HIS 41163

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1564
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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The textile industry coped with a drop in economic prosperity by __________.
A) encouraging collective bargaining
B) lobbying Congress for heavy federal subsidies
C) cutting back work hours
D) shifting operations to the cheap-labor South
Changes in the domestic economy during the 1950s included __________.
A) a decrease in the number of franchise businesses
B) consumers becoming more reluctant to buy on credit
C) a shrinking of the middle class
D) consumers buying more commodities on credit
What effect did the war have on working women?
A) Women were forced to return to the home to care for their families while their
husbands were overseas.
B) Women shifted to new positions that provided better wages and benefits.
C) Women accepted reduced wages to support the war effort.
D) Women were encouraged to abandon their jobs and join the active military.
In what ways did the temperance movement give women a voice in public policy?
A) It gave women a say in matters of divorce.
B) It provided an opportunity to address concerns about trade.
C) It gave women a platform to speak intelligently about the criminal justice and
educational systems.
D) It allowed women to advocate for more police to protect women and children.
What was the largest battle of World War II?
A) the Battle of Britain
B) the Battle of Stalingrad
C) the Battle of Kursk
D) the Battle of the Bulge
Meetings of Allied leaders at Casablanca and Tehran revealed that __________.
A) China would not continue to aid the Allies' cause
B) Japan was on the verge of surrender
C) the Soviet Union was no longer experiencing significant casualties
D) the Allies possessed differing views of the world after the war
The center of the electronics industry, Silicon Valley, is located in __________.
A) California
B) New York
C) Texas
D) Michigan
In the aftermath of the 9/11/01 attacks, the United States ousted the Taliban regime in
A) Afghanistan
B) Iran
C) Iraq
D) Saudi Arabia
The phrase "Black Power" was connected to which of the following?
A) the emphasis of Christian love in civil-rights strategies
B) celebrating African American heritage
C) undermining local black communities through political activism
D) the messages of speeches given by Lyndon Johnson
Aspects of the national economy in the 1980s included __________.
A) the highest inflation rates ever recorded
B) a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor
C) the development of millions of new jobs
D) increased participation in the stock market
Railroad freight rates were the highest in the __________ and __________.
A) West; South
B) East; North
C) West; North
D) East; South
What was one important effect of the collective importance of wartime agencies?
A) It reduced the profits of America's largest corporations.
B) It set a valuable precedent for government activism in the economy.
C) It started a downturn in the number of workers in unions.
D) It caused a recession in the agricultural economy.
What was the most important result of the Allied landing at Normandy?
A) the toppling of Mussolini's government in Italy
B) the retreat of the Germans out of France
C) it proved Harry Truman's skills as a military leader
D) it contributed to the Americans' victory at Kasserine Pass
The crucial role in capturing San Juan Hill was played by __________.
A) the 10th Negro Cavalry
B) Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders
C) Commodore George Dewey
D) the 19th Marine Unit
The Sioux were finally defeated __________.
A) after their defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn
B) due to their inexperience in battle situations
C) as a result of Crazy Horse's failed offensive at the Battle of Rosebud
D) because they had to divide up their forces to hunt for food
Which statement about the Fourteenth Amendment is true?
A) It guaranteed all citizens equality before the law.
B) It weakened the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
C) It was supported by President Johnson.
D) It guaranteed all females the right to vote.
A key to Dwight Eisenhower's political success was his __________.
A) close ties with Harry Truman
B) positive image with both liberals and conservatives
C) promise to undo New Deal reforms
D) belief that free trade was harming the economy
In the period 1869"1873, the state government of Mississippi succeeded in
A) reducing the state's budgetary debt
B) their efforts to segregate all public facilities
C) passing education, judicial, and public health reforms
D) opposing federal amendments to the Constitution
The Eisenhower administration used "New Deal-style" government spending in
modernizing __________.
A) the American medical system
B) the Civilian Conservation Corps
C) the national highway system
D) environmental protection methods
Which of the following countries was allied with the Axis in 1941?
A) Greece
B) Hungary
C) Spain
D) Denmark
Which of the following was part of the group known as new immigrants?
A) Irish
B) Finnish
C) Polish
D) German
Many southerners refused to accept their defeat as divine judgment and believed that
God had spared the South for a greater purpose; they came to view the war as
A) the Lost Cause
B) a Necessary Evil
C) a Time for Retribution
D) a Time to Rebuild
__________ had the highest number of total dead in World War II.
A) The Soviet Union
B) China
C) Germany
D) Japan
Which group was not associated with the "cowboys"?
A) African Americans
B) Irish-Americans who left urban areas in the East
C) Mexican-Americans
D) former Confederates who did not return home after the Civil War
In the years after World War II, the American Communist Party __________.
A) had been very successful in urban elections in the Northeast
B) segregated its locals based on race
C) had effectively gained control of the leadership of the CIO
D) was actually in rapid decline
The Model Cities Program __________.
A) rejected the philosophy of self-help
B) was not supported by the New Left
C) discouraged grass-roots activism
D) encouraged community involvement in urban planning
The creation of the Council of Economic Advisers __________.
A) increased the role of the federal government in the nation's economy
B) occurred during the first Eisenhower administration
C) took place during a time of economic prosperity
D) was achieved by an executive order of the president
Neoconservatives such as Edward Banfield believed that __________.
A) the federal government was spending too much money on defense
B) liberal policies failed only because conservatives failed to provide support
C) government regulation was more economically effective than promoting free
D) social problems could not be solved through public policies enacted by the
What prompted the Germans to ask for peace in 1918?
A) the successful British embargo on trade with Germany
B) the defeat of the German army in the Battle of the Argonne Forest
C) President Wilson's Fourteen Points
D) the surrender of the Russian army to Allied forces
The Limited Test Ban Treaty __________.
A) was rejected by President Kennedy
B) was co-signed by China and France
C) provided for on-site inspection of Soviet missile sites
D) outlawed nuclear testing in the atmosphere and outer space
What was the most costly scientific development during World War II?
A) antibiotics
B) radar technology
C) aircraft technology
D) weapons systems
Which of the following statements about the Lost Cause is true?
A) It prevented white southerners from moving on with their lives and concentrating on
rebuilding their shattered region.
B) It made southerners angrier towards blacks and more convinced that slavery was
C) It demonized the Civil War conflict.
D) It was a historical rationalization that enabled believers to hope for a better future.
The Taft-Hartley Act __________.
A) did not become law
B) was signed by President Truman
C) was vetoed by President Truman
D) was supported by most Republican members of Congress
What was the goal of Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom program?
A) increased government support for labor
B) a rejection of Roosevelt's "regulated monopoly" system
C) reduced influence of big business in government
D) increased social welfare legislation

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