HIS 65433

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1979
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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After 1937, the WPA denied employment to aliens, a decision that greatly affected
a. blacks
b. Mexican Americans
c. Asian Americans
d. Indians
e. sharecroppers
Theodore Roosevelt angered southerners by __________.
a. dining with Booker T. Washington at the White House
b. stationing federal troops in southern states to supervise elections
c. threatening to ban college football unless it were made less dangerous
d. ordering the federal bureaucracy to be fully integrated
e. making sure that black athletes were included in the 1908 U.S. Olympic team
What did William Howard Taft do that alienated progressive Republicans?
a. curbed the power of Speaker of the House Joseph Cannon
b. vetoed a tariff increase
c. dismissed Richard Ballinger
d. campaigned against progressives in the 1910 congressional elections
e. generally became a tool of the conservative Republicans
The defense policy known as NSC-68 was based on the premise that __________.
a. isolationism should continue to be a major part of American foreign policy
b. appeasement of aggressive foreign powers should continue to be a major part of
American foreign policy
c. the Soviet Union wanted to take over the world and was a threat to the United States
d. military spending was out of control and needed to be curbed immediately
e. the United States was now so powerful that it did not need to worry about threats
from foreign powers
Why did the George H. W. Bush administration feel so much pressure after Iraq invaded
a. The government of Kuwait had helped Bush improve his image overseas.
b. Iraq had used U.S. mercenaries in its attack on Kuwait.
c. The Bush administration feared it had inadvertently caused the crisis.
d. The United States was closely allied with Saddam Hussein's regime in the past.
e. The United States was the sole remaining superpower following the Cold War.
The Report on Manufacturers suggested __________.
a. low tariffs on imported goods
b. congressional taxes on industrial goods
c. protective tariffs
d. strict laissez-faire
e. a fluctuating tariff schedule
As the Napoleonic wars broke out in Europe, the United States __________.
a. was forced to take sides
b. isolated itself from the war
c. took advantage of the situation
d. feared for the safety of its citizens
e. threw its support behind France, in recognition of their support during the
Revolutionary War
How were the Orders in Council and the Berlin/Milan Decrees similar?
a. They both allowed broken voyages to occur throughout Europe.
b. They both forbade commerce in Europe but were ineffective "paper blockades."
c. Neither had any effect on American shipping.
d. Both gave Great Britain control of the seas.
e. Both allowed the British navy to monitor every Continental port.
Why was silver not just a political or economic issue but also a social movement in the
a. Those who favored silver coinage identified themselves with urbanization and
b. Supporting the free coinage of silver meant rejecting all government intervention in
economic issues.
c. Those who were unemployed tended to fight against the free and independent
coinage of silver.
d. Those who supported the free coinage of silver also supported other economic
programs and could be identified as supporters of change.
e. Identifying oneself with silver coinage also indicated one's values and political
Why were talented intellectual leaders of the time, including James Madison, described
as political geniuses?
a. He wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
b. He helped Americans think of republican government in radical new ways.
c. He used the teachings of Montesquieu to advocate for strong state governments.
d. He had fought bravely in the Revolutionary War, leading his men with wisdom and
e. He was successfully governing his home state of Virginia in a socialist manner,
giving all power to the people.
At the time of the Civil War, there were approximately __________ slaves in the South.
a. 200,000
b. 400,000
c. 1,000,000
d. 2,000,000
e. 4,000,000
Jamestown might have gone the way of Roanoke had it not been for the perseverance of
a. John Winthrop
b. Captain John Smith
c. Pocahontas
d. Richard Hakluyt
e. Cotton Mather
In the first decades of the twentieth century, Mexican immigration to the United States
a. increased dramatically
b. occurred at a steady rate
c. had little impact on the United States
d. was banned by the U.S. government
e. rarely occurred
Under the intellectual guidance of __________, the Constitutional Convention formed a
new government.
a. Robert Morris
b. Alexander Hamilton
c. James Madison
d. Benjamin Franklin
e. Thomas Jefferson
How did conservatives react to the cultural transformations taking place in American
cities during the 1920s?
a. They had a general concern that cultural change would lead to economic instability
and loss of international influence.
b. In their minds, the transformation was eroding traditional values and was seen as
c. They saw change as a good thing and cultural transformation as a natural process.
d. They were pleased that the changes taking place in American cities in the 1920s
resulted in an increase in church attendance.
e. They believed that sporting events, cultural activities such as concerts, and the rise of
speakeasies all represented opportunities for economic growth.
