HIS 69478

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1995
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following movements of the nineteenth century had the greatest influence
on the development of the abolitionist movement?
A) Cult of Domesticity
B) extension of public education
C) women's rights movement
D) temperance movement
E) Second Great Awakening
The economic depression of the 1780s was caused by which of these?
A) the emergence of industrialization in the Northeast
B) a slump in cotton prices
C) a trade imbalance with Great Britain
D) poor tobacco harvests
E) an earlier European depression
How did the American family unit change after 1970?
A) The divorce rate sharply increased.
B) The birth rate steadily declined.
C) The number of births to women over age 30 increased.
D) The number of single-parent households was cut in half.
E) Many more fathers started staying home to raise children.
Which description best identifies how Christian slaveholders justified the enslavement
of other human beings?
A) The prosperity of many was necessitated by the suffering of a few.
B) Suffering in slavery helped African Americans earn a place in Heaven.
C) People of African descent were demons and therefore should be enslaved.
D) People of African descent needed to be taken care of.
E) Being enslaved would help convert African Americans to Christianity.
How did apologists describe the institution of slavery before the 1830s?
A) as a benefit to the slaves themselves
B) as a necessary evil
C) as an inevitable institution
D) as a neutral business arrangement
E) as a sinful enterprise
Why did Catharine Beecher argue that women should be schoolteachers?
A) Teaching was a form of parenting, at which women naturally excelled.
B) Women had a stronger moral sense than men.
C) Women were more intelligent than men.
D) Teaching was the only paid occupation for which women were qualified.
E) Women had better language and explication skills than men.
The Congressional War Hawks in 1812 were most interested in ________.
A) putting a stop to British impressment of American sailors
B) decreasing American reliance on foreign exports
C) showing France that America was a major military power
D) proving the might and dignity of the U.S.
E) controlling U.S. trade in Canada and Europe
Many early commissions in the 1870s were established to regulate the ________
A) agricultural
B) textile
C) railroad
D) construction
E) cattle
As a young lawyer, Clarence Darrow believed that ________.
A) aiding the poor was interfering with the evolutionary process
B) capitalism must be overthrown
C) without poverty there would be no crime
D) capital punishment was essential to the maintenance of civil order
E) a single tax on corporate profits would solve all social problems
Which of the following was NOT a task facing the new nation?
A) deciding what form the new government would take
B) learning how political power would be distributed
C) learning how to ensure political equality for all
D) learning to fend off French attempts to control the country
E) bridging the division of state and federal authority
What was the significance of the decline in fertility rates in America between 1800 and
A) It reflected the later marriage age among immigrant families.
B) It reflected a higher infant mortality rate due to primitive medical practices.
C) It reflected a conscious decision of many Americans to postpone or limit their
D) It showed that more Americans were remaining single rather than marrying and
having children.
E) It showed that fewer Americans were dying of disease now that vaccines had come
into popular use.
Which statement provides the best interpretation of this sentence from text page 53?
"The diversity of early English colonization must be emphasized precisely because it is
so easy to overlook."
A) Most historians did not realize how similar the English colonies were when they
were initially settled.
B) The reasons that people settled the English colonies were so complex that they have
only begun to be understood recently.
C) Settlers of the English colonies tended to overlook the hardships that they would
face because they were so eager for religious freedom.
D) The experiences of the early English colonists cannot be separated from their
experiences back in England.
E) Because most of the colonists were English, and eventually formed a single nation,
many assume that they were originally more alike than different.
In order to better control the conquistadors in the New World, the Spanish government
created ________.
A) the Inquisition
B) the hacienda
C) the encomienda
D) the missions
E) colonial governments
What caused the New York riot of July 1863?
A) a combination of racial prejudice and opposition to the draft
B) a combination of fervent abolitionism and religious zeal
C) a strong anti-immigrant sentiment
D) economic desperation
E) southern agitators who were trying to stir up trouble
William Seward's foreign policy included ________.
A) avoiding entangling foreign alliances
B) concentrating on promoting trade and commerce
C) alliances with major European powers
D) the United States' domination of the Americas
E) a focus on Mexico, excluding Canada
Why did American reformers argue against segregating Native Americans on
A) They thought Native Americans should be sent to the North where they could live
B) They felt that reservations took too much land away from white settlers.
C) They felt that Native Americans should be allowed to live their traditional lifestyles
in the West.
D) They believed that Native Americans should be assimilated into white American
E) They felt that reservations should include both Native Americans and white settlers.
