HI 59851

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1599
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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The term __________ refers to a situation in which a few large corporations control an
A) monopoly
B) free market
C) monopsony
D) oligopoly
Important emerging industries in the New South included __________.
A) cattle ranching
B) processed chemicals
C) canning
D) tobacco, in the form of cigarettes
Which branch of the military had the most progressive attitude with respect to women?
A) army
B) marines
C) air force
D) navy
During the Holocaust, the Germans murdered __________ million Jews and
__________ million Poles, Gypsies, and others who failed to meet the Nazi vision of a
"master race."
A) three; two
B) six; one
C) six; six
D) four; three
To challenge the state's Republican government in Louisiana, a group of elite
Democrats in New Orleans organized a military organization called __________.
A) Redeemers
B) Anti-Reconstructionists
C) the White League
D) Orleans for Justice
The Office of Price Administration fought inflation by __________.
A) intentionally decreasing farm incomes
B) implementing price controls and rationing
C) paying off the entire national debt
D) ordering lower wages for war industry workers
The G.I. Bill was geared at helping veterans in the areas of __________.
A) medical care and cash bonuses
B) mental health and self-esteem
C) welfare payments and job counseling
D) housing and education
The War Production Board __________.
A) allocated workers among vital industries
B) invested in new factories and managed war contracts
C) issued ration cards
D) produced military propaganda films
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration __________.
A) combined relief work with conservation
B) furnished funds to local and state governments
C) created a regulatory board for settling labor disputes
D) was one of FDR's ideas that was rejected by Congress
The growth of the "Woodstock Generation" in the 1960s revealed that __________.
A) many Americans were turning toward socialism
B) there was no connection between social dissent and the counterculture
C) hippies were usually from the poorest segments of American society
D) a feeling of alienation existed within American society
In the 1880s, western farmers were plagued by severe drought and __________.
A) protective trade barriers established by several foreign nations
B) consistent victories by Indians on the Great Plains
C) swarms of grasshoppers and mice that destroyed crops
D) an increase in wheat prices that weakened their markets
The Manhattan Project was the code name for __________.
A) the D-Day invasion
B) rationing programs in the United States
C) the project to develop the atomic bomb
D) the American attack at Iwo Jima
The National Origins Act of 1924 was aimed at limiting the immigration of
A) western Europeans and Irish Protestants
B) western European Catholics and Japanese
C) southern and eastern Europeans and Japanese
D) Germans and southern and eastern Europeans
The main goal of the muckrakers was to __________.
A) raise the public's awareness of social problems
B) support socialistic policies in the U.S. Congress
C) ruin the reputations of presidential candidates
D) end the legality of alcohol consumption
Despite the support of many voters, President Clinton failed to __________.
A) enact any measures regarding civil liberties
B) pursue the goals of free trade
C) pass significant health care reform
D) raise taxes on the wealthy class
Theodore Roosevelt modified the executive branch by __________.
A) reinstating the spoils system
B) shrinking the size and number of federal agencies
C) institutionalizing administrative procedures
D) shifting power from the executive branch to the legislative branch
By 1871, three-fourths of all federal government employees were __________.
A) law enforcement agents
B) local postmasters
C) tax collectors
D) active military personnel
Which sport was enormously popular in the 1920s?
A) college basketball
B) hockey
C) professional football
D) college football
The success of films such as The Robe and Ben Hur __________.
A) indicated a new tendency to like films that were less than an hour in length
B) illustrated that moviegoers preferred comedies with light themes
C) reflected a renewed public interest in organized religion
D) revealed that the American film industry was in decline
Most settlement houses were staffed by __________.
A) industrial laborers during off-hours
B) union organizers
C) foreign-born socialists
D) middle-class women
In 1963, many Americans were sickened by __________.
A) the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
B) the behavior of whites as black students attempted to enter a school in Little Rock,
C) accounts of massacres of civilians in the remote regions of South Vietnam
D) violence committed by authorities against civil rights activists in Birmingham,
In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor __________.
A) relations between the United States and Japan appeared to be getting better
B) Germany withdrew its troops from the Soviet Union
C) Japan signed a non-aggression pact with China
D) FDR froze Japanese assets and increased the U.S. naval presence in the Pacific
In a speech in 1979, President Carter expressed that __________.
A) he would not run for a second term of office
B) the problems of the economy had been overrated
C) no actions were needed to solve the energy crisis
D) he felt the nation was experiencing a spiritual and moral crisis
When the federal government shut down in 1995, most Americans blamed __________.
A) Newt Gingrich and his congressional allies
B) the Democratic Party
C) President Bush
D) the Federal Reserve
An industrial owner who practiced horizontal integration __________.
A) aimed to appease labor
B) invested in a wide variety of industries
C) bought out competitors in the same industry
D) believed that monopoly was destructive to economic needs
Who were the main candidates in the presidential election of 1876?
A) Ulysses S. Grant and Horace Greeley
B) Horace Greeley and Rutherford B. Hayes
C) Samuel Tilden and Ulysses S. Grant
D) Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden
The stay-at-home mom trend continued in the 1950s, and women __________.
A) had larger families than in previous decades
B) and men enjoyed more egalitarian relationships
C) found renewed fulfillment in the domestic realm
D) gave up some of their earlier educational gains
William Howard Taft's support for the Sixteenth Amendment opened a period when
A) the federal government expanded its activities and responsibilities
B) the Republican Party unified under a broad reform agenda
C) conservatives, such as Nelson Aldrich, rallied behind his aggressive social reforms
D) labor unions declined to a role of insignificance
Congress successfully managed to override President Johnson's veto of the__________.
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Civil Rights Act of 1875
C) American Equal Rights Act
D) Civil Rights Act of 1866
Which statement about Pearl Harbor is true?
A) The attack left the United States with no naval carriers in the Pacific.
B) Japan destroyed all of the oil storage tanks at Pearl Harbor.
C) More than 2,000 Americans were killed in the surprise Japanese attack.
D) Even after the attack, many congressmen voted against a declaration of war.
Which of the following would be most likely to agree with the political views of
Eugene Debs?
A) a member of the Social Gospel movement
B) a member of the Women's Trade Union League
C) a member of the Woman's Board of Home Missions
D) a member of the National Child Labor Committee
As a result of the Spanish-American War, __________.
A) Theodore Roosevelt emerged as an anti-imperialist
B) William McKinley expressed the desire to acquire the Philippines
C) Congress voted to declare Philippine independence
D) William McKinley was not reelected
Which of the following statements about sharecropping is true?
A) Sharecroppers generally gave up 10 percent of their crop to landlords.
B) It forced southern blacks to be more economically independent from whites.
C) Landlords typically owned stores where tenant farmers had to shop.
D) Only blacks were relegated to existence as sharecroppers.
Which of the following intensified the suffering of American farmers during the
A) devastating droughts and dust storms throughout the 1930s
B) the Socialist Party's active role in rural politics of the 1930s
C) FDR's refusal to develop a comprehensive farm policy
D) the refusal of large producers to participate in the AAA
In the period 1964"1989, organized labor __________.
A) defeated all attempts at "union busting"
B) won victories in areas such as the Los Angeles garment district
C) benefited from an increase in blue-collar jobs
D) experienced a decline in membership

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