HI 47542

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2103
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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The Chinese were displeased with the Allies' wartime strategy because the Allies
a. refused Chinese troops for the European theater of war
b. refused to give any aid to China
c. took over the fight against Japan, leaving no place for China
d. wanted to focus on defeating Germany first, rather than Japan
e. refused to declare war against Japan immediately
When President Johnson managed to get Congress to pass Kennedy's proposed tax cut
in 1964, the result was __________.
a. huge budget deficits
b. a sustained economic boom
c. protests from welfare recipients
d. a major recession
e. cutbacks in certain social services
Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts?
a. The acts excluded poor farmers from their voting and civil rights.
b. The acts suppressed the states' power to govern themselves.
c. Jefferson and Madison opposed all of Hamilton's acts on principle.
d. The acts did not support a strong central government.
e. The acts rewrote the Constitution without due process.
The South's refusal to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment __________.
a. caused northern public opinion to question the Radicals' demands
b. forced the Republicans to abolish the existing southern governments and give the
vote to African Americans
c. led to a general land reform of the South
d. caused a thorough restructuring of southern society
e. brought the Redeemers to power
How did Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" movement of 1935 reflect on the U.S.
government's efforts to address the Great Depression?
a. The fact that Americans were swayed by Huey Long's flamboyant style suggests that
they had become disillusioned with FDR's leadership.
b. The "Share the Wealth" movement complemented the New Deal's programs, which
similarly sought to increase the standard of living of all Americans.
c. It suggested that a large number of people felt that they were not benefiting from the
New Deal.
d. Rising frustration with the slow pace of recovery resulted in a grassroots revival of
fundamentalist Christianity.
e. The emergence of viable third-party candidates suggests that neither Democrats nor
Republicans were capable of ending the Great Depression.
Rapid rail construction after the Civil War was possible because __________.
a. there was little competition between the builders
b. the rail companies managed their money and land wisely
c. the federal government provided important incentives
d. the western half of the nation was uninhabited
e. the South was eager to participate
McCulloch v. Maryland involved questions regarding __________.
a. the national bank
b. internal improvements
c. the role of the U.S. Congress
d. the chartering of private corporations
e. timber rights
In 1798, the Federalists sponsored a military buildup with the intention of __________.
a. taking the French West Indies
b. suppressing internal political dissent
c. conquering Canada
d. pacifying the Indian tribes of the Ohio Valley
e. pumping federal dollars into a sagging economy
Why did the middle class have the strongest effect on production in the early 1900s?
a. In general, laborers responsible for production came from the middle class.
b. As the middle class grew in size and prosperity, it demanded more products,
increasing production.
c. As the working class grew in size, it decreased in prosperity, making the middle class
the most powerful group in society.
d. In the early 1900s, the lower and upper classes virtually disappeared; only a
consuming middle class remained, increasing demand for production.
e. As the middle class grew, its need for jobs also grew, so production had to increase to
stave off unemployment.
Which statement provides the best interpretation of the sentence from the text that
reads, "The diversity of early English colonization must be emphasized precisely
because it is so easy to overlook"?
a. Most historians have not realized how similar the English colonies were when they
were initially settled.
b. The reasons that people settled the English colonies were so complex that they have
only begun to be understood recently.
c. Settlers of the English colonies tended to overlook the hardships that they would face
because they were so eager for religious freedom.
d. The experiences of the early English colonists cannot be separated from their
experiences back in England.
e. The different reasons settlers came to each English colony cannot be considered
separately from their experiences once they arrived.
When President James Madison talked about the need for "internal improvements," he
was referring to __________.
a. improved reservations for Native American tribes
b. reconstruction of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
c. construction of a reliable transportation system for the United States
d. more efficient method of moving proposed legislation through Congress
e. development of the land beyond the Appalachians
The law permitting a man to pass on his entire estate to his eldest son was known as
a. access
b. primogeniture
c. federalism
d. land tenure
e. the law of entail
Upton Sinclair described the __________ as the "wage slaves of the Beef Trust."
a. consumers of unsanitary beef
b. inhumanely treated cows
c. poorly paid meat packers
d. African American indentured servants
e. politicians whom owners bribed
The Redeemers __________.
a. continued the policies established during Reconstruction
b. offered new programs for working people and tenant farmers
c. were loyal to the Union above all
d. believed in the principles of laissez-faire and white supremacy
e. were from the old planter aristocracy
During the 1890s, writers who rejected romanticism often wrote __________.
a. regional stories depicting everyday life
b. grand epic stories in which the hero always defeated the villain
c. disparaging tales about ethnic groups, perpetuating anti-immigrant feelings
d. political pamphlets championing their candidate
e. allegorical stories that used many examples from the Bible
The typical runaway slave was __________.
