HI 48015

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1654
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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The major social unit in California was __________.
a. the clan
b. the lineage
c. the moiety
d. the nuclear family.
Highly respected and sometimes serving as doctors or second wives, the Cheyanne
hemaneh literally translates as __________.
a. bisexual
b. coyote medicine
c. halfman-halfwoman
d. spirit guide
The Great Basin is located __________.
a. in the United States west
b. in the United States southeast
c. in the Canadian northeast
d. in the Canadian west
The Owens Valley Paiute __________.
a. were organized into 7 bands that controlled specific area
b. were peaceful and traded with California Indians
c. divided labor by age and sex
d. used flood irrigation, a form of "incipient agriculture"
e. all of the above
In general, Great Basin bands__________.
a. were named for their headmen
b. had headmen elected by consensus
c. were connected to larger, formal clans
d. never went to war
The earliest known archaeological site in the Northeast culture area is the Meadowcroft
Rockshelter, located in __________.
a. Connecticut
b. Pennsylvania
c. New York
d. Ohio
California Native cultures featured __________.
a. simple economic systems
b. little trading
c. the widespread use of money
d. no bartering
Traditionally, the Yokut ate fish, but most other California Indians in the area relied
more upon __________.
a.. corn
b. acorns
c. bison
d. deer
Europeans traveled to the New World in order to __________.
a. learn from Indians
b. conquer people and loot resources
c. primarily to convert natives to Christianity
d. all of the above
The "Chaco Phenomenon" refers to __________.
a. a revitalization religious movement among Southwestern native groups
b. the planned settlements of pueblos and roads in Chaco Canyon
c. a major climate shift during the Chaco period that stimulated agriculturalism
d. the adoption of pottery in Chaco Canyon
Marriages for the Cree __________.
a. involved a large, special ceremony
b. relied on romantic love in choosing partners
c. involved a bride price
d. never ended in divorce
Southeast cultures are poorly known because __________.
a. European diseases decimated them
b. Europeans were slow to show interest in recording information about these groups
c. these groups were small and widely scattered, thus difficult to record
d. a and b
e. all of the above
Which of the following was true about the Sun Dance?
a. It was a private ceremony for one or two families.
b. It took place in summer or early autumn.
c. It was an easy form of recreation for participants.
d. all of these
e. none of these
Most traditional California groups __________.
a. were organized in tribes
b. had formal leaders
c. were involved in small-scale warfare
d. had relatively large populations living in villages
e. all of the above
In Cheyenne cosmology, the Sweet Medicine Bundle contains __________.
a. seven eagle feathers
b. five magic stones
c. four sacred arrows
d. three turtle shells
e. two axes
_____________ was critical to the manufacture of baskets, mats, and boats for the
a. Willow
b. Sumac
c. Tule
d. Oak bark
Hopi katsinas were __________.
a. children
b. Impersonated by adults
c. present throughout the year
d. a and b
e. all of the above
Political organization in the Subarctic involved __________.
a. hereditary headmen
b. little preparation for war, as it was rare
c. highly flexible, mobile, small local bands
d. permanent villages that never moved
The Indian New Deal or Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 __________.
a. continued allotment because it successfully changed Indians to farmers
b. returned unsold land to tribes
c. ended allotment
d. a and b
e. b and c
Sarah Winnemucca, a Northern Paiute, __________.
a. was known as the "Indian Moses"
b. performed in a show on Paiute life on stage in the 1860s
c. was instrumental in encouraging her people to declare was on the U.S.
d. did not believe in American education for her people
The most important food among most Plateau groups is __________.
a. corn
b. salmon
c. duck
d. bison
The best marriages for Northwest Coast people ___________.
a. were within the same clan
b. kept wealth in the family
c. were between cross-cousins
d. all of the above
e. b and c
The English came to the New World primarily__________.
a. to gain land
b. to ease unemployment in Great Britain
c. to get rid of criminals
d. none of the above
e. all of the above
The most important economic activity of Southwestern groups was __________.
a. fishing
b. the fur trade
c. bison hunting
d. agriculture
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 __________.
a. requires institutions (museums and universities) to pay a fair price to tribes for
b. caused Kennewick man to be reburied without scientific study
c. includes issues of religion, politics, and empowerment for Native people
d. all of the above
A Cree canoe __________.
a. was made with hollowed out redwood trees
b. was waterproofed with whale blubber and seal skins
c. used birch and birchbark
d. was used all year round
Which of the following would count for more coup?
a. burning the enemy's tipi while he was away
b. killing an enemy in his sleep
c. touching an enemy and living to tell about it
d. making up a good story of exploits
e. plotting witchcraft against an enemy
Kwakiutl shamans __________.
a. had two levels of power, high and low
b. could not cure illnesses
c. entered trances and had supernatural helpers
d. were initiated in a large group in a private ceremony
What is Ishi's significance?
a. It is the most important Chumash religious ceremony
b. It is the name of the spirit realm, where the dead go
c. In the early 1900s he was the "last wild Indian in North America"
d. He was the translator for early Spanish missionaries in the 1700s
Spain's approach to the New World included __________.
a. converting Indians
b. establishing an imperial presence
c. taking rich resources
d. all of the above
For Americans Manifest Destiny meant being more respectful of Indian land rights.
The term "berdache" refers to a war trophy, such as a scalp, taken by warriors of some
Native American tribes.
15. In 1946, the federal government formed the Indian Claims Commission to hear
cases concerning treaties signed after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. T/F
Fostering Indian self-determination is one of the primary responsibilities of the Bureau
of Indian Affairs
Many groups of Native Americans are known today by names they did not use for
themselves. T /F
The English came to the New World because they wanted to settle the land.
Prior to European contact, the Arctic people were peaceful and seldom waged war.
Indian mascots for sports teams and Native icons and images for commercial and
military purposes are appreciated by most Indians, who feel honored by such uses. T/F
The Quebec Inuit believed in Sedna, the seal mother, who helped them if they
maintained a good relationship with her. T/F
A signature of the Ottawa was their excellent birchbark canoes.
The Arctic people believed humans had three souls.
Most Arctic people lived in snow houses.
In spite of the size and complexity of many Southeast groups, the tribes remain poorly
known because many groups ceased to exist by the time Europeans took an interest in
recording information about them. T/F
The term "salvage ethnography," used by anthropologists in the late 1800s, indicates
these researchers believed Native Americans were going extinct.
The Indian Department, created within the War Department in 1781, became the Bureau
of Indian Affairs in 1824
In Mexico the mestizos or mixed bloods account for at least 75% of the population.
In the Subarctic there were four categories of spirits: spirit helpers, human spirits,
animal spirits, and place spirits.
Cree medicine used sucking cures, spells, and some pharmacology. T/F
Chief Joseph is rightfully known for what was his true strength, his physical prowess as
a war chief.

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