HIS 82868

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1893
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Under the ________ system, manufacturers provided raw materials to people in their
own homes and then picked up the finished products for distribution.
A) finishing-off
B) mass production
C) piece work
D) putting-out
E) cottage industry
What was one reason why Reagan won the 1980 presidential election?
A) He made large inroads among the African-American community.
B) He carried every state east of the Mississippi.
C) He benefited from the growing political power of the Sunbelt region.
D) He won the majority of votes among Jewish voters.
E) He led in every single southern state.
Andrew Johnson was acquitted in the Senate because _______.
A) the President's attorneys argued for a wide interpretation of "high crimes and
B) seven Republican senators broke with the party leadership and voted for acquittal
C) the Senate knew that the House of Representatives would never vote for
D) the prosecution argued that Stanton's removal did not violate the Tenure of Office
E) Republicans feared that Johnson's removal would strengthen the executive branch
What was the Social Gospel?
A) an organization that promoted reforms of the era, including temperance
B) a musical group which worked on creating awareness about social evils
C) a religious program carried out in Chicago state prisons
D) a religious philosophy that addressed both spiritual and social concerns
E) a nickname for the doctrines of the social Darwinists
Samuel Adams can best be described as a ________.
A) pacifier
B) compromiser
C) genuine revolutionary
D) pragmatist
E) guerilla fighter
Which of these was true of Chesapeake families in the 1600s?
A) Stable nuclear families were the rule.
B) Most marriages did not last ten years.
C) Three-generation families commonly lived together.
D) Remarriage was uncommon after a spouse died.
E) Large families were common because of early marriage.
What was the Berlin airlift?
A) a state-of-the-art transportation system designed to revive the postwar German
B) a top secret method of transporting American spies into and out of the Soviet Union
C) a military operation to bring supplies to troops and civilians in Soviet-controlled
D) the first plane capable of dropping a hydrogen bomb anywhere in the world
E) a mission to bomb Berlin after the Soviet Union cut off the city from American
Who led the massacre at Sand Creek in 1864?
A) William J. Fetterman
B) George A. Custer
C) William Sherman
D) John Chivington
E) Joseph Smith
What group was rigidly excluded from all three Levittowns?
A) the middle class
B) the working class
C) African Americans
D) Protestants
E) Catholics
How did the Missouri Compromise impact the future of North-South relations in the
A) It put off major conflict to a future time.
B) It resolved major North-South conflicts about slavery.
C) It increased North-South conflict about slavery.
D) It changed North-South conflict from political maneuvers to violent conflict.
E) It changed the source of North-South conflict from economics to slavery.
In the 1905, Taft-Katsura Agreement, _____.
A) the United States and Japan agreed not to attack each other for at least 50 years
B) the United States accepted a Japanese pledge not to invade the Philippines
C) Japan agreed to limit emigration to the United States
D) the United States and Japan agreed to a policy of mutual free trade
E) the United States and Japan agreed to support Chinese independence
During the Spanish-American War, African Americans in the military ________.
A) found segregation and discrimination similar to civilian life
B) were treated as equals and given opportunities for advancement
C) had little opportunity to distinguish themselves in battle
D) were able to pressure the government for civil rights reforms
E) were never allowed to assume command positions
The key to the new affluence of the 1920s lay in _____.
A) new methods of business organization
B) the discovery of new sources of raw materials
C) better methods of financing business
D) a more skilled work force
E) new forms of technology
How did Shays's Rebellion help advance Madison's plans for reform?
A) Farmers throughout the United States began supporting Madison as a way of
guaranteeing their rights.
B) Wealthy plantation owners feared slave rebellions on their own lands and wanted a
strong government to protect their interests.
C) Madison was instrumental in calming the farmers and ending the rebellion, so
people began to trust him.
D) Even Northerners were alarmed to see that African Americans could wield such
power, and looked to Madison to establish a government to protect whites.
E) People throughout the United States realized that law and order were breaking down.
Which of these was true of the War Hawks?
A) They favored war with Britain.
B) They were Federalists.
C) They called for war with France.
D) They supported invading Mexico.
E) The group was too radical to be of much influence.
The "corrupt bargain" was used to describe ________.
