HIS 69437

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2161
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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The economic revolution in the United States between 1810 and 1840 was one of
A) design
B) technology
C) handwork
D) production
E) distribution
Which issue led directly to Bacon's Rebellion?
A) the inability of the governor to take action against the Indians on the frontier
B) the unfair trial of colonial smugglers by British admiralty courts
C) Parliament's decision to appoint a governor rather than allow popular elections
D) the attempt to move the capital from Jamestown to Williamsburg
E) the attempt of Bacon to obtain a license to engage in the fur trade
Joseph McCarthy led the crusade against alleged __________ in American government
during the 1950s.
A) embezzlers
B) interventionists
C) communists
D) racists
E) isolationists
How did the Constitutional Convention affect slavery?
A) It allowed the slave trade to continue indefinitely.
B) It permitted Congress to outlaw the importation of slaves in 1808.
C) It provided for an immediate end to the importation of African slaves.
D) It declared slavery to be illegal as of 1808.
E) It declared that slaves could not be purchased in the United States after 1808.
Which best describes the decision that shattered the Populist Party in 1896?
A) the endorsement of candidate William Jennings Bryan
B) the admission of African Americans to the party's ranks
C) the nomination of James Weaver for the presidency
D) the expulsion of all African American members
E) the support of free coinage of silver
Which of the following events led to the realization among the German high command
that all hope was lost?
A) The Bolsheviks broke their treaty to rejoin the war and side with the Allies.
B) American troops cut the main railroad supply line for the German army in the West.
C) Congress declared that the United States was joining the war on the side of the
D) American troops began to use poison gas, hand grenades, and machine guns.
E) German troop ships were sunk by British and American navy vessels.
How did Americans feel about collective security toward the end of World War II?
A) They were eager to make new attempts at collective security.
B) They acknowledged that collective security was useful, but remained reluctant.
C) They still thought that isolationism was preferable to collective security.
D) They realized that collective security was ineffective, but it kept their alliances in
E) They vowed never to make another attempt at collective security.
How did the provisional government of Hawaii respond to President Cleveland's
demand that the queen be restored to her throne?
A) They refused and instead declared Hawaii to be a U.S. state.
B) They refused and instead seceded from the United States.
C) They refused and instead declared Hawaii to be a republic.
D) They agreed and restored the queen to her throne.
E) They agreed but the queen no longer wanted to rule.
Why were Americans worried about Hitler's attacks against Great Britain in particular?
A) The United States had an alliance with Great Britain that could force the nation into
B) Many Americans had British ancestors or ties to businesses in Great Britain.
C) Many Americans still had family members living in Great Britain.
D) If Hitler took Great Britain, he would have access to an atomic bomb.
E) If Hitler invaded Great Britain, he could use the British navy to attack the Americas.
How did the foundation of the Democratic party differ from that of the Whig Party?
A) The Democratic party was composed of white evangelical Protestants, whereas the
Whig party was founded as a more universal group.
B) The Democratic party was founded to infuse politics with morality, whereas the
Whig party was established to champion individual freedom.
C) The Democratic party was founded by Andrew Jackson in his second term as
president, whereas the Whig party was founded by Adams in his first term.
D) The Democratic party was founded to support Jackson's presidency, whereas the
Whig party was founded to counter Jackson's attack on the Bank.
E) The Whig party was founded to elect Jackson whereas the Democratic party was
founded to counter Jackson's attack on the Bank.
What was the main issue that American college students protested during the sixties?
A) the election of Richard Nixon
B) the Vietnam War
C) Lyndon Johnson's education policies
D) the civil rights movement
E) tax increases for the middle class
The Treaty of Ghent ________.
A) awarded part of Canada to the United States
B) did little more than end hostilities and postpone issues for future negotiations
C) gave the British navigation rights on the Mississippi River
D) restored Quebec to France
E) was negotiated quickly and quietly, since there were no real debates
In their relations with the Native Americans, the French ________.
A) were as interested in Christian conversion as the Spanish
B) cultivated close cooperation in order to sustain their fur trade
C) were ruthless in their treatment of the Native Americans
D) drove Indians from their lands in order to set up plantations
E) were at a distinct disadvantage
In the election of 1808, the Federalist Party ________.
A) seemed unable to adapt to the changes in society
B) made impressive gains in Congress
C) had won new support in the West
D) was dominated by innovative new political leaders
E) nominated George Clinton for president
Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom called for _____.
A) the expansion of government
B) less government regulation
C) business competition and small government
D) government restraint of competition
E) overseas expansion
A major difference between northern and southern schools was that ________.
A) more students attended school in the South
B) all southern states had compulsory school attendance laws
C) fewer southern states had compulsory school attendance laws
D) northern states provided segregated school systems
E) southern schools provided better curricula
Which of these was true of Chesapeake families in the 1600s?
A) Stable nuclear families were the rule.
B) Most marriages did not last ten years.
