HIST 25203

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2027
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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How many times was Franklin D. Roosevelt elected president?
a. once
b. twice
c. three times
d. four times
e. five times
How did Jackson's attitude and policies toward Native Americans compare to those of
a. Jefferson respected Native Americans and wanted to grant them their rights, whereas
Jackson hated Native Americans and wanted to kill them.
b. Jefferson always viewed Native Americans as noble savages, whereas Jackson
always viewed them as children.
c. Both men were ambivalent, tolerating Native Americans sometimes, while allowing
for their displacement or murder at other times.
d. Both men respected Native Americans and their culture, but were pressured by other
politicians to remove them from their land.
e. Both men vilified Native Americans, blaming them for the foreign conflicts
(especially with Britain and Canada) and economic setbacks.
According to the Kentucky Resolutions, __________.
a. ultimate power always remained with the federal government
b. states had the right to nullify federal law under certain circumstances
c. the Sedition Act was worthy of enforcement by the states
d. Kentucky chose to remain neutral in the contest between Hamilton and Jefferson
e. the "general welfare" of the nation should be the guiding principle in state decisions
Why did reformers turn their attention to prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages in
the nineteenth century?
a. They believed that high tariffs on alcohol were leading more people into poverty.
b. They thought that large producers of alcoholic beverages were driving smaller
companies out of business.
c. They did not want Americans to import alcoholic beverages from other countries.
d. They believed that drunkenness brought many social evils into society.
e. They were worried that people were buying harmful liquor because alcoholic
beverages were not regulated.
What group was rigidly excluded from all three Levittowns?
a. the middle class
b. the working class
c. African Americans
d. Protestants
e. Catholics
How can American foreign policy be characterized in the years between 1901 and
a. aggressive and nationalistic
b. strongly influenced by isolationist tradition
c. relatively inactive
d. not very reflective of the nation's new economic power
e. geared toward cooperation and peace
Before becoming president, in what role did William Howard Taft display the greatest
a. administrator
b. politician
c. economic strategist
d. political organizer
e. orator
Andrew Jackson killed the national bank __________.
a. by withdrawing federal deposits from it
b. through further legislation
c. through the actions of the Supreme Court
d. by letting its charter expire in 1836
e. by accusing Nicholas Biddle of treasonous acts
Which New Deal program did the Supreme Court declare unconstitutional?
a. Commodity Credit Corporation
b. Civilian Conservation Corps
c. National Recovery Administration
d. Tennessee Valley Authority
e. Civil Works Administration
Seventeenth-century Quakers were known for their __________.
a. aggressive and overbearing personalities
b. belief in personal humility and pacifism
c. concept of predestination
d. unwillingness to seek the conversion of others
e. belief in the necessity of an educated clergy
In the 1930s, support for pacifism was particularly strong among __________.
a. college students
b. high-ranking businessmen
c. labor unions
d. the elderly
e. the lower classes
In the early 1900s, dance, music, art, and poetry were related because many dancers,
artists, musicians, and poets were __________.
a. experimenting with forms of realism
b. experimenting with unconventional new art forms
c. returning to classic forms from ancient Greece and Rome
d. returning to the instruments and methods of the Renaissance era
e. experimenting with technology to influence their art form
If a former slave could not prove he or she had been legally freed, then he or she was
likely to be __________.
a. reenslaved
b. deported
c. arrested
d. fined
e. executed
What was a significant characteristic of the Young America movement?
a. a restrictive foreign policy
b. territorial development over expansion
c. narrowing and consolidation of the economy
d. technological progress
e. appraisal of American values
How did expansion affect men like John Jacob Astor?
a. As free African Americans, men like Astor could settle in the West and make a life for
b. As displaced Native Americans, men like Astor could relocate in the newly acquired
land of the West or Florida, making a new life for themselves.
c. Expansion gave entrepreneurs like Astor the opportunity to create prosperous
immigrant neighborhoods like Astoria, New York.
d. Expansion gave entrepreneurs like Astor the opportunity to create prosperous
companies in the West.
e. Expansion gave immigrants like Astor the opportunity to work hard in an industrial
mill and one day save enough money to start their own business.
What was a major goal of the early women's rights activists?
a. to free unmarried women from laws that did not allow them to work outside the home
b. to free married women from laws that gave their husbands control of their property
and children
c. to enact laws that would require men to participate equally in household duties such
as child-rearing
d. to convince more women to run for public office
e. to give African American women the same legal rights as other women
How was slavery an obvious contradiction to the principles of the American republic?
a. Slavery showed how poorly treated black women were.
b. Americans claimed to be fighting for freedom, but still enslaved others.
c. Slavery funded much of the Revolution, so it was part of the new republic.
d. Slavery was a British institution and had no place in an independent America.
e. People who fought in the war and enslaved others were too violent for a republic.