A) another name for the Missouri Compromise
B) the selection of John Quincy Adams for president
C) President Jackson's policy of Indian removal
D) the appointment of Roger B. Taney as chief justice
E) an insulting reference to Jackson's marriage to Rachel Robards
Whose career demonstrated the tie between revivalism and abolitionism?
A) Lewis Tappan
B) Theodore Dwight Weld
C) Charles G. Finney
D) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
E) Harriet Tubman
When President James Madison talked about the need for "internal improvements," he
was referring to ________.
A) improved reservations for Native American tribes
B) reconstruction of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
C) construction of a national transportation system
D) more efficient method of moving proposed legislation through Congress
E) development of the land beyond the Appalachians
Why were New England colonists more likely to maintain English customs than those
who migrated to Virginia and Maryland?
A) The New England colonists came from higher social ranks than those in the other
colonies and were more familiar with traditional English customs.
B) The New England colonists brought more English goods with them to America,
which helped keep the traditions alive.
C) The New England colonists tended to migrate as families and thus were able to keep
family and other traditions in the New World.
D) The New England colonists generally came to America as single men and women
and found that preserving their English customs comforted them.
E) The New England colonists were proud to be English, while the other colonists
wanted to reject their English traditions.
Why did Jeffersonians fear strong financial institutions?
A) Most were simple farmers who did not understand banking policy.
B) They resented Federalists, who tended to have more money.
C) They held firm religious beliefs about the sin of greed.
D) Most were anti-Semitic, believing that banks were controlled by Jewish interests.
E) They believed that banks were the root of corruption in the British government.
How did life change for women as a result of the Civil War?
A) Men traumatized from the war were less choosy about marriage.
B) Northern women pushed the boundaries of their traditional roles.
C) Women were forced into more subservient roles than they had previously occupied.
D) Traditional gender inequalities were destroyed and women were seen as equals.
E) Women gained the right to vote during the post-war period.
Compared with William Jennings Bryan, Robert Lansing _____.
A) was more idealistic
B) favored the German side in the war
C) urged a strong stand against the Germans
D) had little experience in foreign affairs
E) exemplified the philosophy "live and let live"
Why was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee founded?
A) to run the Montgomery bus boycott
B) to stage peaceful civil rights protests
C) to provide research for military court cases
D) to ferret out communists on college campuses
E) to lead the fight against desegregation
Which one of the following Constitutional Amendments abolished slavery?
A) Thirteenth
B) Fourteenth
C) Fifteenth
D) Sixteenth
E) Seventeenth
How did cities of the early nineteenth century compare with cities today?
A) They were sparsely populated.
B) They had comparatively lower rents.
C) They were more economically homogeneous.
D) They offered more economic opportunities for unskilled workers than today's cities.
E) They were more culturally diverse and offered more cultural experiences.
As a result of revivalism, northern evangelicals were involved with each of the
following EXCEPT ________.
A) abolitionism
B) missionary and benevolent associations
C) the temperance movement
D) Indian removal
E) publication of religious tracts
The revolution in consumer goods _____.
A) was offset by problems in other industries, such as the railroads
B) epitomized the growth of all areas of the economy
C) was a short-term factor in the American economy
D) aided all other kinds of industry
E) helped fuel growth in the railroad industry
Why was the American expansion of the 1890s different from earlier expansionist
A) It was intended for settlement.
B) It had primarily agricultural objectives.
C) It would create economic and military colonies overseas.
D) It would venture into uninhabited areas.
E) It was the result of war and invasion.
What was the key difference between the English and Spanish colonial systems?
A) The English Crown totally funded the colonies, while the Spanish Crown offered
little aid to its colonizers.
B) The English efforts were private, and the Spanish colonies were supported by the
C) The English settled the interior lands, while the Spanish settled primarily in coastal
D) Religion played a central role in all the English colonies, but had little or no impact
in New Spain.
E) The English were more concerned with finding wealth in the New World, while the
Spanish wanted to establish permanent settlements.
Tenements were ________.
A) saloons where working-class men gathered to socialize
B) urban apartment buildings that tended to be overcrowded
C) neighborhood ghettos of unassimilated East European immigrants
D) heavily developed industrial districts notorious for air and water pollution
E) pool halls frequented by members of violent street gangs
McCulloch v. Maryland involved questions regarding ________.
A) the national bank
B) internal improvements
C) the role of the U.S. Congress
D) the chartering of private corporations
E) timber rights

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