HIS 70524

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1909
subject Authors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes

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Which of the following best assesses the political response to the AIDS crisis in the
A) Only the Clinton administration would publicly acknowledge the AIDS crisis in
B) Democrats vigorously campaigned on the AIDS issue in the 1984 presidential
C) Ronald Regan only began to recognize the public health crisis of AIDS after it killed
a friend of his.
D) Before the federal government responded to the AIDS crisis, state governments had
already initiated their own research efforts.
President Lincoln believed that Reconstruction should __________.
A) be controlled exclusively by Congress
B) harshly punish the white South for its treason
C) abolish slavery and divide the plantation lands among the former slaves
D) avoid vindictiveness toward the South
What impact did the Cold War have on the political climate for civil rights?
A) Anti-communist paranoia made any public campaign for civil rights impossible.
B) Southern fears of communism exceeded their dislike of African Americans and
prompted them to embrace civil rights.
C) Because the Cold War was primarily a diplomatic conflict, it had very little
repercussions on the political climate for civil rights.
D) If the United States wanted to attract postcolonial societies to the free world, it had
to change its treatment of African Americans.
Which of the following is true of those considered 'social feminists" in the 1920s?
A) They were entirely focused on passing the Equal Rights Amendment.
B) They sought protective legislation for working women.
C) They were led by Alice Paul.
D) They fought doggedly for the liberalization of birth control.
What was true of large manufacturers during the twenties?
A) They continued to be attacked and broken up by the trust-busting presidents.
B) They did their best to bankrupt and destroy their competitors.
C) They used their monopolistic power to gain the maximum profit in the short run.
D) They often sought market stability through trade associations.
The Pacific Railway Act of 1862 set the pattern for government land grants by giving
the builders of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads __________.
A) five square miles of public land on each side of every mile of track laid
B) a ten-year exemption from state taxes
C) a twenty-year exemption from government regulation
D) the right to import an unlimited supply of Chinese labor
To what does the "bloody shirt" issue of the late 1800s refer?
A) post-Civil War sectional tensions
B) federal Indian policies
C) conflicts between homesteaders and ranchers
D) conflicts between workers and employers
Who was the leader of the Texas independence movement and first president of the
Republic of Texas?
A) Stephen F. Austin
B) William B. Travis
C) Davy Crockett
D) Sam Houston
One reason for the growing support for an overseas empire among Americans after the
Civil War was the desire to __________.
A) carry out God's will to spread the virtues of the Anglo-Saxon race beyond North
B) establish a colonial empire before the major European powers were able to do so
C) create "infant industries" overseas to exploit the cheap labor
D) establish a series of colonies to which the former slaves could be sent
One example of the new political power of immigrants was the wage concessions
granted to the United Farm Workers union and its largely Mexican membership under
the leadership of __________.
A) Che Guevara
B) Carlos Cardenas
C) Hector Ruiz
D) Cesar Chavez
In governing their American empire after 1763, the new problem which faced the
British was __________.
A) colonial reluctance to expand into the Ohio River Valley
B) greatly increased expenses of administering a far larger and more complex empire
C) strong American support for a rudimentary colonial union expressed in the popular
Albany Plan
D) colonial resentment for the failure of the British to aid them during the French and
Indian War
Which of the following occurred as a result of the election of 1980?
A) The Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress.
B) The Republicans won control of the Senate and cut deeply into the Democratic
majority in the House.
C) The Republicans gained seats in both the House and the Senate, although the
Democrats still controlled both.
D) The Republicans won control of the House and cut deeply into the Democratic
majority in the Senate.
By the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Spain had authority to exploit all of __________.
A) North and South America except Brazil
B) Africa and the Middle East except Egypt
C) South America except Colombia
D) North America and Central America, but not South America
Probably the most famous painting by an American, Arrangement in Grey and Black, is
the work of __________.
A) James A. McNeill Whistler
B) Winslow Homer
C) Mary Cassatt
D) Thomas Eakins
American attitudes toward Europe in the late nineteenth century were characterized by
which of the following?
A) veneration for Europe as the center of learning and fine art
B) suspicion of European society as decadent and aristocratic
C) envy of European imperialism
