HIST 47378

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1755
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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"No Child Left Behind" required ________.
A) billions of dollars be sent to anti-poverty efforts around the world
B) state testing to evaluate student performance in reading and math
C) resources go to low-income families to increase graduation rates
D) mandatory preschool and kindergarten for all American children
E) a reformed foster care system that would prevent all child abuse
The people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the Spanish arrived were the
A) Mayas
B) Apaches
C) Aztecs
D) Incas
E) Toltecs
James Oglethorpe was responsible for the founding of ________.
A) New Jersey
B) Carolina colony
C) Georgia
D) Maryland
E) Connecticut
People's attitude toward organized religion in the 1950s was _______.
A) positive and religious affiliation boomed
B) negative and churches lost large numbers of members
C) indifferent and it was seen as less important than in the past
D) indifferent as people focused more on spirituality than organized religion
E) indifferent as lives became too hectic to include religious services
The organization that symbolized most vividly the "white backlash" of the
Reconstruction era was _______.
A) the Union League
B) the Freedmen's Bureau
C) the Redeemers
D) the White Citizens Council
E) the Ku Klux Klan
Which statement is true of cotton agriculture in the pre-Civil War era?
A) Many planters sought to cultivate an alternative to cotton.
B) Cotton was the most famous crop in the South, but it was not the most profitable.
C) Cotton was a sure investment because cotton prices rarely fluctuated.
D) Many planters worked their land until it was exhausted.
E) Large plantation owners stopped growing cotton and turned to tobacco.
Initially, Lord Baltimore intended that Maryland be a haven for ________.
A) Quakers
B) Puritans
C) Catholics
D) Baptists
E) Separatists
Which of the following was true about the Compromise of 1850?
A) It temporarily restored sectional peace.
B) It failed to pass Congress despite revisions.
C) It prohibited slavery in the New Mexico territory.
D) It made it easier for escaped slaves to hide in the West.
E) It temporarily made California a slave state.
During the Progressive Era, the African-American experience heavily influenced
A) popular music
B) impressionist painting
C) classical college curriculum
D) where factories were built
E) urban architecture
Which part of the Compromise of 1850 was most opposed by Northerners?
A) admission of California as a free state
B) opening of New Mexico and Utah territories to slavery under popular sovereignty
C) reduction of Texas to its present boundaries
D) enactment of the new Fugitive Slave Law
E) prohibition of slavery in the District of Columbia
How did some American labor leaders respond to the idea of annexing the Philippines?
A) They were against it because they worried about losing jobs to cheap labor from the
B) They were against it because they worried that Filipino workers would demand
higher wages than Americans.
C) They were against it because they worried trade with the Philippines would increase
import tariffs and raise taxes.
D) They were in favor of it because they wanted to increase union membership by
recruiting Filipino workers.
E) They were in favor of it because they believed Filipinos would take the jobs that
American workers did not want.
The American Expeditionary Force _____.
A) was small and poorly equipped
B) consisted largely of the existing U.S. Army
C) was primarily a volunteer army
D) was initially well prepared and trained for war
E) was noted for its squads of elite commandos
The Truman administration failed to establish the Fair Employment Practices
Commission because _______.
A) Truman himself secretly worked to defeat its passage
B) most people were against the idea of wives working
C) it was seen as a criticism of consumer culture
D) Southern politicians managed to block the legislation
E) the public thought the program was a socialist plot
How did the Emancipation Proclamation change how each side viewed the war?
A) It made the South realize that slavery was not a sustainable system.
B) It allowed both sides to focus exclusively on fighting.
C) It made the South realize that it should re-enter the United States and fight for
slavery in Congress.
D) It committed the North to abolishing slavery as a major aim of the war.
E) It made the South realize that secession had not been necessary.
After 1870, the measure of a nation's industrial progress was determined by ________.
A) the production of steel
B) the production of iron
C) the number of railroad lines
D) agricultural output
E) per capita exports
The idea that people could conduct their lives completely free of sin is called ________.
