HIST 61294

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1582
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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Which of the following was an act that white southerners interpreted as northern
A) gun laws
B) education for poor children of all races
C) economic reforms
D) assistance to southern blacks
Which of the following contributed to the Red Scare?
A) Lenin's open threats of toppling the U.S. empire
B) President Wilson's open call for Americans to spy on other Americans
C) anti-unionists using the issue to break unions
D) the popularity of the Socialist Party in the United States
Which statement about American support for World War II is true?
A) Officials were surprised that not many men enlisted after the bombing of Pearl
B) For the first time in U.S. military history, racial equality existed in the army.
C) The support for the war unified Americans across regional, national, and class
D) Women played no significant role in the Allies' victory.
Which of the following tactics increased public support for women's suffrage?
A) appealing to the view that women possessed special moral instincts
B) advancing the view that women possessed the same intellectual capabilities as men
C) exempting African American women from the proposed voting rights expansion
D) writing scathing letters to the editor of major newspapers
In 1968, the Soviet Union militarily suppressed moves toward democracy and
liberalization in __________.
A) Hungary
B) Poland
C) East Germany
D) Czechoslovakia
Suburbanization in the 1920s __________.
A) was made possible by the success of the automobile
B) was confined to the Northeast
C) resulted in the passing of anti-segregation legislation
D) discouraged the creation of new retail businesses
The foundation of the Watergate crisis was centered on __________.
A) Richard Nixon's near defeat in the election of 1972
B) Richard Nixon's overestimation of his opponent's political strengths
C) the military's growing success in the Vietnam War
D) the inability of Congress to pass any legislation
In 2008, the successful presidential nominee of the Democratic Party was __________.
A) Walter Mondale
B) John Kerry
C) Barack Obama
D) Al Gore
A member of the __________ party would most likely support selection of government
employees on the basis of a written examination.
A) Populist
B) Mugwump
C) Greenback
D) Republican
Throughout the 1890s, Supreme Court decisions tended to __________.
A) isolate reform groups from their supporters
B) side with the demands of small farmers
C) side with the demands of big business
D) contradict the labor policies expressed by William McKinley
The Tenure of Office Act attempted to __________.
A) dismantle state governments in the Lower South
B) stop the nomination of Ulysses S. Grant for president
C) guarantee the election of Republicans in the North
D) weaken the powers of the president
An American force commanded by George A. Custer was overwhelmed during the
Battle of __________.
A) the Little Bighorn
B) the Rosebud
C) Wounded Knee
D) One Hundred Slain
Which statement about riots in urban ghettos in the 1960s is true?
A) The riots were instigated by outside agitators.
B) The riots showed the frustrations of residents who had legitimate grievances.
C) Politicians such as Governor Ronald Reagan sympathized with the rioters.
D) The riots were confined to cities in the South.
An appalling aspect of the Filipino War was __________.
A) America's use of Spanish troops to put down the nationalist rebellion
B) the brutal suppression of the antiwar movement
C) that atrocities committed by the American army drew no attention from Americans
D) the death of many Filipinos in concentration camps
One of the reasons for Barack Obama's successful campaign was __________.
A) that he earned far more money that his adversary
B) his appeal to conservative voters
C) his focus on Bush's failures
D) that he gave few public speeches
During the depression, there were __________.
A) more marriages
B) fewer divorces
C) fewer marriages
D) more divorces
The initiative and referendum were designed to thwart the power of __________ in
state government.
A) party bosses
B) governors
C) judges
D) legislators
The Reagan Doctrine called for __________.
A) an overall reduction in nuclear arms
B) America to support anti-Marxist movements throughout the world
C) cooperation with Gorbachev
D) the support of global human rights to be the number one foreign policy priority
Which of the following statements is true about the American Indian Movement?
A) The organization attempted to protect Indians from domestic violence.
B) The organization refused to ally itself with other Indian groups.
C) It was part of the group that took over Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973.
D) It aimed to increase educational opportunities for Native Americans.
President Johnson decided not to run for reelection because __________.
A) he had become overwhelmed by the war and challenges within his party
B) his health made it impossible for him to run
C) he had been barely elected in the election of 1964
D) he believed that Eugene McCarthy was a better spokesman for domestic reform
Which American president helped the Roman Catholic Church move toward the center
of American life?
A) John Kennedy
B) Lyndon Johnson
C) Ronald Reagan
D) George Bush
The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina served as a reminder of __________.
A) the disparity between rich and poor
B) America's excellent emergency response program
C) global climate change
D) the government's concern for its citizens
After the Civil War, many southern blacks __________.
A) received job training through federal programs
B) voted for Democrats in national elections
C) migrated to southern cities
D) objected to passage of the Fifteenth Amendment
After the 1920 elections, Republicans controlled the presidency __________.
A) only
B) and the House of Representatives only
C) and the Senate only
D) and both houses of Congress
Religious institutions in immigrant communities were important, in part, because they
A) provided free healthcare
B) helped immigrants adopt American ideas
C) were a gathering place for community leaders
D) they provided a place for immigrants from different backgrounds to mix
In which of the following years was defense spending as a percentage of gross national
product the highest?
A) 1950
B) 1955
C) 1975
D) 1997
Jacob Riis was a key activist in the move to make progressive reforms __________.
A) in the Protestant Church
B) that would provide national health insurance
C) in public education
D) designed to enhance the profits of big corporations
In the early years of Reconstruction, the Freedmen's Bureau was successful at
A) permanently securing suffrage for black males
B) stopping all violence committed against ex-slaves
C) reducing black illiteracy by roughly 20 percent
D) convincing southern whites to accept the Wade-Davis Bill
According to your text, how many strikes were called in the late nineteenth and earlier
twentieth centuries?
A) 7,000
B) 14,000
C) 22,000
D) 50,000
Who was the head of the War Industries Board?
A) Claude Kitchen
B) Henry Cabot Lodge
C) Robert La Follette
D) Bernard Baruch
What statement best describes General Philip Sheridan's views on Indian resistance?
A) "There would be no conflict without the stubborn nature of the Indians."
B) "Looking at the situation, how could anyone expect the Indians to react in any other
C) "The American military has always tried to avoid conflict with Indians."
D) "It is easy to defeat the Indians because they do not fight with honor or bravery."
Which of the following statements about women workers on the home front is true?
A) The majority of women contributed to the war effort through victory gardens and
other domestic labor.
B) Women played vital roles in the shipyards and in the aircraft industry.
C) Employment of women was discouraged during the war years.
D) The percentage of women working in manufacturing jobs was the same as before the
Martin Luther King Jr. was the founder of the __________.
A) Southern Christian Leadership Conference
B) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
C) Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
D) Congress of Racial Equality
What were Hoovervilles?
A) They were suburban towns that experienced sharp downturns during the depression.
B) They were the numerous soup kitchens constructed to feed the nation's hungry.
C) They were rich sections of town where wealthy Republicans lived.
D) They were squalid collections of shacks where the homeless of America's cities

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