a. a married man
b. a young, unmarried man
c. a married woman
d. a young, unmarried woman
e. a pregnant woman
What was the major objective of the Alliance Movement?
a. to form a social organization for farmers
b. to organize and politicize the American farmer
c. to ensure equal distribution of wealth
d. to elect Democrats and Republicans who represented the farmers
e. to protect farmers against greedy cattle ranchers
What does it mean to say that some professions became "feminized" in the late 1800s?
a. Women were much better at certain jobs, such as nursing, and began to dominate
those fields.
b. Men were no longer capable of doing certain jobs, since they were needed in
industrial jobs, so women took their places.
c. Only married women were allowed to work at certain jobs, since unmarried women
would be leaving their jobs eventually to get married.
d. As more women took jobs in certain fields, men left them, and this lowered the status
of these professions.
e. Many women began to get work as lawyers, doctors, and ministers; and Americans
began to accept women in these kinds of work.
The first large group of German immigrants moved to America seeking __________.
a. free land
b. religious tolerance
c. an opportunity to become wealthy farmers
d. markets for their craft products
e. work to bring their families from Europe
People living in American urban centers in the early twenty-first century __________.
a. had more education than people in rural areas
b. made less money than people in rural areas
c. enjoyed a lower crime rate than people in rural areas
d. were just as likely to graduate from college as people in rural areas
e. had a lower cost of living than people in rural areas
The last resistance of Indians to white settlement in the Old Northwest came in
1831-1832 under Chief __________.
a. Tecumseh
b. Sitting Bull
c. Osceola
d. Black Hawk
e. Rain-in-Face
The prosperity of the southern yeoman was limited by the lack of __________.
a. cash crops
b. land
c. transportation facilities
d. educational facilities
e. focus on building large enterprises
One of Lyndon Johnson's greatest assets in the White House was his __________.
a. ability to persuade Congress
b. acclaimed public speaking skills
c. polish and sophistication
d. excellent relationship with the media
e. unassuming presence that caused others to underestimate him
The Br'er Rabbit stories __________.
a. showed how a fugitive slave could find safe haven in the underbrush
b. were encoded messages used in the Underground Railroad
c. were used to indoctrinate white children with the belief that slaves were no smarter
than animals
d. showed how a defenseless animal could overcome a stronger one through cunning
and deceit, a metaphor for survival as a slave
e. portrayed slaves as being happy and well-adjusted
The industrial union movement of the 1930s __________.
a. sought to organize skilled workers in particular trades
b. had long been championed by the American Federation of Labor
c. was led by William Green
d. was led by John L. Lewis and the UMW
e. had been thriving for years before the Great Depression
How might FDR's personal background have prepared him to meet the challenges of the
Great Depression?
a. Since he was from a privileged background, he did not personally suffer financial
hardship, which left him free to address the country's crisis.
b. His service as assistant secretary of the Navy under Wilson prepared him to balance
foreign and domestic affairs during the Great Depression.
c. His relationship to Theodore Roosevelt gave him a reputation as a conservationist
and powerful Republican leader.
d. His bout with polio gave him personal experience of suffering and made him more
sensitive to the downtrodden of society.
e. His Ivy League education made him sensitive to the needs of wealthy American
businessmen during the Great Depression.
American industrial growth was concentrated in the __________.
a. Southwest
b. Northeast
c. Pacific
d. Southeast
e. Midwest
The major source of Anglo-French conflict in the colonies was __________.
a. slavery
b. international naval supremacy
c. arguments over relations and treaties with Native Americans
d. political grievances
e. control of the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys
Why didn't Great Britain support the rest of the European continent in their Latin
American policies?
a. Great Britain realized that independent Latin American countries offered better
economic opportunities for British products.
b. Great Britain didn't want to lose its colonies in Africa, so it opposed any independent
colonies in Latin America.
c. Great Britain hoped to re-colonize most of the Latin American nations once the
Spanish and Portuguese were kicked out.
d. Great Britain had learned from the Revolutionary War with the United States that
colonial wars were expensive and impossible to win.
e. Great Britain had observed the economic and political successes of the United States
and respected Latin American nations' rights to the same.
The Zimmermann Telegram __________.
a. announced Germany's European war aims
b. pledged Germany's intention to end the war peacefully
c. proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico
d. had little effect on America's move toward war
e. was actually a piece of British war propaganda
The foreign policy of Lyndon Johnson __________.
a. was dramatically different from that of John Kennedy
b. was, in many respects, simply a continuation of Kennedy's policies
c. indicated his strong opposition to the Cold War
d. indicated his acceptance of existing communist states
e. was isolationist by nature
The English monarch responsible for consolidating the Protestant Reformation and
restoring English nationalism was __________.
a. Henry VII
b. Henry VIII
c. Elizabeth I
d. Mary Tudor
e. James I

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