HIST 32663

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2435
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The foreign policy initiative calling for an end to all European colonization efforts in
the Western Hemisphere was known as the ________.
A) Monroe Doctrine
B) Adams-Ons Agreement
C) Continental Treaty 1818
D) Webster-Ashburton Treaty
E) American System
What was one of the negative consequences of the consumer goods economy?
A) Mass production resulted in the depletion of crucial natural resources.
B) Labor disputes disrupted the production process and damaged economic growth.
C) The quality of the goods that were produced was substandard.
D) Growth was limited to the auto industry.
E) Traditional industries declined.
Why did the Ku Klux Klan experience a rebirth during the early part of the 1920s?
A) The Klan was the chief producer and purveyor of illegal liquor during prohibition.
B) The perception of eroding traditional values led many to adopt the Klan's extremism.
C) The growth of the Klan was an indicator of a rise in the standard of living.
D) The Klan broadened its constituency to Catholics, which attracted new members.
E) The Klan employed violent methods to force people to join their membership.
Why was the Republican-controlled Congress elected in 1890 notable?
A) It was unable to assert federal authority.
B) Its legislation shaped the future policy of the nation.
C) It was overwhelmingly reelected.
D) It gained the support of the Democrats.
E) It spent frugally in an effort to build up the Treasury.
What was the pivotal role of religion in the 1928 election?
A) Most Americans voted for Hoover as the Protestant candidate.
B) Most Americans were Catholic immigrants and identified with Smith.
C) The Ku Klux Klan helped elect Hoover because he was Protestant.
D) The Roman Catholic Church ordered its faithful to vote for Al Smith.
E) Religiously active Protestants refused to participate in this election.
The Articles of Confederation ________.
A) gave too much power to the central government
B) provided for state representation by population
C) jealously guarded state sovereignty at the expense of national power
D) created a powerful presidency
E) changed little from first draft to final document
What caused the New York riot of July 1863?
A) a combination of racial prejudice and opposition to the draft
B) a combination of fervent abolitionism and religious zeal
C) a strong anti-immigrant sentiment
D) economic desperation
E) southern agitators who were trying to stir up trouble
How did Andrew Jackson and his administration react to Texas becoming an
independent republic in 1836?
A) They tried to convince Texans to return to Mexican rule.
B) They declared war on Mexico to defend Texas's revolt.
C) They immediately annexed Texas.
D) They formally recognized Texas as a sovereign republic.
E) They refused to recognize Texas as a republic.
Why were Americans worried about Hitler's attacks against Great Britain in particular?
A) The United States had an alliance with Great Britain that could force the nation into
B) Many Americans had British ancestors or ties to businesses in Great Britain.
C) Many Americans still had family members living in Great Britain.
D) If Hitler took Great Britain, he would have access to an atomic bomb.
E) If Hitler invaded Great Britain, he could use the British navy to attack the Americas.
Why did opponents criticize Hamilton's assumption program?
A) It rewarded states like Massachusetts, which had sloppy financial systems, for
nonpayment of debt.
B) It proposed a lengthy and unrealistic policy of repaying the original holders of the
C) Only the poor would profit from the program, disadvantaging the rich and creating
larger economic issues.
D) The program was disproportionately favorable to the South.
E) The program could lead to the establishment of a monarchy.
In his negotiations to pass the Hepburn Act of 1906, what did Roosevelt reveal about
his political strategy?
A) He capitalized on his popularity with the masses to coerce Congress to pass bills.
B) He used his military past to command awe and obedience to his will as President.
C) He employed yellow journalists and muckrakers to attack his opponents.
D) As a young and new president, he relied too heavily on experienced advisors.
E) He was skillful at political negotiations to achieve reform measures.
Why didn't William Paterson's New Jersey Plan appeal to most delegates of the
Philadelphia Convention?
A) It failed to provide a solution to the Convention's most pressing issues.
B) It proposed a two-house national legislature, giving the federal government too
much power.
C) It represented the wishes only of the large states, excluding small and weak states.
D) It was strongly supported by Madison and his colleagues, so most delegates rejected
it on that basis alone.
E) It denied Congress power to tax or regulate trade, severely hampering its political
and economic viability.
One of the major causes of ________ was the disfranchisement of landless freemen by
the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1670.
A) Bacon's Rebellion
B) Coode's Rebellion
C) Leisler's Rebellion
D) the Stono Uprising
E) Shays's Rebellion
What was the legacy of Reconstruction for most African Americans?
A) the benefits of freedom
B) poverty and discrimination
C) land ownership
D) skilled factory jobs
E) successful entry into politics
In the spring of 1968, students seized five buildings at ________ for eight days before
police regained control.
A) Arizona State University
B) Duke University
C) the University of California at Berkeley
D) Harvard University
E) Columbia University
Which best describes how divisions among Algonquian groups helped facilitate
European conquest of their lands?
A) Algonquian groups were so busy fighting each other that they did not notice the
European arrivals.
B) Algonquian groups competed among each other to become trading partners with
European arrivals.
C) Algonquian groups could not communicate with each other and thus could not warn
each other of European invaders.
D) Algonquian groups had a strict hierarchy that made it much easier for Europeans to
conquer them.
E) Algonquian groups were likely to form alliances with outsiders than each other.
Which of the following best describes the Knights of Labor?
A) a union of workers aimed at uplifting, utopian reform
B) a union of producers aimed only at improving wages and working conditions
C) a federation of industrial unions aimed at making each man his own employer
D) a federation of craft unions aimed only at improving wages and working conditions
E) a union of producers determined to make each man his own employer
How did Theodore Roosevelt distinguish a "good" trust from a "bad" trust?
