HIST 18432

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 3186
subject Authors Allan M. Winkler, Allen F. Davis, Gary B. Nash, John R. Howe, Julie Roy Jeffrey, Peter J. Frederick

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France entered the American Revolutionary War on the American side in 1778.
It was noted as early as the 1750s that the gap in population between England and her
colonies was closing rapidly.
Reflecting U.S. economic expansion, over 70 percent of the films shown in Britain,
Canada, and France in 1926 were made in the United States.
As many as one in seven Africans died en route to the Americas.
A shipboard mortality rate of 15 percent in the colonial era made it the most
unhealthiest of all times to seek American shores.
Portuguese sailors ventured down the West African coast by the 1400s.
Senator Stephen Douglas argued that the provisions of the Compromise of 1850 should
be voted on as a package rather than individually to demonstrate national unity.
During the Great Depression, the lives of American women were probably disrupted
less than those of men.
Cities contained only 5 percent of the colonial population.
During the 1950s, many Americans began to equate the Nazi and Soviet systems, as
they had done during the 1930s.
Samuel de Champlain established French settlements in California and the Southwest.
John Calvin's teachings implied that the highest born and most privileged on earth were
doomed to burn in hell while the lowest were predestined for salvation.
From the very beginning of the 1840s, thousands of American emigrants on the
overland trails lost their lives to hostile Indian raids.
President Carter succeeded in making his political philosophies and policies clear and
widely known.
Members of the baby-boom generation occupied the forefront of the protest movement
against the Vietnam War.
After the congressional ban on the importation of slaves, the slave population in the
United States steadily declined from 1808 to 1860.
Most free blacks lived in the Upper South.
Dwight Moody preached a traditional evangelical Christianity in cities.
African Americans and other minorities fully shared in the prosperity enjoyed by the
white middle class during the 1950s.
In 1950, President Truman authorized the development of a new hydrogen bomb.
After two terms as president, Roosevelt regretted leaving politics, but would return
again as a presidential candidate.
In 1948, starving Navajos were given federal assistance despite their "communistic"
way of life.
President Polk risked war with Britain over Oregon Territory by his refusal to accept
less than a boundary set at 5440'.
The population of the colonies had surpassed one million people by 1750, most of
whom had spread deep into the interior beyond the Appalachian Mountains.
By 1900, less than a dozen settlement houses existed in the United States, mostly in
small towns.
Very few American soldiers were immigrants.
In 1887, Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate railroad rates.
Since their goal was to deliver alive as many slaves as possible, slave traders provided
healthy and fairly comfortable conditions for the Atlantic passage of slaves from Africa
to the New World.
Between 1820 and 1860, the number of free blacks doubled in the United States.
Oligopolies, conglomerates, and franchises were all part of post-World War II
Democrats tended to be more moralistic than Whigs, viewing politics as an appropriate
arena for cleansing society of sin.
During the Cold War, Congress targeted homosexuals working in government service as
a security risk.
During the Age of Reason, European thinkers discarded Calvinism.
President Eisenhower enthusiastically endorsed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in
the Brown case in both public and private.
Occupational mobility was unlimited for immigrants and non-white groups in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
During the 1820s and 1830s, canal building projects
A) provided cheap and reliable access to distant markets and goods.
B) increased freight rates to cover project expenses.
C) fostered strong ties between the North and South.
D) revitalized eastern cities and hindered western settlement.
The major argument used by those opposed to the annexation of the Philippines was
A) it was un-Christian to have colonies.
B) it would retard America's economic growth.
C) the Filipinos did not want American rule.
D) it contradicted American ideals.
As part of his expansionist program, Secretary of State Seward purchased Alaska from
As president, Kennedy
A) failed to enact any parts of the New Frontier.
B) realized modest success.
C) antagonized the youth.
D) altered the scope of federal power more than any previous president.
What were the main tenets of the Afro-American League?
A) independent voting
B) desegregation
C) anti-lynching
D) All of the above.
Which of the following tribes held African American slaves?
A) Wyandotte
B) Chippewa
C) Delaware
D) Cherokee
In the election of 1840, the Whigs
A) set a standard for restrained issue-oriented campaigning.
B) failed to attract much voter interest.
C) featured new flamboyant electioneering styles and techniques.
D) focused attention on serious issues facing the nation.
After the Civil War, as far as education was concerned, blacks
A) showed a thirst for knowledge.
B) found most southern whites supportive of their desire to learn.
C) had a higher percentage of school attendance than whites.
D) showed little interest in formal learning.
A short-lived strike by Lowell's women workers in February 1834 occurred in protest of
A) wage cuts.
B) poor sales.
C) rising inventories.
D) falling prices.
Between 1865 and 1900, black workers in the South
A) found more opportunities in the industrializing southern cities.
B) were often excluded from industrial jobs.
C) seldom engaged in agricultural labor.
D) increased among the skilled laborers.
In their crusade to improve the conditions of the poor in America, the social justice
A) encouraged movie-going as a form of entertainment.
B) effectively ended prostitution.
C) generally supported prohibition of alcohol consumption.
D) recognized the necessity of brothels.
In 1890 Jacob Riis wrote
A) How the Other Half Lives.
B) The Jungle.
C) Christianity and the Social Crises.
D) Christianizing the Social Order.
The leader who led the Chinese communists to control of the Chinese mainland in 1949
A) Mao Zedong.
B) Zhou Enlai.
C) Jiang Jieshi.
D) Deng Xiaoping.
In 1589 in France, a noble faction assassinated King
A) Charles I.
B) Charles II.
C) Henry II.
D) Henry III.
Mining camps were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
A) prostitution.
B) gambling.
C) large numbers of women.
D) heavy drinking.
In the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, the United States
A) accepted a southern border excluding Texas.
B) purchased southern Arizona from Mexico.