To what was French historian Alexis de Tocqueville referring when he wrote, "it is
possible to foresee that the freer the whites in America are, the more they will seek to
isolate themselves"?
a. As whites fought for liberties, a divide would grow between whites and blacks.
b. Democracy breeds in people (white Americans especially) an isolationist attitude,
causing them to eschew involvement in foreign affairs.
c. As all whites gain rights and liberties despite social or economic status, they will be
more willing to share those rights with nonwhites.
d. In order to gain rights and liberties, whites must oppress others, namely, African and
Native Americans.
e. Because white Americans are isolated from African and Native Americans, they do
not see that they do not share the same rights and liberties.
In order to gain southern support for the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Stephen Douglas had to
add an amendment explicitly repealing the __________.
a. Wilmot Proviso
b. Missouri Compromise
c. Compromise of 1850
d. Bill of Rights
e. new Fugitive Slave Law
In response to encroachment by white settlers, the Cherokee __________.
a. rejected their native culture and assimilated into white society
b. voluntarily ceded their lands to the American government
c. created a military alliance with the Creek and Seminole
d. forcibly resisted using their military forces
e. adopted a policy of accommodation
The Nazi Holocaust involved the slaughter of __________ people.
a. 10,000
b. 50,000
c. 500,000
d. 1,000,000
e. 6,000,000
The National Recovery Administration experienced problems, including __________.
a. the trade codes were too simple to achieve needed change
b. the trade codes favored small businesses over larger competitors
c. high wages led to management discontent
d. companies could easily avoid the collective bargaining requirement
e. the appeal for patriotic public support fell on deaf ears
The German sinking of the __________ in 1915 cost 128 American lives and enraged
the American public.
a. Sussex
b. Arabic
c. Reuben James
d. Lusitania
e. Titanic
How did the Missouri Compromise impact the future of North-South relations in the
United States?
a. It put off major conflict to a future time.
b. It resolved major North-South conflicts about slavery.
c. It increased North-South conflict about slavery.
d. It changed North-South conflict from diplomatic to violent conflict.
e. It changed the source of North-South conflict from economics to slavery.
An immediate problem for rapidly growing suburban communities was providing
adequate __________.
a. water supplies
b. schools
c. waste disposal
d. law enforcement
e. mass transit
By 1960, the most racially integrated institution in American society was __________.
a. the public high school system
b. the private university system
c. corporate America
d. the armed forces
e. the Protestant churches
A major financial problem that confronted mid-eighteenth-century America involved
the __________.
a. heavy debt owed to the British
b. colonists' refusal to buy English products
c. shortage of gold and silver coinage
d. colonies' failure to print paper money
e. lack of credit available to merchants
How did apologists describe the institution of slavery before the 1830s?
a. as a benefit to the slaves themselves
b. as a necessary evil
c. as an inevitable institution
d. as a neutral business arrangement
e. as a sinful enterprise
The Whiskey Rebellion __________.
a. took place in western Virginia
b. resulted in the capture and execution of several rebellion leaders
c. involved an attempt to prohibit the consumption of whiskey and other alcoholic
d. strengthened calls for a larger standing army
e. increased Republican electoral strength
The U.S. and allied military campaign against Iraq in 1991 was known as Operation
a. Desert Wind
b. Desert Storm
c. Contact Saddam
d. Defeat Kuwait
e. Liberate Kuwait
Most Americans in the 1880s __________.
a. no longer held religious beliefs
b. believed the school was the center of life
c. were church-attending Protestants
d. had few private moral standards
e. were Roman Catholic parishioners
The characteristics of progressivism included __________.
a. seeking radical changes in American life
b. applying the principle of laissez-faire to big business
c. being fundamentally pessimistic about human nature
d. being unwilling to directly intervene in other people's lives
e. emphasizing the role of the environment in human development
The most outrageous component of the Compromise of 1850 was the __________.
a. admission of California as a free state
b. opening of New Mexico and Utah territories to slavery under popular sovereignty
c. reduction of Texas to its present boundaries
d. enactment of the new Fugitive Slave Law
e. prohibition of slavery in the District of Columbia
Why did American interest in Hawaii increase in the 1890s?
a. There was intense pressure by American missionaries.
b. There was a fear of German influence in the region.
c. The economic and military value of the islands increased.
d. American political leaders believed the islands could be a model for expansionism.
e. Native Hawaiians appealed to the United States for help.
Why did the Virginia tobacco planters oppose the Navigation Acts?
a. Trading with the Dutch made the price of tobacco decrease.
b. Virginians wanted to be able to import goods from France.
c. The planters received smaller profits due to the taxes on tobacco.
d. They wanted tobacco to be transshipped through England first.
e. The cost of ships reduced the profits they made from tobacco.

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