D) the belief that America was basically an extension of Europe
Battles in and around __________ in August and September of 1776 were ignominious
defeats for Washington's forces and seemed to presage an easy British triumph in the
A) Boston
B) Philadelphia
C) Baltimore
D) New York City
Why did Parliament pass the Declaratory Act?
A) It sought to curtail free speech in the colonies.
B) It wanted to stifle the publication of newspapers in the colonies.
C) It was trying to reinstate the Stamp Act through a political backdoor.
D) It wanted to make sure that its repeal of the Stamp Act would not establish a
For a generation after 1815, the most expansive force in the American economy was
A) shipbuilding
B) banking
C) international commerce
D) cotton
The presidential election of 1936 is most accurately seen as which of the following?
A) a reaction against and rejection of FDR's first term
B) a sign of FDR's fading popularity
C) a dramatic example of communism's appeal during the Depression
D) a tremendous vote of confidence for FDR
What did President Hoover permit the Federal Farm Board to do during the Great
A) Authorize a reduction in wages and output.
B) Increase tariffs so that any excess food would be used for domestic consumption.
C) Check the rapid increase in agricultural prices.
D) Establish stabilization corporations to purchase surplus wheat and cotton.
As the Iraqi insurgency intensified in 2004, __________.
A) the differences between the Iraqi factions threatened to fracture the country into
separate nations
B) Shiites boycotted the election of the National Assembly and threatened to fracture
C) the new Iraqi constitution managed to guarantee individual liberty in an Islamic
D) U.S. public opinion continued to be united behind President Bush's policy
During the election of 1852, both major political parties __________.
A) rejected the Ostend Manifesto
B) attacked the Compromise of 1850
C) supported the Compromise of 1850
D) avoided taking a stand on the Compromise of 1850
Which former presidential candidate was sentenced to ten years in prison under the
Sedition Act for making an antiwar speech?
A) George Creel
B) Henry Cabot Lodge
C) Robert La Follette
D) Eugene V. Debs
Which of the following best describes the "Burr Conspiracy"?
A) Burr's capture of New Orleans with the help of Napoleonic troops
B) the assassination of Alexander Hamilton
C) a secession of Western territories under Burr's command
D) Burr's sabotage of the Lewis and Clark expedition
By the end of the nineteenth century, U.S. industrial capacity __________.
A) had almost caught Great Britain's
B) barely lagged behind Germany's
C) dwarfed both Great Britain's and Germany's
D) did not match Japan's
In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British passed a series of laws which, among
other things, closed the port of Boston and strengthened the power of the governor of
Massachusetts. In the colonies, these acts were known as the __________ Acts.
A) Intolerable
B) Suffolk
C) Royal Brute
D) Supremacy
What was the Truman Doctrine created to do?
A) industrialize Latin America
B) resist perceived Soviet expansion in China and Burma
C) industrialize Japan
D) resist perceived Soviet expansion in Greece and Turkey
John Collier, the New Deal's Commissioner of Indian Affairs, tried to do which of the
A) encourage the revival of tribal governments
B) increase federal oversight over reservations
C) break the corrupt rule of tribal councils
D) introduce the concept of Indian gaming as a revenue source
Among the worst scandals of Grant's administration was the __________.
A) Whiskey Ring affair
B) South Sea Bubble
C) Teapot Dome Scandal
D) Yazoo Land Frauds
Which of the following best characterizes Moby-Dick?
A) Melville's attempt to appeal to popular preferences was a surprising failure.
B) Whitman's poem was so successful that it became the basis for Melville's even more
successful book.
C) More profound than Melville's previous works, it failed to engage readers at the
D) Inspired by the transcendentalism of Thoreau, Melville dedicated his epic novel to
the abolitionist cause.
The Open Door policy attempted to preserve the chances for American business to enter
which markets?
A) Indian
B) Japanase
C) Central American
D) Chinese
The transcontinental railroad and the destruction of the buffalo __________.
A) were the chief reason for the U.S. military campaign against Plains Indians
B) prompted Plains Indians to intensify their military campaigns against white settlers
along the Mississippi
C) caused Plains Indians to surrender and settle down in the reservations
D) prompted a significant decline in the Plains Indian war.
The author of The South Carolina Exposition and Protest who, drawing on the works of
John Locke, stated that it was within the authority of a state to nullify a law within its
boundaries if a state convention found an act of Congress unconstitutional was
A) Henry Clay
B) John C. Calhoun
C) Andrew Jackson
D) Daniel Webster
The doctrine of 'separate but equal" facilities was handed down by the Supreme Court
in which of the following?
A) Hall v. De Cuir
B) Plessy v. Ferguson
C) the Civil Rights Cases
D) Munn v. Illinois

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