C) recognized the independent Republic of Fredonia.
D) surrendered its claims to Florida.
All of the following are true about the Normandy landing on D-Day EXCEPT:
A) Too many supplies appeared to land at the start of the invasion.
B) Over a million men would land on the beach over one month's time.
C) The United States would retreat over the course of six months back to France.
D) It took 11,000 planes and 600 ships to support the invasion.
At the end of World War II, American policymakers generally envisioned a world
A) dominated by the Soviet Union.
B) in which the United States protected its trade position through high tariff barriers.
C) in which American values would spread.
D) from which the United States could isolate itself.
Queen Anne's War ended with the
A) Treaty of Paris.
B) Treaty of Boston.
C) Peace of Utrecht.
D) Peace of Westphalia.
The Federal Reserve System, created by Congress in 1913, was
A) part of the new welfare state created under the New Deal.
B) the first reorganization of the banking system since the Civil War.
C) a plan to colonize Native Americans in Canada.
D) a system of wildlife conservation parks.
As far as his legislative program was concerned, President Lyndon Johnson
A) showed little interest in the needs of the poor.
B) was unable to get Congress to approve any important measures.
C) failed to obtain congressional approval for Medicare.
D) obtained congressional approval for his educational proposals.
Which of the following articles of the Versailles treaty did Wilson refuse to compromise
with the U.S. Senate?
A) Article 10
B) Article 11
C) Article 12
D) Article 13
A leader in the crusade against child labor was
A) Andrew Carnegie.
B) Florence Kelley.
C) Lincoln Steffens.
D) Boss Tweed.
Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 relieved much of the social tension among white Virginians
A) opening additional lands for white settlers.
B) halting the influx of black slaves.
C) quieting the Indian frontier with a program of educational missions and regulated
D) making government more responsive to the common people.
By 1900, the number of Americans who lived in cities had grown to ________ percent.
A) 20
B) 30
C) 40
D) 50
One thing that Franklin Roosevelt was able to do better than Herbert Hoover was to
A) effectively oppose welfare legislation by the federal government.
B) inflexibly pursue a well-defined political program.
C) resist Congress's demand for new and experimental programs.
D) communicate a sense of confidence to the American people.
In 1718 in North America, France settled
A) St. Augustine.
B) New Orleans.
C) Charleston.
D) Canada.
In the Freeport debate against Lincoln, Stephen Douglas argued that slavery
A) would not spread where it was unprofitable.
B) could not exist without favorable local legislation.
C) represented a moral and social evil.
D) should be protected in the territories.
In the years from 1865 to 1900, middle-class men in America enjoyed
A) fewer career opportunities in the professions.
B) greater job opportunities.
C) greater opportunities as doctors and lawyers but not as engineers and architects.
D) few educational opportunities.
In 1950, the National Security Council, in document NSC-68,
A) urged cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union.
B) rejected the Truman Doctrine.
C) considered good faith negotiations with the Soviet Union useless.
D) called for unilateral disarmament by the United States.
As a result of the Townshend Acts of 1767, Parliament
A) sent a circular letter to each colony explaining England's need for revenue.
B) raised customs duties on American imports of paper, lead, paint, and tea.
C) required colonial assemblies to pay the salaries of royal officials from local property
D) permanently suspended New York's rebellious assembly for noncompliance with
British regulations.
By early 1770, Parliament decided to repeal the Townshend duties except for one on tea
because the
A) employment of troops had restored colonial order and respect for the mother
B) Americans had promised to drop objections to parliamentary regulations of trade.
C) colonial boycott of British goods had severely hurt British merchants.
D) colonial ports had erupted in violent demonstrations.
E) Native American population threatened retaliation.
What major changes to farming made it difficult for average farmers to compete with
large agricultural corporations during the 1920s?
A) Chemical fertilizers increased yield.
B) Hybrid seeds increased yield.
C) Mechanization increased efficiency.
D) All of the above.
Popular ________ in British North America seldom faced effective police power.
A system of small forts, trading posts, and agricultural villages throughout the central
area of North America was established in the early eighteenth century by the ________.
Between 1849 and 1852, the population of ________ more than doubled.
How new was slavery to West Africa? How did West Africans view slavery?
The reformer ____________ campaigned for social justice and a welfare state to
improve city poor.
Did tobacco provide a salvation for the Virginia colony or merely set the stage for
future problems? Explain.
Contrast the arguments of those individuals who supported U.S. control of the
Philippine Islands after the end of the Spanish-American War with the arguments of
those who opposed American acquisition of the Philippines.
Imagine yourself a black working-class person during the 1930s. Describe the probable
conditions of your life, and indicate how you might respond to the programs of the New
In 1981, President Reagan appointed ________ as the first woman Supreme Court
The _________immigration station was the first stop for most immigrants arriving in
New York City in the 1890s.
The Cherokee remember their forced removal, during which perhaps a quarter of their
tribe died, as the ________.
Explain the philosophy on which Herbert Hoover based the programs he implemented
in an attempt to deal with the problems of the Great Depression and explain why his
programs failed to deal adequately with the Depression crisis.
In Ex parte Merryman, Chief Justice________ of the Supreme Court ruled that if the
public's safety was endangered, only Congress had the right to suspend the writ of
habeas corpus.
The Lower South, or ________, stretched from South Carolina to Texas.
The one person Congress imprisoned as a result of the Civil War was ________.
The first American college to open its doors to men and women, blacks and whites, was
Latinos slowly extended their political gains as ________ became mayor of San
The Philippines gained independence from American colonial control in the year
Analyze the emergence and operation of the second American party system. If you had
lived in the 1840s, would you have been a Democrat or a Whig? Explain why.
Analyze the various forms and results of black protest against slavery.

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