For Americans in the 1780s, they had formed a real republic by eliminating ________.
A) conflict
B) the monarchy and aristocracy
C) a hereditary legislature
D) a strong national government
E) sectionalism
Which of the following identifies the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England
in the 1500s?
A) Henry VII's severing of all ties with the pope
B) the Act of Supremacy
C) the death of Edward VI
D) land that belonged to the Catholic Church was transferred to private owners
E) Henry VIII's wish to dissolve his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Which of these gave rise to the Populists?
A) the Panic of 1893
B) the battle of the standards
C) the end of protective tariffs
D) the labor movement
E) the National Farmers' Alliance
The "middle ground" was an area ________.
A) where most of the fighting between whites and Indians occurred
B) where whites and Indians interacted on an approximately equal basis
C) inhabited by renegades, half-breeds, and runaway slaves
D) of metaphorical stasis, symbolic of a culture that was part European and part Indian
E) designated by treaty as a demilitarized zone
Which region was NOT considered part of the eighteenth-century Spanish borderlands?
A) California
B) New Mexico
C) Colorado
D) Texas
E) Florida
What is significant about the result of the disputed election of 1876?
A) It was the final Radical Republican victory.
B) It meant the end of the Reconstruction era.
C) It marked the beginning of a Republican resurgence nationwide.
D) It demonstrated the political power of southern African Americans.
E) It was resolved more quickly than anyone expected.
Which statement about Bacon's Rebellion is FALSE?
A) Bacon would probably have been accepted into the ruling clique had he only waited.
B) Bacon led a rebellion to prevent Governor Berkeley from waging a war against the
Susquehannock Indians.
C) Bacon was perceived as a hero by the common people of Virginia.
D) Bacon and his men burned Jamestown to the ground.
E) Bacon, a member of a respectable English family, had only recently arrived in
The overthrow of the Taliban regime in ________ was the first move in the war on
A) Iraq
B) Iran
C) Pakistan
D) Afghanistan
E) Saudi Arabia
Which of the following was opposed to President Tyler's plan for the annexation of
A) northern antislavery Whigs
B) southern agricultural interests
C) New England merchants
D) Great Britain
E) railroad companies
Who were the main conductors on the Underground Railroad?
A) sympathetic plantation owners in the South
B) freed slaves in the Southwest
C) free blacks in the North
D) affluent whites in the North
E) working-class whites
How were women and African Americans in the automobile and steel industries
affected by the organization of labor in the 1930s?
A) They were given a higher percentage of jobs because the government recognized
that both groups had been traditionally undervalued.
B) Their wages increased to equal that of white men because the government
recognized that they had been traditionally underpaid.
C) They were granted education and agricultural incentives to remove them from the
workforce and reduce competition for white men.
D) They filled largely unskilled jobs and were able to join unions along with skilled
laborers due to the passage of new legislation.
E) They did not benefit from the organization of labor and were shut out of almost all
unions and trade associations.
How was Wilson's treatment of Mexico similar to Roosevelt's treatment of Colombia?
A) Both men were condescending in their dealings with Latin American governments.
B) Both men demonstrated abhorrence for people of color in their dealings with Latin
American governments.
C) Both men showed their inexperience with foreign affairs in their dealings with
Mexico and Colombia.
D) Both men demonstrated their fear of European interference in their dealings with
Mexico and Colombia.
E) Both men showed their respect and dependence on their neighbors in their dealings
with Mexico and Colombia.
If a former slave could not prove he or she had been legally freed, then he or she was
likely to be ________.
A) reenslaved
B) deported
C) arrested
D) fined
E) executed
In 1565, concern over French encroachment led to the establishment of ________.
A) Jamestown
B) Boston
C) St. Augustine
D) Plymouth
E) Roanoke
William Henry Harrison's nickname "Tippecanoe" refers to his ________.
A) support for the emancipation of African-American slaves in the South
B) birthplace
C) experience as a legislative logroller
D) military experience
E) prediction of the nullification crisis
How many states did not have to draft new constitutions, since they already had
republican governments as part of their colonial charters?
A) none
B) one
C) two
D) three
E) four
Which territory caused the most debate about the merits of the United States acquiring
an empire?
A) Guam
B) Hawaii
C) Puerto Rico
D) the Philippines
E) the Dominican Republic
In 1912, Roosevelt's New Nationalism _____.
A) demanded a stronger role for the executive office
B) called for tighter immigration laws
C) represented a repudiation of progressivism
D) suggested that federal government could not be trusted
E) was resolutely opposed to big business

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