HIST 75425

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2017
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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How did President Johnson antagonize Republicans in Congress?
A) He called for an extension of the Freedmen's Bureau.
B) He supported a civil rights bill to guarantee equality for African Americans.
C) He urged confiscation and redistribution of southern land.
D) He vetoed bills with strong Republican support.
E) He insisted on support for the Fourteenth Amendment as a condition of readmission.
Why was Rosa Parks arrested in 1955?
A) She instigated a race riot stemming from the desegregation of schools.
B) She defied a court order by refusing to allow black students in her classroom.
C) She refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man.
D) She assaulted a white man who had insulted her on a city bus.
E) She was suspected of being a communist or communist sympathizer.
Hoover believed that unemployment relief _______.
A) was justified by previous government policies
B) would bring about dangerous inflation
C) could promote domestic unrest
D) should come from private charities
E) would be a sign of weakness
Henry Clay's American system envisioned _________.
A) the triumph of the Monroe Doctrine
B) the end of the canal boom
C) rapid Indian removal
D) a strong federal role in the economy
E) the demise of slavery
What defined immigrants as "birds of passage"?
A) They remained in the United States.
B) They moved from region to region.
C) They took the train from their ship to a western farm.
D) They were detained, or "caged," indefinitely where they arrived.
E) They did not stay permanently in the United States.
The American Federation of Labor, in the first decade of the twentieth century,
A) became increasingly radical.
B) remained devoted to the interests of skilled craftsmen
C) included more and more unskilled workers and women
D) lost its place as the largest American union
E) maintained a hostile stance towards corporations
What seems to have hindered the development of towns in the Chesapeake region?
A) hostility between different ethnic groups
B) the absence of navigable rivers
C) the absence of a vibrant middle class
D) an economy based on one crop destined for export
E) the dependence on a one-crop economy for use in the colonies
The National Recovery Administration sought to promote economic recovery by
A) reducing corporate taxes
B) restoring competition
C) experimenting with national economic planning
D) implementing classical economic theory
E) eliminating all taxes
In the first decades of the twentieth century, how did Mexican immigration to the
United States change?
A) It did not, but held steady.
B) It increased dramatically.
C) Mostly women and children came.
D) It was encouraged by the U.S. government.
E) It rarely occurred.
Why did more black women work than white women in the early 1900s?
A) Black women had traditionally worked for white women.
B) Many companies hired black women over white women.
C) Black families often needed two incomes to survive.
D) Reformers hired black workers when they were available.
E) Black women had more education than white women.
Despite the New Deal, ________ remained the country's most impoverished citizens.
A) African Americans
B) Asian Americans
C) Native Americans
D) Mexican Americans
E) "Okies" and "Arkies"
What was the tone of the Stamp Act Congress?
A) extreme radicalism, with some delegates calling for an immediate declaration of
B) restraint and conciliation, with no mention of independence or disloyalty
C) bitter division between pro-independence radicals and Loyalists who favored British
D) angry disputes between various colonies and regions
E) a show of the strength of the Loyalist faction in the colonies
How did working-class urban whites generally feel about the abolitionist movement?
A) They supported abolitionism because they thought the institution of slavery was
morally wrong.
B) They supported abolitionism because they thought it would lead to more economic
C) They resisted abolitionism because they sincerely believed that African Americans
were happier in slavery than they would be as free people.
D) They resisted abolitionism because they worried about the collapse of the cotton
E) They resisted abolitionism because they did not want to compete socially and
economically with African Americans.
The Social Darwinists ________.
A) believed the laws of nature applied to society
B) were active reformers in the late nineteenth century
C) had an overwhelming influence on American society
D) raised important questions about the ill effects of business trusts
E) stressed society's responsibility to aid the poor.
The author of the original proposal for the Bill of Rights was ________.
A) Patrick Henry
B) George Washington
C) Alexander Hamilton
D) James Madison
E) Thomas Jefferson
Who surrendered to the Union Army at Appomattox Courthouse in April of 1865?
A) Confederate President Jefferson Davis
B) General Robert E. Lee
C) General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
D) General Ulysses S. Grant
E) Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens
Which of the following phrases describes the journey for most settlers westward?
A) All members of the journey had tasks to fulfill on the trail.
B) Only men migrated westward.
C) Most settlers tried to make the journey as quickly as possible.
D) The journey was easier for men than women.
E) It was a disciplined and efficient enterprise.