A) A "good" trust stayed within reasonable bounds, whereas a "bad" trust hurt the
general welfare of society.
B) A "good" trust donated contributions to Roosevelt's reelection campaign, whereas a
"bad" trust did not.
C) A "good" trust was well-organized and efficient, whereas a "bad" trust was
cumbersome and inefficient.
D) A "good" trust employed the masses (immigrants, women, the poor, African
Americans), while a "bad" trust employed only white male workers.
E) A "good" trust developed products that contributed to society, while a "bad" trust was
in the service industry.
The first European nation to establish contact with sub-Saharan Africa was ________.
A) France
B) Italy
C) the Netherlands
D) Portugal
E) Spain
At the Hartford Convention, ________.
A) a resolution threatening New England's secession was adopted
B) Federalists demanded a unanimous vote in the Senate before war could be declared
C) New Englanders gave strong support for the war effort
D) the "three-fifths rule" concerning slavery was opposed
E) Federalists continued to show their support of the embargo
George H. W. Bush responded to the 1989 repression of protestors in Tiananmen Square
by ________.
A) threatening to send troops to protect the protestors
B) severing all diplomatic ties with the Chinese government
C) not reacting publicly, but secretly aiding Chinese resistance groups
D) denouncing the violence but secretly maintaining a working relationship with China
E) being personally outraged but doing nothing in response
English settlers in seventeenth-century America could best be characterized in terms of
their ________.
A) striking social diversity
B) similarity to French and Spanish migrants of the same period
C) unity of purpose and motivation
D) desire to help each other
E) homogeneity
Which of the following statements about canals in early nineteenth-century America is
NOT true?
A) They linked the Atlantic coastal cities to the lakes and rivers of the interior.
B) Most of them proved to be unprofitable.
C) They could not compete successfully with railroads.
D) Their construction was paid for through a combination of state funding and private
E) Spectacular canal boat accidents claimed many lives.
What was the significance of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
A) It established the American borders at the Appalachian Mountains.
B) It ensured Loyalists would not be compensated for their lands.
C) It did not provide a favorable conclusion to the war.
D) It allowed Americans the opportunity to form an independent nation.
E) It did not include compensation for Loyalists.
How did Ford's Model T lead to better roads?
A) Ford built roads in every state so people could use his new cars.
B) Because urban centers were so crowded, many cities limited the number of cars that
could travel through them.
C) When cars became popular, cities began building roads far outside their city limits.
D) In response to more cars on the road, the federal government required states to
establish highway departments.
E) Automobile owners had to pay high taxes, which then went to build and improve the
federal highway system.
How did the two-party political system of 1840 differ from the previous system?
A) In 1840, there was a two-party system, which only allowed for two candidates; in
Jefferson's time there were many parties and candidates.
B) In 1840, the two-party system was regionally organized, meaning there were more
than two candidates; in Jefferson's time parties were national.
C) In 1840, the two-party system dominated political, social, and economic life; during
Jefferson's time, political parties had a much narrower, political impact.
D) In 1840, the two-party system had little impact on people's lives, whereas political
parties of Jefferson's time affected politics, social life, and economics.
E) In 1840, there were no real differences between the two parties, so voters had no real
choice; before, political parties and candidates had varied greatly.
Which list places events in the correct order?
A) Townshend duties, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Coercive Acts
B) Townshend duties, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts
C) Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties
D) Coercive Acts, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties
E) Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Townshend duties, Coercive Acts
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Salem witchcraft hysteria?
A) the community's history of religious discord
B) disagreements between Salem's poor people and its upper classes
C) Salem's history of engaging in occult practices
D) fear of attack by nearby Indians
E) the underlying misogyny of the entire colonial culture
The area of greatest decline in the American economy in the 1920s was _____.
A) automobiles
B) agriculture
C) banking
D) exports
E) manufacturing
What was revealed by the Republican Party's nominating convention for the 1856
presidential election?
A) The party received broad-based support throughout the nation.
B) It was primarily a sectional party.
C) The party was made up of farmers and laborers.
D) The party was made of southern planters.
E) The party had to struggle in its first years of existence.
How was George W. Bush's economic policy different from Clinton's?
A) Clinton favored investing in education, while Bush favored investing in
environmental reforms.
B) Clinton favored reducing government spending, while Bush favored increasing
government spending.
C) Clinton favored tax reduction, while Bush favored eliminating the deficit.
D) Clinton favored eliminating the deficit, while Bush favored tax reduction.
E) Clinton favored tax reduction, while Bush favored cutting spending.
How might Reconstruction have been different if Lincoln had not been assassinated?
A) African Americans might have gained political and economic rights sooner, since
Lincoln was a strong supporter of equal rights for all Americans.
B) Terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan would not have developed in the South and
African Americans would not have been violently attacked.
C) Women would also have gained the right to vote, since Lincoln would have
encouraged this in the Fifteenth Amendment.
D) Lincoln would have refused to allow any former Confederates to participate in the
Republican government.
E) Since Lincoln favored more leniency toward the South, readmission of southern
states might have happened more rapidly.
Why did the U.S. back off from its interventionist policy in Latin America in the 1920s
and after?
A) A pan-American alliance made intervention unnecessary.
B) The threat of European involvement in the region disappeared.
C) The depression shifted attention away from foreign affairs.
D) The Roosevelt Corollary made intervention unnecessary.
E) A coalition of Latin American countries used the threat of force to keep the U.S. out.
During the war, the North ________.
A) was plagued by the lack of manufactured goods
B) suffered from a weak railroad system
C) was plagued by a series of violent anti-draft riots
D) finally overcame the problem of anti-African-American racism
E) slowly began to starve

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