HIS 38426

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2305
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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In their approaches to the Cuban rebellion against Spain, __________.
a. President Cleveland was generally neutral while President McKinley favored the
b. President Cleveland wanted to intervene on behalf of the insurgents, but President
McKinley wanted neutrality
c. both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley wanted war with Spain
d. both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley were totally neutral
e. both Presidents Cleveland and McKinley opposed any involvement with Spain or
Why was the late-nineteenth-century southwestern frontier largely Spanish American?
a. The heavy Spanish influence there was due to the original Spanish settlers.
b. There were very few Anglo Americans who wanted to settle the southwest.
c. It was originally part of Mexico, and many Mexicans still had communities there.
d. Mexico did not allow people from the eastern United States to settle there.
e. English settlers were reluctant to learn Spanish, so they settled elsewhere.
What was the primary source of income for most yeoman farmers?
a. sugar
b. rice
c. whiskey
d. livestock
e. lumber
New England families differed from those of other English colonies in that they often
included __________.
a. Native American wives
b. grandparents
c. polygamy
d. widows
e. extended families living in one household
Why did so-called nativists resist the influx of immigrants from Europe at this time?
a. There was a strong sense of resentment of Europeans due to American involvement
in the First World War.
b. In general, nativist Americans tended to favor immigration from "native" Latin
American countries rather than from Europe.
c. European immigrants were taking a large percentage of high-paying jobs, which
angered citizens of the United States.
d. There was widespread concern that the influx of foreigners would deprive Americans
of lower-paying but more abundant jobs.
e. Scientists had proven than European peoples were genetically inferior and therefore
ought to be prevented from intermingling with American people.
Why did the Colored Farmers' National Alliance end?
a. A posse lynched 15 strikers.
b. Prices on cotton increased significantly.
c. Southern planters used strike breakers in the cotton fields.
d. The Farmers' Alliance expelled all African Americans from the organization.
e. African Americans were integrated into the Farmers' Alliance.
After General MacArthur's victory at Inchon, Korea, Truman __________.
a. ordered UN troops to cross the Yellow Sea and attack China
b. ordered UN troops not to advance beyond the 38th parallel
c. withdrew UN troops from Korea because he had made his point to Stalin
d. shifted his military goal from restoring the 38th parallel to unifying Korea by force
e. declared the Korean War over with a UN victory
Sumptuary laws __________.
a. made excessive gluttony a crime
b. prohibited the poor or underclass from wearing fine clothes
c. criminalized frivolity on the Sabbath
d. provided that only "visible saints" could be buried in a church cemetery
e. made church attendance compulsory
How did the Boxer Rebellion affect U.S. policy in China?
a. The United States realized that China would not cooperate with the Open Door policy
and began to join the European nations in dividing up China.
b. The United States affirmed the Open Door policy and declared China's independence
from any foreign (European) rule.
c. The United States saw that China was determined to keep out foreign influence, so it
withdrew to the Philippines to avoid armed conflict.
d. The United States realized that anti-imperialists back home wanted it to withdraw
from China, so it negotiated secretly.
e. The rebellion in Canada turned U.S. attention away from China and to the
anti-imperialist demonstrations closer to home.
The Compromise of 1850 __________.
a. temporarily restored sectional peace
b. failed to pass Congress despite revisions
c. prohibited slavery in the New Mexico territory
d. made it easier for escaped slaves to hide in the West
e. temporarily made California a slave state
How did the religious beliefs of the Quakers compare to those of the Puritans?
a. Both rejected the Church of England and wanted to separate and form their own new
b. The Quakers rejected the Church of England in favor of their own form of worship;
the Puritans merely wanted to reform the Church of England.
c. Both considered all people equal in the sight of the Lord and saw no need for a
learned ministry.
d. The Quakers did not seek converts, but simply wanted to practice their own beliefs
peacefully; the Puritans sought to convert people throughout England.
e. Unlike the Quakers, the Puritans felt that there was no need for spiritual leaders,
since one person's interpretation of the Bible was as valid as anyone else's.
__________ became the first billion-dollar company.
a. Thomson Steel Works
b. Standard Oil
c. Westinghouse
d. U.S. Steel
e. American Telephone and Telegraph
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, involved __________.
a. white and black men seizing a federal arsenal in an unsuccessful attempt to start an
uprising against slavery
b. a slave rebellion that resulted in the deaths of 18 whites and all of the slaves
c. a group of white men raiding a southern abolitionist office and killing five white and
black antislavery protestors
d. white men and women seizing 18 slaves in order to forcibly emancipate them in
e. a group of white and black abolitionists killing three slave owners and wounding five
How did the organization of the Democratic party differ from that of the Whig party?
a. The Democratic party was composed of white evangelical Protestants, whereas the
Whig party was founded as a more universal group.
b. The Democratic party attempted to influence politics with morality, whereas the
Whig party was established to champion individual freedom.
c. The Democratic party was founded by Andrew Jackson in his second term as
president, whereas the Whig party was founded by Adams in his first term.
d. The Democratic party supported Jackson's presidency, whereas the Whig party was
founded to counter Jackson's attack on the Bank.
e. The Whig party was formed to support Jackson's presidency, whereas the Democratic
party was founded to counter Jackson's response to the nullification crisis.