A) perfectionism
B) abolitionism
C) temperance
D) acceptance
E) purification
What was one of the results from changes in the middle-class family in the
A) Children left home sooner.
B) Children became more available for labor.
C) Children received more physical punishment than in earlier generations.
D) Children increasingly became viewed as individuals.
E) Children were often offered up for adoption.
Due to their poverty, where did most Irish immigrants settle in the United States?
A) the South
B) the Midwest
C) the Far West
D) the Northeast
E) the Gulf Coast region
The man who became president of the United States after Lincoln's assassination was
A) Robert E. Lee
B) Andrew Johnson
C) Ulysses S. Grant
D) William H. Seward
E) Andrew Jackson
British authorities based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of ________.
A) feudalism
B) laissez-faire
C) mercantilism
D) federalism
E) republicanism
In 1854, Stephen Douglas proposed a bill that would set up territorial governments in
Kansas and Nebraska on the basis of ________.
A) the Compromise of 1850
B) Free-Soil ideology
C) congressional approval or disapproval of slavery
D) presidential approval or disapproval of slavery
E) popular sovereignty
According to the policy of "peaceable coercion," ________.
A) a nation declares its neutrality
B) a nation avoids all military confrontation
C) peaceful relations should be sought through negotiations
D) economic pressure is used as a diplomatic weapon
E) neutral nations can have limited trade with belligerents
How was Wilson's practice of foreign affairs similar to his evolution over social
A) He tried to follow his predecessors' policies and successfully did so throughout most
of his presidency.
B) He tried to follow his predecessors' policies but failed to do so throughout most of
his presidency.
C) He tried to change his predecessors' policies and ended up following most of them in
the end.
D) He tried to change his predecessors' policies and managed to do so throughout most
of his presidency.
E) He went back and forth between supporting and then changing his predecessors'
Whose action sparked the Montgomery bus boycott?
A) Martin Luther King, Jr.
B) Ella Baker
C) Rosa Parks
D) Thurgood Marshall
E) Orval Faubus
How did the XYZ Affair affect U.S. politics?
A) Adams declared war on France.
B) France suffered diplomatic humiliation at the hands of the U.S.
C) Hamilton resisted the idea of a strong army.
D) Adams and Jefferson reached a political impasse.
E) High Federalists used the tensions it created as an excuse for military expansion.
Which of the following was NOT a reason why Congress voted to implement the
Marshall Plan?
A) to strengthen the U.S. military and win the arms race
B) in reaction to a coup in Czechoslovakia
C) to stop the spread of communism across Europe
D) to improve the economy in Western Europe
E) in response to the perceived Soviet threat
A major financial problem that confronted mid-eighteenth-century America involved
the ________.
A) colonists' heavy debt to the British
B) colonists' refusal to buy English products
C) shortage of gold and silver coinage
D) colonies' failure to print paper money
E) lack of credit available to merchants
Lord Baltimore's settlement in Maryland ________.
A) became a successful feudal outpost in America
B) declared war on Virginia in 1639
C) never succeeded in becoming a feudal society
D) became a haven for persecuted Protestants
E) successfully put into effect his vision
What effect did the Marshall Plan have?
A) It had very little effect because it was not carried out effectively.
B) It inspired the Soviet Union to continue to expand its communist empire.
C) It succeeded in forcing the Soviet Union to stop expanding its communist empire.
D) It failed to revive the sagging postwar economies of Western Europe.
E) It sparked a successful financial recovery in Western Europe.
The election of 1894 was noteworthy because ________.
A) the Republicans became the majority party
B) it swept Grover Cleveland out of office
C) it brought about the end of the Populists
D) it led to a massive defeat for the Democrats
E) it was a triumph for proponents of silver
Which best describes Benjamin Franklin's main goal in drafting the Albany Plan?
A) to organize a council of delegates to coordinate common defense and western
B) to propose the dredging of canals that connected Albany with Lake Erie and the St.
Lawrence River
C) to set up a system of common taxes and tariffs throughout the colonies
D) to draft a constitution that freed the colonies from any control by the British crown
E) to prepare the colonies for an eventual war of independence with England

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