Georgia's actions against the Cherokee were very similar to those of South Carolina's in
regard to the "tariff of abominations" in that both hinged on _________.
A) motives that were primarily patriotic
B) a strict reading of the Bill of Rights
C) states' rights and defiance of the Constitution
D) protectionism
E) racism and chauvinism
What did the term "benevolent empire" refer to?
A) a United States without slavery
B) the English-speaking Christian colonies
C) a group of Christian churches that focused on helping the poor
D) a group of missionary and reform societies that worked together
E) the Kingdom of Heaven
How was Eugene Debs affected by the passage of new laws during World War I?
A) He was arrested for denouncing the war and sent to prison.
B) He gained the right to run for president as a member of the Socialist party.
C) He was sent to prison on the charge of conspiring with the Germans.
D) He was sent to an internment camp with other German American citizens.
E) He was granted the right to check mail for treasonous materials.
What did the young children of plantation slaves do while their parents worked?
A) They often accompanied their parents and were cared for by older children.
B) They often went to segregated schools before they were old enough to work.
C) They were often cared for at home by their mothers.
D) They were often sent to nurseries where other slaves cared for them.
E) They often played with the young children of the plantation owners.
Which of the following men were true political and philosophical allies in the 1820s?
A) John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
B) Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson
C) Andrew Jackson and John Marshall
D) Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun
E) Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams
The violence found in ________ led to the establishment of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA).
A) hockey
B) football
C) lacrosse
D) basketball
E) baseball
The man who taught Virginians how to grow tobacco was ________.
A) Captain John Smith
B) Powhatan
C) John Rolfe
D) Sir Edwin Sandys
E) the Duke of Marlboro
How did Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" movement reflect on the federal government's
efforts to address the Great Depression?
A) The fact that Americans were swayed by Huey Long's flamboyant style suggested
that they had become disillusioned with FDR's leadership.
B) The "Share the Wealth" movement complemented the New Deal's programs, which
similarly sought to increase the standard of living of all Americans.
C) The "Share the Wealth" movement suggested that a large number of people felt that
more should be done for those in trouble.
D) Rising frustration with the slow pace of recovery resulted in a grassroots revival of
fundamentalist Christianity.
E) The emergence of viable third-party candidates suggested that neither Democrats nor
Republicans were capable of ending the Great Depression.
How do the views of "new Western historians" contrast with Frederick Jackson Turner's
thesis about the westward migration?
A) Turner viewed the migration as a fluid back and forth between the East and West,
but new historians point out that very few families who migrated west returned east.
B) Turner viewed the migration as a mix of cultures struggling to get along with Native
Americans, but new historians point out that many Native Americans were helpful to
the new settlers.
C) Turner saw the migration as a wave of white migrants who traveled west, but new
historians look at it as a set of various groups moving in many directions and interacting
with each other.
D) Turner saw the migration as a long process, but new historians have pointed out that
the entire wave of migration was very concentrated and took place over a relatively
short period of time.
E) Turner viewed the migration as a very negative experience for the travelers, but new
historians point out that the experience was both positive and negative.
NAFTA is ________.
A) the first lending institution to need a government bailout in 2008
B) the most common weapon of mass destruction found in Iraq
C) an arms treaty between the United States and Russia
D) a free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada
E) an international organization helping nations move from communism to democracy
John F. Kennedy's domestic program was known as the ________.
A) Great Society
B) New Deal
C) Fair Deal
D) New Frontier
E) Camelot Era
What was the pivotal role of religion in the 1928 election?
A) Most Americans voted for Hoover as the Protestant candidate.
B) Most Americans were Catholic immigrants and identified with Smith.
C) The Ku Klux Klan helped elect Hoover because he was Protestant.
D) The Roman Catholic Church ordered its faithful to vote for Al Smith.
E) Religiously active Protestants refused to participate in this election.
How did Adams influence the United States' future land holdings?
A) He proposed a law in Congress to tax English imports at a high rate, generating
enough income to buy the Southwest from Spain.
B) He banned political parties, cooling passionate debates so that the nation could focus
on expansion.
C) He repaired relations with France and created a sense of trust so that the U.S. could
eventually purchase the Louisiana Territory.
D) He gave the U.S. Army permission to clear Native Americans from the lands, using
violence if necessary.
E) He appeased Britain with tax agreements and U.S. army assistance in the war against
France, so Britain gave the U.S. the land that is now Montana.

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