The Staple Act of 1663 stated that __________.
a. Americans must stop raising corn and wheat
b. imports to America had to be first shipped through England
c. Americans could not produce iron products
d. rum had to be manufactured in the West Indies
e. Americans could only produce staple foodstuffs
Which of the following was true of immigrants to the United States in the early 1900s?
a. They were generally received with open arms.
b. They were easily assimilated into American society.
c. They encountered considerable hostility from American nativists.
d. They faced few problems adapting to their new environment.
e. They prospered financially and socially.
The development of brand names, chain stores, and mail-order houses __________.
a. drove the prices of goods upward
b. confused consumers
c. had little effect on the buying public
d. created a gulf between consumer and producer
e. provided convenience and standardization
After Lincoln's election, what happened in the Upper South?
a. The Upper South states immediately seceded.
b. The Upper South states were afraid to secede, since they were so close to Union
c. The Upper South states did not think that Lincoln's election alone was a good enough
reason to
d. The Upper South states began taking steps to emancipate their slaves.
e. The Upper South states considered forming their own republic separate from the
North and the
Deep South.
Roosevelt regretted making the statement, "Under no circumstances will I be a
candidate for or accept another nomination," because he __________.
a. ran for the office of president in the very next election
b. ran for the office of senator at the end of his life
c. appointed his successor, William Howard Taft, and controlled his actions from behind
the scenes
d. decided to run for the presidency eight years later
e. was legally barred from running again after having served two full terms as president
How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
a. Cuba would remove its nuclear missiles in exchange for America's promise not to
attack Russia.
b. America would remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for Russian
promises not to aid North Vietnam.
c. America would remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for Russia's
promise not to invade Cuba.
d. Russia would remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for America's
promise not to invade North Vietnam.
e. Russia would remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for America's
promise not to invade Cuba.
The purpose of new English companies to finance New World settlements was to
a. compete for large capital investment
b. promise immense wealth to investors
c. encourage "limited liability" for the investors
d. finance the expense of gaining a royal charter
e. get around religious restrictions on investment profits
Which individual was most responsible for promoting African American rights during
the New Deal?
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt
b. John Collier
c. Harry Hopkins
d. Harold Ickes
e. Mary McLeod-Bethune
Who led the Montgomery bus boycott?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.
b. Ella Baker
c. Rosa Parks
d. Thurgood Marshall
e. Bayard Rustin
Women in the 1920s __________.
a. had mostly low-paying jobs
b. increasingly became doctors rather than nurses
c. earned nearly one-half of all graduate degrees
d. made considerable gains as college professors, reaching almost 25 percent of the
e. made a substantial permanent gain in the overall number of working women
Wilson's treatment of Mexico was similar to Roosevelt's treatment of Colombia because
both men demonstrated __________.
a. paternalistic condescension in their dealings with Latin American governments
b. abhorrence for people of color in their dealings with Latin American governments
c. their inexperience with foreign affairs in their dealings with Mexico and Colombia,
d. their fear of European interference in their dealings with Mexico and Colombia,
e. their respect and dependence on their neighbors in their dealings with Mexico and
Colombia, respectively
What popular form of entertainment drew from the immigrant experience?
a. the band concert
b. ragtime
c. vaudeville
d. jazz
e. the minstrel show
What was the root of the farmers' problems in the 1920s?
a. crop disease
b. foreign competition
c. high labor costs
d. overproduction
e. high tariff rates
By electing __________ in 1916, Americans showed their determination to
a. Roosevelt, remain neutral in WWI
b. Hughes, remain neutral in WWI
c. Wilson, remain neutral in WWI
d. Wilson, enter WWI regardless of the costs
e. Roosevelt, stay out of WWI whatever the costs
What was one result of the proliferation of patents in the late nineteenth century?
a. The country got most of its technology from Europe.
b. The marketplace was oversaturated with goods.
c. Americans no longer imported most of their technology.
d. Few Americans participated in the economic changes.
e. Americans began to fear technology.
Most German immigrants came to the United States to escape __________.
a. European wars
b. tough economic times
c. catastrophic famine
d. political oppression
e. religious persecution
In 1948, President Truman tried to __________.
a. win the presidential election with the worst smear campaign in U.S. history
b. merge the Democratic and Republican parties in his support
c. convert the entire Democratic party into Dixiecrats
d. abolish New Deal programs that upset conservatives
e. perpetuate New Deal legislation
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 __________.
a. was resisted by blacks who believed voting was a white prerogative
b. won President Johnson the public adulation he craved
c. reduced President Johnson's popularity
d. had little effect on the voting practices of southern African Americans
e. led to a dramatic increase in African American voting registration in the South
To resolve the problem of the vast expenses New World settlement required, English
merchant-capitalists introduced the concept of __________.
a. proprietorship
b. primogeniture
c. the joint-stock company
d. feudalism
e. mercantilism
The Stamp Act of 1765 affected __________.
a. only businessmen and merchants
b. primarily colonial manufacturers
c. ordinary people, as well as the elite
d. only those in direct trade with Great Britain
e. notaries and other public officials
What did Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover have in common?
a. All three were presidents from the Democratic party.
b. All three presidents were raised in one of America's large cities.
c. All three were conservatives who epitomized traditional American values.
d. All three were involved in scandals while in office.
e. All three strongly supported small business owners and labor unions.

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