HIS 59279

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2166
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Which of the following linked religious ideas to the practice of government?
a. colonial newspapers
b. the Great Awakening
c. theories of the Earl of Bute
d. ideas from the Commonwealthmen
e. the works of John Locke
Why did many whites support Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Compromise?
a. It called for blacks to gain rights slowly through self-improvement, and not through
b. It rejected the idea that blacks needed equal rights in American society.
c. It called for blacks to get a college education and to fight actively for their rights.
d. It called for the integration of schools and an end to 'separate but equal."
e. It promoted the idea of professional careers for blacks.
The aggressive Native American people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the
Spanish arrived were the __________.
a. Mayas
b. Apaches
c. Aztecs
d. Incas
e. Toltecs
What did business leaders who were concerned about labor unrest do?
a. placed armed guards in the factories
b. encouraged union activism
c. turned to applied psychology for answers
d. felt they could do little to solve the problem
e. adopted a policy of limited force and coercion
Hoover believed that unemployment relief __________.
a. was justified by previous government policies
b. would bring about dangerous inflation
c. could promote domestic unrest
d. should come from private charities
e. would be a sign of weakness
Southerners reacted to Lincoln's victory in the presidential election of 1860 by
a. celebrating the end of sectionalist tensions that plagued the nation
b. feeling optimistic that Lincoln would preserve their interests
c. redoubling their efforts to win the next congressional election
d. resigning themselves to being permanent minorities in America
e. launching a movement to secede from the Union
Educational changes in the years 1877 to 1900 included __________.
a. an increase in illiteracy
b. "classical" courses in Latin and literature for older children
c. development of the kindergarten
d. compulsory school attendance in all states
e. integrated schools for African Americans in the North and South
What did the Scopes trial reveal about religious tensions during the 1920s?
a. It revealed a sharp divide over modern ideas between Christian fundamentalists of
rural America and more liberal-minded Christians of urban areas.
b. It demonstrated that Protestant Americans were deeply suspicious of the Roman
Catholic Church.
c. The Scopes trial was a pivotal moment in the heated debate over abortion and the role
that government should or should not play in its use.
d. It highlighted the divide between more aggressive fundamentalist sects and forms of
Christianity that emphasized good works and personal service.
e. The Scopes trial was the beginning of religion's central role in American politics,
alienating many who believed strongly in the separation of church and state.
What caused President Reagan's change of policy toward the Soviet Union in his
second term?
a. The Soviet Union was becoming a major economic power that the United States
could not afford to isolate any longer.
b. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and escalated the arms race.
c. New Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was interested in making peace with the
United States.
d. New Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was committed to blocking American interests
e. The Soviet Union lacked a recognized leader and had fallen into chaos and civil war.
What caused the National Recovery Administration ultimately to fail?
a. It did not address business owners' goals of stabilizing production and raising prices.
b. It compelled all companies to join, whether they wanted to or not.
c. In the final analysis, very few industries decided to enroll in the NRA.
d. It proved overly cumbersome, and its rules favored big businesses over small
businesses and labor.
e. It did not attempt to address labor leaders' goals of ensuring maximum working hours
and establishing minimum wage.
Who served as Nixon's national security advisor during his first term?
a. Warren Burger
b. G. Gordon Liddy
c. Henry Kissinger
d. William Rehnquist
e. John Mitchell
The Democratic candidate in the election of 1928 was __________.
a. Robert M. La Follette
b. James Cox
c. John W. Davis
d. Al Smith
e. William McAdoo
Which statement best characterizes Native Americans of the "middle ground"?
a. They maintained a strong, independent role in commercial exchange with Europeans.
b. They sought to isolate themselves completely from European contact.
c. They sought economic competition between tribes rather than military confrontation.
d. They continued to war against each other rather than to establish intertribal
e. They wanted to strengthen their ties to each other in order to fight the European
One crucial issue discussed at the Potsdam Conference was __________.
a. the use of the atomic bomb
b. the spread of communism in China
c. war reparations
d. opening a second front against Germany
e. how to deal with Japan
Why did Saudi Arabia cut off oil shipments to the United States in 1973?
a. Saudi Arabia wanted to force U.S. intervention in the October War.
b. Saudi Arabia feared Soviet retaliation if it continued to supply the United States with
c. President Carter was refusing to pay full price for Saudi oil shipments.
d. The United States had become involved in the conflict in Nicaragua.
e. The United States had sent emergency aid to Israel during the October War.