C) Three-generation families commonly lived together.
D) Remarriage was uncommon after a spouse died.
E) Large families were common because of early marriage.
By 1810, one-fifth of the American population was made up of ________.
A) Indians
B) immigrants
C) blacks
D) Latinos
E) Catholics
The defense policy known as NSC-68 was based on the premise that _______.
A) isolationism should continue to be a major part of American foreign policy
B) appeasement of aggressive foreign powers should continue to be a part of foreign
C) the Soviet Union wanted to take over the world and was a threat to the United States
D) military spending was out of control and needed to be curbed immediately
E) the United States was so powerful that it did not need to worry about foreign threats
During the Second Seminole War of 1835"1842, ________.
A) most slaves rebelled against their masters
B) many escaped slaves fought with the Native Americans against the U.S. soldiers
C) slaves slaughtered Seminole Indians in large numbers
D) many whites killed their slaves in fear of an alliance between slaves and Native
E) many escaped slaves hiding in Florida were found and returned to their owners
One of the most important factors uniting Americans of different colonies into a single
political culture was ________.
A) the English common law
B) cooperative royal governors in between the northern and southern colonies
C) their near-monolithic religious beliefs
D) a respect for the sovereignty of Parliament
E) fear of attack by Indians
Why did Oliver H. Kelley first organize the Grange in 1867?
A) to provide social, cultural, and educational activities for farmers
B) to allow farmers to have a say in government
C) to organize farmers into a union for collective bargaining
D) to keep peace between farmers and cattlemen in the West
E) to provide collective insurance for farmers and their land
Samuel Adams can best be described as a ________.
A) pacifier
B) compromiser
C) genuine revolutionary
D) pragmatist
E) guerilla fighter
Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa ________.
A) worked to persuade the Indians of the Indiana Territory to hold onto their tribal
cultures and their land
B) represented themselves as tribal leaders and sold off huge tracts of land for whiskey
and trinkets
C) led an Indian rebellion which was crushed by Andrew Jackson at the Battle of
Horseshoe Bend
D) accepted President Jefferson's promise of a vast Indian reservation west of the
Mississippi River
E) developed a written language for the Shawnees and worked for gradual assimilation
into white culture
Lyndon Johnson's political downfall resulted primarily from ________.
A) his Latin American policy
B) his handling of the Vietnam War
C) the failure of his Great Society
D) his refusal to be a cold warrior
E) his advocacy of welfare programs
What was one problem that the woman suffrage movement continued to face after
A) uncertainty among leaders about pursuing reform
B) disunity and disloyalty
C) a lack of organization at the national level
D) opposition from the progressive movement
E) resistance from the Catholic Church
Why did the United States become involved in the conflict between North and South
Vietnam in 1961?
A) to stop the spread of communism from North Vietnam to South Vietnam
B) to gain control of valuable natural resources in South Vietnam
C) to honor obligations to Russia from the treaty ending World War II
D) to retaliate for North Vietnam's involvement in the Bay of Pigs operation
E) to stop South Vietnam's bloody takeover of North Vietnam
Which of the following is NOT true of American politics in the 1870s and 1880s?
A) The Republicans dominated the Northeast.
B) The Democrats dominated the South.
C) National elections were usually decided in the swing states.
D) The influence of the Civil War generation had faded.
E) Nationally, the two parties were evenly balanced in strength.
After George W. Bush was elected president, his first order of business was ________.
A) to expand the Americans with Disabilities Act
B) to strengthen environmental protections
C) to quell unrest in the Middle East
D) to create major healthcare reform
E) to institute a large tax cut
The contribution of ________ led to the birth of the factory system in the United States.
A) Eli Whitney
B) Samuel Slater
C) Benjamin Reed
D) Robert Lowell
E) James Stubblefield
How did the end of the Spanish-American War impact the influence of the United
States on the world stage?
A) It gave the United States lands beyond its borders for the first time, making it an
imperial power.
B) It marked the United States' first major military victory against a world power and
established America as an overseas empire.
C) It opened the Caribbean to the United States, giving it protectorates as with
European countries.
D) It led to the annexation of Hawaii, giving the United States a stronghold in the
Pacific and access to all of Asia.
E) It showed the rest of the world that the United States was militarily powerful and
diplomatically weak, like most other world powers.
The first person to become president without being elected president or vice president
was ________.
A) Gerald R. Ford
B) Richard Nixon
C) Jimmy Carter
D) George H. W. Bush
E) Lyndon Johnson
Where did the 'sit-in" movement begin?
A) Montgomery, Alabama
B) Little Rock, Arkansas
C) Washington, D.C.
D) Topeka, Kansas
E) Greensboro, North Carolina
Under the Compromise of 1850, who would determine whether a territory would have
slavery, per the principle of squatter sovereignty, or popular sovereignty as it was later
A) Congress
B) territorial legislatures
C) the state's constitutional convention
D) the Supreme Court
E) the House of Representatives

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