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subject Authors Mark Sutton

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The first Europeans to contact the Northwest Coast Indians were ___________.
a. Americans
b. French
c. Russian
d. British
From 1680 to 1880 many Cheyenne were forced from __________.
a. Minnesota to Oklahoma
b. Florida to Montana
c. Wyoming to Kansas
d. South Dakota to Oklahoma
e. Michigan to Montana
All of the following are languages spoken by Plateau groups except __________.
a. Athapaskin
b. Navajo
c. Algonquin
d. Penutian
Marriages for the Cree __________.
a. involved a large, special ceremony
b. relied on romantic love in choosing partners
c. involved a bride price, paid by the husband's family
d. could not end in divorce
Hopi courtship traditionally __________.
a. was arranged by parents
b. was dominated by the dumaiya
c. emphasized male virginity
d. was with one's own clan and phratry members
Which of the following does NOT describe the typical Arctic family?
a. nuclear
b. children valued
c. arranged marriages
d. divorces difficult
Lewis H. Morgan, an American social scientist in the 1800s __________.
a. wrote the most accurate study of the Pawnee
b. believed the study of kinship unimportant
c. devised the concept of Unilinear Cultural Evolution
d. was a founding member of the National Museum of the American Indian
European impact on the Subarctic included __________.
a. removal of Indian settlements to distant regions
b. increased conservation of resources
c. the introduction of devastating diseases
d. All of the above
The political organization of the Northeast tribes consisted of three primary types,
a. bands, tribes, and tribelets.
b. tribes, groups, and nations.
c. bands, tribes, and confederacies.
d. tribes, bands, and nations.
Cree material culture and technology included __________.
a. canoes and toboggans
b. tools made from iron and copper
c. snares, traps, spears, and nets
d. all of the above
e. a and c
European and Euroamerican contact in the Great Basin __________.
a. occurred early but did not have as much impact as in other culture areas
b. occurred later and resulted in Natives' land loss and death by disease
c. resulted in no formal treaties with the U.S.
d. resulted in bitter, prolonged fighting
The "Sidelight: Weapons Technolody" indicates that __________.
a. Native Americans had few weapons to choose from
b. the bow and arrow were the first weapon devised
c. the atlatl was never used outside of South America.
d. native peoples used many, varied weapons to hunt.
The Western Woods Cree practiced __________.
a. whale-hunting
b. cross-cousin marriages
c. being affectionate with your mother-in-law
d. All of the above
The tribe farthest away from the four corners area is the __________.
a. Hopi
b. Navajo
c. Apache
d. Rarmuri
Don Juan is well-known for being
a. an Apache leader who fought against the Mexican and American governments.
b. one of the only native ethnographers to do research on his own people in the 19th
c. the Navajo shaman who started the Ghost Dance revitalization movement.
d. a fake informant that Carlos Castaneda invented and published about in the 1960s.
Native Americans used tobacco __________.
a. primarily for ceremonies
b. mainly for recreation
c. because European settlers gave it to them
d. but they never cultivated the plant
There are three regions in the Western hemisphere: North America, South America, and
Central or Mesoamerica. T/F
The non-Indian belief in Manifest Destiny led to __________.
a. better relations with Plains tribes
b. more wars with Indians
c. a negative attitude toward acquiring new territory
d. more interest in Indian cultures and beliefs
The Plateau is located __________.
a. In the north-central portion of Western North America
b. In and around the peninsula below Hudson Bay
c. In a rocky region in the eastern part of Canada
d. Along the Pacific coastline, west of the Coast Mountains and the Cascade Ridge
Natchez children __________.
a. were taught to hunt by the age of 3 but feared water
b. were strapped to cradleboards to flatten their skulls
c. swam by age 3
d. a and b
e. b and c
After the War of 1812, __________.
a. Americans wanted peace with Indians.
b. Americans encouraged statehood for Indian territories
c. Americans chose to remove Indians to reservations
d. Indians asked to end treaty-making
A major problem for modern Plateau Indians is __________.
a. their refusal to open casinos
b. their rejection of tourism
c. fishing rights issues
d. their refusal to speak English
The Nez Perce leader Chief Joseph ___________.
a. was a talented war leader
b. helped his people by making speeches in Washington, D.C.
c. was mainly a camp chief
d. a and b
e. b and c
The "New Age movement" incorporating an "Indian ideal" __________.
a. is an agreement between the federal government and native peoples in the United
b. has drastically helped the image of native peoples
c. is an example of exploitation of natives by non-natives
d. was a 16th c. notion that natives were not people
Plains Indian life with the horse chasing the buffalo was actually a result of European
The Spanish missions and presidios forced American Indians to change religion,
language, and economies.
Houses in the Great Basin varied from lean-tos to sturdy, semi-subterranean homes in
permanent villages. T/F
Sister exchange, where the sister of the groom married the brother of the bride in a
double ceremony, was the ideal marriage arrangement for Owens Valley Paiute. T/F
In Kwakwaka"wakw religion there are only two major supernaturals, Raven and Killer
Whale. T/F

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