HIS 16561

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1825
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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The first major battle of the war, at Bull Run, resulted in __________.
a. a Union victory
b. a Confederate victory
c. a bloody stalemate
d. the capture of Washington, D.C.
e. Sherman's capture of Savannah, Georgia
Why had Washington's political alliance shifted by the end of his presidency?
a. Disillusioned by political factions, he created his own political party.
b. He regretted supporting England in the war, and began to support France.
c. He regretted supporting France in the war, and began to support England.
d. He shifted from neutrality to a closer alliance with the Federalists.
e. He shifted from neutrality to a closer alliance with the Republicans.
In 1915, Wilson supported preparedness because of __________.
a. the need to stimulate the American economy
b. the growing German U-boat crisis
c. demands from progressives who desired to defend democracy
d. the revelation of a German plot to involve Mexico as an ally
e. his secret desire to create an empire in Latin America
An important fact about the Americans who wrote the first state constitutions was that
they __________.
a. totally rejected British traditions and ideas in creating them
b. demanded written documents
c. refused to include bills of rights
d. made the constitutions vague and imprecise where basic rights were concerned
e. followed the example of the British constitution
Beginning in 1696, the ________ monitored colonial affairs closely.
a. House of Commons
b. Lords of Trade
c. Board of Trade
d. Privy Council
e. vice-admiralty courts
In Vietnam, American military strategists counted heavily on __________.
a. enthusiasm for the war which would generate recruits
b. superior American firepower, especially airstrikes
c. superior American counterinsurgency tactics
d. the overwhelming number of American troops
e. the overwhelming support from the Vietnamese people
Which of the following individuals was a member of George Washington's first
a. John Adams
b. John Jay
c. Henry Knox
d. James Madison
e. Thomas Pinckney
After World War II, the United States __________.
a. was drastically weaker than it had been before the war
b. was slightly weaker than it had been before the war
c. had about the same amount of power as it had before the war
d. was slightly more powerful than it had been before the war
e. was the most powerful country in the world
Which of the following required 50 percent of southern voters to take an oath of loyalty
to the Union before the southern states could regain their status as states?
a. Fourteenth Amendment
b. Fifteenth Amendment
c. Loyalty Act
d. Tenure of Office Act
e. Wade-Davis Bill
Truman won the 1948 election because of the way he handled __________.
a. the Cold War
b. labor issues
c. inflation
d. the Korean War
e. New Deal reforms
As a result of revivalism, northern evangelicals __________.
a. became involved in the abolitionist movement
b. were most successful in the reform movements of the South
c. most successfully drew converts from the lower classes of society
d. fiercely opposed the Indian removal policy
e. moved to make their message more secular
Popular music in the Progressive Era __________.
a. was strongly influenced by the African American experience
b. experienced little change
c. became more classical in its orientation
d. originated in the northern urban environment
e. traced its roots to western Europe
W. E. B. Du Bois __________.
a. supported the views of Booker T. Washington
b. advocated revolutionary tactics for African Americans
c. was popular with African American and white society
d. believed educational advancement was the key to success
e. was the author of the Atlanta Compromise
The Republican Party's nominating convention for the presidential election revealed
that it __________.
a. received broad-based support throughout the nation
b. was primarily a sectional party
c. was a party of farmers and laborers
d. was the party of southern planters
e. struggled in its first years of existence
America's role in international affairs was changing in the years immediately before the
outbreak of World War I because the United States __________.
a. was becoming more of a world power
b. had become the most powerful country in the world
c. was no longer an imperialist power
d. was no longer a colonial power
e. was becoming more and more isolated
How does the statement from Monroe's inaugural address that expansion "to the Great
Lakes and beyond the sources of the great rivers which communicate through our whole
interior" meant that "no country was ever happier with respect to its domain" contradict
the country's actions in Florida and the West?
a. If the United States was happy with respect to its domain, it would not have to
expand to obtain Florida or more land in the West.
b. If the United States was happy with respect to its domain, it would not have changed
to a market economy and begun industrialization outside of the home.
c. If the Great Lakes and the great rivers were important to the United States, it would
not have built national roads.
d. The Great Lakes and great rivers ended up being of little value to the United States
during the early nineteenth century, causing the United States to seek more "domain."
e. Because of poor relations with Native American tribes in the Great Lakes and great
rivers regions, the United States was not truly happy in respect to its domain.
