HIST 14871

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2199
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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In the 1950s, Americans experienced a contradiction in _______.
A) their apparent obsession with technology but reluctance to embrace television
B) their growing commitment to organized religion while having less time for church
C) moving to the suburbs yet longing for the excitement and opportunities found in
D) saying they feared another depression but refusing to spend money to bolster the
E) denouncing the Soviet Union for human rights violations while supporting
Why was Andrew Jackson so influential in the mid"1800s?
A) He embodied the popular taste for democracy and social leveling.
B) He was a charismatic and kind president, fighting for the poor and disenfranchised.
C) The 1830s and 1840s represented a time in which Americans wanted to be led by a
strong leader.
D) He made political deals to gain majority support in Congress and the Supreme
Court, using the other branches to further his own agenda.
E) His political career had earned him popularity among both Whigs and Democrats.
The age of the American population relates to the economy because ________.
A) more older Americans need healthcare and receive social security
B) the increasing number of young workers in service jobs adds money to Social
C) children are volunteering to pay more taxes to support retired Americans
D) with fewer elderly people, funding for programs in healthcare can be reduced
E) older Americans are spending more on travel and consumer goods
Why did Catharine Beecher argue that women should be schoolteachers?
A) Teaching was a form of parenting, at which women naturally excelled.
B) Women had a stronger moral sense than men.
C) Women were more intelligent than men.
D) Teaching was the only paid occupation for which women were qualified.
E) Women had better language and explication skills than men.
How did Ralph Nader's candidacy in the 2000 presidential election affect the race?
A) Gore moved further to the left, leaving more room for Bush among independents.
B) Gore moved further to the right, alienating a large portion of his voter base.
C) Bush moved further to the right, leaving more room for Gore among independents.
D) Bush moved further to the left, taking a large portion of Gore's voter base.
E) Both Gore and Bush moved further to the right, attracting independent voters.
Which best describes how the colony of New York was settled?
A) New York originally was settled by the Duke of York and subsequently became
B) New York originally was settled by the Dutch and then taken by force by the
C) New York was settled exclusively by the Dutch.
D) New York was settled originally by African Americans who were later pushed out by
the English.
E) New York was settled originally by the French who were later pushed out by the
Copperheads ________.
A) strongly supported the Emancipation Proclamation
B) supported the growth of the federal government
C) narrowly won victory in the 1864 election
D) were militant antiwar activists
E) were a group of wealthy industrialists who secretly financed the war
In the early 1820s, Mexican officials encouraged settlers from the United States to settle
in Texas with offers of which of the following?
A) more freedoms for women
B) religious freedom
C) cheap land
D) money
E) abolishing slavery
Which statement best describes the social change that American women experienced
from the 1920s to the 1960s?
A) In the 1960s, the media no longer portrayed and highlighted stereotypical gender
roles as it had during the 1920s.
B) In the 1960s, there were actually fewer women enrolled in college and professional
schools than there had been in the 1920s.
C) In the 1960s, there were many more women working in the medical and legal
professions than there had been in the 1920s.
D) In the 1960s, women were no longer relegated to stereotypical occupations, as they
had been in the 1920s.
E) In the 1960s, women were no longer expected to maintain the household and raise
children, as they had been in the 1920s.
What was the cause of the great decrease in the number of Chinese immigrants in the
late nineteenth century?
A) Chinese laborers were treated so poorly in the West that fewer immigrants wanted to
come to the United States.
B) China severely restricted immigration to the United States beginning in the 1880s.
C) The Homestead Act did not apply to Chinese immigrants and thus there was no land
available for them.
D) Many Chinese laborers found better work in Europe than in the United States.
E) The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 suspended immigration of Chinese laborers.
Because of new methods of production in the first years of the twentieth century,
workers ________.
A) felt almost part of the machinery, endangered and bored
B) were more satisfied, which led to better safety and higher wages
C) were made to work long hours for better pay and benefits
D) were fired because automation eliminated low-skilled jobs
E) felt their unique products were worth more than they were selling for
What was Eisenhower's campaign pledge that helped seal the election?
A) to bolster the economy with thousands of new jobs
B) to support labor unions in their fight for fair employment laws
C) to invade Russia and destroy the communist regime
D) to stop the creation of weapons of mass destruction
E) to bring the Korean War to an end
What was the impact of John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry?
A) It increased southern fears of northern hostility.
B) It was condemned by most Northerners.
C) It had little effect on sectional tensions.
D) It united North and South in their condemnation of Brown.
E) It has been exaggerated by historians.
Large numbers of the first English settlers in the Carolinas came from ________.
A) Ireland
B) Barbados
C) Rhode Island
D) Jamaica
E) the Virgin Islands
The factor most responsible for the growth of the colonial population between 1700 and
1770 was ________.