Which is the best interpretation of historian Davis Eltis's statement: "In terms of
immigration alone . . . America was an extension of Africa rather than Europe until the
late nineteenth century"?
a. The colonists set up communities in the New World that were much closer to the
communities of Africa than to those of Europe.
b. Many European colonists gave up the traditional ways of their homelands, while
people brought to America from Africa retained most of their traditions.
c. The new colonies were governed in ways that were unlike any kind of European
government and more like African governments.
d. Africans were not the largest group to immigrate to America, but they had the
greatest influence on the new colonies.
e. More Africans than Europeans came to North America in the early years of
How did someone become a member of a church in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
a. The person became part of whatever church was in his or her community.
b. A person who already belonged to the church had to provide testimony for anyone
new who wanted to join.
c. A new member had to wait a full year after applying to the church in order to prove
that he or she was a worthy citizen.
d. A person had to perform community service before being allowed to join a
community church.
e. The church community would vote in order to decide whether to let a new member
In what way did the outcome of the Spanish-American War fulfill Theodore Roosevelt's
hopes for it?
a. It gave the United States influence and eventually dominance in Latin America and
b. It made the United States a world power, equal to European imperialist countries.
c. It gave the United States more foreign markets for its surplus of industrialized goods.
d. It gave the United States influence in the Caribbean, it helped further annexation in
Hawaii, and it was the impetus to creating a powerful navy.
e. It freed Cuba, it gave Americans something to think about other than material gain,
and it gave the army and navy practice.
Followers of the Great Awakening, who emphasized a powerful, emotional religion,
were known as __________.
a. "Old Lights"
b. "New Lights"
c. Presbyterians
d. deists
e. evangelicals
What was the meaning of "regeneration before Reconstruction"?
a. restructuring southern state governments before readmission to the union
b. funding the rehabilitation of those areas in the South damaged during the war
c. transforming southern society, including land reform, before readmission
d. repudiating the debts owed by the former Confederate states to the Union
e. suspending military rule in the South until elections could take place
Why did the Nixon administration decide to resume relations with China?
a. China had cautiously inquired about resuming normal diplomatic relations.
b. The United States believed it would force better relations with the Soviet Union.
c. The United States wanted to thwart the growing economic power of Japan.
d. The United States wanted to patch up its Asian relationships after the Vietnam War.
e. The suffering U.S. economy forced Nixon to make an economic arrangement with
In the Brownsville incident, Roosevelt __________.
a. demonstrated disrespect for African Americans and their service in war by dismissing
the soldiers without investigating the incident
b. exhibited his bias for military personnel when he ruled in favor of the soldiers
without investigating their conduct
c. showed that holding to his beliefs was more important to him than reelection
d. revealed that he was a true pragmatist, able to live in a world with no easy answers,
when he dismissed loyal soldiers from the army
e. demonstrated his progressive spirit by seeking the most efficient and systematic
removal of the involved soldiers
The peaceful ousting of James II by Parliament in 1688 was known as __________.
a. King James' War
b. the Restoration
c. Parliament's Rebellion
d. the Glorious Revolution
e. the People's War
What is meant by this statement: "The elements that sparked a powerful sense of
nationalism among colonists dispersed over a huge territory would not be evident for a
long time"?
a. The colonists tended to dislike the colonists in regions other than their own.
b. The colonies were getting very close to forming an independent country.
c. The colonies were still separate and had very little to do with each other.
d. The colonies had expanded to a huge area of the country.
e. The colonists saw themselves as English first and Americans second.
Which of the following lists events in the correct chronological order?
a. Republican policy to regulate industry, Panic of 1893, Republican policy to promote
b. Republican policy to promote industry, Republican policy to regulate industry, Panic
of 1893
c. Republican policy to promote industry, Panic of 1893, Republican policy to regulate
d. Panic of 1893, Republican policy to promote industry, Republican policy to regulate
e. Republican policy to regulate industry, Republican policy to promote industry, Panic
of 1893
In the election of 1804, Thomas Jefferson defeated __________.
a. John Quincy Adams
b. Aaron Burr
c. Charles Pinckney
d. John Randolph
e. Alexander Hamilton
After 1870, the measure of a nation's industrial progress was determined by
a. the production of steel
b. the production of iron
c. the number of railroad lines
d. agricultural output
e. per capita exports
The first shots of the Civil War were fired at __________.
a. Fort Pickens
b. Fort Sumter
c. Manassas Junction
d. Fort Henry
e. Fort Donelson
Which statement best describes isolationist and interventionist opinions about FDR as
he led America to the brink of war in Europe?
a. Both isolationists and interventionists were happy with how he handled events.
b. Isolationists thought he was deceitful and interventionists thought he was too
cautious in dealing with the Nazis.
c. Isolationists thought he was doing well keeping America out of the war, but
interventionists were furious that America was doing nothing.
d. Isolationists were furious that he was helping the Allies, but interventionists were
thrilled that the nation was doing something to help.
e. Isolationists were furious that he was helping the Allies, and even the interventionists
thought he was going too far with his aid.
The rise of cities and industry __________.
a. had little effect on American life
b. provided opportunities for all Americans
c. sustained the foundations of pre-Civil War society
d. caused changes in all segments of American society
e. was steady throughout the nineteenth century

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