Which college was established as a result of the Great Awakening?
a. Princeton
b. Columbia
c. Harvard
d. the College of William & Mary
e. Yale
The society created by Puritans in New England __________.
a. copied the social order they had left behind in England
b. was modeled on contemporary Dutch society
c. represented a near-total rejection of traditional English ways
d. was quite similar to that of the Chesapeake region
e. adapted to include slavery
What issue made science education controversial in the early twenty-first century?
a. protests against university genetics programs that researched eugenics
b. protests against psychology classes teaching that homosexuality is a mental illness
c. demands to bring global warming into the science curriculum
d. demands for more federal funds to support and expand science education
e. demands to teach intelligent design instead of evolution
Which of the following best describes the Knights of Labor?
a. a union of producers aimed at uplifting, utopian reform
b. a union of producers aimed only at improving wages and working conditions
c. a federation of industrial unions aimed at making each man his own employer
d. a federation of craft unions aimed only at improving wages and working conditions
e. a union of producers determined to make each man his own employer
The Trail of Tears refers to __________.
a. the destruction of the national bank
b. passage of the "tariff of abominations"
c. the forced relocation of the Cherokees to Oklahoma
d. the nullification controversy
e. the Oregon Trail and westward expansion
To its founding leaders, __________ would be a "City on a Hill."
a. Rhode Island
b. Connecticut
c. Maryland
d. Pennsylvania
e. Massachusetts
The Vietnam War affected future U.S. foreign policy because it caused America to
a. pursue a more active containment policy abroad
b. abandon its containment policies
c. return to an isolationist policy abroad
d. refuse to cooperate with nations in Asia for almost a decade
e. abandon international efforts for almost a decade due to embarrassment
__________ caused the most important changes in voting patterns in the immediate
postwar years.
a. The tremendous loss of male lives
b. Western migration
c. The dramatically increased standard of living
d. The Articles of Confederation
e. The movement of state capitals to more central locations
Which was a major concern of members of colonial assemblies?
a. dealing with Native American violence on the frontier
b. ensuring universal male suffrage
c. preventing the rise of an aristocracy in the colonies
d. working closely with the colonial governors
e. maintaining what they saw as their rights as Englishmen
The first move in the war on terror was the overthrow of a radical Islamist regime in
a. Iraq
b. Iran
c. Pakistan
d. Afghanistan
e. Saudi Arabia
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo __________.
a. confirmed the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas
b. required Mexico to pay the United States $15 million in cash for war damages
c. guaranteed that slavery would not be allowed west of the Rio Grande
d gave independence to California
e. agreed that Mexican residents of the ceded areas would return to Mexico
After the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb, Truman appointed a committee
to explore the possibility of __________.
a. using biological weapons
b. building a hydrogen bomb
c. improving stealth planes
d. experimenting on people to create 'supersoldiers"
e. sabotaging Soviet efforts to improve their weapons arsenal
What was President George H. W. Bush's primary focus during his presidency?
a. health care reform
b. reducing taxes
c. gay rights
d. education
e. foreign affairs
City governments became more like businesses during the early 1900s because they
a. became more corrupt, working for the wealthy and crushing the masses with unfair
housing, tax, and employment laws
b. became more supportive of the masses, creating health, housing, and employment
programs to help the poor
c. became balanced by competitive political parties and special interest groups, just as
big businesses were balanced by unions versus management
d. created systems of managers (elected officials) supported by experts, stressing
continuity, efficiency, and results
e. became so embroiled in bureaucracy and regulations that they could not function
Who wrote the 1963 book The Feminine Mystique?
a. Jacqueline Kennedy
b. Rosa Parks
c. Ella Baker
d. Betty Friedan
e. Coretta Scott King
Most new state constitutions after the American Revolution __________.
a. strengthened the power of the governor
b. weakened the power of the legislature
c. were agreed-upon rather than written
d. included declarations of rights
e. affirmed freedom of speech and press but not of religion
Thomas Jefferson felt it was important that the new government __________.
a. foster strong ties with Great Britain
b. support business and industrial development
c. decrease the role agriculture played in the American economy
d. lean toward France in the event it clashed with Britain
e. expand the franchise
Roosevelt's "court packing" proposal was __________.
a. illegal
b. an outrage to conservatives, but agreeable to liberals
c. effectively blocked by judicial rulings
d. a great strain on Roosevelt's relations with Congress
e. successful at limiting the power of the Supreme Court
The Soviet Union experienced a diplomatic triumph when Roosevelt, Churchill, and
Stalin met in 1945 at the __________.
a. Munich Convention
b. Yalta Conference
c. Casablanca Meeting
d. Paris Talk
e. London Symposium

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