A) natural reproduction
B) the great wave of immigration during that period
C) the program of forced migration instituted by the monarchy
D) the dramatic upsurge in the importation of slaves
E) the intermarriage between settlers and Native Americans
What does the following quote from a historian mean regarding western migration?
"The quest for something new would take place in the context of the very familiar."
A) Families would only migrate to the West after they had sent an individual ahead who
would report back to them.
B) People only migrated in family groups if they already had family established out
C) Families tended to travel back and forth between their old homes and their new
homes until they felt entirely comfortable out West.
D) Most families who traveled west had experience with migration before and thus, the
trip was not new to them.
E) People made every effort to keep their migration experience as familiar as possible,
including traveling in family groups.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) _______.
A) gave the Soviet Union more leeway in spreading communism in Europe
B) confirmed that the Soviet Union would halt its expansion in Europe and Asia
C) assured European countries that the United States would help defend them
D) committed the United States to an isolationist policy in the future
E) gave the United States the right to import goods tariff-free from Western Europe
How did the role of government change as a result of the Civil War?
A) More power was given to local governments instead of the state and federal levels.
B) The federal government became less involved in economic policy.
C) All constitutional restrictions on federal government were dissolved.
D) The federal government became recognized as supreme over state governments.
E) State governments were confirmed as being supreme over the federal government.
How did the Dawes Severalty Act of 1877 try to "civilize" Native Americans?
A) by turning them into landowning ranchers and farmers
B) by making public education compulsory on reservations
C) by threatening to exterminate Indians if they refused to adopt white culture
D) by sending Christian missionaries to convert Indians
E) by arranging for their children to be fostered out to white families
The failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed, primarily, to the ________.
A) opposition of French authorities
B) fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies
C) beginning of the French and Indian War
D) refusal of the Iroquois tribes to support it
E) lack of interest from colonial representatives
Which was most common in determining whether a state supported the North or the
South in the Civil War?
A) ideology about slavery
B) opinions about Lincoln's presidency and whether he was a legitimate leader
C) views on whether or not states had the right to secede from the Union
D) economic interests
E) religious convictions
President Andrew Johnson was NOT a(n) _______.
A) southerner
B) Democrat
C) opponent of slave owners
D) supporter of African-American rights
E) Unionist
Which of the following required 50 percent of southern voters to take an oath of loyalty
to the Union before the southern states could regain their status as states?
A) Fourteenth Amendment
B) Fifteenth Amendment
C) Loyalty Act
D) Tenure of Office Act
E) Wade-Davis Bill
During the Red Scare of 1919"1920, ________ led the attack on foreign-born radicals.
A) A. Mitchell Palmer
B) Clarence Darrow
C) Warren G. Harding
D) Alexander Berkman
E) William Jennings Bryan
Which of the following southern states was the first to secede from the Union?
A) Kentucky
B) Virginia
C) Alabama
D) South Carolina
E) North Carolina
The First Reconstruction Act of 1867 _______.
A) recognized southern state governments as legitimate
B) confiscated all property of ex-Confederates
C) guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in southern elections
D) supported the Black Codes
E) placed the South under military rule
During the 1890s, writers who rejected romanticism often wrote ________.
A) stories depicting everyday life in regional settings
B) grand epic stories in which the hero always defeated the villain
C) disparaging tales about ethnic groups, perpetuating anti-immigrant feelings
D) political pamphlets championing their candidate
E) allegorical stories that used many examples from the Bible
How were the works of dancers, musicians, artists, and poets related in the early 1900s?
A) Many were experimenting with forms of ultra-realism.
B) Many broke sharply with convention.
C) Many were returning to classic forms from ancient Greece and Rome.
D) Many were trying to create an international arts movement.
E) Many were experimenting with technology to enhance their art form.
The first major battle of the war, at Bull Run, resulted in ________.
A) a Union victory
B) a Confederate victory
C) a bloody stalemate
D) the capture of Washington, D. C.
E) Sherman's capture of Savannah, Georgia
The term "baby boom" refers to a significant increase in _______.
A) the infant survival rate in America
B) the American birth rate
C) the amount of money spent on babies
D) the popularity of adopting children
E) the rise in teenage pregnancies
What effect did the formation of NATO have on the Cold War?
A) It changed the Cold War into a full-scale military confrontation.
B) It intensified Russian fears of the West and escalated the Cold War.
C) It had minimal or no effect on the Cold War.
D) It decreased Russian fears and eased Cold War tensions.
E) It dissolved U.S.-Soviet tensions and ended the Cold War.
The term 'smoked Yankee" in the Spanish-American War referred to ________.
A) northern artillery units
B) African-American infantry regiments
C) guerrilla fighters in Cuba
D) Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders
E) members of integrated units
The economic depression of the 1780s was caused by which of these?
A) the emergence of industrialization in the Northeast
B) a slump in cotton prices
C) a trade imbalance with Great Britain
D) poor tobacco harvests
E) an earlier European depression

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