
b. to compensate the Allies for their great losses
c. to found a League of Nations to enforce peace
d. to bring the new Russian government to the peace table
e. to collect awards and accolades from France
At the beginning of World War I, Americans __________.
a. showed little interest in the conflict
b. sided strongly with the British
c. were eager to enter the conflict
d. sided strongly with the Germans
e. generally accepted neutrality
Which is true of the New England colonies?
a. Most families had several servants.
b. There were wide gaps between the rich and poor.
c. Land ownership was widespread.
d. Few colonists owned their own land.
e. All free males could vote.
The author of the Declaration of Independence was __________.
a. George Washington
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Samuel Adams
d. Patrick Henry
e. Thomas Jefferson
In 1848, at Seneca Falls, New York, __________.
a. a major religious revival occurred
b. the first national gathering of feminists took place
c. eleven people were killed in an anti-Mormon riot
d. the radical antislavery movement began
e. representatives of the Five Civilized Tribes finally ceded the Ohio Valley to the
United States
What was one of the results of the rapid increase in cultivated acreage during the latter
half of the nineteenth century?
a. higher tariffs on farm products
b. lower prices for farm products
c. a decrease in demand for farm machinery
d. an increase in land values
e. a decrease in land values
Industrialization after 1815 altered the manufacturing system in the United States by
a. immediately creating a need for large factories with many workers
b. increasing production in the factory and decreasing it in the home
c. increasing the need for female labor
d. eliminating the need for foreign equipment and technology
e. becoming more efficient, therefore using fewer raw materials
What was the central issue of the 2004 presidential election?
a. the war in Iraq
b. abortion
c. the economy
d. family values
e. the war on drugs
In African American families in which husband and wife were often separated, who was
typically considered the head of the family?
a. the father
b. the mother
c. the oldest son
d. the oldest daughter
e. a grandparent
How was the war of 1812 both a success and a failure for Americans?
a. The United States won all the battles but lost the war in that the Treaty of Ghent gave
it only maritime rights and not impressment promises.
b. The United States felt united as a nation and proud as a country, and yet it did not
receive maritime rights or impressment promises.
c. The United States lost all major battles, wasting lives and resources, but it gained
maritime rights and impressment promises in the Treaty of Ghent.
d. The United States lost valuable land in the West, but gained maritime rights and
impressment promises.
e. The United States gained land in the West, maritime rights, and impressment
promises in the peace treaty, but lost many lives and resources in the war.
The foreign policy initiative calling for an end to all European colonization efforts in
the Western Hemisphere was known as the __________.
a. Monroe Doctrine
b. Adams-Ons Agreement
c. Continental Treaty 1818
d. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
e. "American System"
What can be assumed about isolationists given the immense popularity of the
Republican party in the early twentieth century?
a. If pro-isolationist Republicans were the most popular party, then it can be assumed
that expansionists were a minority.
b. If anti-imperialist Republicans were the most popular party, then it can be assumed
that pro-imperialists were a minority.
c. The Republican party was pro-isolationist.
d. If pro-expansionist Republicans were the most popular party, then it can be assumed
that isolationists were a minority.
e. The Republican party was anti-imperialist.
In 1890, the American electorate rejected __________.
a. Democratic legislative activism by crushing the party in the congressional elections
b. Republican legislative activism by crushing the party in the congressional elections
c. the legislative passiveness of both major parties by electing many third-party and
especially Populist candidates to Congress
d. Republican passiveness by crushing the party in the congressional elections
e. Democratic passiveness by crushing the party in the congressional elections

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