The most obvious indicator of the supremacy of democracy in the United States was the
a. high percentages of people who voted
b. widespread use of the 'spoils system"
c. absence of any kind of social or economic classes
d. development of universal manhood suffrage
e. increase in the number of appointed officials
Why was the New Deal criticized during the early years of the Great Depression?
a. The New Deal was criticized as tending to benefit large businesses and farms, leaving
the poor and elderly unaided.
b. Some felt that its programs favored minorities and immigrants, leaving white
middle-class Americans without aid.
c. Policies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration were criticized for hampering
agricultural production and leading to food shortages.
d. Critics disagreed with the New Deal's attempts to institute national health insurance.
e. Roosevelt and his policies were criticized for not being fiscally conservative.
How was Jefferson's stance on slavery ironic?
a. He supported the slave trade, and yet he did not own any slaves himself.
b. He was a faithful Republican and abolitionist, when most Republicans were not
c. He wanted the slave trade outlawed, and yet he owned slaves.
d. He publicly stated he wanted the slave trade outlawed, but he secretly supported it.
e. He preached life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but he did not want to outlaw
the slave trade.
Some historians believe that the Americans did not annex all of Mexico because the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo already gave them what they wanted most, __________.
a. U.S. citizenship for thousands of Mexicans living in the territory
b. the grazing lands of the Southwest
c. the fertile farming lands of New Mexico
d. the harbors of California
e. the deserts of Arizona
What was most important about the SALT I agreements?
a. They revealed the extent of the secret Soviet nuclear-weapon stockpiling.
b. They demonstrated that the United States would not compromise on its weapons
c. They demonstrated that the Soviet Union would not compromise on its weapons
d. They were a symbolic first step in a peaceful resolution of the tensions between the
United States and the Soviet Union.
e. They were critical in exacerbating the stresses and tensions of the Cold War.
In the Columbian Exchange, the Old World and the New exchanged __________.
a. animal, plant, and microbial life forms
b. technologies
c. religious beliefs
d. political systems
e. scientific theories
President Reagan's tax compromise with Congress called for an income tax cut of
a. 10 percent for three consecutive years
b. 15 percent over two years
c. 5 percent the first year and 10 percent for the second and third years
d. 20 percent over two years
e. 5 percent each year for four years
The man who led Great Britain to victory in the Seven Years' War was __________.
a. Lord North
b. John Trenchard
c. Horatio Nelson
d. King George II
e. William Pitt
What was a result of the Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
a. Public education became more expensive for southern states.
b. Integration of schools was to occur with deliberate speed.
c. Illiteracy among school-aged children would be eradicated.
d. De facto segregation could no longer occur.
e. Black teachers were paid the same as their white counterparts.
President Cleveland broke the Pullman strike on grounds that it had __________.
a. exposed the United States to foreign invasion
b. interfered with the collection of taxes
c. raised the possibility of open class warfare
d. obstructed the delivery of the mail
e. forced wealthy travelers to ride in ordinary passenger cars
Which tribe was most successful at resisting conversion to Catholicism?
a. Pueblos
b. Coahuiltecans
c. Aztecs
d. Pimas
e. Conchos
The majority of slaves worked __________.
a. in industry
b. as skilled tradesmen
c. as house servants
d. as field workers
e. in restaurants, hotels, and saloons
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg __________.
a. helped the CIA break a Soviet spy ring in the United States
b. were executed for passing American atomic secrets to the Soviet Union
c. were responsible for exposing Alger Hiss as a communist
d. admitted to being responsible for heinous war crimes during the Korean War
e. were American spies who shared valuable information about the Soviet Union
John F. Kennedy's domestic program was known as the __________.
a. Great Society
b. New Deal
c. Fair Deal
d. New Frontier
e. Camelot Era

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